Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
WASHINGTON - Though Assad and his men are fighting a bloody civil war, it appears they still find the time to read Ynet reports and comment on them on President Bashar Assad's personal Facebook page.

Following a report on Friday on Moti Kahana, an Israeli businessman who aids Syrian refugees, Assad's page quickly posted the Israeli's photo from the story, showing him hoisting the Free Syria flag.

The Arabic caption for the photo read: "Jewish-Israeli businessman Moti Kahana holding the rebel flag in a Washington conference with rebel representatives."

In the original Ynet report, Kahana said he had spent more than $100,000 of his private funds and raised an additional $500,000 from American synagogues to buy and transfer food and medicine for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and in Syria itself.

Kahana explained that he started by giving small loans with no interest to refugee Syrian women to help them get back on track, establishing an NGO for that purpose.

Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees - Israel News, Ynetnews
Assad standin' pat...
Assad Says He Will Not Step Down
May 18, 2013 - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says in a newspaper interview that he will not step down before next year's elections.
Assad's comments were published Saturday in the Argentine newspaper, Clarin. They were the first about his political future since the United States and Russia agreed this month to try to bring the Syrian government and opposition together for talks about a peaceful resolution to Syria's conflict.

Washington and Moscow have backed opposite sides in the conflict.


What, me worry?

Meanwhile, Syrian state television reported a car bomb killed at least three people and wounded five others in the capital, Damascus, Saturday. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said eight people were killed. The toll could not be independently verified.

More than 70,000 people have been killed and several million displaced since the uprising against Assad erupted in March 2011.

Assad Says He Will Not Step Down
So when is that next Syrian Presidential election?

"'In the next election, President Assad, like others, will take part, and the Syrian people will elect whomever they want,' Ali Akbar Salehi said at a news conference with his visiting Syrian counterpart, Walid al-Muallem.

Salehi also said that 'the official position of Iran is that… Assad will remain the legitimate president until the next… election' in 2014."

Are the Kurds supposed to wait another year for "Free Kurdistan?"

Possibly that Baghdad (Corrupt) City State will wait until 2014?
Granny says dem Russkies is helpin' Assad...
Moscow‘s smoke screen obscures Assad’s next Syrian war moves
May 31, 2013, On minute, Russian spokesmen declare that Moscow is only filling standing contracts with Syria for the sale of weapons, i.e. – S-300 anti-air missiles; the next, that delivery will take place only in the second quarter of 2014 (ahead of Syria’s presidential election). Then, after those spokesmen previously declared that Russia would only fill outstanding arms contracts, Serge Korotkov, head of the MiG company came out with the news Friday, May 31, that a Syrian delegation was in Moscow to discuss “a new contract” for the sale of “more than 10” MiG-29 M/M2 fighters.
According to debkafile’s military sources, this Russian fighter-bomber is designed to operate in complex electronic jamming environments. It is therefore just what the Syrian army lacks for overcoming the Israeli Air Force’s ability to disable Syria’s Russian-made electronic warfare systems.
Moscow is therefore offering to provide Bashar Assad and his air force with a key resource for delivering on the statement he made in a TV interview Thursday, May 30: “We have informed all foreign parties that we will retaliate against any future Israeli attack." Our military and Russian sources say that the conflicting Russian statements on weapons sales to Damascus have two motives:

1. To lay down a smoke screen for concealing the true nature and volume of the military equipment Moscow is shipping to Assad and his army by airlift. Its transports land and unload their freight at various Syrian airfields, including Aleppo and Latakia. Without the Russian and Iranian air corridors, the Syrian army would soon run out of the ammunition, spare parts and fuel, needed day to day for keeping up its war on the rebels.
2. To spread a fog fraught with Russian menace for scaring Israel, the United States, Britain, France and Turkey off any thought of military intervention in the Syrian conflict.

This too is the frame of mind Moscow is seeking to generate for June 5 when representatives of Russia, the US and the United Nations meet to prepare the ground for the Geneva conference which had been called to hammer out a political settlement of the Syrian war. Moscow is determined to browbeat Washington into accepting Iran’s participation. Only the UN has so far named its representatives to the preliminary meeting. They are special envoy for Syria, the Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi, and the Deputy Secretary General, US Undersecretary for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman.

Some weeks ago, Brahimi was on the point of resigning his mission. He changed his mind when he saw Assad was gaining the upper hand in the way and the Obama administration unwilling to stop him except by cooperating with Moscow in calling an international conference for setting limits on Assad’s triumph. The Algerian diplomat became convinced that without Moscow and Iran’s attendance, the conference is condemned to fail.

So what happens to the "only democracy in the Middle East" if the Russian Bear doesn't back down?

"Russia is planning to deploy nuclear ballistic missile submarines to the southern seas for the first time since a 20-year break that followed the collapse of the USSR, sources told Russian media..."

"Once the nuclear-powered Borei-class submarines are put into service, the Russian Navy “will not only continue the patrolling of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,' but also return to the regions in the southern hemisphere which were patrolled by Soviet subs until the dissolution of the USSR in the 90s.

“'This would serve to solve the tasks of strategic nuclear deterrence not only across the North Pole but also the South Pole,' the source pointed."

Reviving military might: Russian nuke subs to patrol southern seas ? RT News

'Wonder if the Gipper would know what to do?
“Bashar al-Assad says in a newspaper interview that he will not step down (the next election, President Assad, like others, will take part, and the Syrian people will elect whomever they want” )

"...Meanwhile, Syrian state television reported a car bomb killed at least three people and wounded five others in the capital, Damascus, Saturday."

Perche come mai, GOD ????

Che pecatto !!

Che palle ! Too bad wasn't "HIM." !!
WASHINGTON - Though Assad and his men are fighting a bloody civil war, it appears they still find the time to read Ynet reports and comment on them on President Bashar Assad's personal Facebook page.

Following a report on Friday on Moti Kahana, an Israeli businessman who aids Syrian refugees, Assad's page quickly posted the Israeli's photo from the story, showing him hoisting the Free Syria flag.

The Arabic caption for the photo read: "Jewish-Israeli businessman Moti Kahana holding the rebel flag in a Washington conference with rebel representatives."

In the original Ynet report, Kahana said he had spent more than $100,000 of his private funds and raised an additional $500,000 from American synagogues to buy and transfer food and medicine for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and in Syria itself.

Kahana explained that he started by giving small loans with no interest to refugee Syrian women to help them get back on track, establishing an NGO for that purpose.

Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees - Israel News, Ynetnews

How Dare These Israelis!! Saving the lives of refugees by aiding them? But! But! ..what will the Palestinians do when it comes to explaining why these Israelis are helping refugees and not killing them? Oh! The Horror!!! Someone stop them now!!

These Israelis must be stopped! They have some nerve showing their true colors!! Some nerve I say!! LUCY?? You have some 'Splainin to do!! :evil:

- Jeri
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Far worse is what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & Land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in a foreign land when all they want is to be free from Israel. Face it folks, not once has Israel even tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.

WASHINGTON - Though Assad and his men are fighting a bloody civil war, it appears they still find the time to read Ynet reports and comment on them on President Bashar Assad's personal Facebook page.

Following a report on Friday on Moti Kahana, an Israeli businessman who aids Syrian refugees, Assad's page quickly posted the Israeli's photo from the story, showing him hoisting the Free Syria flag.

The Arabic caption for the photo read: "Jewish-Israeli businessman Moti Kahana holding the rebel flag in a Washington conference with rebel representatives."

In the original Ynet report, Kahana said he had spent more than $100,000 of his private funds and raised an additional $500,000 from American synagogues to buy and transfer food and medicine for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and in Syria itself.

Kahana explained that he started by giving small loans with no interest to refugee Syrian women to help them get back on track, establishing an NGO for that purpose.

Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees - Israel News, Ynetnews

How Dare These Israelis!! Saving the lives of refugees by aiding them? But! But! ..what will the Palestinians do when it comes to explaining why these Israelis are helping refugees and not killing them? Oh! The Horror!!! Someone stop them now!!

These Israelis must be stopped! They have some nerve showing their true colors!! Some nerve I say!! LUCY?? You have some 'Splainin to do!! :evil:

- Jeri
Jeri, some here says this guy should have put effort in helping starving Israeli children, don't think there is no home-criticism on him as well. Criticism in which in some way, I totally agree with. I think he should have helped the children of Israel instead of trying to fix the world in I-don't-know-where.

BUT, even with that criticism, I believe he did something noble. helping the blameless and the unprotected is always blessed.

No wonder Assad is not happy
So what happens to the "only democracy in the Middle East" if the Russian Bear doesn't back down?

"Russia is planning to deploy nuclear ballistic missile submarines to the southern seas for the first time since a 20-year break that followed the collapse of the USSR, sources told Russian media..."

"Once the nuclear-powered Borei-class submarines are put into service, the Russian Navy “will not only continue the patrolling of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,' but also return to the regions in the southern hemisphere which were patrolled by Soviet subs until the dissolution of the USSR in the 90s.

“'This would serve to solve the tasks of strategic nuclear deterrence not only across the North Pole but also the South Pole,' the source pointed."

Reviving military might: Russian nuke subs to patrol southern seas ? RT News

'Wonder if the Gipper would know what to do?

I like seeing Russia stand up to Israel.
WASHINGTON - Though Assad and his men are fighting a bloody civil war, it appears they still find the time to read Ynet reports and comment on them on President Bashar Assad's personal Facebook page.

Following a report on Friday on Moti Kahana, an Israeli businessman who aids Syrian refugees, Assad's page quickly posted the Israeli's photo from the story, showing him hoisting the Free Syria flag.

The Arabic caption for the photo read: "Jewish-Israeli businessman Moti Kahana holding the rebel flag in a Washington conference with rebel representatives."

In the original Ynet report, Kahana said he had spent more than $100,000 of his private funds and raised an additional $500,000 from American synagogues to buy and transfer food and medicine for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and in Syria itself.

Kahana explained that he started by giving small loans with no interest to refugee Syrian women to help them get back on track, establishing an NGO for that purpose.

Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees - Israel News, Ynetnews

How Dare These Israelis!! Saving the lives of refugees by aiding them? But! But! ..what will the Palestinians do when it comes to explaining why these Israelis are helping refugees and not killing them? Oh! The Horror!!! Someone stop them now!!

These Israelis must be stopped! They have some nerve showing their true colors!! Some nerve I say!! LUCY?? You have some 'Splainin to do!! :evil:

- Jeri

Some Israelis have a conscience.
Far worse is what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & Land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in a foreign land when all they want is to be free from Israel. Face it folks, not once has Israel even tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.

WASHINGTON - Though Assad and his men are fighting a bloody civil war, it appears they still find the time to read Ynet reports and comment on them on President Bashar Assad's personal Facebook page.

Following a report on Friday on Moti Kahana, an Israeli businessman who aids Syrian refugees, Assad's page quickly posted the Israeli's photo from the story, showing him hoisting the Free Syria flag.

The Arabic caption for the photo read: "Jewish-Israeli businessman Moti Kahana holding the rebel flag in a Washington conference with rebel representatives."

In the original Ynet report, Kahana said he had spent more than $100,000 of his private funds and raised an additional $500,000 from American synagogues to buy and transfer food and medicine for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and in Syria itself.

Kahana explained that he started by giving small loans with no interest to refugee Syrian women to help them get back on track, establishing an NGO for that purpose.

Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees - Israel News, Ynetnews

How Dare These Israelis!! Saving the lives of refugees by aiding them? But! But! ..what will the Palestinians do when it comes to explaining why these Israelis are helping refugees and not killing them? Oh! The Horror!!! Someone stop them now!!

These Israelis must be stopped! They have some nerve showing their true colors!! Some nerve I say!! LUCY?? You have some 'Splainin to do!! :evil:

- Jeri

Well this type of behavior must end! ( jk )
Far worse is what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & Land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in a foreign land when all they want is to be free from Israel. Face it folks, not once has Israel even tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.

How Dare These Israelis!! Saving the lives of refugees by aiding them? But! But! ..what will the Palestinians do when it comes to explaining why these Israelis are helping refugees and not killing them? Oh! The Horror!!! Someone stop them now!!

These Israelis must be stopped! They have some nerve showing their true colors!! Some nerve I say!! LUCY?? You have some 'Splainin to do!! :evil:

- Jeri

Well this type of behavior must end! ( jk )

What behavior must end? And by what authority do you make demands?
WASHINGTON - Though Assad and his men are fighting a bloody civil war, it appears they still find the time to read Ynet reports and comment on them on President Bashar Assad's personal Facebook page.

Following a report on Friday on Moti Kahana, an Israeli businessman who aids Syrian refugees, Assad's page quickly posted the Israeli's photo from the story, showing him hoisting the Free Syria flag.

The Arabic caption for the photo read: "Jewish-Israeli businessman Moti Kahana holding the rebel flag in a Washington conference with rebel representatives."

In the original Ynet report, Kahana said he had spent more than $100,000 of his private funds and raised an additional $500,000 from American synagogues to buy and transfer food and medicine for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and in Syria itself.

Kahana explained that he started by giving small loans with no interest to refugee Syrian women to help them get back on track, establishing an NGO for that purpose.

Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees - Israel News, Ynetnews

How Dare These Israelis!! Saving the lives of refugees by aiding them? But! But! ..what will the Palestinians do when it comes to explaining why these Israelis are helping refugees and not killing them? Oh! The Horror!!! Someone stop them now!!

These Israelis must be stopped! They have some nerve showing their true colors!! Some nerve I say!! LUCY?? You have some 'Splainin to do!! :evil:

- Jeri

Some Israelis have a conscience.

Yes, and it would have been best if he put effort on putting that conscience when it most needed, FIRST- Israeli chidren.
WASHINGTON - Though Assad and his men are fighting a bloody civil war, it appears they still find the time to read Ynet reports and comment on them on President Bashar Assad's personal Facebook page.

Following a report on Friday on Moti Kahana, an Israeli businessman who aids Syrian refugees, Assad's page quickly posted the Israeli's photo from the story, showing him hoisting the Free Syria flag.

The Arabic caption for the photo read: "Jewish-Israeli businessman Moti Kahana holding the rebel flag in a Washington conference with rebel representatives."

In the original Ynet report, Kahana said he had spent more than $100,000 of his private funds and raised an additional $500,000 from American synagogues to buy and transfer food and medicine for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and in Syria itself.

Kahana explained that he started by giving small loans with no interest to refugee Syrian women to help them get back on track, establishing an NGO for that purpose.

Assad's Facebook page attacks Israeli who aids refugees - Israel News, Ynetnews

Screw ASSSSad, Jews, Israeli and Americans should be mad. This traitor is aiding the enemy. The rebels are Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda like Islamofacists!

I guarantee these same people wouldn't be giving food and medicine to Israel's in need, rather they would be filling their bodies with bullets and dragging their lifeless bodies through the street.

Shame on this traitor! Shame on the libtard American Jews donating to this moron!
Assad standin' pat...
Assad Says He Will Not Step Down
May 18, 2013 - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says in a newspaper interview that he will not step down before next year's elections.
Assad's comments were published Saturday in the Argentine newspaper, Clarin. They were the first about his political future since the United States and Russia agreed this month to try to bring the Syrian government and opposition together for talks about a peaceful resolution to Syria's conflict.

Washington and Moscow have backed opposite sides in the conflict.


What, me worry?

Meanwhile, Syrian state television reported a car bomb killed at least three people and wounded five others in the capital, Damascus, Saturday. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said eight people were killed. The toll could not be independently verified.

More than 70,000 people have been killed and several million displaced since the uprising against Assad erupted in March 2011.

Assad Says He Will Not Step Down

Nor should he! Fight on ASSSSSad! Fight until they come and pull you from power!
I don't think aiding the innocent is bad, even if those are Syrians.

I simply think that the aid should have gone to Israeli children first.

Recent research shows that 20% of Israelis are poor. The first place in the poverty list among developed countries!

With such a research, why not helping hungry Israeli children? is there not enough badness here, he looks for it in Syria??
So what happens to the "only democracy in the Middle East" if the Russian Bear doesn't back down?

"Russia is planning to deploy nuclear ballistic missile submarines to the southern seas for the first time since a 20-year break that followed the collapse of the USSR, sources told Russian media..."

"Once the nuclear-powered Borei-class submarines are put into service, the Russian Navy “will not only continue the patrolling of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,' but also return to the regions in the southern hemisphere which were patrolled by Soviet subs until the dissolution of the USSR in the 90s.

“'This would serve to solve the tasks of strategic nuclear deterrence not only across the North Pole but also the South Pole,' the source pointed."

Reviving military might: Russian nuke subs to patrol southern seas ? RT News

'Wonder if the Gipper would know what to do?

I like seeing Russia stand up to Israel.
Twice in my 66 years the Russians have "stood up" to western imperial aggression.
Once in 1962 during the "Cuban" missile crises when, at least, everyone knew some of the details in real time, and again in 1983 when most of us didn't have a clue how close the world came to Armageddon:

"These two glimpses of nuclear war primed Reagan for Able Archer 83, giving him a very specific picture of what would occur had the situation further developed. After receiving intelligence reports from sources including Gordievsky, it was clear that the Soviets were unnerved.

"While officials were concerned with the Soviet panic, they were hesitant about believing the proximity of a Soviet attack. Secretary of State George P. Shultz thought it 'incredible, at least to us' that the Soviets would believe the US would launch a genuine attack.[44]

"In general, Reagan did not share the secretary's belief that cooler heads would prevail, writing:

"'We had many contingency plans for responding to a nuclear attack. But everything would happen so fast that I wondered how much planning or reason could be applied in such a crisis... Six minutes to decide how to respond to a blip on a radar scope and decide whether to unleash Armageddon! How could anyone apply reason at a time like that?'"

Able Archer 83 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Three strikes and...?

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