Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong

The gay couples who are taking action against bakeries, are not doing the gay community much good

If someone doesn't want to do something because of his/her religious beliefs, that should be respected.

We may disagree with their religious point of view, may even think it is totally crazy, but freedom of religion should give them that right.

Plus, it makes the gay community look very intolerant. It would be better to give your money to someone who wanted your business.
All of that makes sense, but PA laws must be followed until they are rescinded.
That's because ALL lefttardsim is extremely intolerant.
Well if that's the case then I'll make sure to have a special message on the cake. You know like "The cock stops here" or "Your face or mine", "After the wedding I'll drive for a while then you drive for a while and then we'll Leave", or even 'cockadoodledo, any cockwilldo".
"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.

Except there is 50 years of case law that disagree with your intrepretation. If you are selling goods to the public, you are a public accommodation. Period.

Also, fuck the homophobes. Most of those people need a little serious "re-education".
why don't the gays just go to a different bakery, no they have to make an issue about it.

Why didn't those black people go to a different store, no they have to make an issue of it...

Oh, wait.

If these people feel that they can't sell wedding cakes without offending their Imaginary Friend in the Sky, they shouldn't sell cakes.

It was what they wanted wrote on the cake from what I understand. The gays have to respect others rights as well, but no the gays win. Why would they try to force a bakery to make a cake, I'd want a cake by a baker who wanted to make me one. Its just to make a scene is all.

You're free to buy your cake anywhere you want. People doing business with the public are required to do business with all the public. Why don't you donate another half million to them?
I uphold gay rights, but I think it was unfair to penalize the Ashers. Businesses should have right to refuse jobs they don't want to take on, shouldn't they? It's a CAKE for crying out loud. I agree the gay couple should have gone to another business and left it alone. They couldn't be shocked that some people find their wedding offensive. I disagree with the Ashers' attitude, but I don't agree with the consequences. What's wrong with my thinking?

Your lack of any sense of perspective. I've known gay people who've been fired for being gay, I've known gay people who've been beaten up for being gay. I just don't think taking money to provide a service you advertised is that big of an imposition, by comparison.
As long as the discrimination is not systemic, the right of a person to provide services that meets their moral code outweighs any "right" to not have your feelings hurt.

So it would be okay for racists to discriminate against Blacks if they can justify it under some superstition?

How about Jews?

Considering what would happen to them, I don't see government as having to do anything about it, again, as long as it is not systemic.
"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.

Except there is 50 years of case law that disagree with your intrepretation. If you are selling goods to the public, you are a public accommodation. Period.

Also, fuck the homophobes. Most of those people need a little serious "re-education".


I swear this world will be a better place when you are no longer on it.
Considering what would happen to them, I don't see government as having to do anything about it, again, as long as it is not systemic.

What would happen to them, exactly? What would happen to them if they would get fined by the government.

That's what would happen.

Sorry, guy, this whole Public Accommedation thing is settled law. If you want to make it okay to discriminate against gays, you have to make it okay to discriminate against everyone else. While your libertarian pixie dust might be okay with this, most of us aren't.
Considering what would happen to them, I don't see government as having to do anything about it, again, as long as it is not systemic.

What would happen to them, exactly? What would happen to them if they would get fined by the government.

That's what would happen.

Sorry, guy, this whole Public Accommedation thing is settled law. If you want to make it okay to discriminate against gays, you have to make it okay to discriminate against everyone else. While your libertarian pixie dust might be okay with this, most of us aren't.

It was never meant to punish small contract style businesses, you idiots have defined a PA as "any business" which was never the intent.

It's fascist morons like you that take crap like this and use it to enforce your groupthink.
why don't the gays just go to a different bakery, no they have to make an issue about it.

Why didn't those black people go to a different store, no they have to make an issue of it...

Oh, wait.

If these people feel that they can't sell wedding cakes without offending their Imaginary Friend in the Sky, they shouldn't sell cakes.
Yeah I'd want to do business with people who are openly hostile to me it's a sure way to get great service

I swear this world will be a better place when you are no longer on it.

So you think it's okay to hate people because of their sexual orientation?

Hey, spend a day reading a thread by Silhouette, you want to see what severe homophobia looks like. That person seriously needs help.
People are allowed to dislike whoever they want for whatever reason they want

I swear this world will be a better place when you are no longer on it.

So you think it's okay to hate people because of their sexual orientation?

Hey, spend a day reading a thread by Silhouette, you want to see what severe homophobia looks like. That person seriously needs help.

I think it isn't government's place to punish people for hating others as long as no other crime is committed, and one baker not wanting to bake one cake isn't a crime.

The difference between me an you is you want government to ruin people who think differently than you, that makes you far worse and far more dangerous than the worst homophobes/racists/sexists/anythingists out there.

Plus you are an anti-religious bigot, so you are in the same category as those you rail against.
It was never meant to punish small contract style businesses, you idiots have defined a PA as "any business" which was never the intent.

It's fascist morons like you that take crap like this and use it to enforce your groupthink.

I agree that "unintended consequences" can be a problem. For instance, The Americans With Disabilities Act has actually made it harder to hire the disabled. Oh, wait, we can't call them 'the disabled' anymore.

The thing is, where do you draw the line as to what is a "small contract". A wedding cake can cost upwards of $500. That's not a small contract.

In the case of the Klein's, the wife invited the gay couple in, only to have the Husband maniacally scream bible verses at them. Those assholes deserved to get slapped down.

If they had said, "oops, I'm sorry, we are totally booked up that weekend" they wouldn't have gotten into trouble.

But when you worship a sky pixie who hates lying and loves homophobia, your brain tends to make bad decisions like that. Again, the need for some "Re-education".
People are allowed to dislike whoever they want for whatever reason they want

They certainly are.

Their businesses are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you. As long as the rest of us have to support that business through provided taxpayer funded utilities, public services, road access, etc... then the rest of us should fully expect to have access to the services they offer.

It was never meant to punish small contract style businesses, you idiots have defined a PA as "any business" which was never the intent.

It's fascist morons like you that take crap like this and use it to enforce your groupthink.

I agree that "unintended consequences" can be a problem. For instance, The Americans With Disabilities Act has actually made it harder to hire the disabled. Oh, wait, we can't call them 'the disabled' anymore.

The thing is, where do you draw the line as to what is a "small contract". A wedding cake can cost upwards of $500. That's not a small contract.

In the case of the Klein's, the wife invited the gay couple in, only to have the Husband maniacally scream bible verses at them. Those assholes deserved to get slapped down.

If they had said, "oops, I'm sorry, we are totally booked up that weekend" they wouldn't have gotten into trouble.

But when you worship a sky pixie who hates lying and loves homophobia, your brain tends to make bad decisions like that. Again, the need for some "Re-education".

$500 is a very small contract, and a wedding cake is not a necessary or point of sale service, which is what PA laws were supposed to deal with.

I just don't get the whole idea that people would rather be lied to, or served by someone who hides behind a tight fake smile while secretly despising what they have to do. I guess an authoritarian such as yourself gets off on making people do things they don't want to do.

And as usual, your anti-religious bigotry and fascism shines through. You are truly a waste of organic matter.

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