Ashli Babbitt

I'd shoot those fuckers too if they tried to rob, loot, or burn my property. I'm not gonna ask first who someone voted for, a criminal is a criminal. Ashli Babbit was a criminal. Too bad she died, but there are consequences to criminal behavior.
You did see the part where the Capitol is the peoples house not the ruling class house? Why should a citizen be shot dead for wanting to see the going on in their house?

Relative to other government buildings in Washington, the Capitol is a fairly easy place to roam. With few exceptions, once you’re in, you’re in. The design of the so-called People’s House is meant to make it easy for the public to meet and petition their representatives, and is the most accessible building for reporters.
The Breach of the Capitol Spooked Us — As It Should Have | Time

Oh yeah, this could be one of the reasons. Are you in favor of Tyrrany?
View attachment 456307
I know about the prog slaves and how they think. When you approach a prog slave with a question like "Are you in favor of Tyrrany", they just use the funny emoji as their response, because they know that my question scares the little precious snowflakes and they know it is true about their Democrat Rulers...
The dems don't allow business owners to shoot violent anti fa blm members who invade their businesses and attack their people.

That illustrates your extreme ignorance.
Never heard of the McCloskey’s?

Pravda prevails.

Still don't know what you're babbling about.
Your ignorance doesn’t make it babble.
Google ‘McCloskey’s’.
And your asshole murdering cop will find out too you piece of shit. I hope he suffers while paying for his crime. Then we’ll see you and yours cry about it.

The investigators disagree with you. They say he shouldn't be charged.

Sucks for you, huh? :lol:
And your asshole murdering cop will find out too you piece of shit. I hope he suffers while paying for his crime. Then we’ll see you and yours cry about it.

The investigators disagree with you. They say he shouldn't be charged.

Sucks for you, huh? :lol:
Doesn’t matter what they think you fucking vile piece of shit. Where did I say charged you illiterate fuck? I said he’ll pay for his crime. One way or the other. Laughing at an innocent woman getting shot? I hope something like that happens to you. That’ll be even funnier. “They say” you asshole. That means not done yet. If those cops know what’s good for them, they’ll charge the cowards with murder. Or just let Babbitt’s husband handle things. Let them not charge him. Then REAL Americans will ensure justice gets served.
She don't count

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  • If Trump were a Democrat, Ashli Babbitt (remember her?) would be a saint, if not a Goddess.

Although you probably don’t know this, it’s very far from clear that Heather Heyer was deliberately killed at the Charlottesville Unite The Right Rally—James Fields appears to have been trying to escape when he drove into the crowd blocking his way.

But it’s absolutely clear that Ashli Babbitt, although an unarmed woman surrounded by security, was deliberately shot by a Capitol Hill cop.

Ashli Babbitt was a decorated veteran and a female business owner. Heyer was an overweight small-time Communist. But it’s Heather Heyer who has been canonized, with a foundation named after her and endless Regime Media adulation, whereas Ashli Babbitt has vanished from the Main Stream Media after a couple of sneering profiles and insinuations about her private life. (Have you heard anything about Heather Heyer’s private life?)

Traitors sometimes get shot.

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