Ass Covering: Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

You love your govt, you want it to wall you in. Too afraid to live in a free and open society.

You keep repeating the same idiotic phrase, that a border wall would "wall me in." You've even compared it to the Berlin Wall, which is even more nonsensical.

Are you retarded or something? Do you really not know anything about the Berlin Wall, about history, or the purpose of a country securing their borders from illegal entry?

No, never said a word about the Berlin Wall at all, you're making shit up again.

Maybe it was another leftist. You zipperheads all sound alike anyway.
That may be your problem, you don't know the difference between what is real and what is not, and your spewing of labels is idiotic.

Give me break, zipperhead. Anyone could tell tell that you're a true-blue Kool-Aid drinking leftist. You've got your head so far up the next leftist's bunghole from playing "human centipede", that you don't know if it's day or night.

Do you think people are stupid or something? :laughing0301:

Have you read throught your posts? Yeah, I do.
More bullshit. Funny how Presidents in the past could keep the government from being shutdown for this long. Trum,p said it./ It is all his fault for lack of leadership.

You would think the expert businessman would know the art of the deal.

Presidents in the past only kicked the can down the road. This President is fixing the problems they refused to fix, and the problems they created.

You're not very bright if you can't seem to figure that out.
The wall fixes nothing.
Must be why you commie fuckers don't want it.
Cuz is won't fix nothing.
If that were the case, why are you so against it?

I'm personally not all that into allowing... concentrated wealth and power... wall me into a society where we're already under ...constant corporate state surveillance..., with ...militarized trigger happy police... trained by the Israeli military... in ...population subjugation... and ...societal control... (the Palestinianization of human beings)..., with a ...predatory economic system... in a ...collapsing empire..., without enough ...livable wage jobs for all..., with ...contaminated public water supplies... in various locations already, and the ...most expansive incarceration... and ...for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus... ever known to humankind.

I don't know about anyone else, and "commie" means absolutely nothing any longer precisely because of it's use like this.
Yeah.....all of this concentrated wealth sure is walling you in.

It's almost like he read that word for word out of a little red book...

"I'm personally not all that into allowing concentrated wealth and power wall me into a society where we're already under constant corporate state surveillance, with militarized trigger happy police trained by the Israeli military in population subjugation and societal control (the Palestinianization of human beings), with a predatory economic system in a collapsing empire, without enough livable wage jobs for all, with contaminated public water supplies in various locations already, and the most expansive incarceration and for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus ever known to humankind.....blah blah woof woof meow meow...."

The only thing he left out was FrancoHFW's "idiot moron dupetastic functional dupe..."

The Covington chronicles: on hating the face of a teenage boy

The New Neo ^

One of the most chilling aspects of the hatred fanned by the duplicitous reporting on the videotaped incident regarding the Covington students and the 60-something Native American has been the venomous rage directed against the face of one of the students, as well as the conclusions drawn about the expression on the face and what it might signify about the person.

I've talked about Orwell before in connection with all of this, and I'm going to bring him up again, because the anger unleashed resembles Orwell's Two Minutes Hate (although this hasn't been limited to two minutes at a time). In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell wrote of the feeling stirred up in the audience--interestingly enough, by a propaganda film designed for the purpose:

A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.

The image that provoked a truly hideous rage in an enormous number of people on the left and some on the right was of a teenaged boy named Nicholas Sandmann, whose statement can be found here along with the video screenshot that seems to have sparked the most outrage:

"Bullying" doesn't even begin to describe what has been done to Sandmann by supposedly responsible and thoughtful adults. Even if the original story of what occurred had been true--and it was most definitely not--the depth of the rage would be way out of line.

Here's just one example:

That smug, entitled smile is instantly recognizable. The Face of the Teenager Who Harassed a Native American Veteran Is All Too Familiar

-- Slate (Slate) January 21, 2019

From the article by Ruth Graham, which shows us what the author is fantasizing based on the manipulated story and video:

I think the real reason the clip has spread is simpler: It's the kid's face. The face of self-satisfaction and certitude, of edginess expressed as cruelty. The face remains almost completely still as his peers hoot in awed delight at his bravado. The face is both punchable and untouchable. Many observers recognized it right away.

What is it they "recognized"? A face that is now permissible to hate, apparently; they're not shy about writing about their hate and signing their names to it. That face is white, male, and supposedly "privileged" (whether they know a single thing about that person's actual life circumstances or not). I have come to think of it in a kind of shorthand as hatred towards the "frat boy" in their minds. And it's not new, although I've never before seen a national eruption of this hatred expressed towards someone who is not yet an adult

This hatred is bigoted and prejudiced, pure and simple. The hatred's origins lie not just in the work the media had undertaken to shape its audience towards feeling this hatred--although that is most definitely part of it--but it also is an opportunity for the viewer to draw in all sorts of historical references to other white men and/or boys they have grown to hate, and to make often-absurd parallels.

Graham obliges by telling us who those other white men she hates might be, the ones Sandmann supposedly resembles and conjures up in her fevered brain [emphasis mine]:

The face is in this photo of a clutch of white young men crowding around a single black man at a lunch counter sit-in in Virginia in the 1960s, and in many other images of jeering white men from that era. The face is the rows of Wisconsin high school boys flashing Nazi salutes in a prom picture last year. The face is Brett Kavanaugh--then a student at an all-boys Catholic prep school--"drunkenly laughing" as he allegedly held down Christine Blasey Ford. Anyone who knew the popular white boys in high school recognized it: the confident gaze, the eyes twinkling with menace, the smirk. The face of a boy who is not as smart as he thinks he is, but is exactly as powerful. The face that sneers, "What? I'm just standing here," if you flinch or cry or lash out. The face knows that no matter how you react, it wins.

There are hints there of what's going on in the minds of the haters. A reversal in which the white Sandmann--who actually had been "crowded" by the Native American, Phillips, and was also the object of bigoted racial taunts towards whites from the Black Israelites--becomes falsely identified by Graham with bigoted white aggressors from the past, solely on the basis of their races. Blacks and Native Americans are victims, whites are victimizers, because of the way they look.

The Kavanaugh reference is obvious, and shows the damage done by that entire brouhaha--the stirring up of this same rage against the supposed predations of the "laughing" preppie. Before that, we had the "Jackie" lies in Rolling Stone and the demonization of a fraternity as a result. And prior to that, of course, the Duke lacrosse team falsely accused.

Graham also alludes to more personal origins of this feeling, which for some people at least comes from high school experiences in which some white jock or frat boy was mean to them. That has become a stereotype, reinforced by countless teen flicks and TV shows where this is a stock character. The person is seen as entitled, self-centered, rich, powerful. And hated, well into adulthood.

It's a pernicious, dangerous game being played here. People such as Graham are now perpetrators who see themselves as the righteous ones. This hatred is growing thanks to the awfulness of Twitter, although it was around long before Twitter ever came to exist. One of the most memorable examples comes from 2003, when TNR's Jonathan Chait wrote a piece that begins "I hate George Bush" and goes on to say [emphasis mine]:

There, I said it. I think his policies rank him among the worst presidents in U.S. history. And, while I'm tempted to leave it at that, the truth is that I hate him for less substantive reasons, too. I hate the inequitable way he has come to his economic and political achievements and his utter lack of humility (disguised behind transparently false modesty) at having done so. His favorite answer to the question of nepotism--"I inherited half my father's friends and all his enemies"--conveys the laughable implication that his birth bestowed more disadvantage than advantage. He reminds me of a certain type I knew in high school--the kid who was given a fancy sports car for his sixteenth birthday and believed that he had somehow earned it. I hate the way he walks--shoulders flexed, elbows splayed out from his sides like a teenage boy feigning machismo. I hate the way he talks--blustery self-assurance masked by a pseudopopulist twang. I even hate the things that everybody seems to like about him. I hate his lame nickname-bestowing--a way to establish one's social superiority beneath a veneer of chumminess (does anybody give their boss a nickname without his consent?). And, while most people who meet Bush claim to like him, I suspect that, if I got to know him personally, I would hate him even more.

There seem to be quite a few of us Bush haters. I have friends who have a viscerally hostile reaction to the sound of his voice or describe his existence as a constant oppressive force in their daily psyche. Nor is this phenomenon limited to my personal experience: Pollster Geoff Garin, speaking to The New York Times, called Bush hatred "as strong as anything I've experienced in 25 years now of polling." Columnist Robert Novak described it as a "hatred ... that I have never seen in 44 years of campaign watching."

Bush, at least, was a grown man and a public figure who had put himself in the limelight. Sandmann is not. And yet the root of the rage appears to be the same.

The people hating on Sandmann ought to be ashamed of themselves, but there is no indication of even a flicker of that feeling. Nor are they likely to damp down their hatred based on the evidence of Sandmann's innocence.

They know that face, you see, and it's the face of their enemy.

[ADDENDUM: Some people on the left have been deleting their most rabid tweets, apparently. I would bet a large sum of money that this is because they are afraid of lawsuits. These boys were not public figures, so Sullivanwould not apply even for the newspeople.]

Where did you think this dysfunctional hateful society would go? Maybe if we blame someone else we can all hide from our own participation in the madness.
Presidents in the past only kicked the can down the road. This President is fixing the problems they refused to fix, and the problems they created.

You're not very bright if you can't seem to figure that out.
The wall fixes nothing.
Must be why you commie fuckers don't want it.
Cuz is won't fix nothing.
If that were the case, why are you so against it?

I'm personally not all that into allowing... concentrated wealth and power... wall me into a society where we're already under ...constant corporate state surveillance..., with ...militarized trigger happy police... trained by the Israeli military... in ...population subjugation... and ...societal control... (the Palestinianization of human beings)..., with a ...predatory economic system... in a ...collapsing empire..., without enough ...livable wage jobs for all..., with ...contaminated public water supplies... in various locations already, and the ...most expansive incarceration... and ...for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus... ever known to humankind.

I don't know about anyone else, and "commie" means absolutely nothing any longer precisely because of it's use like this.
Yeah.....all of this concentrated wealth sure is walling you in.

It's almost like he read that word for word out of a little red book...

"I'm personally not all that into allowing concentrated wealth and power wall me into a society where we're already under constant corporate state surveillance, with militarized trigger happy police trained by the Israeli military in population subjugation and societal control (the Palestinianization of human beings), with a predatory economic system in a collapsing empire, without enough livable wage jobs for all, with contaminated public water supplies in various locations already, and the most expansive incarceration and for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus ever known to humankind.....blah blah woof woof meow meow...."

The only thing he left out was FrancoHFW's "idiot moron dupetastic functional dupe..."

Take a good look around at your society, Wall Street is not america and america ain't doing so well. I for one do not foresee red baiting making anything better.
The Covington chronicles: on hating the face of a teenage boy

The New Neo ^

One of the most chilling aspects of the hatred fanned by the duplicitous reporting on the videotaped incident regarding the Covington students and the 60-something Native American has been the venomous rage directed against the face of one of the students, as well as the conclusions drawn about the expression on the face and what it might signify about the person.

I've talked about Orwell before in connection with all of this, and I'm going to bring him up again, because the anger unleashed resembles Orwell's Two Minutes Hate (although this hasn't been limited to two minutes at a time). In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell wrote of the feeling stirred up in the audience--interestingly enough, by a propaganda film designed for the purpose:

A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.

The image that provoked a truly hideous rage in an enormous number of people on the left and some on the right was of a teenaged boy named Nicholas Sandmann, whose statement can be found here along with the video screenshot that seems to have sparked the most outrage:

"Bullying" doesn't even begin to describe what has been done to Sandmann by supposedly responsible and thoughtful adults. Even if the original story of what occurred had been true--and it was most definitely not--the depth of the rage would be way out of line.

Here's just one example:

That smug, entitled smile is instantly recognizable. The Face of the Teenager Who Harassed a Native American Veteran Is All Too Familiar

-- Slate (Slate) January 21, 2019

From the article by Ruth Graham, which shows us what the author is fantasizing based on the manipulated story and video:

I think the real reason the clip has spread is simpler: It's the kid's face. The face of self-satisfaction and certitude, of edginess expressed as cruelty. The face remains almost completely still as his peers hoot in awed delight at his bravado. The face is both punchable and untouchable. Many observers recognized it right away.

What is it they "recognized"? A face that is now permissible to hate, apparently; they're not shy about writing about their hate and signing their names to it. That face is white, male, and supposedly "privileged" (whether they know a single thing about that person's actual life circumstances or not). I have come to think of it in a kind of shorthand as hatred towards the "frat boy" in their minds. And it's not new, although I've never before seen a national eruption of this hatred expressed towards someone who is not yet an adult

This hatred is bigoted and prejudiced, pure and simple. The hatred's origins lie not just in the work the media had undertaken to shape its audience towards feeling this hatred--although that is most definitely part of it--but it also is an opportunity for the viewer to draw in all sorts of historical references to other white men and/or boys they have grown to hate, and to make often-absurd parallels.

Graham obliges by telling us who those other white men she hates might be, the ones Sandmann supposedly resembles and conjures up in her fevered brain [emphasis mine]:

The face is in this photo of a clutch of white young men crowding around a single black man at a lunch counter sit-in in Virginia in the 1960s, and in many other images of jeering white men from that era. The face is the rows of Wisconsin high school boys flashing Nazi salutes in a prom picture last year. The face is Brett Kavanaugh--then a student at an all-boys Catholic prep school--"drunkenly laughing" as he allegedly held down Christine Blasey Ford. Anyone who knew the popular white boys in high school recognized it: the confident gaze, the eyes twinkling with menace, the smirk. The face of a boy who is not as smart as he thinks he is, but is exactly as powerful. The face that sneers, "What? I'm just standing here," if you flinch or cry or lash out. The face knows that no matter how you react, it wins.

There are hints there of what's going on in the minds of the haters. A reversal in which the white Sandmann--who actually had been "crowded" by the Native American, Phillips, and was also the object of bigoted racial taunts towards whites from the Black Israelites--becomes falsely identified by Graham with bigoted white aggressors from the past, solely on the basis of their races. Blacks and Native Americans are victims, whites are victimizers, because of the way they look.

The Kavanaugh reference is obvious, and shows the damage done by that entire brouhaha--the stirring up of this same rage against the supposed predations of the "laughing" preppie. Before that, we had the "Jackie" lies in Rolling Stone and the demonization of a fraternity as a result. And prior to that, of course, the Duke lacrosse team falsely accused.

Graham also alludes to more personal origins of this feeling, which for some people at least comes from high school experiences in which some white jock or frat boy was mean to them. That has become a stereotype, reinforced by countless teen flicks and TV shows where this is a stock character. The person is seen as entitled, self-centered, rich, powerful. And hated, well into adulthood.

It's a pernicious, dangerous game being played here. People such as Graham are now perpetrators who see themselves as the righteous ones. This hatred is growing thanks to the awfulness of Twitter, although it was around long before Twitter ever came to exist. One of the most memorable examples comes from 2003, when TNR's Jonathan Chait wrote a piece that begins "I hate George Bush" and goes on to say [emphasis mine]:

There, I said it. I think his policies rank him among the worst presidents in U.S. history. And, while I'm tempted to leave it at that, the truth is that I hate him for less substantive reasons, too. I hate the inequitable way he has come to his economic and political achievements and his utter lack of humility (disguised behind transparently false modesty) at having done so. His favorite answer to the question of nepotism--"I inherited half my father's friends and all his enemies"--conveys the laughable implication that his birth bestowed more disadvantage than advantage. He reminds me of a certain type I knew in high school--the kid who was given a fancy sports car for his sixteenth birthday and believed that he had somehow earned it. I hate the way he walks--shoulders flexed, elbows splayed out from his sides like a teenage boy feigning machismo. I hate the way he talks--blustery self-assurance masked by a pseudopopulist twang. I even hate the things that everybody seems to like about him. I hate his lame nickname-bestowing--a way to establish one's social superiority beneath a veneer of chumminess (does anybody give their boss a nickname without his consent?). And, while most people who meet Bush claim to like him, I suspect that, if I got to know him personally, I would hate him even more.

There seem to be quite a few of us Bush haters. I have friends who have a viscerally hostile reaction to the sound of his voice or describe his existence as a constant oppressive force in their daily psyche. Nor is this phenomenon limited to my personal experience: Pollster Geoff Garin, speaking to The New York Times, called Bush hatred "as strong as anything I've experienced in 25 years now of polling." Columnist Robert Novak described it as a "hatred ... that I have never seen in 44 years of campaign watching."

Bush, at least, was a grown man and a public figure who had put himself in the limelight. Sandmann is not. And yet the root of the rage appears to be the same.

The people hating on Sandmann ought to be ashamed of themselves, but there is no indication of even a flicker of that feeling. Nor are they likely to damp down their hatred based on the evidence of Sandmann's innocence.

They know that face, you see, and it's the face of their enemy.

[ADDENDUM: Some people on the left have been deleting their most rabid tweets, apparently. I would bet a large sum of money that this is because they are afraid of lawsuits. These boys were not public figures, so Sullivanwould not apply even for the newspeople.]

Where did you think this dysfunctional hateful society would go? Maybe if we blame someone else we can all hide from our own participation in the madness.

Dude: responding with one point larger text doesn't not make your response any more valid than what you responded to.

Are you 13 years old or something? Haven't you ever heard the expression "Children should be seen and not heard"?
Asam Schiff still plans congressional hearings on the abuse done to that poor Indian by that racist white boy.

Adam Schiff should investigate politicians who ask Ukranian government officials for dirt on political opponents.

Oh wait...........
Andy Kaufman’s estate should sue Adam Schiff for copy right

The Covington chronicles: on hating the face of a teenage boy

The New Neo ^

One of the most chilling aspects of the hatred fanned by the duplicitous reporting on the videotaped incident regarding the Covington students and the 60-something Native American has been the venomous rage directed against the face of one of the students, as well as the conclusions drawn about the expression on the face and what it might signify about the person.

I've talked about Orwell before in connection with all of this, and I'm going to bring him up again, because the anger unleashed resembles Orwell's Two Minutes Hate (although this hasn't been limited to two minutes at a time). In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell wrote of the feeling stirred up in the audience--interestingly enough, by a propaganda film designed for the purpose:

A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.

The image that provoked a truly hideous rage in an enormous number of people on the left and some on the right was of a teenaged boy named Nicholas Sandmann, whose statement can be found here along with the video screenshot that seems to have sparked the most outrage:

"Bullying" doesn't even begin to describe what has been done to Sandmann by supposedly responsible and thoughtful adults. Even if the original story of what occurred had been true--and it was most definitely not--the depth of the rage would be way out of line.

Here's just one example:

That smug, entitled smile is instantly recognizable. The Face of the Teenager Who Harassed a Native American Veteran Is All Too Familiar

-- Slate (Slate) January 21, 2019

From the article by Ruth Graham, which shows us what the author is fantasizing based on the manipulated story and video:

I think the real reason the clip has spread is simpler: It's the kid's face. The face of self-satisfaction and certitude, of edginess expressed as cruelty. The face remains almost completely still as his peers hoot in awed delight at his bravado. The face is both punchable and untouchable. Many observers recognized it right away.

What is it they "recognized"? A face that is now permissible to hate, apparently; they're not shy about writing about their hate and signing their names to it. That face is white, male, and supposedly "privileged" (whether they know a single thing about that person's actual life circumstances or not). I have come to think of it in a kind of shorthand as hatred towards the "frat boy" in their minds. And it's not new, although I've never before seen a national eruption of this hatred expressed towards someone who is not yet an adult

This hatred is bigoted and prejudiced, pure and simple. The hatred's origins lie not just in the work the media had undertaken to shape its audience towards feeling this hatred--although that is most definitely part of it--but it also is an opportunity for the viewer to draw in all sorts of historical references to other white men and/or boys they have grown to hate, and to make often-absurd parallels.

Graham obliges by telling us who those other white men she hates might be, the ones Sandmann supposedly resembles and conjures up in her fevered brain [emphasis mine]:

The face is in this photo of a clutch of white young men crowding around a single black man at a lunch counter sit-in in Virginia in the 1960s, and in many other images of jeering white men from that era. The face is the rows of Wisconsin high school boys flashing Nazi salutes in a prom picture last year. The face is Brett Kavanaugh--then a student at an all-boys Catholic prep school--"drunkenly laughing" as he allegedly held down Christine Blasey Ford. Anyone who knew the popular white boys in high school recognized it: the confident gaze, the eyes twinkling with menace, the smirk. The face of a boy who is not as smart as he thinks he is, but is exactly as powerful. The face that sneers, "What? I'm just standing here," if you flinch or cry or lash out. The face knows that no matter how you react, it wins.

There are hints there of what's going on in the minds of the haters. A reversal in which the white Sandmann--who actually had been "crowded" by the Native American, Phillips, and was also the object of bigoted racial taunts towards whites from the Black Israelites--becomes falsely identified by Graham with bigoted white aggressors from the past, solely on the basis of their races. Blacks and Native Americans are victims, whites are victimizers, because of the way they look.

The Kavanaugh reference is obvious, and shows the damage done by that entire brouhaha--the stirring up of this same rage against the supposed predations of the "laughing" preppie. Before that, we had the "Jackie" lies in Rolling Stone and the demonization of a fraternity as a result. And prior to that, of course, the Duke lacrosse team falsely accused.

Graham also alludes to more personal origins of this feeling, which for some people at least comes from high school experiences in which some white jock or frat boy was mean to them. That has become a stereotype, reinforced by countless teen flicks and TV shows where this is a stock character. The person is seen as entitled, self-centered, rich, powerful. And hated, well into adulthood.

It's a pernicious, dangerous game being played here. People such as Graham are now perpetrators who see themselves as the righteous ones. This hatred is growing thanks to the awfulness of Twitter, although it was around long before Twitter ever came to exist. One of the most memorable examples comes from 2003, when TNR's Jonathan Chait wrote a piece that begins "I hate George Bush" and goes on to say [emphasis mine]:

There, I said it. I think his policies rank him among the worst presidents in U.S. history. And, while I'm tempted to leave it at that, the truth is that I hate him for less substantive reasons, too. I hate the inequitable way he has come to his economic and political achievements and his utter lack of humility (disguised behind transparently false modesty) at having done so. His favorite answer to the question of nepotism--"I inherited half my father's friends and all his enemies"--conveys the laughable implication that his birth bestowed more disadvantage than advantage. He reminds me of a certain type I knew in high school--the kid who was given a fancy sports car for his sixteenth birthday and believed that he had somehow earned it. I hate the way he walks--shoulders flexed, elbows splayed out from his sides like a teenage boy feigning machismo. I hate the way he talks--blustery self-assurance masked by a pseudopopulist twang. I even hate the things that everybody seems to like about him. I hate his lame nickname-bestowing--a way to establish one's social superiority beneath a veneer of chumminess (does anybody give their boss a nickname without his consent?). And, while most people who meet Bush claim to like him, I suspect that, if I got to know him personally, I would hate him even more.

There seem to be quite a few of us Bush haters. I have friends who have a viscerally hostile reaction to the sound of his voice or describe his existence as a constant oppressive force in their daily psyche. Nor is this phenomenon limited to my personal experience: Pollster Geoff Garin, speaking to The New York Times, called Bush hatred "as strong as anything I've experienced in 25 years now of polling." Columnist Robert Novak described it as a "hatred ... that I have never seen in 44 years of campaign watching."

Bush, at least, was a grown man and a public figure who had put himself in the limelight. Sandmann is not. And yet the root of the rage appears to be the same.

The people hating on Sandmann ought to be ashamed of themselves, but there is no indication of even a flicker of that feeling. Nor are they likely to damp down their hatred based on the evidence of Sandmann's innocence.

They know that face, you see, and it's the face of their enemy.

[ADDENDUM: Some people on the left have been deleting their most rabid tweets, apparently. I would bet a large sum of money that this is because they are afraid of lawsuits. These boys were not public figures, so Sullivanwould not apply even for the newspeople.]

Where did you think this dysfunctional hateful society would go? Maybe if we blame someone else we can all hide from our own participation in the madness.

Dude: responding with one point larger text doesn't not make your response any more valid than what you responded to.

Are you 13 years old or something? Haven't you ever heard the expression "Children should be seen and not heard"?

Dude, sometimes you meet idiots on their own terms. How's my faunt? Cheers.
The wall fixes nothing.
Must be why you commie fuckers don't want it.
Cuz is won't fix nothing.
If that were the case, why are you so against it?

I'm personally not all that into allowing... concentrated wealth and power... wall me into a society where we're already under ...constant corporate state surveillance..., with ...militarized trigger happy police... trained by the Israeli military... in ...population subjugation... and ...societal control... (the Palestinianization of human beings)..., with a ...predatory economic system... in a ...collapsing empire..., without enough ...livable wage jobs for all..., with ...contaminated public water supplies... in various locations already, and the ...most expansive incarceration... and ...for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus... ever known to humankind.

I don't know about anyone else, and "commie" means absolutely nothing any longer precisely because of it's use like this.
Yeah.....all of this concentrated wealth sure is walling you in.

It's almost like he read that word for word out of a little red book...

"I'm personally not all that into allowing concentrated wealth and power wall me into a society where we're already under constant corporate state surveillance, with militarized trigger happy police trained by the Israeli military in population subjugation and societal control (the Palestinianization of human beings), with a predatory economic system in a collapsing empire, without enough livable wage jobs for all, with contaminated public water supplies in various locations already, and the most expansive incarceration and for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus ever known to humankind.....blah blah woof woof meow meow...."

The only thing he left out was FrancoHFW's "idiot moron dupetastic functional dupe..."

Take a good look around at your society, Wall Street is not america and america ain't doing so well. I for one do not foresee red baiting making anything better.
America is doing pretty well.......the problem I see is the Federal Reserve keeps screwing with interest rates on orders from Global Elitists. Democrats are desperately trying to cause another economic collapse so they can win back the WH.
Anyone wonder why thugs like those catholic school kids think they can keep getting away with bullying?.........
Must be why you commie fuckers don't want it.
Cuz is won't fix nothing.
If that were the case, why are you so against it?

I'm personally not all that into allowing... concentrated wealth and power... wall me into a society where we're already under ...constant corporate state surveillance..., with ...militarized trigger happy police... trained by the Israeli military... in ...population subjugation... and ...societal control... (the Palestinianization of human beings)..., with a ...predatory economic system... in a ...collapsing empire..., without enough ...livable wage jobs for all..., with ...contaminated public water supplies... in various locations already, and the ...most expansive incarceration... and ...for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus... ever known to humankind.

I don't know about anyone else, and "commie" means absolutely nothing any longer precisely because of it's use like this.
Yeah.....all of this concentrated wealth sure is walling you in.

It's almost like he read that word for word out of a little red book...

"I'm personally not all that into allowing concentrated wealth and power wall me into a society where we're already under constant corporate state surveillance, with militarized trigger happy police trained by the Israeli military in population subjugation and societal control (the Palestinianization of human beings), with a predatory economic system in a collapsing empire, without enough livable wage jobs for all, with contaminated public water supplies in various locations already, and the most expansive incarceration and for profit corporate internment/detainment camp aparatus ever known to humankind.....blah blah woof woof meow meow...."

The only thing he left out was FrancoHFW's "idiot moron dupetastic functional dupe..."

Take a good look around at your society, Wall Street is not america and america ain't doing so well. I for one do not foresee red baiting making anything better.
America is doing pretty well.......the problem I see is the Federal Reserve keeps screwing with interest rates on orders from Global Elitists. Democrats are desperately trying to cause another economic collapse so they can win back the WH.

The purpose of raising interest rates would be to prevent another economic disaster.
The only way we got where we are in america today was bipartisanly son. Don's had 2 years with majorities in both houses. Where's his "solution"?
That's not how the constitution works.
Take a class in civics.
When you have less than a filibuster proof majority, and you're dealing with an enemy who refuses to negotiate in good faith like Democrats have, nothing gets done. Even when you have a simple majority and you change the rules to allow a vote, Democrats bribe members of the GOP to turn their backs on America.
So having control in both houses only works when you're willing to break the law. When you are bound by the law, control of both houses means jack squat.

More bullshit. Funny how Presidents in the past could keep the government from being shutdown for this long. Trum,p said it./ It is all his fault for lack of leadership.

You would think the expert businessman would know the art of the deal.

Presidents in the past only kicked the can down the road. This President is fixing the problems they refused to fix, and the problems they created.

You're not very bright if you can't seem to figure that out.
The wall fixes nothing.
Must be why you commie fuckers don't want it.
Cuz is won't fix nothing.
If that were the case, why are you so against it?

Trumpette logic.

We shouldn't care if we spent 5.7 billion on a worthless wall whose only purpose of for a fat assed orange :pOS to placste his sdtyupid fucking base.,
That's not how the constitution works.
Take a class in civics.
When you have less than a filibuster proof majority, and you're dealing with an enemy who refuses to negotiate in good faith like Democrats have, nothing gets done. Even when you have a simple majority and you change the rules to allow a vote, Democrats bribe members of the GOP to turn their backs on America.
So having control in both houses only works when you're willing to break the law. When you are bound by the law, control of both houses means jack squat.

More bullshit. Funny how Presidents in the past could keep the government from being shutdown for this long. Trum,p said it./ It is all his fault for lack of leadership.

You would think the expert businessman would know the art of the deal.

Presidents in the past only kicked the can down the road. This President is fixing the problems they refused to fix, and the problems they created.

You're not very bright if you can't seem to figure that out.
The wall fixes nothing.
Must be why you commie fuckers don't want it.
Cuz is won't fix nothing.
If that were the case, why are you so against it?

Trumpette logic.

We shouldn't care if we spent 5.7 billion on a worthless wall whose only purpose of for a fat assed orange :pOS to placste his sdtyupid fucking base.,

Fine with me then: Please feel free to exclude yourself from the protection the wall affords to the rest of us.

I will patiently await the reading of your obituary in an upcoming paper.

We love them to death in our schools in america.
Notice how the Left refused to lift a finger to protect them. How many shootings have they helped set up with their liberal laws and their bleeding-heart programs. The last killer was allowed to remain free to kill because of Obama policies that looked the other way.
The only way we got where we are in america today was bipartisanly son. Don's had 2 years with majorities in both houses. Where's his "solution"?
That's not how the constitution works.
Take a class in civics.
When you have less than a filibuster proof majority, and you're dealing with an enemy who refuses to negotiate in good faith like Democrats have, nothing gets done. Even when you have a simple majority and you change the rules to allow a vote, Democrats bribe members of the GOP to turn their backs on America.
So having control in both houses only works when you're willing to break the law. When you are bound by the law, control of both houses means jack squat.

More bullshit. Funny how Presidents in the past could keep the government from being shutdown for this long. Trum,p said it./ It is all his fault for lack of leadership.

You would think the expert businessman would know the art of the deal.

Yep the Democrats screaming "no way we're building a perimiter wall that we have voted for twice in the past" is b/c of Trump's lack of leadership.

You fucking fool. Nancy has been in Congress since 1987 and hasn't fixed a fucking thing. Talk about a lack of leadership. Well, actually that's a lack of giving a fuck about what's best for America. You're so ate up with the dumb ass that you don't even realize that if she thought it would get her a few votes she would have you killed.

It was a fence you God damn asshole. Not a 30' concrete wall.

Democrats have a record of supporting meaningful border security efforts.

So, a Trump ass kisser is saying Democrats are in love in Pelosie.

Now that is sme funny shit.
Onto the next lie.

Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids

The teens showed a lot more control in the face of actual provocation than these allegedly sensible and responsible media adults showed in the face of a bogus news report.

I stand by my contempt for ANY person who supported a man who displayed how unfit he was for office LONG BEFORE he was ever elected.

If you wear a MAGA hat for a man who feels he is entitled to grab your mothers pussy then you are, indeed, deplorable.


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More bullshit. Funny how Presidents in the past could keep the government from being shutdown for this long. Trum,p said it./ It is all his fault for lack of leadership.

You would think the expert businessman would know the art of the deal.

Presidents in the past only kicked the can down the road. This President is fixing the problems they refused to fix, and the problems they created.

You're not very bright if you can't seem to figure that out.
The wall fixes nothing.
Must be why you commie fuckers don't want it.
Cuz is won't fix nothing.
If that were the case, why are you so against it?

Trumpette logic.

We shouldn't care if we spent 5.7 billion on a worthless wall whose only purpose of for a fat assed orange :pOS to placste his sdtyupid fucking base.,

Fine with me then: Please feel free to exclude yourself from the protection the wall affords to the rest of us.

I will patiently await the reading of your obituary in an upcoming paper.


As you get killed by the ones who climb over it, went under it, went around it, came by boat & airplane & came through entry ports because dumbass Donnie wasted money on a stupid fucking wall. instead of useful efforts.
Anyone wonder why thugs like those catholic school kids think they can keep getting away with bullying?.........

If you don't stop the endless stream of horse shit and say something coherent and honest at least once in a while, I may have to populate my ignore list for the first time.


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