Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong

The Constitution guarantees freedom of thought. But freedom of action may end when it such an action harms someone else. The legislature and the courts make the final decision on these matters.

If you don't like PA laws in your state (if it has such), work with your legislature.
Not making a cake doesn't harm anyone

Now if an entire community of bakers decided to not bake a cake for any gay couple for their weddings, THEN you can see some actual harm. But single episodes of this happening when immediately viable and available alternatives can be found does not constitute harm.
Where is the distinction in state PA laws?
The Constitution guarantees freedom of thought. But freedom of action may end when it such an action harms someone else. The legislature and the courts make the final decision on these matters.

If you don't like PA laws in your state (if it has such), work with your legislature.
Not making a cake doesn't harm anyone

Now if an entire community of bakers decided to not bake a cake for any gay couple for their weddings, THEN you can see some actual harm. But single episodes of this happening when immediately viable and available alternatives can be found does not constitute harm.
Where is the distinction in state PA laws?

There isn't as currently interpreted, and that is the problem.
In 1963, I visited Florida with my parents and we stopped in a diner which had a sign on the counter "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone we wish." Being from the North, I never forgot that sign.
I see the reason for the PA legislation, but we won't change mindsets like the Ashers with laws. Tolerance is a very hard thing to teach, yes?
MLK knew what the law was, he decided to break it anyway. Again, you want to punish thought, and you found an easy way to do it.

Why should they have to promise to not do it again if government shouldn't be forcing them to do it in the first place?

And I wonder if your mangnanomous behavior extends to mormons.....

Naw, I want to ship all the Mormons off for Cult Deprogramming.

Sorry, Public Accommodation laws are just and reasonable. But hey, let's make a special exemption for Christians. It's just when they do something that is "unbiblical" they should be fined for htat. Sounds reasonable to me.

Oops. Working on the Sabbath. $500.00 fine! Praise Jesus.
MLK knew what the law was, he decided to break it anyway. Again, you want to punish thought, and you found an easy way to do it.

Why should they have to promise to not do it again if government shouldn't be forcing them to do it in the first place?

And I wonder if your mangnanomous behavior extends to mormons.....

Naw, I want to ship all the Mormons off for Cult Deprogramming.

Sorry, Public Accommodation laws are just and reasonable. But hey, let's make a special exemption for Christians. It's just when they do something that is "unbiblical" they should be fined for htat. Sounds reasonable to me.

Oops. Working on the Sabbath. $500.00 fine! Praise Jesus.

Typical prog who just can't fathom others thinking and acting in a way they themselves don't.

PA laws as intended were just and reasonable, as applied today they are nothing more than crimethink punishment.
MLK knew what the law was, he decided to break it anyway. Again, you want to punish thought, and you found an easy way to do it.

Why should they have to promise to not do it again if government shouldn't be forcing them to do it in the first place?

And I wonder if your mangnanomous behavior extends to mormons.....

Naw, I want to ship all the Mormons off for Cult Deprogramming.

Sorry, Public Accommodation laws are just and reasonable. But hey, let's make a special exemption for Christians. It's just when they do something that is "unbiblical" they should be fined for htat. Sounds reasonable to me.

Oops. Working on the Sabbath. $500.00 fine! Praise Jesus.

Typical prog who just can't fathom others thinking and acting in a way they themselves don't.

PA laws as intended were just and reasonable, as applied today they are nothing more than crimethink punishment.
No, they are not.
MLK knew what the law was, he decided to break it anyway. Again, you want to punish thought, and you found an easy way to do it.

Why should they have to promise to not do it again if government shouldn't be forcing them to do it in the first place?

And I wonder if your mangnanomous behavior extends to mormons.....

Naw, I want to ship all the Mormons off for Cult Deprogramming.

Sorry, Public Accommodation laws are just and reasonable. But hey, let's make a special exemption for Christians. It's just when they do something that is "unbiblical" they should be fined for htat. Sounds reasonable to me.

Oops. Working on the Sabbath. $500.00 fine! Praise Jesus.

Typical prog who just can't fathom others thinking and acting in a way they themselves don't.

PA laws as intended were just and reasonable, as applied today they are nothing more than crimethink punishment.

still whining about the law?

get over it. :cuckoo:
MLK knew what the law was, he decided to break it anyway. Again, you want to punish thought, and you found an easy way to do it.

Why should they have to promise to not do it again if government shouldn't be forcing them to do it in the first place?

And I wonder if your mangnanomous behavior extends to mormons.....

Naw, I want to ship all the Mormons off for Cult Deprogramming.

Sorry, Public Accommodation laws are just and reasonable. But hey, let's make a special exemption for Christians. It's just when they do something that is "unbiblical" they should be fined for htat. Sounds reasonable to me.

Oops. Working on the Sabbath. $500.00 fine! Praise Jesus.

Typical prog who just can't fathom others thinking and acting in a way they themselves don't.

PA laws as intended were just and reasonable, as applied today they are nothing more than crimethink punishment.
No, they are not.

Yes, they are. Its the reason why the punishment is ruining people for not baking a cake instead of something like a $100 fine and a mild scolding.
MLK knew what the law was, he decided to break it anyway. Again, you want to punish thought, and you found an easy way to do it.

Why should they have to promise to not do it again if government shouldn't be forcing them to do it in the first place?

And I wonder if your mangnanomous behavior extends to mormons.....

Naw, I want to ship all the Mormons off for Cult Deprogramming.

Sorry, Public Accommodation laws are just and reasonable. But hey, let's make a special exemption for Christians. It's just when they do something that is "unbiblical" they should be fined for htat. Sounds reasonable to me.

Oops. Working on the Sabbath. $500.00 fine! Praise Jesus.

Typical prog who just can't fathom others thinking and acting in a way they themselves don't.

PA laws as intended were just and reasonable, as applied today they are nothing more than crimethink punishment.

still whining about the law?

get over it. :cuckoo:

Still hiding behind authority? Not surprised.
marty, your comments are stupid. Our society requires law to function.
Bet you can find ten times the number above on the board denouncing LGBT as a way of life. You are not being picked on.
1) The bigger assholes are the ones running to government to punish people over hurt feelings.

2) Typical end run favored by progressives. And not selling a cake to someone is really worth ruining the livelyhood of someone? At most, $50 fine and a finger wagging.

1) Guy, you are speaking from the voice of White Male Privilege and Entitlement. I think whoever came up with the term Check your Privilege had people like you in mind. You've never experienced discrimination in your life, or you wouldn't dismiss it as "hurt feelings".

2) A $50.00 fine doesn't get the point across. The Kleins are religious nuts. We could throw their asses to the lions and they'd still think they were doing the right thing. The Six figure fine is to discourage the dumb-ass bigot who has a "come to Jesus" moment to try to rationalize his stupidity.
1) The bigger assholes are the ones running to government to punish people over hurt feelings.

2) Typical end run favored by progressives. And not selling a cake to someone is really worth ruining the livelyhood of someone? At most, $50 fine and a finger wagging.

1) Guy, you are speaking from the voice of White Male Privilege and Entitlement. I think whoever came up with the term Check your Privilege had people like you in mind. You've never experienced discrimination in your life, or you wouldn't dismiss it as "hurt feelings".

2) A $50.00 fine doesn't get the point across. The Kleins are religious nuts. We could throw their asses to the lions and they'd still think they were doing the right thing. The Six figure fine is to discourage the dumb-ass bigot who has a "come to Jesus" moment to try to rationalize his stupidity.

You can take that "checking my privilege' crap and cram it up your ass. That is nothing more than another tactic your side uses to stifle debate.

And as usual, your inability to tolerate any dissent to your opinion makes YOU the asshole in the room, not the Kleins or anyone else. "Pour Encoruagement les Autres" is the tactic of totalitarians, not people who enjoy freedoms.
Here's Camille Paglia discussing gay activists: “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,”

“This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,”

Here's Andrew Sullivan: “The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,”

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?” “Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me — as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

“If this is the gay rights movement today — hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else — then count me out,”

“If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”
Don't get me wrong I think it's stupid not to make the cake but I also think people have the right to refuse service.

I think it's even more stupid to give your business to a person who doesn't want it

I agree. It is. But the customer still has a right to be served. This argument was lost 50 years ago, why are we still having it?

Again, that was systemic discrimination that had the overall goal of denying economic and political power to an entire class of people who made up sizable minorities of even majorities in the areas the lived in. Not some couple who's feelings were hurt, and thus "required" in your view, the ruination of those people who are guilty of nothing more than "CrimeThink".
Typical prog who just can't fathom others thinking and acting in a way they themselves don't.

PA laws as intended were just and reasonable, as applied today they are nothing more than crimethink punishment.

Not at all. If the Government told the Kleins that they couldn't have bible verses up or a sign that said, "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve", that actually would be punishing their thoughts. (If you can call what goes through the diseased brain of a homophobic bigot a thought) It's when they refused to provide a service they offered - in fact, Melissa Klein invited Ms. Bowman to come to the shop - that they get into trouble.

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