As we get ready to, yet again, elect another leader ... can we ask the question?

Is there another way?

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Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives?
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single person in control?

No, apparently not. Look where we are. What more evidence is necessary?
Not without the realization that Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said.....
"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed occasionally with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots."
THAT's just the way human nature rolls,.

People need leaders.....but "leaders" have led us astray from freedom.
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all? Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single person in control?
A single person isn't in control. Now, if we could only get Trump to realize that. He's president, but thinks he's a CEO with a subservient board.
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives?'s a check and balance in the system--that's good
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all? Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single person in control?
A single person isn't in control. Now, if we could only get Trump to realize that. He's president, but thinks he's a CEO with a subservient board.
sure, sure he does


he's the first POTUS in a long time that doesn't pander for votes/etc
Without leaders, it would seem that laws could not be enforced or even agreed upon, much less rights...
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives?
I dont see POTUS as my leader but more of a high priced janitor in charge of keeping the country clean and free,,,

remember they work for us not we for them,,,
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives?

Unlikely seeing most people need someone to tell them how to think.

It would take many generations of reversing the brain washing that has happened and let be clear there is no way any Government want a society of true free thinking people...
remember they work for us not we for them

It's what we are all taught. But, I would like to see that concept put into practice.

In reality, today, we are working for them.
no more than I work for my plumber,,,

the problem is dems and repubes have corrupted the system for their own monitory and ideological gain
Unlikely seeing most people need someone to tell them how to think.

I disagree. I think most people are fully capable of deciding what to think. What they want is to belong. They will amend their beliefs or even reject those beliefs in order to be part of a group.
No form of gov't can survive with unethical people at the helm............Once you go down that rabbit hole it is over anyways.................We have unethical self serving pricks running the show now.........with a GIMMIE GIMMIE CULTURE in the Nation............the path to our dream is going down the drain.

But yes ........we could get along fine if we minded our own dang business and didn't have leaders.

Unlikely seeing most people need someone to tell them how to think.

I disagree. I think most people are fully capable of deciding what to think. What they want is to belong. They will amend their beliefs or even reject those beliefs in order to be part of a group.

I don’t and believe most people prefer to be sheep so they can blame someone else when everything fails...

Very few want to lead and I know you believe people can change but I don’t...
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives?

We wouldn't need police if dirty scumbags would stop raping and killing and behave themselves. Same principle applies to needing a POTUS. Look how corrupt Washington has become and we are not even 300 years old yet as a country.
Without leaders, it would seem that laws could not be enforced or even agreed upon, much less rights...

Right come first. Laws are derived from rights, not vice versa.
Not everyone agrees as to what constitutes rights...much less who is entitled to them.

Start with a basic concept. Do I have the right to live or die as I see fit? Do I have the right to succeed or fail on my own terms?

Do I have a right to or am I entitled to any part of something created by another person?
Not everyone agrees as to what constitutes rights...much less who is entitled to them.
Constitutes ............Constitution..........why the founders understood what you said..........AS LOCAL AS POSSIBLE..............Enumerated powers so the Gov't didn't get to much power..........

Much easier to agree locally than in a large nation........What is best for New York isn't what is best for Kansas......or Alaska............ and the pursuit of happiness...........Not entitled to your money for anything you please.........not entitled to money for a business who agrees with you.

The founders did a great job on the Republic........we have destroyed it.

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