Ask the GOP why Obama can't just send those kids back

This is getting to be very funny.

The RWs are so studiously looking the other way, pretending they don't know its the Repblicans who are stopping all efforts at deporting those kids just as it has always been the pubs who want amnesty.

All along, its been Obama who has been doing the deporting. Its Obama who put up more of the fence and Obama who went over the damn Do Nothings' heads to hire Border Patrol.

What have the Republicans done?


Wrong. Just as the media is claiming he's using bush law when the admin is actually citing a clinton law from 2000. Also, deportations have not increased under O. They have decreased.
Why are rightwingnuts scared of a few kids?

Oh that's right. Those kids will learn. Something rightwingnuts have lost the ability to do.
Why are rightwingnuts scared of a few kids?

Oh that's right. Those kids will learn. Something rightwingnuts have lost the ability to do.

Are you part of the 47% in this country who don't have to pay for these 'kids'?

Why are rightwingnuts scared of a few kids?

Oh that's right. Those kids will learn. Something rightwingnuts have lost the ability to do.

A few kids?

'Wave of humanity': Border Patrol overwhelmed by flow of illegal immigrants | Fox News

The number of illegal immigrants is so high that the Border Patrol can barely cope. From last October to the end of May, 162,000 people from countries "other than Mexico" have entered the United States across the southern border. That’s a nearly 100 percent increase from the previous year. Three-quarters of those crossed in the Rio Grande Valley. Among them were 47,017 unaccompanied children, sent by family in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador or Nicaragua to join relatives in the United States.
He doesn't want to send ANY illegal back.

It was one of the final pieces of legislation signed into law by President George W. Bush, a measure that passed without controversy, along with a pension bill and another one calling for national parks to be commemorated on quarters.

“This is a piece of legislation we’re very proud to sign,” a White House spokesman, Tony Fratto, told reporters on Dec. 23, 2008, as the president put his pen to the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, named for a 19th-century British abolitionist. “This program has been very effective around the world in trying to stop trafficking in persons.”

Originally pushed by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers as well as by evangelical groups to combat sex trafficking, the bill gave substantial new protections to children entering the country alone who were not from Mexico or Canada by prohibiting them from being quickly sent back to their country of origin.

One of the final pieces of legislation signed into law by President George W. Bush


Every time a crisis pops up, it leads back to Bush. The GOP gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving. They even name new disasters after old Bush disasters.


Nine times that the media has declared a "Katrina Moment" for Barack Obama.

The Department of Health and Human Services is estimating in its new budget proposal that the number of unaccompanied alien children who will be caught having illegally entered the United States will rise to 60,000 in fiscal 2014.
That is up about 815 percent from the 6,560 unaccompanied alien children (UAC) who were apprehended in the U.S. only three years ago in fiscal 2011.

It either took them 6 years to figure out the Bush legislation or President Obama sent them several Executive Orders saying y'all come.
I know which one it is.
It was one of the final pieces of legislation signed into law by President George W. Bush, a measure that passed without controversy, along with a pension bill and another one calling for national parks to be commemorated on quarters.

“This is a piece of legislation we’re very proud to sign,” a White House spokesman, Tony Fratto, told reporters on Dec. 23, 2008, as the president put his pen to the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, named for a 19th-century British abolitionist. “This program has been very effective around the world in trying to stop trafficking in persons.”

Originally pushed by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers as well as by evangelical groups to combat sex trafficking, the bill gave substantial new protections to children entering the country alone who were not from Mexico or Canada by prohibiting them from being quickly sent back to their country of origin.

One of the final pieces of legislation signed into law by President George W. Bush


Every time a crisis pops up, it leads back to Bush. The GOP gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving. They even name new disasters after old Bush disasters.


Nine times that the media has declared a "Katrina Moment" for Barack Obama.

So Obama finds a loophole in the system and causes a crisis.

Guess what he was doing last night?

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This is getting to be very funny.

The RWs are so studiously looking the other way, pretending they don't know its the Repblicans who are stopping all efforts at deporting those kids just as it has always been the pubs who want amnesty.

All along, its been Obama who has been doing the deporting. Its Obama who put up more of the fence and Obama who went over the damn Do Nothings' heads to hire Border Patrol.

What have the Republicans done?


The Republicans tripled the Border Patrol budget in Bush's 8 years. Bush did sign the bill that Congress passed with the Feinstein amendment that stated unaccompanied minors from these countries (Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras) can present themselves at a legal border crossing, claim to be political refugees and seek asylum.

Now Obama wants $3.7 billion to pay for all of the children that came here after he advertised that clause with his executive orders. $3.7 billion is MORE than the entire 2013 Border Patrol budget.
It was one of the final pieces of legislation signed into law by President George W. Bush, a measure that passed without controversy, along with a pension bill and another one calling for national parks to be commemorated on quarters.

“This is a piece of legislation we’re very proud to sign,” a White House spokesman, Tony Fratto, told reporters on Dec. 23, 2008, as the president put his pen to the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, named for a 19th-century British abolitionist. “This program has been very effective around the world in trying to stop trafficking in persons.”

Originally pushed by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers as well as by evangelical groups to combat sex trafficking, the bill gave substantial new protections to children entering the country alone who were not from Mexico or Canada by prohibiting them from being quickly sent back to their country of origin.

One of the final pieces of legislation signed into law by President George W. Bush


Every time a crisis pops up, it leads back to Bush. The GOP gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving. They even name new disasters after old Bush disasters.


Nine times that the media has declared a "Katrina Moment" for Barack Obama.

The Department of Health and Human Services is estimating in its new budget proposal that the number of unaccompanied alien children who will be caught having illegally entered the United States will rise to 60,000 in fiscal 2014.
That is up about 815 percent from the 6,560 unaccompanied alien children (UAC) who were apprehended in the U.S. only three years ago in fiscal 2011.

It either took them 6 years to figure out the Bush legislation or President Obama sent them several Executive Orders saying y'all come.
I know which one it is.

Seems to me that if this is law then Congress needs to fast track and reverse the son of a bitch.

Either that or Barry can whip out his pen and sign another EO.

Rocket science? Nope. Just common sense.
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If all these "children" had been kidnapped in their home country and brought here as sex slaves, you would have a point that this is because of legislation that Bush signed. It isn't and you don't. This invasion is a result of obama saying that children would not be deported. Now we have 30 year old men claiming to be 17 year old "children".

Wow, you know more than the government. Go tell them they don't need to investigate according to the law Bush signed because you already know. When you just "know", you don't need facts or evidence.

The law gives children the right to claim they are political refugees. If they were victims of politics in their country and can prove it, they will be granted amnesty.

The intent of the law was to prevent children that were kidnapped and brought into the US to be sex slaves and what we have is the unintended consequences. The complete lack of the Obama Administration to enforce the law for the reason it was passed is the cause of the increased entry of children.

These children grow up and it means 'more votes for Democrats,' and that is the rallying cry of Obama's liberal base.

Maybe the 6 year olds weren't allowed to vote and a Judge will rule that that made them a political refugee.

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