Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

As soon as you resort to name calling I know your argument is in trouble.

What I said is that if you want to hire on merit give objectives tests of knowledge and IQ.

Funny, I 've never had to take an intelligence test once to get a job. and Gosh, Darn, we've all worked with that guy who looked good on paper.

Now, admitting that I am truly part of the problem by being a resume writer (note that usually white people are more likely to be able to afford the services of a resume writer), resumes are often screened by applicant tracking software, read by a bored HR person, and we make hiring decisions based on maybe two interviews. I can also honestly say that in the 32 years I've worked since leaving the Army, every last person who ever made the decision to hire me has been a fellow white person. Even that time I worked for a Japanese company! And that's just the regular system.

We aren't talking about the problem you keep avoiding, in that in any career, you are likely to encounter people who are related to, sleeping with, or friends with a manager who probably had no business getting that job, but did through connections.

So, please, please, please don't get on here and try to tell us that you oppose diversity or affirmative action (Again, which has provided far more benefit to white women than minorities) because you are trying to preserve the sanctity of "merit".

That will only work at a high level, let us say scientists working closely together on a complex project.

Actually, it works at lower levels, too. You have a diverse group of people, you'll have diverse ideas.

In other words Mac7 knows the truth about average but intractable racial differences, and he is willing to speak the truth.

In short, he's another mediocre white person trying to build self esteem by mistaking privilege for merit. Like you.

Ethnocentrism varies inversely with IQ and education.

Only because of the privileges white people have carved out for themselves. One that they know is under threat, hence why MAGA is so popular with lesser educated white people.
Sorry, I was busy listening to Tim Scott on Hannity. I was really impressed with his personal story, along with his being on-target on all the issues. He’d get my vote!

I tried to start a thread on it, but nobody was interested. Quite sad.

Well, you shouldn't have started it in Zone 1, where people can't really speak their minds.

Tim Scott is like Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, and Ben Carson. He's a sad Uncle Tom who gets up on the stage with those other white guys and says, "Them other negros sure be shiftless, boss". He provides your side cover while there is absolutely zero chance of him becoming the nominee. In short, he tells you what you want to hear and absolutely absolves you of any guilt.
There seems to be an assumption that objective criteria of excellence are arbitrary, and that when they are lowered for blacks those blacks will magically perform as well as whites once they are hired.

Again, when does this happen? Go back to post #1350. You are far more likely to get a good job if you hire a professional resume writer than you are if you are "excellent".
You are more likely to get a job if you know someone who knows someone.

Of the last three jobs I've gotten, two of them I got because someone on the inside knew me and recommended me. (Although one of them, I wish they hadn't! Ugh. So many warning signs, including the group was almost exclusively white people... with a manager who was kind of a racist bully and Trump supporter.)

Finance is high level. Teams of skilled blue collar workers do not need to be innovative and creative. They need to be competent and they need to work together well. I suspect that that is more likely to be the case if the team is homogeneous.

Wow, such bias against blue collar workers. Frankly, the main reason why more kids today don't get into the trades today is because they sit around in college for four years and don't want to get their hands dirty. Which is why the trades pay so well now.
Except Coyote zooms in out of the blue to target me.

Poor Lisa. Everyone is picking on her because she says stupid stuff. Oh, yeah, and everyone who picks on her is an anti-Semite, too, even though we only know she's Jewish because she told us.
As soon as you resort to name calling I know your argument is in trouble.

What I said is that if you want to hire on merit give objectives tests of knowledge and IQ.

That wouldn"t work in most jobs. IQ tests say little about the persons ability and fitness for a job. many skills aren't measured by "objective" tests. Employers look at qualifications, experience, how well they think they will fit with the work force, peope skills, inovative thinking, collaborative abilities - lot of of skills that aren't objectively measurable.
Sorry, I was busy listening to Tim Scott on Hannity. I was really impressed with his personal story, along with his being on-target on all the issues. He’d get my vote!

I tried to start a thread on it, but nobody was interested. Quite sad.
Virtue signaling.
That wouldn"t work in most jobs. IQ tests say little about the persons ability and fitness for a job. many skills aren't measured by "objective" tests. Employers look at qualifications, experience, how well they think they will fit with the work force, peope skills, inovative thinking, collaborative abilities - lot of of skills that aren't objectively measurable.

I see no reason why IQ tests and tests of knowledge a job applicant needs to have on the job he is applying for should not be included in the hiring process. They should be basic. Once a job applicant passes them other considerations are acceptable.
I see no reason why IQ tests and tests of knowledge a job applicant needs to have on the job he is applying for should not be included in the hiring process. They should be basic. Once a job applicant passes them other considerations are acceptable.
IQ tests have no bearing on the ability to do the job or merit. In many cases a combination of resume, professional certifications (which typically require passing a test or practicum), references, and interview provide more information than a test would for most jobs. There are jobs where you do need to take tests, and that is fine, but it isn't applicable to all jobs.

The only purpose I can see for an IQ test is to create a path to remove people from consideration in a way that has nothing to with their ability and experience for the job.

It os easy to see how such a flawed tool could be misused. The end result would be an increasingly widened divide between those able to be in better paying jobs and those relegated to the bottom. It would destroy upward mobility and create something like a caste system.

Ever see the movie Gattica?
IQ tests have no bearing on the ability to do the job or merit.
That will depend on the job. It should also be up to the employers to decide whether or not to use objective tests of all kind.
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I see no reason why IQ tests and tests of knowledge a job applicant needs to have on the job he is applying for should not be included in the hiring process. They should be basic. Once a job applicant passes them other considerations are acceptable.

Oh, companies won't go for that when they have to explain why an idiot nephew got a management job.

I've never worked for a manager I've thought was smarter than I was. But most of them have the other qualities that probably make them more suited to be managers.
Virtue signaling.
So because I think highly of Tim Scott, and would vote for him, that’s virtue signaling? Am I not allowed to be impressed with a black person, as that runs afoul of your (false) claims of racism?

I judge everyone as individuals. You see people as part of a color group.

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