Ask a snob: Why are MILLIONS of jobs going "unfilled"?

Well THAT would be the Bankers plan and they own both parties.

But still, one party is for education and jobs and the other party helped move millions of jobs to China and cuts education in every way they can. So it seems there is a difference.
But they are owned by the same Bankers so you only have the "illusion" of choice.

Quit working so hard at "stupid". The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republican 9 to 1 over Democrats. If the parties were the same, it would be an even split. That is so fucking obvious. Duh!
We just want the system to turn out educated graduates.
Derp doesn't want educated graduates.

He wants indoctrinated graduates. Kids who are taught what to think, not how to think.

It's the only way liberalism can survive.

It's not me who want's "mysticism" taught as "science" or believes the Grand Canyon was created by "Noah's Flood".

Never heard of that before you lying idiot.

I went to private school and never heard those dumb theories... ever.

We were taught the same things public school kids learned except with teachers and staff who actually cared if we learned and graduated, because they knew if they didn't the school funding would dry up due to a lack of students who's parents were unwilling to send them to a school where no one graduated and went on to successful careers.
They earned there merits as teachers... no tenured teachers there...
Quit working so hard at "stupid". The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republican 9 to 1 over Democrats. If the parties were the same, it would be an even split. That is so fucking obvious. Duh!

There is no way to raise student scoring that doesn't involve participation by the students. If they insist on failing, there is no form of education and no amount of money that will change their minds. That includes direct payment.

And it ALL starts at home, not with the gov't.

No amount of money on earth is going to help if you do not have the family structure to support it.
Look at most of the countries where student "seem" to be smarter than American kids. There is usually a strong family structure to go with it.

Government IS NOT the answer, and more money will not solve the problem.

Actually, government working with corporations and institution of higher learning IS the answer. Republicans have been indoctrinated into hating government so much, they can't see the good it has done. Since they hate both education and government, they expect corporations to "do it all". Only they won't. No one can sit on a three legged stool with only one leg.
Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

The universities are spending money on bullshit, and not education..... we can not afford to keep giving them money.

Why not let universities exist on their own merits...? Why do we have to publicly fund them?
The private school my kids attend kicks out more honor student than not (my two oldest included) and not a dime comes from gov't.

Just look at Hillsdale College, not public funding... all private, and they are doing a great job.

Again, government is not the answer here....

Why should I care about a college that makes it clear that it is providing a counter-bias to a perceived bias in higher education? Sure, I'm sure plenty of productive people have graduated from there, but I don't think it's anything special.

That "liberal" universitry Harvard has more than $20 billion in endowment. That sure doesn't all come from the government.

Is there any evidence that a graduate from Hillsdale college is any less productive than a gradate from a university that recieved significant government funding? Is there any evidence that a graduate from Hillsdale is any more productive than a graduate from UCLA, Berkeley, UGA, Georgia Tech, Penn State, U Minnesota, U Mich, Michigan State, Wisconsin-Madison, U Mass, Rutgers, or any other public university I can name from the top of my head?

There is no indication that the federal government is close to a debt crisis. Why are you saying that the Federal Government can't afford to give more generous aid?
I already did. (see highlight above)

Since we are posting asymmetrically anyways, I'd like to point out that I requested that you answer this question:

What about these countries is inapplicable to the USA?

My being a socialist is not really a logical response to that query.

Not logical? Sure it is, your "Socialist ideology" alone tells any RATIONAL person that no matter what FACTS are presented, they will fall on deaf ears... So why bother. But I am glad you admitted it.
'Free' education? Could rdean explain how we educate kids for 'free'?

I don't know what you're talking about. No education will cost this country infinitely more than supporting education in a manner that makes sense.

Why do you always lie? You're just awful. At least I tell the truth. And then, you say you don't bother reading links because your tiny mind is already "made up".


I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.
To summarize: BakshisMouse wants to go to College, and wants the rest of US to pay for it.
We get it...You're a Socialist. Let me guess, you are currently enrolled in College, and you are trying to argue why WE the Taxpayers need to subsidize you. Take some personal responsibility for your own debts, and leave the rest of us out of it. By the way, you don't have to use the word "Fuck" in every post to get your point across... Seems to muddy the water if you want to be taken seriously.

Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

Universities need to expand classrooms and their teaching 'quotas' for certain desirable vocations, example, nursing.

The US has such a nursing shortage, we have to import sub-standard nurses from the Philippines.
Who set it up this way?
I don't know what you're talking about. No education will cost this country infinitely more than supporting education in a manner that makes sense.

Why do you always lie? You're just awful. At least I tell the truth. And then, you say you don't bother reading links because your tiny mind is already "made up".


I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.

Maybe if your links didn't always go to Leftist Partisan Hack sites you might have had a point.
We get it...You're a Socialist. Let me guess, you are currently enrolled in College, and you are trying to argue why WE the Taxpayers need to subsidize you. Take some personal responsibility for your own debts, and leave the rest of us out of it. By the way, you don't have to use the word "Fuck" in every post to get your point across... Seems to muddy the water if you want to be taken seriously.

Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

College is a CHOICE. Expecting someone else to pay for the choice YOU MAKE (barring some wounded Warrior program, or the like) with other people's Tax dollars is absurd. And with Tuition at its current numbers, I'd hardly call the Tax drain on what you are seeking, as negligible. If you don't like paying for YOUR OWN Education, join the Military and we'll be happy to SUBSIDIZE YOU.

I'm not calling for complete subsidization of all universities in the USA, public and private. That might indeed be impossible.

What I call for is federal assistance to state and local government to fill in their budget shortfalls.

Also, more generous Direct Stafford Loans and a max Pell Grant increased from $5,000 to $15,000 hardly "subsidizing".

You say that college is a choise. What other choise is there if someone wants to become a productive individual?
Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

Universities need to expand classrooms and their teaching 'quotas' for certain desirable vocations, example, nursing.

The US has such a nursing shortage, we have to import sub-standard nurses from the Philippines.
Who set it up this way?
I'm not sure how that answers my post, but please continue.
I already did. (see highlight above)

Since we are posting asymmetrically anyways, I'd like to point out that I requested that you answer this question:

What about these countries is inapplicable to the USA?

My being a socialist is not really a logical response to that query.

Not logical? Sure it is, your "Socialist ideology" alone tells any RATIONAL person that no matter what FACTS are presented, they will fall on deaf ears... So why bother. But I am glad you admitted it.
I'm not exactly a socialist, because I believe in the concept of private property.

The rest of your post is just ad hominem.
To summarize: BakshisMouse wants to go to College, and wants the rest of US to pay for it.

I'm going to college. It might be hard, but I'm going.

I just think it would be easy for the Federal government to make it easier for more people to go. If that means using tax dollars, so be it. The USA is already undertaxed compared to the rest of the developed world.
Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

The universities are spending money on bullshit, and not education..... we can not afford to keep giving them money.

Why not let universities exist on their own merits...? Why do we have to publicly fund them?
The private school my kids attend kicks out more honor student than not (my two oldest included) and not a dime comes from gov't.

Just look at Hillsdale College, not public funding... all private, and they are doing a great job.

Again, government is not the answer here....

Why should I care about a college that makes it clear that it is providing a counter-bias to a perceived bias in higher education? Sure, I'm sure plenty of productive people have graduated from there, but I don't think it's anything special.

That "liberal" universitry Harvard has more than $20 billion in endowment. That sure doesn't all come from the government.

Is there any evidence that a graduate from Hillsdale college is any less productive than a gradate from a university that recieved significant government funding? Is there any evidence that a graduate from Hillsdale is any more productive than a graduate from UCLA, Berkeley, UGA, Georgia Tech, Penn State, U Minnesota, U Mich, Michigan State, Wisconsin-Madison, U Mass, Rutgers, or any other public university I can name from the top of my head?

There is no indication that the federal government is close to a debt crisis. Why are you saying that the Federal Government can't afford to give more generous aid?

Refusing to accept any government funding or student loans help keep the school 99% white and it keeps out the "wrong kind of people". They are very proud of their 5 Chinese students and when you ask about "diversity", they say, "Diversity is not just a matter of skin tone, it is a matter of thought and opinion. Hillsdale has a lot more diversity than your average liberal state school in that regard, so yes it is diverse."

Hillsdale College - Reviews - Student Reviews - College Prowler

I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.

Maybe if your links didn't always go to Leftist Partisan Hack sites you might have had a point.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it. Stop spewing right wing pablum.
Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

College is a CHOICE. Expecting someone else to pay for the choice YOU MAKE (barring some wounded Warrior program, or the like) with other people's Tax dollars is absurd. And with Tuition at its current numbers, I'd hardly call the Tax drain on what you are seeking, as negligible. If you don't like paying for YOUR OWN Education, join the Military and we'll be happy to SUBSIDIZE YOU.

I'm not calling for complete subsidization of all universities in the USA, public and private. That might indeed be impossible.

What I call for is federal assistance to state and local government to fill in their budget shortfalls.

Also, more generous Direct Stafford Loans and a max Pell Grant increased from $5,000 to $15,000 hardly "subsidizing".

You say that college is a choise. What other choise is there if someone wants to become a productive individual?

Well, personally I would learn how to spell "CHOICE" before I was going to drop a single dime (mine, or the Taxpayers) on higher Education, for starters.
I want right wingers to show me where I'm wrong, but they never do. They just call names. I put up links over and over again. You can lead a conservative to knowledge, but you can't make it learn.

Maybe if your links didn't always go to Leftist Partisan Hack sites you might have had a point.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it. Stop spewing right wing pablum.

Is it? We have only history to judge.:lol::lol::lol:
Outside of the negligible effect on "personal responsibiliby", would you please tell me how larger federal funding of public university education coupled with more generous federal aid would be negative for the country as a whole?

Universities need to expand classrooms and their teaching 'quotas' for certain desirable vocations, example, nursing.

The US has such a nursing shortage, we have to import sub-standard nurses from the Philippines.
Who set it up this way?
I'm not sure how that answers my post, but please continue.

It doesn't answer your question.
It highlights an additional problem area in our universities.
What kind of a career can one have with, say, a PhD in Philosophy, which is not in critical demand, compared to an RN, PA, etc ?

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