Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

It very troubling that a low IQ, racist turd like Lewis is obsessed with subverting the USA further in this case pushing the insane, fake conspiracy that the "Russians did it."
Well the far left will never allow that to happen!

Although the all career politicians in Washington prove that they do not understand the spirit in which this country was formed!
Perhaps Rep. Lewis should have just pulled a 'McConnell and said his top politics cal priority is to make Trump a one term president. It's classy and responsible behavior, according to RWNJs.

Nah! Maybe the (R) 's should have taken a page from the far left and just try and delegitimize Obama as president!

But then again Obama is about to become a footnote in history and his only accomplishment will be the first half white president!
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.
This asshole needs to resign from congress for breaking his oath of office. Democrats refuse to accept the will of the people and election results, they want to overthrow president Trump.
It was not the will of the people. It was the will of the Republican Party who won the larger amount of electors to the electoral college. That is different from the will of the people. The will of the people is determined by the popular vote.
This has nothing to do with the facts used by Lewis to brand Trump as illegitimate.
Well, he isn't a legitimate president. He colluded with Russia and conspired with the GOP in swing states to suppress voters. It's very obviously a stolen election. Read up on Interstate Crosscheck anud see how tends of thousands of voters were straight up purged from the voter rolls in predominately democrat communities.

Hell, the NYC Board of Elections BROKE federal law by removing nearly 120,000 voters from the rolls in Brooklyn.

NYC Board of Elections illegally booted voters from rolls: DOJ
The GOP suppressed votes but Hillary won the popular vote? Your not too bright are you?

First of all, it's "you're" you mouthbreathing knuckle-dragger.

And yeah, despite voter suppression in key swing states, she still mopped the floor with his orange ass in the popular vote. If voter suppression wasn't a factor in this election, the results would've been through the roof for Hillary, both the popular vote and EV.

The democrat voter suppression conducted by bob craemer and scott foval...didn't work...even though the two men admitted to conducting massive voter fraud operations under the pay and direction of the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign, Trump was still able to defeat them....
This asshole needs to resign from congress for breaking his oath of office. Democrats refuse to accept the will of the people and election results, they want to overthrow president Trump.
It was not the will of the people. It was the will of the Republican Party who won the larger amount of electors to the electoral college. That is different from the will of the people. The will of the people is determined by the popular vote.
This has nothing to do with the facts used by Lewis to brand Trump as illegitimate.

Goddamn you tied yourself in knots denying the will of the people and the election results. I think your ilk would be happier in communist China, go live your dream.
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.

Yes we know you supported the illegal wars of Obama/Clinton and supported all the fascists actions taken by Obama and the far left!
He is entitled to his opinion but he used up a lot of his respect today! Just a year ago he said if you do not like the man you must still respect the office! He ain't going to the Inauguration. Boo hoo.

Agreed... John Lewis as been a tool of the Democrats for many years... Remember when he was allegedly spit on while walking up with steps of the Capital?

Moments before spitgate...

View attachment 106592

Yes! That was the claim but no proof was shown, just like this Russian thing, not one damn shred of proof. Democrats have made it their life long ambition to be assholes!
Democrats don't need no stinking proof to smear a Republican!
This asshole needs to resign from congress for breaking his oath of office. Democrats refuse to accept the will of the people and election results, they want to overthrow president Trump.
It was not the will of the people. It was the will of the Republican Party who won the larger amount of electors to the electoral college. That is different from the will of the people. The will of the people is determined by the popular vote.
This has nothing to do with the facts used by Lewis to brand Trump as illegitimate.

The far left has been loosing all over the world, Reid, Pelosi, Obama and Clinton have destroyed your party and yet you still can not see it!
Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.
He gives no legitimacy or credibility to anything. He disgraced himself when he lied about someone spitting on him. What ever he did 50 years ago, he has devolved into a typical sleazy Democrat race baiting poll. No one cares what he has to say except other sleazy race baiting polls.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others?
People like Assange, Roger Stone and Carter Page for starters.

Stone was asked at an event in front of the the Southwest Broward Republican Organization whether there would be an "October surprise" from Wikileaks that could damage Hillary Clinton's campaign.

"Well, it could be any number of things. I actually have communicated with Assange," Stone said. "I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there's no telling what the October surprise may be."

In an interview with the state-run news agency, Interfax, Russian deputy foreign minister Sergei A. Ryabkov said "there were contacts" with Trump’s "entourage" throughout the election, according to multiple translations of the interview. "I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives."

Ryabkov told Bloomberg that the Russian embassy held meetings with the Trump camp on a "sufficient, responsible level" as part of "routine, everyday work." Ryabkov said the Russian embassy also had "sporadic" contact with the Clinton team, though it was "not always productive," according to Bloomberg.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others?
People like Assange, Roger Stone and Carter Page for starters.

Stone was asked at an event in front of the the Southwest Broward Republican Organization whether there would be an "October surprise" from Wikileaks that could damage Hillary Clinton's campaign.

"Well, it could be any number of things. I actually have communicated with Assange," Stone said. "I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there's no telling what the October surprise may be."

In an interview with the state-run news agency, Interfax, Russian deputy foreign minister Sergei A. Ryabkov said "there were contacts" with Trump’s "entourage" throughout the election, according to multiple translations of the interview. "I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives."

Ryabkov told Bloomberg that the Russian embassy held meetings with the Trump camp on a "sufficient, responsible level" as part of "routine, everyday work." Ryabkov said the Russian embassy also had "sporadic" contact with the Clinton team, though it was "not always productive," according to Bloomberg.
Awww.....denial snowflake.....
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.
The conspiracy theories sound wacko.

And this Rep. Lewis sounds wacko too. But if he thinks what he is saying is exactly what his constituents want to hear, then since all politics is local he is merely manipulating his constituents. What's new about that?
In 2008 the stupid Democrats elected a worthless affirmative action piece of shit that was never even properly vetted to find out if he was even born in this country and they complain about Trump not being :"legitimate"? LOL!

They are just butthurt that Trump beat their sorry commie asses in the election.

Democrats always come up with silly shit like this to explain why they, being the party of a despicable greedy special interest groups, have lost over a 1,000 national offices since Obama was elected and that their corrupt dishonest incompetent bitch did not win again Trump, who ran a brilliant campaign.

Then the Democrats wonder why we ridicule them so much for being dumbsses.
Lewis must be so proud that he gets the majority vote of the uneducated, low IQ constituency in Georgia simply because he looks like them.

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