Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

No WAY we can have Members or Congress choose who gets in. You think Omar would choose a Jew? Or Maxine Waters a white kid? It’s way too much power for biased Congress critters to choose who gets into Congress.
Except this is already how West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado Springs work, and it turns out just fine.
It's representative of the country as a whole.

But that’s your idea of fairness? Omar chooses Muslims, Waters chooses blacks, and, you assume, Jewish senators would choose Jews?? THAT is how we decide who gets in? By race and ethnicity?

Why not? Frankly, your bitching is that Jews are being passed up to favor blacks... (and I think you are pretending to care about Asians because they don't scare you that much.)

Now, True Story. When I was 18, I attempted to apply for Annapolis. My COngressman considered my application. But because I had a slight overbite, they rejected me because apparently Annapolis wants all their applicants to look like underwear models or something.

So I suspect that Omar will find the best qualified five people in her district, and so will Charles Schumer. Sounds reasonable to me.

As far as legacies, that’s not illegal since race isn’t factored in. But now, thanks to the SCOTUS, when middle-class white, Asian, or Jewish kids will not be rejected to let in blacks with much worse academic credentials DUE TO SKIN COLOR.

Actually, legacies were specifically put in for racist reasons. To keep minorities and Jews out.

The universities will just fine other ways to admit black kids... since no one considers anything this SCOTUS does as being legitimate.
Oooooooor it could be completely based on merit. Crazy Concept I know.

Except how do you determine "Merit"? Test scores? The tests have been proven to have biases and frankly, the more affluent you are, the better you do because you can afford tutors and coaches.

GPA are subjective, of course. Depends what school you went to. Because I went to a highly elite Catholic HS, I had a lower GPA than I would have had if I went to a Chicago Public School.
Except this is already how West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado Springs work, and it turns out just fine.
It's representative of the country as a whole.

Why not? Frankly, your bitching is that Jews are being passed up to favor blacks... (and I think you are pretending to care about Asians because they don't scare you that much.)

Now, True Story. When I was 18, I attempted to apply for Annapolis. My COngressman considered my application. But because I had a slight overbite, they rejected me because apparently Annapolis wants all their applicants to look like underwear models or something.

So I suspect that Omar will find the best qualified five people in her district, and so will Charles Schumer. Sounds reasonable to me.

Actually, legacies were specifically put in for racist reasons. To keep minorities and Jews out.

The universities will just fine other ways to admit black kids... since no one considers anything this SCOTUS does as being legitimate.
Allowing congressmen to decide who goes to college and who doesent is a crazy idea
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Except how do you determine "Merit"? Test scores? The tests have been proven to have biases and frankly, the more affluent you are, the better you do because you can afford tutors and coaches.

Wait. They are giving different groups of people different point values for right answers? They are deducting more for wrong answers based on race? Oh they aren’t? Yeah the tests aren’t biased. The questions on the test don’t give a shit what color your skin is or what your sex is or who your parents are. Know the subject matter do well. It’s that simple.

Who lied to you and lead you to believe that your parents success doesn’t play into yours? Or that it shouldn’t. Of course the rich kid is going to have advantages over the poor kid. That’s just life. Taking someone who isn’t qualified and just giving them a spot at a highly competitive school over someone who is qualified is t the answer. Especially based on skin color. FYI that’s called racism.
GPA are subjective, of course. Depends what school you went to. Because I went to a highly elite Catholic HS, I had a lower GPA than I would have had if I went to a Chicago Public School.
There’s no perfect system. Basing admissions on immutable characteristics is the worst possible system.

Why are you listing the democrat party platform? This thread is about the democrat party racists using racism against Asian Americans......
Allowing congressmen to decide who goes to college and who doesent is a crazy idea
Except they already do that with the military academies.

That was my point.

Wait. They are giving different groups of people different point values for right answers? They are deducting more for wrong answers based on race? Oh they aren’t? Yeah the tests aren’t biased. The questions on the test don’t give a shit what color your skin is or what your sex is or who your parents are. Know the subject matter do well. It’s that simple.

Uh, sorry, man, the tests are biased.

Which is why more and more universities are abandoning them.

Who lied to you and lead you to believe that your parents success doesn’t play into yours? Or that it shouldn’t. Of course the rich kid is going to have advantages over the poor kid. That’s just life. Taking someone who isn’t qualified and just giving them a spot at a highly competitive school over someone who is qualified is t the answer. Especially based on skin color. FYI that’s called racism.

No, it's called justice. If the person of a skin color was subjected to 400 years of legal discrimination in an attempt to keep him down, then a bit of reverse discrimination to make up for it is perfectly acceptable.

There’s no perfect system. Basing admissions on immutable characteristics is the worst possible system.

Or in other words, you are fine with an imperfect system as long as it benefits people like you. Got it.

Hey, aren't you a Mormon and your holy books say that dark skin is a curse from God?
Except they already do that with the military academies.

That was my point.

Uh, sorry, man, the tests are biased.

Which is why more and more universities are abandoning them.

No, it's called justice. If the person of a skin color was subjected to 400 years of legal discrimination in an attempt to keep him down, then a bit of reverse discrimination to make up for it is perfectly acceptable.

Or in other words, you are fine with an imperfect system as long as it benefits people like you. Got it.

Hey, aren't you a Mormon and your holy books say that dark skin is a curse from God?
Biased against the unlearn ed, No if racism is wrong which it is, reverse racism is wrong.
Funny how your generation is taught to beg for scraps from the table.

My generation was taught it is better to be taught how to fish then to be given a fish for dinner.

Try working hard and see how that works out for you.
What I’m still trying to figure out is why that poster thinks giving people handouts when they don’t want to work is equivalent to admitting lower-scoring blacks In order to reject higher-scoring Asians.
Except they already do that with the military academies.

That was my point.

So the academies are run and funded by the government. Harvard isn’t.
Uh, sorry, man, the tests are biased.

How can a test be racist? Are the answers the same for everyone? Do black kids get the same credit for correct answers as white and Asian kids? This is the problem. Instead of figuring out why black kids are t doing well and fixing that problem we blame the test. Half the college board trustees that puts on the test is not white or male. Do they give a different test to the white kids? Do they only tell the Asian kids what the subject matter is? You not knowing the information is no one’s fault but your own.

30 second google search. If you want to do well the resources are there. There’s no excuse. Making excuses for people only hurts them in the long run.
Which is why more and more universities are abandoning them.


No, it's called justice. If the person of a skin color was subjected to 400 years of legal discrimination in an attempt to keep him down, then a bit of reverse discrimination to make up for it is perfectly acceptable.
No it really isn’t. Racism is wrong, there’s no justification for it. NONE. ZERO.
Or in other words, you are fine with an imperfect system as long as it benefits people like you. Got it.

What are people like me? The system I’m advocating for only benefits the people who achieve. It pays to be a winner and it should.
Hey, aren't you a Mormon and your holy books say that dark skin is a curse from God?
No. Nice try though.
So the academies are run and funded by the government. Harvard isn’t.

How can a test be racist? Are the answers the same for everyone? Do black kids get the same credit for correct answers as white and Asian kids? This is the problem. Instead of figuring out why black kids are t doing well and fixing that problem we blame the test. Half the college board trustees that puts on the test is not white or male. Do they give a different test to the white kids? Do they only tell the Asian kids what the subject matter is? You not knowing the information is no one’s fault but your own.

30 second google search. If you want to do well the resources are there. There’s no excuse. Making excuses for people only hurts them in the long run.

No it really isn’t. Racism is wrong, there’s no justification for it. NONE. ZERO.

What are people like me? The system I’m advocating for only benefits the people who achieve. It pays to be a winner and it should.

No. Nice try though.
I hope the DOJ doesn’t charge me with a crime for expressing an opinion that the Democrats want to deny, but Asian kids tend to be smarter and better students than whites AND blacks. They’re about tied with Jews.
So the academies are run and funded by the government. Harvard isn’t.
Missed the point. SCOTUS's ruling exempted them. So if Harvard adopted the same system, that would be fine, correct?

How can a test be racist? Are the answers the same for everyone?
I gave you too links. Have someone help you with the big words.

No it really isn’t. Racism is wrong, there’s no justification for it. NONE. ZERO.
I agree. But making up for racism of the past isn't racism.

White people are going to be just fine... Really.

What are people like me? The system I’m advocating for only benefits the people who achieve. It pays to be a winner and it should.
Well, the problem is you see the world divided between winners and losers, when the game is rigged in your favor. Someone talks about rigging the game in someone else's favor, you are up in arms.
I hope the DOJ doesn’t charge me with a crime for expressing an opinion that the Democrats want to deny, but Asian kids tend to be smarter and better students than whites AND blacks. They’re about tied with Jews.

Wow, you really think Trump is on trial for his "opinions".
You guys are deluded.
I hope the DOJ doesn’t charge me with a crime for expressing an opinion that the Democrats want to deny, but Asian kids tend to be smarter and better students than whites AND blacks. They’re about tied with Jews.
Smarter or better family culture for that end state?

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