Assad Can Stay, For Now: Kerry Accepts Russian Stance


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
Hopefully the Obama Administration won't change its mind tomorrow or the day after.We will see.

"The world is better off when Russia and the U.S. work together, he added, calling Obama and Putin's current cooperation a "sign of maturity." Kerry said.

Have to agree with that. ^^^

Dec 15, 2015
News from The Associated Press
What else could Kerry do? He knows Obama isn't about to take on Putin and he's already in bed with Iran.
It has been clear for a long time that Obama is Putin's Bitch.

Only now is the completeness of the humiliation becoming clear.

Putin is making Obama bring his own Vaseline.
To bad they didn't realize this a few years back. They could have saved thousands of lives. Sorry Barry and Hillary. The "Arab Spring" plan didn't work out in Syria.
To bad they didn't realize this a few years back. They could have saved thousands of lives. Sorry Barry and Hillary. The "Arab Spring" plan didn't work out in Syria.

Obviously, this stance with Assad, should have been used with Saddam. I wonder how many tens of thousands would be alive today (let alone 4,000 Americans) and there would be no ISIS.
Putin obviously has something on the Obama administration. Irrefutable evidence that the US supported ISIS by bombing the Syrian Army in Deir ez-Zor perhaps.
It has been clear for a long time that Obama is Putin's Bitch.

Only now is the completeness of the humiliation becoming clear.

Putin is making Obama bring his own Vaseline.

When Pres. Bush looked into Putin's eyes he seen God. You do realize Putin doesn't live in Russia alone right. Putting sanctions on Russia, hurts the people. We are no. 1 and we have been since WW2, but we are messing with fire, I wish aliens would attack and we'd all get together to fight a common enemy, right now we have one, the pollution of the earth, the home to every country.
To bad they didn't realize this a few years back. They could have saved thousands of lives. Sorry Barry and Hillary. The "Arab Spring" plan didn't work out in Syria.

Obviously, this stance with Assad, should have been used with Saddam. I wonder how many tens of thousands would be alive today (let alone 4,000 Americans) and there would be no ISIS.

On Sep, 29 Putin basically said the same when interviewed by Charlie Rose. (By the time this interview has been published, almost half of it was cut!)

The Washington Post wrote today: "Into the vacuum of American leadership has stepped Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has dispatched troops and equipment to Syria in an effort to force the world to accept his solution to the war, which is the creation of a new coalition to fight the Islamic State that includes the Assad government". It is interesting that they say you have stepped into a certain vacuum of American leadership. This is what The Washington Post writes.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: We are not stepping into the vacuum of American leadership, we are trying to prevent the creation of a power vacuum in Syria in general because as soon as the government agencies in a state, in a country, are destroyed, a power vacuum sets in, and that vacuum is quickly filled with terrorists. This was the case in Libya and Iraq; this was the case in some other countries. The same is underway in Somalia, the same happened in Afghanistan. Challenging American leadership is not at stake.

(Comment:No surprise the above was cut!)

CHARLIE ROSE: Well, a vacuum is an issue. It seems that you are a little irritated by one point: you are talking about a strong centralized government being Russia's DNA and you have a huge fear that there is no strong government in Syria and in other countries, that there is some sort of anarchy.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: I am not saying that there is no strong government there. I mean that if there was no government at all, there would be anarchy and a vacuum, and the vacuum and the anarchy would soon evolve into terrorism.

For instance, in Iraq, there was a famous person, Saddam Hussein, who was either good or bad. It was at a certain stage (you might have forgotten, have you?) that the United States actively collaborated with Saddam when he was at war with Iran: weapons were supplied, diplomatic and political support was provided, and so on. Then the US fell out with him for some reason and decided to do away with him. But when Saddam Hussein was eliminated, the Iraqi statehood and thousands of people from the former Baath party were also eliminated. Thousands of Iraqi servicemen, who were part of the state's Sunni elite, found themselves thrown out into the street. No one gave a thought about them, and today they end up in the ISIS army. That is what we stand against.

We are not against a country exercising leadership of any kind anywhere, we are against thoughtless actions that lead to such negative situations that are difficult to rectify.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out --
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Hopefully the Obama Administration won't change its mind tomorrow or the day after.We will see.

"The world is better off when Russia and the U.S. work together, he added, calling Obama and Putin's current cooperation a "sign of maturity." Kerry said.

Have to agree with that. ^^^

Dec 15, 2015
News from The Associated Press

I'm sure the Russians have been waiting with bated breath for Kerry's approval.

I think paul said last night that if we would have gotten rid of Assad back when they first wanted to, IS would be controlling all of Syria. Judging history, he is probably right.
Assad would be better than IS OR the "rebels"
Call me a pacifist if you want, but arming terrorists is NEVER the answer
Why didn't Obama speak out when IS and the rebels were in a battle a few weeks ago that ended with chemical weapons?

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