Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong

Well libtard, what business was I in? You fucking douches waters know everything, so tell me.
Respond to what... you whining that they made discrimination is illegal? No the best thing to do is laugh at you and others like you until you die off. People in the future will be ashamed that your beliefs existed.

"The glorious wave of the future" argument? How communist.

And I'm only 40 so I got plenty of time left.

My hope is people looking back 40 years from now will laugh at your side, who tried to legislate feelings and thoughtcrime using end runs like PA laws.
You're 40? Well your side already lost, so my hope for you is that you come to terms with your bitterness and not let it affect the rest of your life. I promise you the gays won't destroy your marriage.

It's not the gays destroying marriage. That is silly. It's progressive idiots like you destroying the constitution when it suits you that pisses me off.
Take it up with SCOTUS.

SCOTUS and other courts have done enough damage.
Fascinating. Sounds like you would prefer there were no courts interpreting the Constitution. That means chuck Article III of the Constitution. You can organize a Constitutional Convention to do that...tho I will advise you, it would be even harder than getting rid of your own state's PA law....and we know how much you hate doing that work.
Well libtard, what business was I in? You fucking douches waters know everything, so tell me.
You're talking to yourself, aren't you?
Auto repair business. In fact I repaired automatic transmission for 30 years. Every so often I still work on one. I stopped working on preachers crap because they always wanted stuff for nothing and two of them actually tried to scam me. The several blacks I did business with ALWAYS tried to scam me. So I stopped doing business for those two groups, and I forgot to mention, towel heads. They were always trying to scam you. I got over on this one though. I just let my wife deal with him, They hate women and that was great! She made the camel fucker pay cash and storage and then called the police on his sorry stinkling ass.
Cool story, bro.
Here's the full story on the guy from Egypt. He had a used car lot and brought me a KM-177, which is a 4 speed transaxle out of a Mitsubishi. He wanted to know what was wrong with it so I dismantled it. The end clutch was fried and the torque converter was bad, so I figured him up a price and he balked. He asked me if I could fix it with used parts and I did have quite a few used KM transaxles sitting around so I said I could patch it for him for 600 dollars and he agreed. I fixed it and he came and got it.

Two weeks later payment on his check was stopped so I called him and he told me that the tranny didn't work. I told him to bring it in and I could fix it, but he balked at that. He said that he knew I ripped him off and he would not bring it in. I told him that theft of services was a felony but he didn't care. My wife tried to talk to him several times and he would talk to her like a dog

A few days later I went over to his car lot to see him but he wasn't there. Seemed like he was never there. .

Well, I saw the car and went to look at it because they had the hood open. The manager came over and I told him the problem with the tranny was with the wiring connecting to the tranny from the computer was not connected properly, which is something they had done. I told him to drive it over to my shop a few blocks away and I could fix it while he waited and he agreed.

So we get to the shop and I pull it in and open the hood and 2 minutes later, with the connections seated properly it worked like it was supposed to. He told me that he would take it back and probably his boss would come pay me. At this point I told him in no uncertain terms to get off my property and and that with the bounced check fee and all to bring me 635.00 and they could have the car.

Well, lo and behold Mr. towel head shows up and I called my wife into the office and she dealt with him while I watched. Oh yeah, all the other times she called him to resolve the problem he spoke to her like a dog. He shelled out the cash and then he started threatening her and I told him to leave right now. He got up and made motion I thought was threatening and I told him that if he did anything else but leave I was going to defend myself with whatever force was required.

He left, but like the typical scum he was he sat outside my shop screaming and yelling, and my wife called the police. Turns out he had a rep for doing this kind of crap all over town, according to one police officer, and they told him if he didn't leave in 10 seconds he was going to jail. I walked out and asked the police to please wait and issue him a criminal trespass warning,and they did. After this, and I never saw the pos again.
Here's the full story on the guy from Egypt. He had a used car lot and brought me a KM-177, which is a 4 speed transaxle out of a Mitsubishi. He wanted to know what was wrong with it so I dismantled it. The end clutch was fried and the torque converter was bad, so I figured him up a price and he balked. He asked me if I could fix it with used parts and I did have quite a few used KM transaxles sitting around so I said I could patch it for him for 600 dollars and he agreed. I fixed it and he came and got it.

Two weeks later payment on his check was stopped so I called him and he told me that the tranny didn't work. I told him to bring it in and I could fix it, but he balked at that. He said that he knew I ripped him off and he would not bring it in. I told him that theft of services was a felony but he didn't care. My wife tried to talk to him several times and he would talk to her like a dog

A few days later I went over to his car lot to see him but he wasn't there. Seemed like he was never there. .

Well, I saw the car and went to look at it because they had the hood open. The manager came over and I told him the problem with the tranny was with the wiring connecting to the tranny from the computer was not connected properly, which is something they had done. I told him to drive it over to my shop a few blocks away and I could fix it while he waited and he agreed.

So we get to the shop and I pull it in and open the hood and 2 minutes later, with the connections seated properly it worked like it was supposed to. He told me that he would take it back and probably his boss would come pay me. At this point I told him in no uncertain terms to get off my property and and that with the bounced check fee and all to bring me 635.00 and they could have the car.

Well, lo and behold Mr. towel head shows up and I called my wife into the office and she dealt with him while I watched. Oh yeah, all the other times she called him to resolve the problem he spoke to her like a dog. He shelled out the cash and then he started threatening her and I told him to leave right now. He got up and made motion I thought was threatening and I told him that if he did anything else but leave I was going to defend myself with whatever force was required.

He left, but like the typical scum he was he sat outside my shop screaming and yelling, and my wife called the police. Turns out he had a rep for doing this kind of crap all over town, according to one police officer, and they told him if he didn't leave in 10 seconds he was going to jail. I walked out and asked the police to please wait and issue him a criminal trespass warning,and they did. After this, and I never saw the pos again.
Lol you sent in your wife to get the money
If you could find a woman, I'm sure you'd hide behind her seeing how all liberals are cowards at heart.
As long as the discrimination is not systemic, the right of a person to provide services that meets their moral code outweighs any "right" to not have your feelings hurt.
Not when you offer services to the public.

"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.
Then you need to clarify that for your state and other states. They seem to think that businesses follow PA laws...period...and don't get to pick and chose which services apply and which don't.

Again, PA laws were designed to fight systemic discrimination and actual economic and political harm, not hurt feelings.
Where is that distinction specifically determined based on the law?

It was the intent of the laws, as the discrimination that was occurring was systemic and economically damaging.
Not when you offer services to the public.

"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.
Then you need to clarify that for your state and other states. They seem to think that businesses follow PA laws...period...and don't get to pick and chose which services apply and which don't.

Again, PA laws were designed to fight systemic discrimination and actual economic and political harm, not hurt feelings.
Where is that distinction specifically determined based on the law?

It was the intent of the laws, as the discrimination that was occurring was systemic and economically damaging.
Yes, that is your interpretation.
So people lose all their rights the second they try to sell a good or service?

Got it you wanker.

Not all their rights. They are perfectly free to believe in whatever bronze age sky pixies they want.

They just can't refuse services they advertised as offering.
"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.
Then you need to clarify that for your state and other states. They seem to think that businesses follow PA laws...period...and don't get to pick and chose which services apply and which don't.

Again, PA laws were designed to fight systemic discrimination and actual economic and political harm, not hurt feelings.
Where is that distinction specifically determined based on the law?

It was the intent of the laws, as the discrimination that was occurring was systemic and economically damaging.
Yes, that is your interpretation.

it was the intent of the laws, not to punish people for wrongthink, which is the current trend.
So, you wouls be prepared to see every small business in the US where the owners run their business based on values related to their association with their imaginary sjy friend to close their doors permanently?

WOW. Do you realize how many Midwestern towns would dry up and blow away overnight?

Actually, what I've found is most Christians value money more than Jesus.

The thing is, these bakers are not refusing services to women who wear pants, makeup, jewelry, , braids, previously had divorces, weren't virgins on their wedding nights, or any one of dozens of arbitrary rules in the Big Book of Jewish Fairy Tales...

They like money too much.

They just want to use God to excuse their bigotry.
It was what they wanted wrote on the cake from what I understand. The gays have to respect others rights as well, but no the gays win. Why would they try to force a bakery to make a cake, I'd want a cake by a baker who wanted to make me one. Its just to make a scene is all.

It does't matter what they wanted written on the cake. The gays have rights. A business does not. Your business does not have a religion. If you find you can't morally be in that business, then don't be in that business.
I uphold gay rights, but I think it was unfair to penalize the Ashers. Businesses should have right to refuse jobs they don't want to take on, shouldn't they? It's a CAKE for crying out loud. I agree the gay couple should have gone to another business and left it alone. They couldn't be shocked that some people find their wedding offensive. I disagree with the Ashers' attitude, but I don't agree with the consequences. What's wrong with my thinking?
It was what they wanted wrote on the cake from what I understand. The gays have to respect others rights as well, but no the gays win. Why would they try to force a bakery to make a cake, I'd want a cake by a baker who wanted to make me one. Its just to make a scene is all.

It does't matter what they wanted written on the cake. The gays have rights. A business does not. Your business does not have a religion. If you find you can't morally be in that business, then don't be in that business.
Who would expect a bakery to be fraught with moral dilemmas? Be fair.
So, you wouls be prepared to see every small business in the US where the owners run their business based on values related to their association with their imaginary sjy friend to close their doors permanently?

WOW. Do you realize how many Midwestern towns would dry up and blow away overnight?

Actually, what I've found is most Christians value money more than Jesus.

The thing is, these bakers are not refusing services to women who wear pants, makeup, jewelry, , braids, previously had divorces, weren't virgins on their wedding nights, or any one of dozens of arbitrary rules in the Big Book of Jewish Fairy Tales...

They like money too much.

They just want to use God to excuse their bigotry.

You do make a good point.
Actually, what I've found is most Christians value money more than Jesus.

The thing is, these bakers are not refusing services to women who wear pants, makeup, jewelry, , braids, previously had divorces, weren't virgins on their wedding nights, or any one of dozens of arbitrary rules in the Big Book of Jewish Fairy Tales...

They like money too much.

They just want to use God to excuse their bigotry.

Joe, I tend to find that MOST human beings will place financial gain above the morals and vslues they clsim to belueve in. Regardless of their particular religion or philosophy. It makes me smile a bit to find people who don't.

I don't know what particular church this couple belongs to, their personal view of Divine Law, or what degree of it they put out to the world every day. What I do know is that they stood up for what they believe is Right. Regardless of whether I agree with them or not, I have to respect and applaud that stance; if for no other reason than I would expect them to do the same if the circumstances were reversed.
The gay couples who are taking action against bakeries, are not doing the gay community much good

If someone doesn't want to do something because of his/her religious beliefs, that should be respected.

We may disagree with their religious point of view, may even think it is totally crazy, but freedom of religion should give them that right.

Plus, it makes the gay community look very intolerant. It would be better to give your money to someone who wanted your business.

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