Ask the British, gun control was just the tool to get home searches without warrants...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Now that they have disarmed the British citizen and left them at the mercy of violent criminals, they want to use gun control as a means of searching homes whenever they feel like it…..using the fear or armed citizens as the excuse….

Police Have Failed The Public On Gun Licensing, Say Inspectors

Everything we point to about the gun debate is now going on in Britain…….they want no confidentiality between patients and doctors, the power to search homes because of the threat of guns…………..

Gun grabbers won't stop at guns….they want all of your freedoms….

It also points out why the mental health and medical health strategy of the gun grabbers needs to be fought……

The wider context is that the police have been lobbying since last year for new powers to forcibly enter your home without having to justify themselves: a dangerous overreach of the state’s powers. Evidently they see accountability as something the public must demonstrate to them and not the other way round, as democratic societies work.

Worryingly, the police also want to end doctor-patient confidentiality, which is where the apples-and-oranges comparison between bus drivers and licensed firearms owners comes in.

“The Home Office should ensure that licensing does not take place without a current medical report from the applicant’s GP,” said HMIC.

Their detailed plan is for no firearm or shotgun certificate to be issued without the applicant paying for a doctor’s report which will amount to the doctor saying “I certify this person is not insane”.

No sensible medic is going to take that risk, meaning such reports won’t be issued, and so the number of gun owners will fall, which is the police’s real aim here.

The current system, where doctors only contact police where mental health concerns exist, is broadly fit for purpose but does need some improvement.

Police Have Failed The Public On Gun Licensing, Say Inspectors

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OK, I just asked the British.

They replied, and I quote, "2a, oh, 'e's a fookin' wanker".

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