Ask a snob: Why are MILLIONS of jobs going "unfilled"?

When a thread is started about education and how it benefits the country, Republicans do everything they can to derail it. They don't want that discussion to take place.
I don't know what you're talking about. No education will cost this country infinitely more than supporting education in a manner that makes sense.

Why do you always lie? You're just awful. At least I tell the truth. And then, you say you don't bother reading links because your tiny mind is already "made up".


I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.

Quit working so hard at "stupid". The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republican 9 to 1 over Democrats. If the parties were the same, it would be an even split. That is so fucking obvious. Duh!
Glass houses and all that. :eusa_whistle:
College is a CHOICE. Expecting someone else to pay for the choice YOU MAKE (barring some wounded Warrior program, or the like) with other people's Tax dollars is absurd. And with Tuition at its current numbers, I'd hardly call the Tax drain on what you are seeking, as negligible. If you don't like paying for YOUR OWN Education, join the Military and we'll be happy to SUBSIDIZE YOU.

I'm not calling for complete subsidization of all universities in the USA, public and private. That might indeed be impossible.

What I call for is federal assistance to state and local government to fill in their budget shortfalls.

Also, more generous Direct Stafford Loans and a max Pell Grant increased from $5,000 to $15,000 hardly "subsidizing".

You say that college is a choise. What other choise is there if someone wants to become a productive individual?

Well, personally I would learn how to spell "CHOICE" before I was going to drop a single dime (mine, or the Taxpayers) on higher Education, for starters.

Are you seriously focusing on a misspelling on my part and ignoring my larger point?

By the way, education is not usually spelled with a capital E. I guess you don't deserve any benefit the government might offer you. Are you willing to give up any tax deductions? I hear that the federal government is dying for more revenues.
Universities need to expand classrooms and their teaching 'quotas' for certain desirable vocations, example, nursing.

The US has such a nursing shortage, we have to import sub-standard nurses from the Philippines.
Who set it up this way?
I'm not sure how that answers my post, but please continue.

It doesn't answer your question.
It highlights an additional problem area in our universities.
What kind of a career can one have with, say, a PhD in Philosophy, which is not in critical demand, compared to an RN, PA, etc ?

Usually, when someone quotes a post, it is because the poster is posting a logical response to the quoted text.

But if this works for you... :thup:
If we raised students’ math scores on international tests by 40 points, we would realize $75 trillion in economic gains by 2090. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, we have about 3.2 million unfilled jobs, while 14 million Americans are unemployed. Even worse, experts predict a shortage of 14 million college-educated workers by 2020.

More than half of business leaders say their companies face a major challenge in recruiting non-managerial employees with the right skills, training, and education. If we don’t pick up the pace, by 2020, there will be 123 million jobs in America defined as high-skilled and high-wage but only 50 million people will be qualified to fill them. Every single data point confirms that we must pick up the pace of education.

Instead of figuring out how to get more kids to match their grade level, we are debating issues such as the very existence of the U.S. Department of Education and the extent to which we should hold states and schools accountable.

Building a Globally Competitive Workforce | Institute for a Competitive Workforce

WASHINGTON — The U.S. unemployment rate remains above 8 percent, and every politician extols the importance of job creation. Yet each month thousands of manufacturing jobs are there for the taking – but companies are unable to hire sufficiently skilled workers.

Manufacturers push skills certificate as good jobs go unfilled | McClatchy

From 2010 through March, manufacturers added 470,000 jobs and enjoyed a rate of job growth 10% faster than the rest of the private economy. In the past many areas suffered from having too many industrial workers. Now it looks like we will have too few skilled ones, even in hard-hit sectors like the auto industry. In 2011 there were 50,000 unfilled U.S. job openings in industrial engineering, welding, and computer-controlled machine tool operating, according to the forecasting firm EMSI. If the revival continues, this shortage could worsen.

Cities Leading An American Manufacturing Revival - Forbes,cf.osb&fp=e9b8bee5a44da4f1&biw=1192&bih=641

I don't know what to say. Rick Santurum feels education is for snobs. Republicans have blocked Obama at every turn. What is their plan for America? Banana Republic?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

the number of ue Americans is actuall 22.9 million

If liberals want people to get education, they need to force colleges and universities to lower the cost.

seriously, how dare evul educators demand so much from the poor?

I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.

Quit working so hard at "stupid". The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republican 9 to 1 over Democrats. If the parties were the same, it would be an even split. That is so fucking obvious. Duh!
Glass houses and all that. :eusa_whistle:

I started a thread about this very thing three years ago. Not all the links might still be working, but at lease we can get a good look at the "invitation" the Chamber of Commerce used:
If we raised students’ math scores on international tests by 40 points, we would realize $75 trillion in economic gains by 2090. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, we have about 3.2 million unfilled jobs, while 14 million Americans are unemployed. Even worse, experts predict a shortage of 14 million college-educated workers by 2020.

More than half of business leaders say their companies face a major challenge in recruiting non-managerial employees with the right skills, training, and education. If we don’t pick up the pace, by 2020, there will be 123 million jobs in America defined as high-skilled and high-wage but only 50 million people will be qualified to fill them. Every single data point confirms that we must pick up the pace of education.

Instead of figuring out how to get more kids to match their grade level, we are debating issues such as the very existence of the U.S. Department of Education and the extent to which we should hold states and schools accountable.

Building a Globally Competitive Workforce | Institute for a Competitive Workforce

WASHINGTON — The U.S. unemployment rate remains above 8 percent, and every politician extols the importance of job creation. Yet each month thousands of manufacturing jobs are there for the taking – but companies are unable to hire sufficiently skilled workers.

Manufacturers push skills certificate as good jobs go unfilled | McClatchy

From 2010 through March, manufacturers added 470,000 jobs and enjoyed a rate of job growth 10% faster than the rest of the private economy. In the past many areas suffered from having too many industrial workers. Now it looks like we will have too few skilled ones, even in hard-hit sectors like the auto industry. In 2011 there were 50,000 unfilled U.S. job openings in industrial engineering, welding, and computer-controlled machine tool operating, according to the forecasting firm EMSI. If the revival continues, this shortage could worsen.

Cities Leading An American Manufacturing Revival - Forbes,cf.osb&fp=e9b8bee5a44da4f1&biw=1192&bih=641

I don't know what to say. Rick Santurum feels education is for snobs. Republicans have blocked Obama at every turn. What is their plan for America? Banana Republic?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

the number of ue Americans is actuall 22.9 million

If liberals want people to get education, they need to force colleges and universities to lower the cost.

seriously, how dare evul educators demand so much from the poor?

And yet it's Republican who want to "double the interests rates". Imagine that.

Senate Republicans Vote To Hike Student Loan Rates
There is no way to raise student scoring that doesn't involve participation by the students. If they insist on failing, there is no form of education and no amount of money that will change their minds. That includes direct payment.

Nonsense. If we give Dem special interest grou -- I mean, teacher's unio -- I mean, school systems more money, it'll fix everything!

Right, derp?
We get it...You're a Socialist. Let me guess, you are currently enrolled in College, and you are trying to argue why WE the Taxpayers need to subsidize you. Take some personal responsibility for your own debts, and leave the rest of us out of it. By the way, you don't have to use the word "Fuck" in every post to get your point across... Seems to muddy the water if you want to be taken seriously.

Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

The burden on society for those very individuals least likely to benefit from college binge drinking and partying is not worth the cost.

An argument could be made that students taking hard science and math courses and maintain a top tier GPA may be able to repay their debt to society, there is nothing to be gained whatsoever from liberal arts classes and social programming majors. How about a compromise. Greater aid to aspiring doctors, engineers, nuclear physicists and chemists and none at all to Black Studies, Chicano History, Transgender pottery history or any other fluff course where leaving a recorder in the chair counts as showing up.
We just want the system to turn out educated graduates.
Derp doesn't want educated graduates.

He wants indoctrinated graduates. Kids who are taught what to think, not how to think.

It's the only way liberalism can survive.

It's not me who want's "mysticism" taught as "science" or believes the Grand Canyon was created by "Noah's Flood".
No, you just claim a polluted Chinese river is in Texas.

Is that what you want children to learn? That it's okay to lie in service of the leftist agenda?
But still, one party is for education and jobs and the other party helped move millions of jobs to China and cuts education in every way they can. So it seems there is a difference.
But they are owned by the same Bankers so you only have the "illusion" of choice.

Quit working so hard at "stupid". The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republican 9 to 1 over Democrats. If the parties were the same, it would be an even split. That is so fucking obvious. Duh!
And it never occurs to you that the reason the CoC gives to the GOP is because Dems are hostile to business, does it?

Of course not. You're not that bright.
I don't know what you're talking about. No education will cost this country infinitely more than supporting education in a manner that makes sense.

Why do you always lie? You're just awful. At least I tell the truth. And then, you say you don't bother reading links because your tiny mind is already "made up".


I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.
I showed where a claim you made was wrong here:

You never did admit you lied.
I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.

Quit working so hard at "stupid". The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republican 9 to 1 over Democrats. If the parties were the same, it would be an even split. That is so fucking obvious. Duh!
Glass houses and all that. :eusa_whistle:

I started a thread about this very thing three years ago. Not all the links might still be working, but at lease we can get a good look at the "invitation" the Chamber of Commerce used:

The loud SWOOSHING sound you hear is the point rapidly zipping above your head.
To summarize: BakshisMouse wants to go to College, and wants the rest of US to pay for it.

I'm going to college. It might be hard, but I'm going.

I just think it would be easy for the Federal government to make it easier for more people to go. If that means using tax dollars, so be it. The USA is already undertaxed compared to the rest of the developed world.
Like rderp, you're awfully generous with other people's money.

What are you majoring in? I want to know if my investment in your education has a chance of being repaid.
So far, we've all heard Republicans say why nothing works, but what are their plans? Or is it they don't have any.
Universities need to expand classrooms and their teaching 'quotas' for certain desirable vocations, example, nursing.

The US has such a nursing shortage, we have to import sub-standard nurses from the Philippines.
Who set it up this way?
I'm not sure how that answers my post, but please continue.

It doesn't answer your question.
It highlights an additional problem area in our universities.
What kind of a career can one have with, say, a PhD in Philosophy, which is not in critical demand, compared to an RN, PA, etc ?
Fast food.
Glass houses and all that. :eusa_whistle:

I started a thread about this very thing three years ago. Not all the links might still be working, but at lease we can get a good look at the "invitation" the Chamber of Commerce used:

The loud SWOOSHING sound you hear is the point rapidly zipping above your head.

Yea, you're just way too smart and cryptic for me. Must be hard being so smart. It's like the guy with one good eye living in the land of the blind.
When a thread is started about education and how it benefits the country, Republicans do everything they can to derail it. They don't want that discussion to take place.

Oh, please. You don't want discussion. You want immediate and unquestioning acceptance and endorsement of everything you say.

Boy, are YOU in the wrong place. You'd be far happier in any of the moonbat echo chambers. :lol:
What is their plan for America? Banana Republic?

actually their plan is capitalism.

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.

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