Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong

PA laws don't have to be scrapped, they serve a useful purpose when it comes to systemic or local government mandated discrimination, not one and done point cases of refusal of service. They just have to be tailored so they aren't used to punish thought and speech.
Where do you get the idea that business serving the public should be able to discriminate against those they don't like or agree with?

Where do YOU get the idea that the second you try to sell something you give up all of your rights, depending on who's feelings are hurt?
Your premise is false. Where do you think you can engage in public business services and can willfully discriminate because you disagree with someone's life style?

As long as the discrimination is not systemic, the right of a person to provide services that meets their moral code outweighs any "right" to not have your feelings hurt.
Not when you offer services to the public.

"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.
Still, bake or die.

You government-force loving hump you.

You need a tissue?

Typical response from a typical brain dead lefty twat.

Still no real response.

What a poseur.
Respond to what... you whining that they made discrimination is illegal? No the best thing to do is laugh at you and others like you until you die off. People in the future will be ashamed that your beliefs existed.

"The glorious wave of the future" argument? How communist.

And I'm only 40 so I got plenty of time left.

My hope is people looking back 40 years from now will laugh at your side, who tried to legislate feelings and thoughtcrime using end runs like PA laws.
Where do you get the idea that business serving the public should be able to discriminate against those they don't like or agree with?

Where do YOU get the idea that the second you try to sell something you give up all of your rights, depending on who's feelings are hurt?
Your premise is false. Where do you think you can engage in public business services and can willfully discriminate because you disagree with someone's life style?

As long as the discrimination is not systemic, the right of a person to provide services that meets their moral code outweighs any "right" to not have your feelings hurt.
Not when you offer services to the public.

"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.
If you hold your service out to the public, it is, yes, public accommodation.

If you do your advertising by word of mouth, then you will not be harnessed to PA laws.

Forty years from now, people will be laughing at your weird philosophy.
You need a tissue?

Typical response from a typical brain dead lefty twat.

Still no real response.

What a poseur.
Respond to what... you whining that they made discrimination is illegal? No the best thing to do is laugh at you and others like you until you die off. People in the future will be ashamed that your beliefs existed.

"The glorious wave of the future" argument? How communist.

And I'm only 40 so I got plenty of time left.

My hope is people looking back 40 years from now will laugh at your side, who tried to legislate feelings and thoughtcrime using end runs like PA laws.
You're 40? Well your side already lost, so my hope for you is that you come to terms with your bitterness and not let it affect the rest of your life. I promise you the gays won't destroy your marriage.
My position on the entire issue of accommodation here is that a business should not be allowed to refuse service to gay people because they are gay, but they should not be required to provide a particular service just because a person IS gay.

In the case of cakes, I would say that if they routinely bake a cake that with the words "best wishes so and so" for one couple, they should do so for another. If the demands are that they produce a likeness of Bert and Ernie holding hands, or have to say "have a great big gay wedding" or some such, they shouldn't have to.
Respond to what... you whining that they made discrimination is illegal? No the best thing to do is laugh at you and others like you until you die off. People in the future will be ashamed that your beliefs existed.

as long as cement brained libtards like you exist, we have no future.
Respond to what... you whining that they made discrimination is illegal? No the best thing to do is laugh at you and others like you until you die off. People in the future will be ashamed that your beliefs existed.

as long as cement brained libtards like you exist, we have no future.
That is what social conservatives have been saying since the beginning of time :thup:

Daniel and Amy McArthur relax at home

In an exclusive first interview, Daniel and Amy McArthur tell Laurence White why their strong Christian faith underpins bid to overturn Ashers 'same-sex cake' ruling.

Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong -
They might want to check their STATE Public Accommodation laws on that one. And if they don't like those laws, work to change them.

Daniel and Amy McArthur relax at home

In an exclusive first interview, Daniel and Amy McArthur tell Laurence White why their strong Christian faith underpins bid to overturn Ashers 'same-sex cake' ruling.

Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong -
They might want to check their STATE Public Accommodation laws on that one. And if they don't like those laws, work to change them.

This case from Northern Ireland.
Where do you get the idea that business serving the public should be able to discriminate against those they don't like or agree with?

It's called freedom. I'm sure, being a fascist commie shitbag, you have no clue what that means. The fucking towel heads can refuse to bake gay cakes all day long, but let some white people do and all you libtards shit your pants.
When has that happened?

Daniel and Amy McArthur relax at home

In an exclusive first interview, Daniel and Amy McArthur tell Laurence White why their strong Christian faith underpins bid to overturn Ashers 'same-sex cake' ruling.

Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong -
They might want to check their STATE Public Accommodation laws on that one. And if they don't like those laws, work to change them.

This case from Northern Ireland.
Then they should check their laws in Northern Ireland.
Where do you get the idea that business serving the public should be able to discriminate against those they don't like or agree with?

Where do YOU get the idea that the second you try to sell something you give up all of your rights, depending on who's feelings are hurt?
Your premise is false. Where do you think you can engage in public business services and can willfully discriminate because you disagree with someone's life style?

As long as the discrimination is not systemic, the right of a person to provide services that meets their moral code outweighs any "right" to not have your feelings hurt.
Not when you offer services to the public.

"public accommodation" is not the same as offering services to the public. Contracted services like providing a cake for a wedding is not a public accommodation. Your side has stretched the definition to include any business, and more importantly, to make it so the actual purpose, fighting systemic discrimination, is no longer the main goal.

The main goal is to punish those who disagree with you.
Then you need to clarify that for your state and other states. They seem to think that businesses follow PA laws...period...and don't get to pick and chose which services apply and which don't.

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