Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong

People are allowed to dislike whoever they want for whatever reason they want

They certainly are.

Their businesses are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you. As long as the rest of us have to support that business through provided taxpayer funded utilities, public services, road access, etc... then the rest of us should fully expect to have access to the services they offer.


Hate to burst your bubble but businesses on average pay more for those public utilities than does the average person

And if you're not paying the employees, the rent, the utilities, the taxes etc you are NOT supporting that business you idiot

BTW your shack is also served by those same public utilities so you better let everyone is right?
People are allowed to dislike whoever they want for whatever reason they want

They certainly are.

Their businesses are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you. As long as the rest of us have to support that business through provided taxpayer funded utilities, public services, road access, etc... then the rest of us should fully expect to have access to the services they offer.


I keep missing the part of the constitution where you automatically give up all your rights when you try to sell something. and the whole "you use public spaces, thus government owns your ass" argument is both wrong and tired.
People are allowed to dislike whoever they want for whatever reason they want

They certainly are.

Their businesses are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you. As long as the rest of us have to support that business through provided taxpayer funded utilities, public services, road access, etc... then the rest of us should fully expect to have access to the services they offer.


I keep missing the part of the constitution where you automatically give up all your rights when you try to sell something. and the whole "you use public spaces, thus government owns your ass" argument is both wrong and tired.

I fail to understand why anyone would want to do business with people they find intolerant or bigoted.

If someone doesn't want my business I don't give them my business
People are allowed to dislike whoever they want for whatever reason they want

They certainly are.

Their businesses are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you. As long as the rest of us have to support that business through provided taxpayer funded utilities, public services, road access, etc... then the rest of us should fully expect to have access to the services they offer.


I keep missing the part of the constitution where you automatically give up all your rights when you try to sell something. and the whole "you use public spaces, thus government owns your ass" argument is both wrong and tired.

I fail to understand why anyone would want to do business with people they find intolerant or bigoted.

If someone doesn't want my business I don't give them my business

Two reasons, 1) with PA laws applied as they are now, you can get a big cash payment for hurt feelings and 2) It's what I said before, it's all about punishing thoughtcrime, and ruining people who disagree with you.
They were taken to court by the EqualityCommission of Northern Ireland and the couple were fined £500. They are appealing against the ruling, and are being supported by the Christian Institute, which released a statement from the McArthurs before their court of appeal hearing in Belfast on Wednesday.

Daniel McArthur said: “It was clear we did not hate anyone. We didn’t want to discriminate against anyone. We did what we did because of our Christian beliefs. It’s done out of love for God, to
obey Him.”

He also criticised the Equality Commission, which he accused of being “very one-sided.”

“They wanted to pursue it with everything they had,” Daniel McArthur said. “They wanted to take us to court, maybe teach us a lesson or send out a signal. The signal they were trying to send out was: If you’re a Christian don’t bring it into work.”

'Gay cake' couple: 'We don't hate anyone. It's done out of love for God'
I think it isn't government's place to punish people for hating others as long as no other crime is committed, and one baker not wanting to bake one cake isn't a crime.

The difference between me an you is you want government to ruin people who think differently than you, that makes you far worse and far more dangerous than the worst homophobes/racists/sexists/anythingists out there.

Plus you are an anti-religious bigot, so you are in the same category as those you rail against.

Except I don't discriminate against Christians because i think their beliefs are silly. That's the point. In fact, a Christian can expect the same level of professional service from me as an atheist, a Muslim, a Jew or a Hindu would get. (And, yes, I've done jobs for all of them. I even wrote one for a Sikh once.)

Point was, the Kleins and the Ashers knew what the law was. They decided to break it anyway. THey had a hundred opportunities to correct their behavior. If they had simply apologized and promised to not do it again, I doubt they'd have had the issues they had.

Now, here's the thing. I do think the government should be out there enforcing business contracts, and when they do, there should be a bias towards the consumer. Caveat Vendor, not Caveat Emptor.
Two reasons, 1) with PA laws applied as they are now, you can get a big cash payment for hurt feelings and 2) It's what I said before, it's all about punishing thoughtcrime, and ruining people who disagree with you.

1) Don't hurt anyone's feelings. YOu are kind of an asshole if you do that. Particularly if they are willing to give you money.

2) the Kleins were ruined because they broke the law, not because of their superstitions.
Daniel McArthur said: “It was clear we did not hate anyone. We didn’t want to discriminate against anyone. We did what we did because of our Christian beliefs. It’s done out of love for God, to
obey Him.”

So here would be my question for Mr. McArthur.

Does he refuse to provide services to women who wear braids or jewelry, as is proscribed in the bible? 1 Timothy 2:9

Does he refuse service to women who wear pants in violation of Deuteronomy 22:5?

Does he refuse service to men with long hair or women with short hair? - 1 Corinthians 11:14-15

Does he refuse service to an unmarried woman who is pregnant?

Or one who got a divorce not sanctioned by the church?

Is he really commited to everything the bible says, or is he just cherry picking the rules he likes?
I think it isn't government's place to punish people for hating others as long as no other crime is committed, and one baker not wanting to bake one cake isn't a crime.

The difference between me an you is you want government to ruin people who think differently than you, that makes you far worse and far more dangerous than the worst homophobes/racists/sexists/anythingists out there.

Plus you are an anti-religious bigot, so you are in the same category as those you rail against.

Except I don't discriminate against Christians because i think their beliefs are silly. That's the point. In fact, a Christian can expect the same level of professional service from me as an atheist, a Muslim, a Jew or a Hindu would get. (And, yes, I've done jobs for all of them. I even wrote one for a Sikh once.)

Point was, the Kleins and the Ashers knew what the law was. They decided to break it anyway. THey had a hundred opportunities to correct their behavior. If they had simply apologized and promised to not do it again, I doubt they'd have had the issues they had.

Now, here's the thing. I do think the government should be out there enforcing business contracts, and when they do, there should be a bias towards the consumer. Caveat Vendor, not Caveat Emptor.

MLK knew what the law was, he decided to break it anyway. Again, you want to punish thought, and you found an easy way to do it.

Why should they have to promise to not do it again if government shouldn't be forcing them to do it in the first place?

And I wonder if your mangnanomous behavior extends to mormons.....
Two reasons, 1) with PA laws applied as they are now, you can get a big cash payment for hurt feelings and 2) It's what I said before, it's all about punishing thoughtcrime, and ruining people who disagree with you.

1) Don't hurt anyone's feelings. YOu are kind of an asshole if you do that. Particularly if they are willing to give you money.

2) the Kleins were ruined because they broke the law, not because of their superstitions.

1) The bigger assholes are the ones running to government to punish people over hurt feelings.

2) Typical end run favored by progressives. And not selling a cake to someone is really worth ruining the livelyhood of someone? At most, $50 fine and a finger wagging.
They were taken to court by the EqualityCommission of Northern Ireland and the couple were fined £500. They are appealing against the ruling, and are being supported by the Christian Institute, which released a statement from the McArthurs before their court of appeal hearing in Belfast on Wednesday.

Daniel McArthur said: “It was clear we did not hate anyone. We didn’t want to discriminate against anyone. We did what we did because of our Christian beliefs. It’s done out of love for God, to
obey Him.”

He also criticised the Equality Commission, which he accused of being “very one-sided.”

“They wanted to pursue it with everything they had,” Daniel McArthur said. “They wanted to take us to court, maybe teach us a lesson or send out a signal. The signal they were trying to send out was: If you’re a Christian don’t bring it into work.”

'Gay cake' couple: 'We don't hate anyone. It's done out of love for God'
Ulster is one of the most backward parts of Europe.
So you think it's okay to hate people because of their sexual orientation?

Underlying the freedom of expression, as explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment, is an implied freedom of thought. This includes the right to hold any belief, opinion, or feeling; even one that someone else would characterize as “hate”.

If you think that it should not be OK to hate someone, then what do you propose to have government do about it?
The Constitution guarantees freedom of thought. But freedom of action may end when it such an action harms someone else. The legislature and the courts make the final decision on these matters.

If you don't like PA laws in your state (if it has such), work with your legislature.
The Constitution guarantees freedom of thought. But freedom of action may end when it such an action harms someone else. The legislature and the courts make the final decision on these matters.

If you don't like PA laws in your state (if it has such), work with your legislature.

Hurt feelings is not "harm".
It was never meant to punish small contract style businesses, you idiots have defined a PA as "any business" which was never the intent.

It's fascist morons like you that take crap like this and use it to enforce your groupthink.

I agree that "unintended consequences" can be a problem. For instance, The Americans With Disabilities Act has actually made it harder to hire the disabled. Oh, wait, we can't call them 'the disabled' anymore.

The thing is, where do you draw the line as to what is a "small contract". A wedding cake can cost upwards of $500. That's not a small contract.

In the case of the Klein's, the wife invited the gay couple in, only to have the Husband maniacally scream bible verses at them. Those assholes deserved to get slapped down.

If they had said, "oops, I'm sorry, we are totally booked up that weekend" they wouldn't have gotten into trouble.

But when you worship a sky pixie who hates lying and loves homophobia, your brain tends to make bad decisions like that. Again, the need for some "Re-education".
Thanks for explaining the situation more. I see the point about the slippery slope, I see the point that the Ashers feel they have lost their right to make their own decisions about their business. If only there was a way to ensure minority rights without taking away from the rights of others. Humans being human, I guess realistically there is no way both can be satisfied at this point.
Explain that to your legislature and see if it agrees concerning PA laws.

Appeal to authority, i.e. answering the question without answering the question.
Appeal to Authority in debate is saying in this case "the legislatures agree with me."

That is not what I said; those are your foolish words.

I am saying if you disagree, take it up with the legislature, for that is where the power lies, so, in your case, you must Appeal to Authority. :lol:
Explain that to your legislature and see if it agrees concerning PA laws.

Appeal to authority, i.e. answering the question without answering the question.
Appeal to Authority in debate is saying in this case "the legislatures agree with me."

That is not what I said; those are your foolish words.

I am saying if you disagree, take it up with the legislature, for that is where the power lies, so, in your case, you must Appeal to Authority. :lol:

You are basically diving out of the "why" of the debate by blindly stating about the "how".

My original statement stands.

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