As Trump Secures Support for his Nominee, Biden Calls Another Lid


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
As Trump Secures Support for his Nominee, Biden Calls Another Lid

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon

The Biden campaign has got to be the biggest joke in U.S. presidential history at this point. Here we are, just 42 days before Election Day, and the Democrat Party’s Unfrozen Caveman Candidate is so feeble that his handlers are keeping him holed up in his basement for the 2nd time in just the last 4 days:
The distressing thing is that this is nothing new at all for the Biden campaign, which has had to put a lid early on random mornings at least once or twice a week for months now as their elderly, declining candidate recuperates. Speculation continues to grow that Biden is mainlining some form of anti-dementia medication as he has had an omni-present needle mark on his left hand for weeks now:
His elder-abusing campaign handlers called a lid on Saturday by 8:00 a.m. Today, they waited until 9:22, perhaps because they had hoped he might be able to keep whatever TelePrompter speech to a fake audience they had schedule for him. But yesterday’s trip to Wisconsin obviously proved too much for Creepy Uncle McWifeMolester, and so the Campaign That Never Was is left without a ticket-topper for another day.
That’s a big problem since Democrat leaders have obviously decided they cannot push the god-awful campaigner Kamala Harris out front whenever Biden is unable to perform. Why they ever thought things would be any different with Harris than they were last year, when she turned off everyone she met during her utterly failed nomination pursuit, is a real mystery. She is just the most incurably dislikeable person on earth.
Despite some very misleading media reports that followed his remarks, however, Romney did NOT commit to voting to confirm the Trump nominee, which is fine. Frankly, it’s hard for any senator to commit to voting to confirm a nominee whose name is currently unknown.
The President himself made it clear that he will name his nominee on Saturday, and plans to meet with potential nominee Barbara Lagoa on a campaign trip to Florida on Friday, as reported by Axios:
President Trump plans to meet with shortlisted Supreme Court candidate Barbara Lagoa during a campaign visit to Florida on Friday, according to two sources familiar with his plans.​
What we’re hearing: Sources who know both Trump and Lagoa say they still expect the president to pick Judge Amy Coney Barrett, but they view the Lagoa meeting as a wild card because they say she has a charismatic personality that would appeal to Trump.​
  • The majority view in Trump’s inner circle is that Barrett would be easier to confirm because senators are familiar with her. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has told Trump that senators feel comfortable with Barrett.
  • A source close to the process said anything that complicates the confirmation proceedings — and allows more time for Democrats to inject “mischief” — is to be avoided at all costs. More education would be needed for senators who are less familiar with Lagoa, the source added.
  • Trump met with Barrett at the White House on Monday.
So, the nomination appears to have come down to Lagoa or Amy Coney Barrett.
Both women are incredibly well-qualified to fill this seat, and anyone voting against either of them would be doing so for purely partisan reasons.

Democrats have to be sweating over the coming debates that will be held late in the evening, especially when Biden's cognitive decline will be most evident.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/Democrat DNC is setting up a scenario for China Joe's reneging on debating Trump a week from now. I'm expecting a COVID-positive announcement about Biden any day now.
More than likely they will call it on Friday, since he was out and about yesterday. I wonder where *was* he supposed to go today, if anything at all was planned?
Meanwhile. The Fifth Columnist, Quisling disinformation spreading Media have China Joe leading in the polls. :laughing0301:
According to them Super China Joe doesn't have to go out and campaign at all, being that he has those Super Powers that keep drifting up and out from his Basement Bunker holding Mr President Trump at bay.
Seriously, if this old demented basement dwelling man who can't take a real question and can't stay firm on a single presumed policy, wins we can be assured that 'Someone Rigged' the election.
In the meantime, the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have their panties twisted because Trump has the Constitutional right to appoint the replacement of the recently departed RBG to the Supreme Court. This appoinment and it's confirmation is important in the coming presidential election in November.
We know that the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist will do everything in their power to steal and stall the election in an all out effort to delegitimize this election.... It's important to confirm this imprtant position....
Democrats have to be sweating over the coming debates that will be held late in the evening, especially when Biden's cognitive decline will be most evident.

That's a good point. Joe's probably up at 4AM and pretty much wiped by 6 o'clock at night!
As Trump Secures Support for his Nominee, Biden Calls Another Lid

22 Sep 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon

The Biden campaign has got to be the biggest joke in U.S. presidential history at this point. Here we are, just 42 days before Election Day, and the Democrat Party’s Unfrozen Caveman Candidate is so feeble that his handlers are keeping him holed up in his basement for the 2nd time in just the last 4 days:
The distressing thing is that this is nothing new at all for the Biden campaign, which has had to put a lid early on random mornings at least once or twice a week for months now as their elderly, declining candidate recuperates. Speculation continues to grow that Biden is mainlining some form of anti-dementia medication as he has had an omni-present needle mark on his left hand for weeks now:
His elder-abusing campaign handlers called a lid on Saturday by 8:00 a.m. Today, they waited until 9:22, perhaps because they had hoped he might be able to keep whatever TelePrompter speech to a fake audience they had schedule for him. But yesterday’s trip to Wisconsin obviously proved too much for Creepy Uncle McWifeMolester, and so the Campaign That Never Was is left without a ticket-topper for another day.
That’s a big problem since Democrat leaders have obviously decided they cannot push the god-awful campaigner Kamala Harris out front whenever Biden is unable to perform. Why they ever thought things would be any different with Harris than they were last year, when she turned off everyone she met during her utterly failed nomination pursuit, is a real mystery. She is just the most incurably dislikeable person on earth.
Despite some very misleading media reports that followed his remarks, however, Romney did NOT commit to voting to confirm the Trump nominee, which is fine. Frankly, it’s hard for any senator to commit to voting to confirm a nominee whose name is currently unknown.
The President himself made it clear that he will name his nominee on Saturday, and plans to meet with potential nominee Barbara Lagoa on a campaign trip to Florida on Friday, as reported by Axios:
President Trump plans to meet with shortlisted Supreme Court candidate Barbara Lagoa during a campaign visit to Florida on Friday, according to two sources familiar with his plans.​
What we’re hearing: Sources who know both Trump and Lagoa say they still expect the president to pick Judge Amy Coney Barrett, but they view the Lagoa meeting as a wild card because they say she has a charismatic personality that would appeal to Trump.​
  • The majority view in Trump’s inner circle is that Barrett would be easier to confirm because senators are familiar with her. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has told Trump that senators feel comfortable with Barrett.
  • A source close to the process said anything that complicates the confirmation proceedings — and allows more time for Democrats to inject “mischief” — is to be avoided at all costs. More education would be needed for senators who are less familiar with Lagoa, the source added.
  • Trump met with Barrett at the White House on Monday.
So, the nomination appears to have come down to Lagoa or Amy Coney Barrett.
Both women are incredibly well-qualified to fill this seat, and anyone voting against either of them would be doing so for purely partisan reasons.

Democrats have to be sweating over the coming debates that will be held late in the evening, especially when Biden's cognitive decline will be most evident.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/Democrat DNC is setting up a scenario for China Joe's reneging on debating Trump a week from now. I'm expecting a COVID-positive announcement about Biden any day now.
More than likely they will call it on Friday, since he was out and about yesterday. I wonder where *was* he supposed to go today, if anything at all was planned?
Meanwhile. The Fifth Columnist, Quisling disinformation spreading Media have China Joe leading in the polls. :laughing0301:
According to them Super China Joe doesn't have to go out and campaign at all, being that he has those Super Powers that keep drifting up and out from his Basement Bunker holding Mr President Trump at bay.
Seriously, if this old demented basement dwelling man who can't take a real question and can't stay firm on a single presumed policy, wins we can be assured that 'Someone Rigged' the election.
In the meantime, the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have their panties twisted because Trump has the Constitutional right to appoint the replacement of the recently departed RBG to the Supreme Court. This appoinment and it's confirmation is important in the coming presidential election in November.
We know that the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist will do everything in their power to steal and stall the election in an all out effort to delegitimize this election.... It's important to confirm this imprtant position....

Xi is regretting shoving everyone aside for his wholly owned Biden subsidiary. He might even be ready to jettison Biden before the first debate
I guess it's a good thing the r's are in control so they won't pull a d and refuse to hold a hearing to seat Trump's appointee like they did to Obama. Thank God they had the sense to do that.
Joe is showing the American people the real definition of "low energy", demonstrating that President Trump was wrong when he gave that label to JEB!
One of the main difficulties the Biden handlers have is there is that there is almost nothing he can talk about. He can't talk about the riots. That plays right into Trump's strongest point. He can't mention foreign policy. Trump has two Nobel nominations. Not the economy. Democrats own the lock downs. Democrats have only one subject, the virus and people are tired of that. They want to get on with their lives.

Biden can phone it in from now on.
I'm sure they feel extremely comfortable.... that they have literally no chance of pulling this off. They're just mailing it in now. It's not even cheatable with the SCOTUS beatdown coming up soon. Only thing left to do now is plan the next fake impeachment...
What were the PTB

What if Trump was not the independent agent for America that his base believes he is?
What if the Establishment wants Trump for a 2nd term? (he already delivered two perfect establishment justices for them)

What if everything you see and believe is a show and sleight of hand?

Is questioning a bad thing?
What were the PTB

What if Trump was not the independent agent for America that his base believes he is?
What if the Establishment wants Trump for a 2nd term? (he already delivered two perfect establishment justices for them)

What if everything you see and believe is a show and sleight of hand?

Is questioning a bad thing?
What if Liberals are so mentally ill they will vote for Trump if he puts a D next to his name?
Joe biden was done for the day of campaigning, not at 9:22 p.m...but 9:22 a.m............. and yet this isn't supposed to be a problem for a man who wants to be in charge of the United States?

You're lying.
HotAir is fake news.
Biden has fundraisers today, so he's not making personal appearances or giving speeches.
Learn to go beyond the headline, lazy fucking idiot.

Joe biden was done for the day of campaigning, not at 9:22 p.m...but 9:22 a.m............. and yet this isn't supposed to be a problem for a man who wants to be in charge of the United States?

You know what Trump would be doing if he didn't have his rallies?
Tweeting and watching Fox News.
Trump doesn't get to the Oval Office until 11:00am and he leaves at 3:00pm
His schedule is online.
Joe biden was done for the day of campaigning, not at 9:22 p.m...but 9:22 a.m............. and yet this isn't supposed to be a problem for a man who wants to be in charge of the United States?

You're lying.
HotAir is fake news.
Biden has fundraisers today, so he's not making personal appearances or giving speeches.
Learn to go beyond the headline, lazy fucking idiot.

"Virtual fundraisers" other words, they will prop Crazy Joe up in the corner of his basement while it goes on. :banana:
Joe biden was done for the day of campaigning, not at 9:22 p.m...but 9:22 a.m............. and yet this isn't supposed to be a problem for a man who wants to be in charge of the United States?

You know what Trump would be doing if he didn't have his rallies?
Tweeting and watching Fox News.
Trump doesn't get to the Oval Office until 11:00am and he leaves at 3:00pm
His schedule is online.
If only a President could take stuff with him to get things done outside the office..........:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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