Ask a snob: Why are MILLIONS of jobs going "unfilled"?

I'm not sure how that answers my post, but please continue.

It doesn't answer your question.
It highlights an additional problem area in our universities.
What kind of a career can one have with, say, a PhD in Philosophy, which is not in critical demand, compared to an RN, PA, etc ?

Usually, when someone quotes a post, it is because the poster is posting a logical response to the quoted text.

But if this works for you... :thup:

Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

More funding of universities and giving larger pell grants will do absolutely nothing if universities graduate Philosophy PhD rather than graduate critical need positions in the US.
The only one that benefits from the Phil Doc is the University.
The whole country benefits from nurses.

I assumed, wrongly, that you'd see the connection.
I don't know what to say. Rick Santurum feels education is for snobs. Republicans have blocked Obama at every turn. What is their plan for America? Banana Republic?

It’s part of the reactionary, deranged ideology of conservative Social Darwinism.
I already did. (see highlight above)

Since we are posting asymmetrically anyways, I'd like to point out that I requested that you answer this question:

What about these countries is inapplicable to the USA?

My being a socialist is not really a logical response to that query.

Not logical? Sure it is, your "Socialist ideology" alone tells any RATIONAL person that no matter what FACTS are presented, they will fall on deaf ears... So why bother. But I am glad you admitted it.

You should have gone with "poopy pants", that would have explained everything.
What is their plan for America? Banana Republic?

actually their plan is capitalism.

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.

Make inflation illegal? Hilarious.

Republicans already sent away the illegals in Georgia at the cost of maybe a billion dollars and the partial destruction of it's farming industry. You sit in front of the Internet. Learn to use Google.
Privatize Social Security? What does that mean?

You haven't thought this stuff through. One ridiculous thing after another.
I don't know what to say. Rick Santurum feels education is for snobs. Republicans have blocked Obama at every turn. What is their plan for America? Banana Republic?

It’s part of the reactionary, deranged ideology of conservative Social Darwinism.

Ask them how that will help America and they say they will be "free".
It truly is totally stupid. But that is just Ed. Never has done anything but regurgitate the Tea Party Con dogma. Kind of nice, though, to have his ideas all in one place.
So, look through them and ask yourself, for each of his 15 points, who wins. And in every case it is the corporation. With the possible exceptions of 4 and 6. Which are simply racial hatred and stupidity.
Just a bunch of talking points placed in Eds head by his masters. Can't rationally support any of them. Just makes stupid statements and insults anyone who would question his drivel.
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Until we can see and really understand that ALL education, whether it be university or trade school, is an investment in our own future, nothing will change. Its true that the R's are anti-education but its also true that they are not in favor of investing in the US. All we have to do is look at the rw's blind support of Mitt's investment in foreign countries over his own to see that they won't demand any change that could help our own future.

I long for the days when the GObP/R/rw's were patriot and truly cared about where their country was going. Across the board, they have repeatedly said that all they really care about is unseating Obama. Pretty sick and very unpatriotic.
Until we can see and really understand that ALL education, whether it be university or trade school, is an investment in our own future, nothing will change. Its true that the R's are anti-education but its also true that they are not in favor of investing in the US. All we have to do is look at the rw's blind support of Mitt's investment in foreign countries over his own to see that they won't demand any change that could help our own future.

I long for the days when the GObP/R/rw's were patriot and truly cared about where their country was going. Across the board, they have repeatedly said that all they really care about is unseating Obama. Pretty sick and very unpatriotic.

We aren't gonna 'see' anything until you see that you're a lying twit.
Until we can see and really understand that ALL education, whether it be university or trade school, is an investment in our own future, nothing will change. Its true that the R's are anti-education but its also true that they are not in favor of investing in the US. All we have to do is look at the rw's blind support of Mitt's investment in foreign countries over his own to see that they won't demand any change that could help our own future.

I long for the days when the GObP/R/rw's were patriot and truly cared about where their country was going. Across the board, they have repeatedly said that all they really care about is unseating Obama. Pretty sick and very unpatriotic.

We aren't gonna 'see' anything until you see that you're a lying twit.

One way to gauge how little rw's actually know about a given subject is that they don't address the issue. Instead, some of them revert to the grade school level of name calling, especially if they are lying.

FACT - Mitt invests his money out of the country, in foreign banks and foreign countries. Think back, cg and I'll bet you remember screeching that he wasn't doing anything illegal and that you supported his anti-America investments.

And, I'll bet you still do.

Or, did you mean to say you do not support R's or Mitt's foreign investments?

(You can't possible mean you support President Obama's asking congress to pass legislation that support US companies hiring US citizens.)
Until we can see and really understand that ALL education, whether it be university or trade school, is an investment in our own future, nothing will change. Its true that the R's are anti-education but its also true that they are not in favor of investing in the US. All we have to do is look at the rw's blind support of Mitt's investment in foreign countries over his own to see that they won't demand any change that could help our own future.

I long for the days when the GObP/R/rw's were patriot and truly cared about where their country was going. Across the board, they have repeatedly said that all they really care about is unseating Obama. Pretty sick and very unpatriotic.

We aren't gonna 'see' anything until you see that you're a lying twit.

One way to gauge how little rw's actually know about a given subject is that they don't address the issue. Instead, some of them revert to the grade school level of name calling, especially if they are lying.

FACT - Mitt invests his money out of the country, in foreign banks and foreign countries. Think back, cg and I'll bet you remember screeching that he wasn't doing anything illegal and that you supported his anti-America investments.

And, I'll bet you still do.

Or, did you mean to say you do not support R's or Mitt's foreign investments?

(You can't possible mean you support President Obama's asking congress to pass legislation that support US companies hiring US citizens.)

Your 'facts' are not 'facts', they are opinions. When you state opinion as 'fact', I don't waste any effort responding with logic... you don't deserve logic, you don't understand logic... and you sure as hell don't understand basic economics.

You get your panties in a wad about Romney's 'foreign' investments.... and remain silent about the thousands of liberals who do the same thing. Hypocrisy. I laugh at hypocrites. :lol:
To summarize: BakshisMouse wants to go to College, and wants the rest of US to pay for it.

I'm going to college. It might be hard, but I'm going.

I just think it would be easy for the Federal government to make it easier for more people to go. If that means using tax dollars, so be it. The USA is already undertaxed compared to the rest of the developed world.

It wasn't hard to figure out you were in fact going to College.:lol: Thanks for admitting to EVERYONE that YOU want THEM to pay HIGHER TAXES so YOU can go to College for FREE, or at least at a REDUCED Tuition. Pay you OWN damn Bills the rest of us are TIRED of it.
A friend of mine runs the IT department for a small non-profit. He can't find a good basic programmer, even in this economy.
To summarize: BakshisMouse wants to go to College, and wants the rest of US to pay for it.

I'm going to college. It might be hard, but I'm going.

I just think it would be easy for the Federal government to make it easier for more people to go. If that means using tax dollars, so be it. The USA is already undertaxed compared to the rest of the developed world.
Like rderp, you're awfully generous with other people's money.

What are you majoring in? I want to know if my investment in your education has a chance of being repaid.

I'm planning to major in finance actually. Thank you for your curiosity in the tax dollars that are hardly contributing to my education in the slightest. (i.e. yours)

The default rate on Direct Stafford Loans is not high, got it? So unless you can prove that such programs are a burden to the public as a whole, rather than a huge help, I suggest you stuff it.
To summarize: BakshisMouse wants to go to College, and wants the rest of US to pay for it.

I'm going to college. It might be hard, but I'm going.

I just think it would be easy for the Federal government to make it easier for more people to go. If that means using tax dollars, so be it. The USA is already undertaxed compared to the rest of the developed world.

It wasn't hard to figure out you were in fact going to College.:lol: Thanks for admitting to EVERYONE that YOU want THEM to pay HIGHER TAXES so YOU can go to College for FREE, or at least at a REDUCED Tuition. Pay you OWN damn Bills the rest of us are TIRED of it.
Exactly what I'm saying. You haven't yet provided proof that such a proposal would be unsustainable.
Would anyone here please explain how this proposal:

Federal assistance to state and local government to fill in their budget shortfalls.

More generous Direct Stafford Loans and a max Pell Grant increased from $5,000 to $15,000

Would be unsustainable, especially coupled with higher taxes to address long-run budget issues?

None of this would be complete subsidization! This would be just an expansion of current, underfunded programs.
While you're at it, explain this one away:

You say that college is a choice. What other choice is there if someone wants to become a productive individual?

Sure Bill Gates was a college dropout, but he already knew computers!

What about the many who need the education to get such skills?
I do believe this thread deserves a bump, if only to give the people whom I've sniped a chance to fight back.
We aren't gonna 'see' anything until you see that you're a lying twit.

One way to gauge how little rw's actually know about a given subject is that they don't address the issue. Instead, some of them revert to the grade school level of name calling, especially if they are lying.

FACT - Mitt invests his money out of the country, in foreign banks and foreign countries. Think back, cg and I'll bet you remember screeching that he wasn't doing anything illegal and that you supported his anti-America investments.

And, I'll bet you still do.

Or, did you mean to say you do not support R's or Mitt's foreign investments?

(You can't possible mean you support President Obama's asking congress to pass legislation that support US companies hiring US citizens.)

Your 'facts' are not 'facts', they are opinions. When you state opinion as 'fact', I don't waste any effort responding with logic... you don't deserve logic, you don't understand logic... and you sure as hell don't understand basic economics.

You get your panties in a wad about Romney's 'foreign' investments.... and remain silent about the thousands of liberals who do the same thing. Hypocrisy. I laugh at hypocrites. :lol:

Don't you think you're the "last person" who should be complaining about a lack of "facts"?
To summarize: BakshisMouse wants to go to College, and wants the rest of US to pay for it.

I'm going to college. It might be hard, but I'm going.

I just think it would be easy for the Federal government to make it easier for more people to go. If that means using tax dollars, so be it. The USA is already undertaxed compared to the rest of the developed world.

It wasn't hard to figure out you were in fact going to College.:lol: Thanks for admitting to EVERYONE that YOU want THEM to pay HIGHER TAXES so YOU can go to College for FREE, or at least at a REDUCED Tuition. Pay you OWN damn Bills the rest of us are TIRED of it.

Then give up those food stamps and disability.
I don't know what to say. Rick Santurum feels education is for snobs. Republicans have blocked Obama at every turn. What is their plan for America? Banana Republic?

It’s part of the reactionary, deranged ideology of conservative Social Darwinism.

Ask them how that will help America and they say they will be "free".

Freedom scares you, doesn't it? Far better to have the government make all your decisions for you.

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