Ass Covering: Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

Onto the next lie.

Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

The teens showed a lot more control in the face of actual provocation than these allegedly sensible and responsible media adults showed in the face of a bogus news report.

More and more people just ignore the 24 hour rule about these things, and they look like idiots because of it.

Of course, the true hard core progressives don't care, because they got their narrative out, and to them that's all that matters.
24 hours after Buzzfeed was busted too. The Left need to lie to attack Trump and his supporters, says a lot about Trump.

My only question is if people like bodie actually believe the initial story and ignore any further clarification, or they know that it's all bullshit but refuse to accept it publicly because the narrative is too good.

I would suggest it's still early and that america is just not a society that insists upon truth and objective reality. To think the first flip back of the see-saw is the final resting position is just silly. But not to worry, there will be more hysteria over something else and the public will be snarling and sneering at each other over that and will have forgotten this was never really gotten to the bottom of.

By the way, did the school put out anything?
Asam Schiff still plans congressional hearings on the abuse done to that poor Indian by that racist white boy.
The Left are pathetic bullies who hate children.

We love them to death in our schools in america.

Obviously you do. Otherwise you wouldn't put in place stupid disciplinary policies that are too willing to ignore the signs that some kid might commit a school shooting.

"...The Obama administration introduced guidelines in 2014 directing school districts to ensure their disciplinary policies weren’t unevenly falling on black and Hispanic students, although critics have said the guidelines discourage needed punishments. The policy also instructed schools to emphasize “constructive interventions” over harsh disciplinary actions or referrals to local law enforcement..."

Lawmakers Focus on Obama-Era Discipline Policies After Florida School Shooting
I was not aware all of america's school shootings had happened during Obama's time in office. What did Don do about this in his first 2 years with majorities in both houses?
Asam Schiff still plans congressional hearings on the abuse done to that poor Indian by that racist white boy.
The Left are pathetic bullies who hate children.

We love them to death in our schools in america.
Notice how the Left refused to lift a finger to protect them. How many shootings have they helped set up with their liberal laws and their bleeding-heart programs. The last killer was allowed to remain free to kill because of Obama policies that looked the other way.
Sure seems like a lot of media lefties colluded with each other on this story.
It sure also seems a lot of the media felt he needed rescuing. But hey, as long as the unsubstantial people are tearing each other apart, it's all good for the power structure.
Asam Schiff still plans congressional hearings on the abuse done to that poor Indian by that racist white boy.
The Left are pathetic bullies who hate children.

We love them to death in our schools in america.
Notice how the Left refused to lift a finger to protect them. How many shootings have they helped set up with their liberal laws and their bleeding-heart programs. The last killer was allowed to remain free to kill because of Obama policies that looked the other way.
The only way we got where we are in america today was bipartisanly son. Don's had 2 years with majorities in both houses. Where's his "solution"?
Onto the next lie.

Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

The teens showed a lot more control in the face of actual provocation than these allegedly sensible and responsible media adults showed in the face of a bogus news report.

More and more people just ignore the 24 hour rule about these things, and they look like idiots because of it.

Of course, the true hard core progressives don't care, because they got their narrative out, and to them that's all that matters.
24 hours after Buzzfeed was busted too. The Left need to lie to attack Trump and his supporters, says a lot about Trump.

My only question is if people like bodie actually believe the initial story and ignore any further clarification, or they know that it's all bullshit but refuse to accept it publicly because the narrative is too good.

I would suggest it's still early and that america is just not a society that insists upon truth and objective reality. To think the first flip back of the see-saw is the final resting position is just silly. But not to worry, there will be more hysteria over something else and the public will be snarling and sneering at each other over that and will have forgotten this was never really gotten to the bottom of.

By the way, did the school put out anything?

So many words, so little actual content.

They did the usual "we CONDEMN WHAT HE DID" before they found out what he actually did. Now they are probably in damage control mode with the parents of the kids.
Onto the next lie.

Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

The teens showed a lot more control in the face of actual provocation than these allegedly sensible and responsible media adults showed in the face of a bogus news report.
They're kids. They haven't been screwed up by the media yet.

The kids might not be screwed up by the media, but by the look of all uneducated leftists here who still cling to their dogma on the subject, plenty of little sheeple have.

An intelligent person would look at the unedited footage, see what actually happened and then question why the media is trying to manipulate people as it so obviously is. It takes a very special kind of idiot to see that the emperor is naked and STILL insist his clothes are resplendent.
Asam Schiff still plans congressional hearings on the abuse done to that poor Indian by that racist white boy.
The Left are pathetic bullies who hate children.

We love them to death in our schools in america.
Notice how the Left refused to lift a finger to protect them. How many shootings have they helped set up with their liberal laws and their bleeding-heart programs. The last killer was allowed to remain free to kill because of Obama policies that looked the other way.
The only way we got where we are in america today was bipartisanly son. Don's had 2 years with majorities in both houses. Where's his "solution"?
That's not how the constitution works.
Take a class in civics.
When you have less than a filibuster proof majority, and you're dealing with an enemy who refuses to negotiate in good faith like Democrats have, nothing gets done. Even when you have a simple majority and you change the rules to allow a vote, Democrats bribe members of the GOP to turn their backs on America.
So having control in both houses only works when you're willing to break the law. When you are bound by the law, control of both houses means jack squat.
Asam Schiff still plans congressional hearings on the abuse done to that poor Indian by that racist white boy.
The Left are pathetic bullies who hate children.

We love them to death in our schools in america.
Notice how the Left refused to lift a finger to protect them. How many shootings have they helped set up with their liberal laws and their bleeding-heart programs. The last killer was allowed to remain free to kill because of Obama policies that looked the other way.
The only way we got where we are in america today was bipartisanly son. Don's had 2 years with majorities in both houses. Where's his "solution"?
That's not how the constitution works.
Take a class in civics.
When you have less than a filibuster proof majority, and you're dealing with an enemy who refuses to negotiate in good faith like Democrats have, nothing gets done. Even when you have a simple majority and you change the rules to allow a vote Democrats bribe members of the GOP to turn their backs on America.
So having control in both houses only works when you're willing to break the law. When you are bound by the law, control of both houses means jack squat.
Public schools stopped teaching civics for a reason.
Onto the next lie.

Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

The teens showed a lot more control in the face of actual provocation than these allegedly sensible and responsible media adults showed in the face of a bogus news report.
They're kids. They haven't been screwed up by the media yet.

The kids might not be screwed up by the media, but by the look of all uneducated leftists here who still cling to their dogma on the subject, plenty of little sheeple have.

An intelligent person would look at the unedited footage, see what actually happened and then question why the media is trying to manipulate people as it so obviously is. It takes a very special kind of idiot to see that the emperor is naked and STILL insist his clothes are resplendent.
The media is depending on enough people in this country to give up their principles and allow fascism to take over. They are hoping that enough people are so rotten and soulless that they will believe anything they tell them....even if the truth is crystal clear. They refuse to believe their own eyes.
I was not aware all of america's school shootings had happened during Obama's time in office. What did Don do about this in his first 2 years with majorities in both houses?

What position does Trump hold in Congress moron?
Asam Schiff still plans congressional hearings on the abuse done to that poor Indian by that racist white boy.
The Left are pathetic bullies who hate children.

We love them to death in our schools in america.

Obviously you do. Otherwise you wouldn't put in place stupid disciplinary policies that are too willing to ignore the signs that some kid might commit a school shooting.

"...The Obama administration introduced guidelines in 2014 directing school districts to ensure their disciplinary policies weren’t unevenly falling on black and Hispanic students, although critics have said the guidelines discourage needed punishments. The policy also instructed schools to emphasize “constructive interventions” over harsh disciplinary actions or referrals to local law enforcement..."

Lawmakers Focus on Obama-Era Discipline Policies After Florida School Shooting
I was not aware all of america's school shootings had happened during Obama's time in office. What did Don do about this in his first 2 years with majorities in both houses?

The Nicholas Cruz shooting in Florida happened in 2018, whereas Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos wasn't confirmed until 2017.

You can't expect the Trump Administration to root out and reverse every one of Obama's idiotic policies in only two years. We're still finding out the unintended consequences of the Obama years.
Onto the next lie.

Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

The teens showed a lot more control in the face of actual provocation than these allegedly sensible and responsible media adults showed in the face of a bogus news report.
They're kids. They haven't been screwed up by the media yet.

The kids might not be screwed up by the media, but by the look of all uneducated leftists here who still cling to their dogma on the subject, plenty of little sheeple have.

An intelligent person would look at the unedited footage, see what actually happened and then question why the media is trying to manipulate people as it so obviously is. It takes a very special kind of idiot to see that the emperor is naked and STILL insist his clothes are resplendent.
The media is depending on enough people in this country to give up their principles and allow fascism to take over.

Yeah, and they got it:

fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge
Onto the next lie.

Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

The teens showed a lot more control in the face of actual provocation than these allegedly sensible and responsible media adults showed in the face of a bogus news report.
They're kids. They haven't been screwed up by the media yet.

The kids might not be screwed up by the media, but by the look of all uneducated leftists here who still cling to their dogma on the subject, plenty of little sheeple have.

An intelligent person would look at the unedited footage, see what actually happened and then question why the media is trying to manipulate people as it so obviously is. It takes a very special kind of idiot to see that the emperor is naked and STILL insist his clothes are resplendent.
The media is depending on enough people in this country to give up their principles and allow fascism to take over.

Yeah, and they got it:

fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge
Change the word nation to Globalism and it captures the essence of your regressive politics perfectly.

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