Ask A Schizophrenic

Everyone deals with the same environmental factors. The variable here is the individual's brain. This leads to an organic difference, not a spiritual or mystical one, why one brain is more susceptible to mental illness over another. The one remaining variable which IS environmental is UPBRINGING. Upbringing equates much akin to how a programmer programs a computer in helping the brain organize and cope with its environment. Bad programming/upbringing equates to poorer performance/difficulties in dealing with things.

But thanks for calling a medical website run by doctors "stupid."

BTW, do you have any formal training in the field of medicine or psychology?
We don't have access to the required texts to properly debate at this time.
God's special children have every right to exist

Well, Sparky, you have me confused--- not only wasn't I even talking to you, but I never said in any way that anyone, special or others, didn't have a right to exist.
We don't have access to the required texts to properly debate at this time.

There is nothing to debate. Mental illnesses are divided into either neuroses or psychoses, and schizophrenia isn't a mere neuroses.
Well, Sparky, you have me confused--- not only wasn't I even talking to you, but I never said in any way that anyone, special or others, didn't have a right to exist.
Yes, and you'll please excuse me for being a 'butinski' with my epiphany Toob

Some self awareness is apropos in this thread , yes?

My bad......not yours, sorry......

Good question.

I would describe the nature of the racing thoughts, when they come, as false signals from the brain (that I know are ridiculous, but can’t control).

For example, I’m out in public (like in a grocery store) and have an attack, of that kind. My brain could be telling me various annoying things (like everyone is watching me, making fun of me, calling me names, talking about me or thinking I’m crazy). It’s an interesting phenomenon. I compare it to a faulty water faucet, where one just can’t shut the water off, as it‘s leaking all over the place. Normal people can do this - schizophrenics can’t and have no defenses when it happens.

Thankfully, it’s extremely rare for me to have an attack out in public these days. And when I do, it comes on gradually, so I can have time to go home, lie down and rest (the only way to fully alleviate my racing mind).

What I have to still watch out for, for instance, is if I am driving a car and it happens. One does not want to operate a motor vehicle when “hearing voices“ - it is simply unsafe to be out on the road. Generally speaking, I will have plenty of time to get home, before my brain overflows. Thankfully, my racing thoughts (when they do occur) only happen at night, after 4pm. It has something to do with the medication wearing off, as I take that in the morning. Anyway, I generally don’t drive at night anymore, just to be safe.

That is it, in a nutshell. Basically, stress brings this kind of stuff on. If I had to sum up schizophrenia in three words or less, I would say “Sensitivity to stress.”
Good question.

I would describe the nature of the racing thoughts, when they come, as false signals from the brain (that I know are ridiculous, but can’t control).

For example, I’m out in public (like in a grocery store) and have an attack, of that kind. My brain could be telling me various annoying things (like everyone is watching me, making fun of me, calling me names, talking about me or thinking I’m crazy). It’s an interesting phenomenon. I compare it to a faulty water faucet, where one just can’t shut the water off, as it‘s leaking all over the place. Normal people can do this - schizophrenics can’t and have no defenses when it happens.

Thankfully, it’s extremely rare for me to have an attack out in public these days. And when I do, it comes on gradually, so I can have time to go home, lie down and rest (the only way to fully alleviate my racing mind).

What I have to still watch out for, for instance, is if I am driving a car and it happens. One does not want to operate a motor vehicle when “hearing voices“ - it is simply unsafe to be out on the road. Generally speaking, I will have plenty of time to get home, before my brain overflows. Thankfully, my racing thoughts (when they do occur) only happen at night, after 4pm. It has something to do with the medication wearing off, as I take that in the morning. Anyway, I generally don’t drive at night anymore, just to be safe.

That is it, in a nutshell. Basically, stress brings this kind of stuff on. If I had to sum up schizophrenia in three words or less, I would say “Sensitivity to stress.”
I think hearing voices is what makes it different. I get racing thoughts that are mean and terrifying and panic but I don't hear any voices. Thanks for your answer.
Look, asshole, don't tell me I'm wrong when I studied psychology for years under the tutelage of a psychology professor and even wrote a textbook on a branch of Applied Psychology just because you looked up some damn website somewhere.

Here, try this, genius:

Schizophrenia is a form of psychoses

Depending on the degree of severity, a schizophrenic can lead a fairly normal life of mild limitations under care and medication to needing full blown hospitalization unable to care for themselves at all.
This poster's first mistake is to define schizophrenia as a form of psychosis, retaining the biological realm, conveniently leaving out neurosis and familial Oedipus. We must go further back in our schizoanalysis, which is antipode to psychoanalysis. Quoting from the 2009 Penguin Edition of Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia....

'The Anti-Ego. "Lie down, then, on the soft couch which the analyst provides, and try to think up something different. The analyst has endless time and patience; every minute you detain him means money in his pocket....Whether you wine, howl, beg, weep, cajole, pray of curse -- he listens. He is just one big ear minus a sympathetic nervous system. He is impervious to everything but truth.

If you think it pays to fool him, then fool him. Who will be the loser? If you think he can help you, and not yourself, then stick to him until you rot." So concludes Henry Miller in Sexus....
Inasmuch as Oedipus arises out of an application of the entire social field to the finite familial figure, it does not imply just any investment of this field by the libido, but a very particular investment that renders this application possible and necessary. That is why Oedipus seemed to us a paranoiac's idea before being a neurotic's feeling....

Only one way to spend time on the couch: schizoanalyze the psychoanalyst.....Oedipus is first the idea of an adult paranoiac, before it is the childhood feeling of a neurotic. So it is that psychoanalysis has much difficulty extracting itself from an infinite regression: the father must have been a child, but was able to be a child only in relation to a father, who was himself a child, in relation to another father.'
(ibid. pp. 274, 365)

One can thus understand the initial reification of biology in an attempt to distract from deeper pathologies (Julia Kristeva's "psychological ill-being').
I think hearing voices is what makes it different. I get racing thoughts that are mean and terrifying and panic but I don't hear any voices. Thanks for your answer.
Do those unvoiced "racing thoughts that are mean and terrifying..." encourage you to hurt yourself or others?
We showed the SARS2 connection to OP's med in post #111. OP's med, aripirazole, contains two chlorine atoms implicating sigma-1. Hydroxychloroquine contains one chlorine atom (low IQs call this "bleach") implicating Sigma-1:

Hydroxychloroquine / Sigma-1
'....we do not at all think that the revolutionary is schizophrenic or vice versa. On the contrary, we have consistently distinguished the schizophrenic as an entity from schizophrenia as a process; now the as entity can only be defined in relation to the arrests, the continuations in the void, or the finalist illusions that repression imposes on the process itself.

This is why we have only spoken of a schizoid pole in the libidinal investment of the social field, so as to avoid as much as possible the confusion of the schizophrenic process with the production of a schizophrenic. The schizophrenic process (the schizoid pole) is revolutionary, in the very sense that the paranoiac method is reactionary and fascist; and it is not these psychiatric categories, freed of all familialism, that will allow us to understand the politico-economic determinations, but exactly the opposite.

We constantly contrasted two sorts of unconscious or two interpretations of the unconscious: the one schizoanalytic, the other psychoanalytic; the one schizophrenic, the other neurotic-Oedipal; the one abstract and nonfigurative, the other imaginary; but also the one really concrete, the other symbolic; the one machinic, the other structural; the one molecular the other statistical; the one material, the other ideological; the one productive, the other expressive.

We have seen how the negative task of schizoanalysis must be violent, brutal: defamiliarizing, de-oedipalizing, decastrating; undoing theater, dream, and fantasy; decoding deterritorializing-- a terrible curretage, a malevolent activity. But everything happens at the same time. For at the same time the process is liberated -- the process of desiring-production, following its molecular lines of escape that already define the mechanic's task of the schizoanalyst.'

(AO, pp. 379, 381-2)
I wrote "thoughts" not "voices." When I was much younger, I had thoughts to hurt certain persons. I never did. But I had such unwanted thoughts.
Oh I see. No I've never thought that about hurting others. But I do have negative thoughts that hate me. I've had a few suicides in my family, most recent was my sister in 2013. But I never would do that to my loved ones.
True Story:

My friend, when she was 29 she took a shotgun out of the closet and pointed it at her husband. She said he was working with the FBI and trying to take her away. She said the FBI was outside and waiting for her. She was hospitalized 9 times for the illness and I visited her many times there. She would tell me they were waiting for her outside and I would hold her hands and tell nobody is outside. She constantly had her meds adjusted. There were times I could tell she was not taking her meds by what she was saying, like we were being followed in the car.....

I told her to apply for SSDI. She was denied! I told her to get an attorney, she did and won her case. I tried looking her up but the number was changed. I always wondered how she was doing.

Is the glass half full?
Is the glass half empty?
Is the glass Trump's fault?

If you answer #3 then you really are a schizophrenic.
True Story:

My friend, when she was 29 she took a shotgun out of the closet and pointed it at her husband. She said he was working with the FBI and trying to take her away. She said the FBI was outside and waiting for her. She was hospitalized 9 times for the illness and I visited her many times there. She would tell me they were waiting for her outside and I would hold her hands and tell nobody is outside. She constantly had her meds adjusted. There were times I could tell she was not taking her meds by what she was saying, like we were being followed in the car.....

I told her to apply for SSDI. She was denied! I told her to get an attorney, she did and won her case. I tried looking her up but the number was changed. I always wondered how she was doing.
I am so sad for her, the family, and friends.

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