Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

This is like when John Kucinich tried to get an impeachment bill to the floor on GWB every week and it never got there. Every time, progressives would get giddy. And every time, maybe 450 Americans knew about it. John Lewis.......outside an internet message board, nobody cares.
If you are White you might as well move out of Lewis's district in Atlanta because democrats have fixed the rules so that a Black congressman only represents Black people and it will go on and on as long as democrats can keep Blacks on the political plantation. Doesn't that make Lewis illegitimate?
John Lewis is a great American Patriot
Donald Trump has never sacrificed or risked anything for his country
John Lewis Part of Pitiable Left Out Of Energy, Ideas and Time
John Lewis does nothing for his district so he can keep them poor so they re-elect him.
The first ones who need to go when Trump drains the swamp should be the traitors in our intelligence community.
So, because 50 years ago some Democrats beat up John Lewis means we that have to ignore how he lies about Republicans today?
Let's not pretend this is new or unique:

The 30 or 40 Republicans in Congress who questioned President Obama's legitimacy:

that had nothing to do with the EC or PV. It was questioning his legitimacy to run, since his background was hidden or unknown.

But since you brought this up, could you please post his college transcripts from Harvard and Columbia as well as documentation to explain how he paid the tuition at those very expensive colleges? While doing that, you can also address why his grandmother (who had said he was born in Kenya) died shortly after he visited her in Hawaii.

Someday we may know the truth about this imposter.

lol. See? The Birthers are still out there, they voted for Trump, and NOW they're crying about anyone saying Trump isn't legitimate.

You Birthers demanded proof beyond all reasonable doubt that Obama was born in the US or you won't accept him as legitimate.

Let's turn that around in the interests of fair play:

Until you prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Trump was not aided by the Russians in getting elected,

Trump is not a legitimate president.
Well the far left will never allow that to happen!

Although the all career politicians in Washington prove that they do not understand the spirit in which this country was formed!
Perhaps Rep. Lewis should have just pulled a 'McConnell and said his top politics cal priority is to make Trump a one term president. It's classy and responsible behavior, according to RWNJs.

Nah! Maybe the (R) 's should have taken a page from the far left and just try and delegitimize Obama as president!

But then again Obama is about to become a footnote in history and his only accomplishment will be the first half white president!
Republicans tried to delegitimize Obama from day one! Birthers, Kenyan boy King, "Magic Negro, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, secret Muslim, communist. The array of effort you idiots spent must have been exhausting to you.
Let's not pretend this is new or unique:

The 30 or 40 Republicans in Congress who questioned President Obama's legitimacy:

that had nothing to do with the EC or PV. It was questioning his legitimacy to run, since his background was hidden or unknown.

But since you brought this up, could you please post his college transcripts from Harvard and Columbia as well as documentation to explain how he paid the tuition at those very expensive colleges? While doing that, you can also address why his grandmother (who had said he was born in Kenya) died shortly after he visited her in Hawaii.

Someday we may know the truth about this imposter.

lol. See? The Birthers are still out there, they voted for Trump, and NOW they're crying about anyone saying Trump isn't legitimate.

You Birthers demanded proof beyond all reasonable doubt that Obama was born in the US or you won't accept him as legitimate.

Let's turn that around in the interests of fair play:

Until you prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Trump was not aided by the Russians in getting elected,

Trump is not a legitimate president.

Not yet but wait until the 20th and he will be THE President.
John Lewis has hit his head too many times… Just another delusional career politician
lol. See? The Birthers are still out there, they voted for Trump, and NOW they're crying about anyone saying Trump isn't legitimate.

You Birthers demanded proof beyond all reasonable doubt that Obama was born in the US or you won't accept him as legitimate.

Let's turn that around in the interests of fair play:

Until you prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Trump was not aided by the Russians in getting elected,

Trump is not a legitimate president.

You never mention that Hillary Clinton's campaign were the OB's (original birthers)...why is that?

p.s. he was born in Kenyan.
I never once accepted or respected obama as president of anything. I was my hope that Putin would march into Washington and chain obama to the back of a pick up truck. Drag him around the city a few times. obama never cared how I felt one way or the other. Same with this guy.

^Stormfronting for Trump.

The new America of Deplorables.

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