Assad Can Stay, For Now: Kerry Accepts Russian Stance

We don't know if Obama's Administration created ISIS intentionally or not (something tells me: it was intentionally). But we do know what kind a mess Obama's Administration is openly supporting in Ukraine and calling it "democracy". Take a quick look at that "democracy" among Ukrainian lawmakers (!) [you probably won't see something like that anywhere else and it's just a couple of recent examples]. Seems like after cleaning the mess in Syria, created by Obama's Administration, Putin will have to go ahead and clean the mess after Obama's Administration in Ukraine. Hopefully in a year Obama's Administration will be just a history and hopefully the next Administration won't be Clinton's.

Ukrainian MP kicks security chief in the HEAD in shocking video
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Hopefully the Obama Administration won't change its mind tomorrow or the day after.We will see.

"The world is better off when Russia and the U.S. work together, he added, calling Obama and Putin's current cooperation a "sign of maturity." Kerry said.

Have to agree with that. ^^^

Dec 15, 2015
News from The Associated Press
Dec.17, Vladimir Putin's annual news conference. Putin:

The fate of the Syrian president. I have said it many times, and I would like to repeat it: We will never agree with the idea of a third party, whoever it is, imposing its opinion about who governs who. This is beyond any common sense and international law. Of course, we discussed it with US Secretary of State Kerry. Our opinion remains the same, and this is our principled approach. We believe that only Syrians can choose their leaders, establish their government standards and rules.

Therefore, I will say something very important now. We support the initiative of the United States, including with respect to the UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria. The Secretary of State’s visit mainly focused on this resolution. We generally agree with it. I think Syrian officials will agree with the draft, too. There may be something that somebody does not like. But in an attempt to resolve this bloody conflict of many years, there is always room for compromise on either side. We believe it is a generally acceptable proposal, although there could be improvements.

But first, it is necessary to work together on a constitution and a procedure to oversee possible future elections. It must be a transparent procedure that everyone trusts. Based on these democratic procedures, Syria will decide which form of government is the most suitable and who will lead the country.

Let me repeat, there is no solution to this problem except a political one. Do we have a plan? Yes, we do, and I just spelled it out. In its key aspects, strange as it may sound, it coincides with the American vision, proposed by the United States: cooperative work on the constitution, creating mechanisms to control future early elections, holding the elections and recognizing the results based on this political process.

Of course, it is a complicated objective and of course there are various mutual grievances: some do nt like this group and others do not like that group, some want to work with the Syrian Government and others refuse do so categorically. But what is necessary is that all conflicting parties make an effort to meet each other halfway.

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference

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