Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

This asshole needs to resign from congress for breaking his oath of office. Democrats refuse to accept the will of the people and election results, they want to overthrow president Trump.
It was not the will of the people. It was the will of the Republican Party who won the larger amount of electors to the electoral college. That is different from the will of the people. The will of the people is determined by the popular vote.
This has nothing to do with the facts used by Lewis to brand Trump as illegitimate.

Why don't you ask about President Gore?
After all the whining and complaining about mocking trump and not recognizing him as a legitimate President because of the rigged election, he will still be known as the illegitimate president who cheated his way into the office and the biggest liar ever to hold office. And there is nothing his supporters or he can do about it. Thank the birther movement, racist attacks like depicting the President with monkey faces and bones in his nose. Those who dished it out now have to take it.
Trump sent his spokesperson out to whine about the media mocking him. Now millions of Americans will make an extra effort to mock him.

Nope,. O already sailed all those boats.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

yes, you have it right. Now, when and where did it start? Who started dividing this great country? Which ideology is based on divide and conquer. I think we all know the answer.

Until the majority in this country wakes up to the real danger of radical liberalism and the far left who push it, the division will continue to bring this country down.

The real enemy is not Russia, or even ISIS. Those enemies can easily be dealt with. The real enemy to the survival of the USA is left wing ideology, liberalism, progressivism, Marxism.

I hope the election of Trump is an indicator that the voting public now understands the real danger. Only time will tell.
After all the whining and complaining about mocking trump and not recognizing him as a legitimate President because of the rigged election, he will still be known as the illegitimate president who cheated his way into the office and the biggest liar ever to hold office. And there is nothing his supporters or he can do about it. Thank the birther movement, racist attacks like depicting the President with monkey faces and bones in his nose. Those who dished it out now have to take it.
Trump sent his spokesperson out to whine about the media mocking him. Now millions of Americans will make an extra effort to mock him.

The Constitution says the winner has to get a majority of the electoral votes. Trump got 34 more than a majority. He won by the rules in place. Keep crying, boy. We need the rain.
The debate has not been about who won the election according to our Constitution and accepted method of electing a President. I was about garnering the will of the people and the electoral vote not being a measure of the will of the people. In America, a President can and some have been elected without the will of the people, but rather the will of only the electoral college. The concept seems to be beyond the comprehension of some folks like you. For some reason, folks like you need to believe trump got the support of the majority of Americans, counted as individual citizen voters. it didn't happen. Your guy got elected without the populare vote majority and hence, a mandate.
After all the whining and complaining about mocking trump and not recognizing him as a legitimate President because of the rigged election, he will still be known as the illegitimate president who cheated his way into the office and the biggest liar ever to hold office. And there is nothing his supporters or he can do about it.

No, only brainwashed leftists will believe it. You don't understand how your strings are being pulled. When the lying Democrats tell you enough times that Trumps victory is illegitimate, you just believe them without question.

For the rest of us who are not brainwashed and realize this is nothing but BS, we just sit back and laugh at people like you:

The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

The more I hear from John Lewis and other Democrat losers, the more I am leaning to supporting term limits.
Based on the demographic in Lewis' district, that's the only way he won't be able to run.

For over a century, the Democratic Party dominated Georgia state and local politics.

From 1872 to 2002, the Democratic Party controlled the Governor's Mansion, both houses of the state legislature and most statewide offices.

Without the gerrymandering of the Democrat party during the time they controlled Georgia politics, John Lewis would not have been elected to the Congress.
After all the whining and complaining about mocking trump and not recognizing him as a legitimate President because of the rigged election, he will still be known as the illegitimate president who cheated his way into the office and the biggest liar ever to hold office. And there is nothing his supporters or he can do about it. Thank the birther movement, racist attacks like depicting the President with monkey faces and bones in his nose. Those who dished it out now have to take it.
Trump sent his spokesperson out to whine about the media mocking him. Now millions of Americans will make an extra effort to mock him.

The Constitution says the winner has to get a majority of the electoral votes. Trump got 34 more than a majority. He won by the rules in place. Keep crying, boy. We need the rain.
The debate has not been about who won the election according to our Constitution and accepted method of electing a President. I was about garnering the will of the people and the electoral vote not being a measure of the will of the people. In America, a President can and some have been elected without the will of the people, but rather the will of only the electoral college. The concept seems to be beyond the comprehension of some folks like you. For some reason, folks like you need to believe trump got the support of the majority of Americans, counted as individual citizen voters. it didn't happen. Your guy got elected without the populare vote majority and hence, a mandate.

So you would support a system whereby only the big cities in NY, CA, TX, and FL selected our presidents? Because if we used the PV, that's who would be choosing our presidents.

If you don't like the EC, get the senate and house to pass a constitutional amendment to change it, then get 38 states to ratify it. Until then, STFU and stop whining that your terrible candidate lost.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

The more I hear from John Lewis and other Democrat losers, the more I am leaning to supporting term limits.
Based on the demographic in Lewis' district, that's the only way he won't be able to run.

For over a century, the Democratic Party dominated Georgia state and local politics.

From 1872 to 2002, the Democratic Party controlled the Governor's Mansion, both houses of the state legislature and most statewide offices.

Without the gerrymandering of the Democrat party during the time they controlled Georgia politics, John Lewis would not have been elected to the Congress.

While the Democrats haven't controlled the politics in my State for years, the majority minority district here was forced upon us by the DOJ.

John Lewis is form a district that's 61% black and blacks vote Democrat 95% of the time. He has a built in win.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

The more I hear from John Lewis and other Democrat losers, the more I am leaning to supporting term limits.
Based on the demographic in Lewis' district, that's the only way he won't be able to run.

For over a century, the Democratic Party dominated Georgia state and local politics.

From 1872 to 2002, the Democratic Party controlled the Governor's Mansion, both houses of the state legislature and most statewide offices.

Without the gerrymandering of the Democrat party during the time they controlled Georgia politics, John Lewis would not have been elected to the Congress.

Lester Maddox, who chased blacks out of his restaurants with an ax handle, was a democrat governor of Georgia. Need I say more?
After all the whining and complaining about mocking trump and not recognizing him as a legitimate President because of the rigged election, he will still be known as the illegitimate president who cheated his way into the office and the biggest liar ever to hold office. And there is nothing his supporters or he can do about it. Thank the birther movement, racist attacks like depicting the President with monkey faces and bones in his nose. Those who dished it out now have to take it.
Trump sent his spokesperson out to whine about the media mocking him. Now millions of Americans will make an extra effort to mock him.

The Constitution says the winner has to get a majority of the electoral votes. Trump got 34 more than a majority. He won by the rules in place. Keep crying, boy. We need the rain.
The debate has not been about who won the election according to our Constitution and accepted method of electing a President. I was about garnering the will of the people and the electoral vote not being a measure of the will of the people. In America, a President can and some have been elected without the will of the people, but rather the will of only the electoral college. The concept seems to be beyond the comprehension of some folks like you. For some reason, folks like you need to believe trump got the support of the majority of Americans, counted as individual citizen voters. it didn't happen. Your guy got elected without the populare vote majority and hence, a mandate.

Let's see if you can understand an explanation using education. A student takes 5 classes a semester in college. In each class, the students gets individual assignment grades. The assignment grades in Class A have nothing to do with the assignment grades in Classes B - E. The assignment grades in Class A determine the final grade in Class A only and so on. If a student fails a test in Class C, it only affects Class C not any of the others. Under our electoral college system, the popular votes (individual assignments) in State A have nothing to do with any of the other States or D.C. The only relation any state has to do with another is with electoral vote total. That's much like the GPA in college.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

The more I hear from John Lewis and other Democrat losers, the more I am leaning to supporting term limits.
Based on the demographic in Lewis' district, that's the only way he won't be able to run.

For over a century, the Democratic Party dominated Georgia state and local politics.

From 1872 to 2002, the Democratic Party controlled the Governor's Mansion, both houses of the state legislature and most statewide offices.

Without the gerrymandering of the Democrat party during the time they controlled Georgia politics, John Lewis would not have been elected to the Congress.

Lester Maddox, who chased blacks out of his restaurants with an ax handle, was a democrat governor of Georgia. Need I say more?

Actually, it was Lester Maddox's black cook that wielded the ax handle.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

The more I hear from John Lewis and other Democrat losers, the more I am leaning to supporting term limits.
Based on the demographic in Lewis' district, that's the only way he won't be able to run.

For over a century, the Democratic Party dominated Georgia state and local politics.

From 1872 to 2002, the Democratic Party controlled the Governor's Mansion, both houses of the state legislature and most statewide offices.

Without the gerrymandering of the Democrat party during the time they controlled Georgia politics, John Lewis would not have been elected to the Congress.

Lester Maddox, who chased blacks out of his restaurants with an ax handle, was a democrat governor of Georgia. Need I say more?

Actually, it was Lester Maddox's black cook that wielded the ax handle.

at Lester's behest. My point is that he was a racist democrat.
After all the whining and complaining about mocking trump and not recognizing him as a legitimate President because of the rigged election, he will still be known as the illegitimate president who cheated his way into the office and the biggest liar ever to hold office. And there is nothing his supporters or he can do about it. Thank the birther movement, racist attacks like depicting the President with monkey faces and bones in his nose. Those who dished it out now have to take it.
Trump sent his spokesperson out to whine about the media mocking him. Now millions of Americans will make an extra effort to mock him.

The Constitution says the winner has to get a majority of the electoral votes. Trump got 34 more than a majority. He won by the rules in place. Keep crying, boy. We need the rain.
The debate has not been about who won the election according to our Constitution and accepted method of electing a President. I was about garnering the will of the people and the electoral vote not being a measure of the will of the people. In America, a President can and some have been elected without the will of the people, but rather the will of only the electoral college. The concept seems to be beyond the comprehension of some folks like you. For some reason, folks like you need to believe trump got the support of the majority of Americans, counted as individual citizen voters. it didn't happen. Your guy got elected without the populare vote majority and hence, a mandate.

Yet you supported hillary, who, along with the dnc, screwed sanders out of his candidacy.
Based from what I understand Communist agitators tried to occupy what was Lester's bread and butter literally and figuratively, so it is no wonder he had them extracted. Lester was simply exercising his right to free association. He foresaw this coming...

After all the whining and complaining about mocking trump and not recognizing him as a legitimate President because of the rigged election, he will still be known as the illegitimate president who cheated his way into the office and the biggest liar ever to hold office. And there is nothing his supporters or he can do about it.

No, only brainwashed leftists will believe it. You don't understand how your strings are being pulled. When the lying Democrats tell you enough times that Trumps victory is illegitimate, you just believe them without question.

For the rest of us who are not brainwashed and realize this is nothing but BS, we just sit back and laugh at people like you:

Let them drown in their misery pushing this 'Trump is not legitimate'. It's all they have. Nothing else. Poor crybabies. Have pity on them.
Based from what I understand Communist agitators tried to occupy what was Lester's bread and butter literally and figuratively, so it is no wonder he had them extracted. Lester was simply exercising his right to free association. He foresaw this coming...

These are hillary supporters for sure. Thank God for Donald Trump.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

The more I hear from John Lewis and other Democrat losers, the more I am leaning to supporting term limits.
Based on the demographic in Lewis' district, that's the only way he won't be able to run.

For over a century, the Democratic Party dominated Georgia state and local politics.

From 1872 to 2002, the Democratic Party controlled the Governor's Mansion, both houses of the state legislature and most statewide offices.

Without the gerrymandering of the Democrat party during the time they controlled Georgia politics, John Lewis would not have been elected to the Congress.

Lester Maddox, who chased blacks out of his restaurants with an ax handle, was a democrat governor of Georgia. Need I say more?
The LIBs never mention the FACT that George Wallace was a DEM when he stood on the school's doorstep.

Donald Trump fired back Saturday at Rep. John Lewis for arguing that he won’t be a legitimate president, saying the Democratic congressman should focus more on fixing his troubled Georgia district.

“Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart,” Trump tweeted.

Donald Trump fired back Saturday at Rep. John Lewis for arguing that he won’t be a legitimate president, saying the Democratic congressman should focus more on fixing his troubled Georgia district.

“Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart,” Trump tweeted.

Lewis' district has a poverty rate several percentage points higher than the national average. Also, 63 of the 435 congressional district have a population where more than 20% (1 in 5) receive food stamps. Georgia's 5th District is one of those 63. Wanna guess who represents that district?

SNAP participation by Congressional District

Just so the Liberals can't discredit facts because they oppose the source, PBS is the source for the food stamp numbers.

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