Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

And so, what are world leaders supposed to think if clowns in congress say this? If I heard the report correctly, 5 Democrats in total are saying this.

Look, I am all for political discourse, but this is out of control. The only reason the Democrats are doing this today is--------->there is no election tomorrow. If there was, they would be pooping their panties.

Sorry Mac, but if I was the Republicans, I would be already getting candidates ready to hose the Democrats in open seats coming up in 18, and push harder than I have ever done investing whatever it took to remove them from power. In all but a couple of states, it looks like they have a very good chance to do it. I will hopefully be heading to one of them next winter, and I will let you know the mood of the inhabitants-)
Okay, let me try to step back and look at the biggest picture possible. (Full disclosure, it's early, a lotta wine last night, not enough coffee yet)

I know the goal is to basically remove Democrats from power, and have Republicans essentially running the country overall, top to bottom, permanently. Personally, having either party with that much power is a nightmare scenario for me, but let's run with that.

That's the ultimate high-wire act, because you're making an enormous assumption: That conservative policies are going to work, across the board, top to bottom, for enough of the electorate to maintain their votes. I guess that part of being a strong conservative or a strong liberal includes such complete confidence in one side's ideas, but for an independent that's a little tough to grasp. From where I sit, the best ideas come from everywhere.

Conversely, having that much power is an either/or, all or nothing proposition. When you have all the power, it's thumbs up or thumbs down, whether you deserve it or not. If shit goes south, for any reason, you're out.

Trump didn't see Obama as a legitimate president for 8 years.

Let Trump choke on his own medicine, I say.

Trump voiced his opinion as an private citizen--not as a representative. Just like those Hollywood and recording artist jerkoffs are today. But when big fat Rosie says something stupid like we need to have Martial Law to stop the inauguration, you on the left applaud her.

So you're equating Trump to Hollywood jerkoffs.

lol, good one.
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.

The only thing Lewis gives legitimacy to is the claim that the only way he continues to get elected to Congress is because he has a built it advantage based on the demographics of his district. It's 61% black. As long as he runs, he'll win but it won't be because he's good. It will be because of what he is.

So every white Republican in a majority white district is only there because he's white?

Interesting concession your your part.
Trump didn't see Obama as a legitimate president for 8 years.

Let Trump choke on his own medicine, I say.

Trump voiced his opinion as an private citizen--not as a representative. Just like those Hollywood and recording artist jerkoffs are today. But when big fat Rosie says something stupid like we need to have Martial Law to stop the inauguration, you on the left applaud her.

So you're equating Trump to Hollywood jerkoffs.

lol, good one.

And pointing out the hypocrisy at the same time.
Trump didn't see Obama as a legitimate president for 8 years.

Let Trump choke on his own medicine, I say.

Trump voiced his opinion as an private citizen--not as a representative. Just like those Hollywood and recording artist jerkoffs are today. But when big fat Rosie says something stupid like we need to have Martial Law to stop the inauguration, you on the left applaud her.

So you're equating Trump to Hollywood jerkoffs.

lol, good one.

And pointing out the hypocrisy at the same time.

I suggest you quote me applauding Rosie O'Donnell for saying whatever she said.
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.

The only thing Lewis gives legitimacy to is the claim that the only way he continues to get elected to Congress is because he has a built it advantage based on the demographics of his district. It's 61% black. As long as he runs, he'll win but it won't be because he's good. It will be because of what he is.

So every white Republican in a majority white district is only there because he's white?

Interesting concession your your part.

If 95% of white voted Republican, you might have a point. Since they don't, neither do you.
Trump didn't see Obama as a legitimate president for 8 years.

Let Trump choke on his own medicine, I say.

Trump voiced his opinion as an private citizen--not as a representative. Just like those Hollywood and recording artist jerkoffs are today. But when big fat Rosie says something stupid like we need to have Martial Law to stop the inauguration, you on the left applaud her.

So you're equating Trump to Hollywood jerkoffs.

lol, good one.

And pointing out the hypocrisy at the same time.

I suggest you quote me applauding Rosie O'Donnell for saying whatever she said.

I meant you leftists in general. For the last five years the left has been harping on Trump with his opinion of the birth certificate, but again, did so as a private citizen. You won't see five weeks of us bringing up what people like Rolley Polley Rosie said as a private citizen.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

Oh no mac you don't get to claim some moral high ground here by pointing out how bad the liberals, and Obama, have made the country.

YOU too are part of the liberal problem. You too have been posting about the election with what purpose if not to try and de-legitimatize Trump? YOU and the rest of the liberal left wing Hillary supporters were told for MONTHS that she was no good. That people were fed up of the status quo. That the liberals were out of touch. Well that rooster has come home to roost. You didn't listen then and you don't listen now, along with all the other Hillary lost causers. If the left is butt burnt about Trump winning they have only themselves to blame.

The liberal left were so damn sure of themselves but as always so damn wrong. Now they can't accept the fact.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

Oh no mac you don't get to claim some moral high ground here by pointing out how bad the liberals, and Obama, have made the country.

YOU too are part of the liberal problem. You too have been posting about the election with what purpose if not to try and de-legitimatize Trump? YOU and the rest of the liberal left wing Hillary supporters were told for MONTHS that she was no good. That people were fed up of the status quo. That the liberals were out of touch. Well that rooster has come home to roost. You didn't listen then and you don't listen now, along with all the other Hillary lost causers. If the left is butt burnt about Trump winning they have only themselves to blame.

The liberal left were so damn sure of themselves but as always so damn wrong. Now they can't accept the fact.
I'm a guy on an internet message board who didn't support Trump. How in the world could I deligitimize anything?

As I said at least 2.5 zillion times, she was a lousy, awful candidate. On a scale of 1-10, I had her at negative 12. I voted for her because I had Trump at negative 14.

Otherwise, I have no idea what your point has to do with my post.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

And so, what are world leaders supposed to think if clowns in congress say this? If I heard the report correctly, 5 Democrats in total are saying this.

Look, I am all for political discourse, but this is out of control. The only reason the Democrats are doing this today is--------->there is no election tomorrow. If there was, they would be pooping their panties.

Sorry Mac, but if I was the Republicans, I would be already getting candidates ready to hose the Democrats in open seats coming up in 18, and push harder than I have ever done investing whatever it took to remove them from power. In all but a couple of states, it looks like they have a very good chance to do it. I will hopefully be heading to one of them next winter, and I will let you know the mood of the inhabitants-)
Okay, let me try to step back and look at the biggest picture possible. (Full disclosure, it's early, a lotta wine last night, not enough coffee yet)

I know the goal is to basically remove Democrats from power, and have Republicans essentially running the country overall, top to bottom, permanently. Personally, having either party with that much power is a nightmare scenario for me, but let's run with that.

That's the ultimate high-wire act, because you're making an enormous assumption: That conservative policies are going to work, across the board, top to bottom, for enough of the electorate to maintain their votes. I guess that part of being a strong conservative or a strong liberal includes such complete confidence in one side's ideas, but for an independent that's a little tough to grasp. From where I sit, the best ideas come from everywhere.

Conversely, having that much power is an either/or, all or nothing proposition. When you have all the power, it's thumbs up or thumbs down, whether you deserve it or not. If shit goes south, for any reason, you're out.


I have never, ever thought the Republicans should run the country alone, until recently.

What changed?

The fact that Democrats are no longer Democrats, they are something else! The Democrats want to insist the far right wing is in control of the Republican party. No it isn't, the establishment is, and I am not convinced that is going to change under Trump.

But, on the other hand, there is little doubt that the far left IS in charge of the Democratic party. The Democratic party does not resemble the party of JFK, nor the party of even Bill Clinton, AND they do not win their elections on ideas, they win them on division.

Consider---------> When you ask someone what Trump ran on, what answers do you get, like them or not?

1. The wall.

2. Blue collar jobs.

3. Fair trade.

4. Redoing the tax code.

5. Repeal of Obamacare.

Now, when you ask someone what Hillary ran on, they didn't have a clue for months because she wouldn't even hold a presser! All the Democrats did.....and still do, is attack, attack, attack, and not on ideas. Look at this board, seriously, LOOK! Where are we discussing policy? Nowhere, lol....we are discussing innuendo, and a phony dossier. How many threads do YOU visibly see on the main board about Ford, Chrysler? Discussing Toyota or GM? How about the jobs investment from Alibaba? About the reiteration by Trump that one way or the other, Mexico is going to pay for that wall?

It does NOT mean that Democrats have to agree with his policy approach, but it appears to me the only thing they can say is----------> DOSSIER, Poly Vue France'! We are not getting anywhere, and if the Democrats are this unhinged, would you want them in control of anything?

QUESTION-------> explained correctly, or with a little bias, is it NOT a FACT that GWs own policies, or lack of policies, took his Presidency into the tank in the eyes of most Americans? It doesn't make a bit of difference that the Democrats bamboozled him with Fannie and Freddie. He was the Commander and Chief, and his lack of action made the crisis worse than it had to be! Can we all agree!

Then why aren't we talking about Trump policies that he has put forth more? It is not like they are secret! The only one I see brought up at all is the dismantling of the ACA, besides that one, mostly crickets!


Because most of America, and certainly the largest numbers of states, are WITH him on what he wants to do. And so, bad mouthing the policies is akin to calling people deplorable all over again.

That all being said Mac, and while I have no proof to back it up, just a gut feeling; Trump is NOT going to be GW, or HW, nor Ford. The left is going to be attacked by his administration as much or more than they attack him. As much as I think Democrats today are crooks, I think Trump can be a nasty, nasty, person to people if they mess with him. When he takes office, all hell is going to break lose rather quickly, and the left is going to be faced with the same type of attacks they are used to giving out. I believe this...and..........I am expecting quite a few independent councils to be put in place......most of them from the Presidential side to investigate certain aspects of Washington......that is of course unless the Dems quit screwing around, which I do not think will happen, until Trump takes one of them down, and he will get at least one, if not more before the midterms. Watch!
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.

The only thing Lewis gives legitimacy to is the claim that the only way he continues to get elected to Congress is because he has a built it advantage based on the demographics of his district. It's 61% black. As long as he runs, he'll win but it won't be because he's good. It will be because of what he is.

So every white Republican in a majority white district is only there because he's white?

Interesting concession your your part.

If 95% of white voted Republican, you might have a point. Since they don't, neither do you.

See? See how easy it is to draw a flip flop out of these people?
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.

The only thing Lewis gives legitimacy to is the claim that the only way he continues to get elected to Congress is because he has a built it advantage based on the demographics of his district. It's 61% black. As long as he runs, he'll win but it won't be because he's good. It will be because of what he is.

So every white Republican in a majority white district is only there because he's white?

Interesting concession your your part.

If 95% of white voted Republican, you might have a point. Since they don't, neither do you.

See? See how easy it is to draw a flip flop out of these people?

Showing how percentages work isn't a flip flop. It's a fact.

By the way, your bitch Hillary lost. Keep crying. We need the rain.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

And so, what are world leaders supposed to think if clowns in congress say this? If I heard the report correctly, 5 Democrats in total are saying this.

Look, I am all for political discourse, but this is out of control. The only reason the Democrats are doing this today is--------->there is no election tomorrow. If there was, they would be pooping their panties.

Sorry Mac, but if I was the Republicans, I would be already getting candidates ready to hose the Democrats in open seats coming up in 18, and push harder than I have ever done investing whatever it took to remove them from power. In all but a couple of states, it looks like they have a very good chance to do it. I will hopefully be heading to one of them next winter, and I will let you know the mood of the inhabitants-)
Okay, let me try to step back and look at the biggest picture possible. (Full disclosure, it's early, a lotta wine last night, not enough coffee yet)

I know the goal is to basically remove Democrats from power, and have Republicans essentially running the country overall, top to bottom, permanently. Personally, having either party with that much power is a nightmare scenario for me, but let's run with that.

That's the ultimate high-wire act, because you're making an enormous assumption: That conservative policies are going to work, across the board, top to bottom, for enough of the electorate to maintain their votes. I guess that part of being a strong conservative or a strong liberal includes such complete confidence in one side's ideas, but for an independent that's a little tough to grasp. From where I sit, the best ideas come from everywhere.

Conversely, having that much power is an either/or, all or nothing proposition. When you have all the power, it's thumbs up or thumbs down, whether you deserve it or not. If shit goes south, for any reason, you're out.


I have never, ever thought the Republicans should run the country alone, until recently.

What changed?

The fact that Democrats are no longer Democrats, they are something else! The Democrats want to insist the far right wing is in control of the Republican party. No it isn't, the establishment is, and I am not convinced that is going to change under Trump.

But, on the other hand, there is little doubt that the far left IS in charge of the Democratic party. The Democratic party does not resemble the party of JFK, nor the party of even Bill Clinton, AND they do not win their elections on ideas, they win them on division.

Consider---------> When you ask someone what Trump ran on, what answers do you get, like them or not?

1. The wall.

2. Blue collar jobs.

3. Fair trade.

4. Redoing the tax code.

5. Repeal of Obamacare.

Now, when you ask someone what Hillary ran on, they didn't have a clue for months because she wouldn't even hold a presser! All the Democrats did.....and still do, is attack, attack, attack, and not on ideas. Look at this board, seriously, LOOK! Where are we discussing policy? Nowhere, lol....we are discussing innuendo, and a phony dossier. How many threads do YOU visibly see on the main board about Ford, Chrysler? Discussing Toyota or GM? How about the jobs investment from Alibaba? About the reiteration by Trump that one way or the other, Mexico is going to pay for that wall?

It does NOT mean that Democrats have to agree with his policy approach, but it appears to me the only thing they can say is----------> DOSSIER, Poly Vue France'! We are not getting anywhere, and if the Democrats are this unhinged, would you want them in control of anything?

QUESTION-------> explained correctly, or with a little bias, is it NOT a FACT that GWs own policies, or lack of policies, took his Presidency into the tank in the eyes of most Americans? It doesn't make a bit of difference that the Democrats bamboozled him with Fannie and Freddie. He was the Commander and Chief, and his lack of action made the crisis worse than it had to be! Can we all agree!

Then why aren't we talking about Trump policies that he has put forth more? It is not like they are secret! The only one I see brought up at all is the dismantling of the ACA, besides that one, mostly crickets!


Because most of America, and certainly the largest numbers of states, are WITH him on what he wants to do. And so, bad mouthing the policies is akin to calling people deplorable all over again.

That all being said Mac, and while I have no proof to back it up, just a gut feeling; Trump is NOT going to be GW, or HW, nor Ford. The left is going to be attacked by his administration as much or more than they attack him. As much as I think Democrats today are crooks, I think Trump can be a nasty, nasty, person to people if they mess with him. When he takes office, all hell is going to break lose rather quickly, and the left is going to be faced with the same type of attacks they are used to giving out. I believe this...and..........I am expecting quite a few independent councils to be put in place......most of them from the Presidential side to investigate certain aspects of Washington......that is of course unless the Dems quit screwing around, which I do not think will happen, until Trump takes one of them down, and he will get at least one, if not more before the midterms. Watch!

You're denying that Hillary Clinton had a platform? Had policy positions?

Goddam that's funny.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

And so, what are world leaders supposed to think if clowns in congress say this? If I heard the report correctly, 5 Democrats in total are saying this.

Look, I am all for political discourse, but this is out of control. The only reason the Democrats are doing this today is--------->there is no election tomorrow. If there was, they would be pooping their panties.

Sorry Mac, but if I was the Republicans, I would be already getting candidates ready to hose the Democrats in open seats coming up in 18, and push harder than I have ever done investing whatever it took to remove them from power. In all but a couple of states, it looks like they have a very good chance to do it. I will hopefully be heading to one of them next winter, and I will let you know the mood of the inhabitants-)
Okay, let me try to step back and look at the biggest picture possible. (Full disclosure, it's early, a lotta wine last night, not enough coffee yet)

I know the goal is to basically remove Democrats from power, and have Republicans essentially running the country overall, top to bottom, permanently. Personally, having either party with that much power is a nightmare scenario for me, but let's run with that.

That's the ultimate high-wire act, because you're making an enormous assumption: That conservative policies are going to work, across the board, top to bottom, for enough of the electorate to maintain their votes. I guess that part of being a strong conservative or a strong liberal includes such complete confidence in one side's ideas, but for an independent that's a little tough to grasp. From where I sit, the best ideas come from everywhere.

Conversely, having that much power is an either/or, all or nothing proposition. When you have all the power, it's thumbs up or thumbs down, whether you deserve it or not. If shit goes south, for any reason, you're out.


I have never, ever thought the Republicans should run the country alone, until recently.

What changed?

The fact that Democrats are no longer Democrats, they are something else! The Democrats want to insist the far right wing is in control of the Republican party. No it isn't, the establishment is, and I am not convinced that is going to change under Trump.

But, on the other hand, there is little doubt that the far left IS in charge of the Democratic party. The Democratic party does not resemble the party of JFK, nor the party of even Bill Clinton, AND they do not win their elections on ideas, they win them on division.

Consider---------> When you ask someone what Trump ran on, what answers do you get, like them or not?

1. The wall.

2. Blue collar jobs.

3. Fair trade.

4. Redoing the tax code.

5. Repeal of Obamacare.

Now, when you ask someone what Hillary ran on, they didn't have a clue for months because she wouldn't even hold a presser! All the Democrats did.....and still do, is attack, attack, attack, and not on ideas. Look at this board, seriously, LOOK! Where are we discussing policy? Nowhere, lol....we are discussing innuendo, and a phony dossier. How many threads do YOU visibly see on the main board about Ford, Chrysler? Discussing Toyota or GM? How about the jobs investment from Alibaba? About the reiteration by Trump that one way or the other, Mexico is going to pay for that wall?

It does NOT mean that Democrats have to agree with his policy approach, but it appears to me the only thing they can say is----------> DOSSIER, Poly Vue France'! We are not getting anywhere, and if the Democrats are this unhinged, would you want them in control of anything?

QUESTION-------> explained correctly, or with a little bias, is it NOT a FACT that GWs own policies, or lack of policies, took his Presidency into the tank in the eyes of most Americans? It doesn't make a bit of difference that the Democrats bamboozled him with Fannie and Freddie. He was the Commander and Chief, and his lack of action made the crisis worse than it had to be! Can we all agree!

Then why aren't we talking about Trump policies that he has put forth more? It is not like they are secret! The only one I see brought up at all is the dismantling of the ACA, besides that one, mostly crickets!


Because most of America, and certainly the largest numbers of states, are WITH him on what he wants to do. And so, bad mouthing the policies is akin to calling people deplorable all over again.

That all being said Mac, and while I have no proof to back it up, just a gut feeling; Trump is NOT going to be GW, or HW, nor Ford. The left is going to be attacked by his administration as much or more than they attack him. As much as I think Democrats today are crooks, I think Trump can be a nasty, nasty, person to people if they mess with him. When he takes office, all hell is going to break lose rather quickly, and the left is going to be faced with the same type of attacks they are used to giving out. I believe this...and..........I am expecting quite a few independent councils to be put in place......most of them from the Presidential side to investigate certain aspects of Washington......that is of course unless the Dems quit screwing around, which I do not think will happen, until Trump takes one of them down, and he will get at least one, if not more before the midterms. Watch!
Interesting. We agree that the Democratic party has been taken over by its zealots, and that it has moved sharply left. We could discuss the reasons for that in another thread.

If I'm reading between the lines accurately, would it be fair to assume that, if the GOP had the kind of control I'm talking about, it would moderate in its stances? I'm not saying capitulate, just general moderation.
He is entitled to his opinion but he used up a lot of his respect today! Just a year ago he said if you do not like the man you must still respect the office! He ain't going to the Inauguration. Boo hoo.

Agreed... John Lewis as been a tool of the Democrats for many years... Remember when he was allegedly spit on while walking up with steps of the Capital?

Moments before spitgate...

View attachment 106592
Actually the fact is that was drool… He just didn't realize it
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.
Does your pussy hurt?
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

And so, what are world leaders supposed to think if clowns in congress say this? If I heard the report correctly, 5 Democrats in total are saying this.

Look, I am all for political discourse, but this is out of control. The only reason the Democrats are doing this today is--------->there is no election tomorrow. If there was, they would be pooping their panties.

Sorry Mac, but if I was the Republicans, I would be already getting candidates ready to hose the Democrats in open seats coming up in 18, and push harder than I have ever done investing whatever it took to remove them from power. In all but a couple of states, it looks like they have a very good chance to do it. I will hopefully be heading to one of them next winter, and I will let you know the mood of the inhabitants-)
Okay, let me try to step back and look at the biggest picture possible. (Full disclosure, it's early, a lotta wine last night, not enough coffee yet)

I know the goal is to basically remove Democrats from power, and have Republicans essentially running the country overall, top to bottom, permanently. Personally, having either party with that much power is a nightmare scenario for me, but let's run with that.

That's the ultimate high-wire act, because you're making an enormous assumption: That conservative policies are going to work, across the board, top to bottom, for enough of the electorate to maintain their votes. I guess that part of being a strong conservative or a strong liberal includes such complete confidence in one side's ideas, but for an independent that's a little tough to grasp. From where I sit, the best ideas come from everywhere.

Conversely, having that much power is an either/or, all or nothing proposition. When you have all the power, it's thumbs up or thumbs down, whether you deserve it or not. If shit goes south, for any reason, you're out.


I have never, ever thought the Republicans should run the country alone, until recently.

What changed?

The fact that Democrats are no longer Democrats, they are something else! The Democrats want to insist the far right wing is in control of the Republican party. No it isn't, the establishment is, and I am not convinced that is going to change under Trump.

But, on the other hand, there is little doubt that the far left IS in charge of the Democratic party. The Democratic party does not resemble the party of JFK, nor the party of even Bill Clinton, AND they do not win their elections on ideas, they win them on division.

Consider---------> When you ask someone what Trump ran on, what answers do you get, like them or not?

1. The wall.

2. Blue collar jobs.

3. Fair trade.

4. Redoing the tax code.

5. Repeal of Obamacare.

Now, when you ask someone what Hillary ran on, they didn't have a clue for months because she wouldn't even hold a presser! All the Democrats did.....and still do, is attack, attack, attack, and not on ideas. Look at this board, seriously, LOOK! Where are we discussing policy? Nowhere, lol....we are discussing innuendo, and a phony dossier. How many threads do YOU visibly see on the main board about Ford, Chrysler? Discussing Toyota or GM? How about the jobs investment from Alibaba? About the reiteration by Trump that one way or the other, Mexico is going to pay for that wall?

It does NOT mean that Democrats have to agree with his policy approach, but it appears to me the only thing they can say is----------> DOSSIER, Poly Vue France'! We are not getting anywhere, and if the Democrats are this unhinged, would you want them in control of anything?

QUESTION-------> explained correctly, or with a little bias, is it NOT a FACT that GWs own policies, or lack of policies, took his Presidency into the tank in the eyes of most Americans? It doesn't make a bit of difference that the Democrats bamboozled him with Fannie and Freddie. He was the Commander and Chief, and his lack of action made the crisis worse than it had to be! Can we all agree!

Then why aren't we talking about Trump policies that he has put forth more? It is not like they are secret! The only one I see brought up at all is the dismantling of the ACA, besides that one, mostly crickets!


Because most of America, and certainly the largest numbers of states, are WITH him on what he wants to do. And so, bad mouthing the policies is akin to calling people deplorable all over again.

That all being said Mac, and while I have no proof to back it up, just a gut feeling; Trump is NOT going to be GW, or HW, nor Ford. The left is going to be attacked by his administration as much or more than they attack him. As much as I think Democrats today are crooks, I think Trump can be a nasty, nasty, person to people if they mess with him. When he takes office, all hell is going to break lose rather quickly, and the left is going to be faced with the same type of attacks they are used to giving out. I believe this...and..........I am expecting quite a few independent councils to be put in place......most of them from the Presidential side to investigate certain aspects of Washington......that is of course unless the Dems quit screwing around, which I do not think will happen, until Trump takes one of them down, and he will get at least one, if not more before the midterms. Watch!
Interesting. We agree that the Democratic party has been taken over by its zealots, and that it has moved sharply left. We could discuss the reasons for that in another thread.

If I'm reading between the lines accurately, would it be fair to assume that, if the GOP had the kind of control I'm talking about, it would moderate in its stances? I'm not saying capitulate, just general moderation.

No Mac, which is why it is so important that we get the Democrats back into the box, because we need them for moderation.

We BOTH know that our founding fathers set up Washington to move slooooooowly on purpose. No matter what the left or the right think, lol! That was the founding fathers intentions. With the advent of the executive branch over reaching, we are all in trouble. We need to put that to bed, we need to FORCE congress to do its job and sign laws instead of allowing unelected people guiding the country. Remember when things were great? Gridlock, or they had to do legislation for the good of the country together.

The only reason I am cheering so loudly for this Republican take over of Washington is--------->they need undo what Obama did unethically, and then move the pendulum back right some what. It then gives the REAL Democrats time to get control back of their party from Hollywood, and all of the race baiters and dividers.

Government policy is a GOOD thing to discuss, even if we don't agree. We can all agree, to disagree, with style and grace. But what good is discussing innuendo? It is just a blatant attempt to weaken. I can go along with listening about the popular vote, and we can discuss it, but this! Terrible, just terrible! There is two sides to every political coin. The left is trying to make a coin with 3 or 4 sides, and they control every side that Trump is not on, so when it is flipped, their odds are very high of winning, lol.

Mac, he is going to fu** with them, watch and see. Just like they are with him, once he is office, he is going to go after the most corrupt, high profile Democrat in office he can find, and take them down. Watch!
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

And so, what are world leaders supposed to think if clowns in congress say this? If I heard the report correctly, 5 Democrats in total are saying this.

Look, I am all for political discourse, but this is out of control. The only reason the Democrats are doing this today is--------->there is no election tomorrow. If there was, they would be pooping their panties.

Sorry Mac, but if I was the Republicans, I would be already getting candidates ready to hose the Democrats in open seats coming up in 18, and push harder than I have ever done investing whatever it took to remove them from power. In all but a couple of states, it looks like they have a very good chance to do it. I will hopefully be heading to one of them next winter, and I will let you know the mood of the inhabitants-)
Okay, let me try to step back and look at the biggest picture possible. (Full disclosure, it's early, a lotta wine last night, not enough coffee yet)

I know the goal is to basically remove Democrats from power, and have Republicans essentially running the country overall, top to bottom, permanently. Personally, having either party with that much power is a nightmare scenario for me, but let's run with that.

That's the ultimate high-wire act, because you're making an enormous assumption: That conservative policies are going to work, across the board, top to bottom, for enough of the electorate to maintain their votes. I guess that part of being a strong conservative or a strong liberal includes such complete confidence in one side's ideas, but for an independent that's a little tough to grasp. From where I sit, the best ideas come from everywhere.

Conversely, having that much power is an either/or, all or nothing proposition. When you have all the power, it's thumbs up or thumbs down, whether you deserve it or not. If shit goes south, for any reason, you're out.


I have never, ever thought the Republicans should run the country alone, until recently.

What changed?

The fact that Democrats are no longer Democrats, they are something else! The Democrats want to insist the far right wing is in control of the Republican party. No it isn't, the establishment is, and I am not convinced that is going to change under Trump.

But, on the other hand, there is little doubt that the far left IS in charge of the Democratic party. The Democratic party does not resemble the party of JFK, nor the party of even Bill Clinton, AND they do not win their elections on ideas, they win them on division.

Consider---------> When you ask someone what Trump ran on, what answers do you get, like them or not?

1. The wall.

2. Blue collar jobs.

3. Fair trade.

4. Redoing the tax code.

5. Repeal of Obamacare.

Now, when you ask someone what Hillary ran on, they didn't have a clue for months because she wouldn't even hold a presser! All the Democrats did.....and still do, is attack, attack, attack, and not on ideas. Look at this board, seriously, LOOK! Where are we discussing policy? Nowhere, lol....we are discussing innuendo, and a phony dossier. How many threads do YOU visibly see on the main board about Ford, Chrysler? Discussing Toyota or GM? How about the jobs investment from Alibaba? About the reiteration by Trump that one way or the other, Mexico is going to pay for that wall?

It does NOT mean that Democrats have to agree with his policy approach, but it appears to me the only thing they can say is----------> DOSSIER, Poly Vue France'! We are not getting anywhere, and if the Democrats are this unhinged, would you want them in control of anything?

QUESTION-------> explained correctly, or with a little bias, is it NOT a FACT that GWs own policies, or lack of policies, took his Presidency into the tank in the eyes of most Americans? It doesn't make a bit of difference that the Democrats bamboozled him with Fannie and Freddie. He was the Commander and Chief, and his lack of action made the crisis worse than it had to be! Can we all agree!

Then why aren't we talking about Trump policies that he has put forth more? It is not like they are secret! The only one I see brought up at all is the dismantling of the ACA, besides that one, mostly crickets!


Because most of America, and certainly the largest numbers of states, are WITH him on what he wants to do. And so, bad mouthing the policies is akin to calling people deplorable all over again.

That all being said Mac, and while I have no proof to back it up, just a gut feeling; Trump is NOT going to be GW, or HW, nor Ford. The left is going to be attacked by his administration as much or more than they attack him. As much as I think Democrats today are crooks, I think Trump can be a nasty, nasty, person to people if they mess with him. When he takes office, all hell is going to break lose rather quickly, and the left is going to be faced with the same type of attacks they are used to giving out. I believe this...and..........I am expecting quite a few independent councils to be put in place......most of them from the Presidential side to investigate certain aspects of Washington......that is of course unless the Dems quit screwing around, which I do not think will happen, until Trump takes one of them down, and he will get at least one, if not more before the midterms. Watch!

You're denying that Hillary Clinton had a platform? Had policy positions?

Goddam that's funny.

What's funny is that you morons on the left keep bringing up popular vote when electoral votes matter.

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