Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

Not my president, and as his administration turns to shit, I will be at ease, knowing that it wasn't my fault.
He is YOUR president and there's not a damn thing you can to about it. We're gonna drag you Communists back to a prosperous country whether you like it or not.

Nope, and I can prove it. I have a large blue and white bumper sticker on my car reading, "Not My President". Amazingly enough no Trump supporter has tried to remove it....yet. In the meantime, I don't watch his tirades (speeches), or his inauguration, nor grant him the "Loose Cannon in Chief" the dignity of the title, "President".

That doesn't prove anything. Putting a bumper sticker on your car saying "Not My President" only proves you're an asshole.

Amazing enough, you haven't provided the specific location as to where that car happens to be.

Is there any hope that some day you will grow up?

Is there any hope you'll ever be a man rather than a Liberal pussy?

You don't like the result so you put a bumper sticker on your car showing your disapproval. Big man, huh? You claim no one has tried to remove it thinking that means something. I'll take it off.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected".
All of this is sad. We're so divided that we can't even agree on facts. We're so divided we can't even bring ourselves to admit a President is legitimate.

And worst of all, this madness is spreading throughout our culture. It's no longer confined to the usual liars & hypocrites, the politicians, pundits, partisan and politicos who have caused so much damage.

Now, it's EVERYWHERE. It's like a fucking cancer that has metastasized throughout a body.

And so, what are world leaders supposed to think if clowns in congress say this? If I heard the report correctly, 5 Democrats in total are saying this.

Look, I am all for political discourse, but this is out of control. The only reason the Democrats are doing this today is--------->there is no election tomorrow. If there was, they would be pooping their panties.

Sorry Mac, but if I was the Republicans, I would be already getting candidates ready to hose the Democrats in open seats coming up in 18, and push harder than I have ever done investing whatever it took to remove them from power. In all but a couple of states, it looks like they have a very good chance to do it. I will hopefully be heading to one of them next winter, and I will let you know the mood of the inhabitants-)
This asshole needs to resign from congress for breaking his oath of office. Democrats refuse to accept the will of the people and election results, they want to overthrow president Trump.
It was not the will of the people. It was the will of the Republican Party who won the larger amount of electors to the electoral college. That is different from the will of the people. The will of the people is determined by the popular vote.
This has nothing to do with the facts used by Lewis to brand Trump as illegitimate.

No it is not determined by the will of the people because nobody campaigned to get the popular vote--they campaigned to get the most electoral votes.

To find out the will of the people, you would have to have two races: one for the electoral vote and another for the popular vote. The two campaigns would be run entirely different as the candidates would spend most of their time in the most populated areas to eek out every last vote.

I'm sure there are plenty of people that didn't come out to vote for Trump because they either lived in NY or Calf. They knew it would be a waste of time so they didn't bother.

You and your ilk have no idea who is the more popular candidate, so you can put that PV nonsense to rest.
Not my president, and as his administration turns to shit, I will be at ease, knowing that it wasn't my fault.
Your fault for a failed administration was for Obama.

My net worth more than doubled during the obama administration. I would be more than happy if he hung around for another 8 years.
The market could crash anytime, it's all based on speculation. Did you not learn that the last crash?

OP: I have no idea what people think will happen when they don't recognize a presidency. Who honestly cares? You can refuse to recognize brick walls and run into them all day long for all I care. No blood off of anyone else's nose. Your opinion and feelings may matter to you but the rest of us don't live life through you. I am always amazed at how many people think their feelings matter.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

I had more respect for the people of Georgia.

This guy is a classic case for term limits.

Been there 30 years.

There's a reason he continues to get elected. Look at the demographics for the district. He has a built in constituency.
Trump didn't see Obama as a legitimate president for 8 years.

Let Trump choke on his own medicine, I say.

Trump voiced his opinion as an private citizen--not as a representative. Just like those Hollywood and recording artist jerkoffs are today. But when big fat Rosie says something stupid like we need to have Martial Law to stop the inauguration, you on the left applaud her.
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The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

I had more respect for the people of Georgia.

This guy is a classic case for term limits.

Been there 30 years.

There's a reason he continues to get elected. Look at the demographics for the district. He has a built in constituency.
He runs his democrat plantation with an iron fist..,,
He is entitled to his opinion but he used up a lot of his respect today! Just a year ago he said if you do not like the man you must still respect the office! He ain't going to the Inauguration. Boo hoo.

Agreed... John Lewis as been a tool of the Democrats for many years... Remember when he was allegedly spit on while walking up with steps of the Capital?

Moments before spitgate...

View attachment 106592

Big money was offered for proof that the spitting and racial slurs claiming to have occurred actually did. NOTHING came of it.
Looks like he's applying for the vacancy left by Harry Reid of most boldfaced partisan liar on Capitol hill.

Fuck him and every shitassed weasel spouting this party line because their asses still hurt from Nov. 8.....
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Icon civil rights legend Congressman Lewis gives credibility and legitimacy to the idea that Trump is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
No matter how much trump and his growing small and growing smaller number of supporters whine and cry, a large portion of Americans will always believe what Lewis says is accurate and be glad to piss on the trump fraud.

The only thing Lewis gives legitimacy to is the claim that the only way he continues to get elected to Congress is because he has a built it advantage based on the demographics of his district. It's 61% black. As long as he runs, he'll win but it won't be because he's good. It will be because of what he is.
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As far as I am concerned, We have no real president for the next 4 years. All we have is a poorly scripted "reality show" staring a clown in perpetual feuds with everyone as the plot line. It won't hurt me, since I sold all my stock, and when he tanks the economy, that will be a buying opportunity for me. Other than that, nothing is going to happen in the next 4 years because he can't even get his own party to work with him.

As I've said this is the same thing as the "selected not elected" nonsense of when Bush won in 2000. They kept it up and kept it up, thinking Americans agreed with them.

In 2002 when they lost really bad in the mid terms it finally came home to them they were over playing their hand.

I think they are doing it again. They are just so much in their self absorbed bubble they don't get they are making complete fools of themselves with this Russian conspiracy bit.

They might as well tell us Trump faked the moon landing!

"When you see an adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, don't interfere. The best thing you can do is step back and watch the show."
Rush Limbaugh
Congressman John Lewis- Time to dig up dirt, sure he has plenty of it after living off civil rights & not doing a damn thing to help his own

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