Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

President Trump*

Is not a legitimate President

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John Lewis is a petulant, low IQ goblin nobody who loves calling white people "racist." Dems say his skin color shields him from criticism.
John Lewis is a big boy. He says Trump isn't legitimate, he deserves whatever blacklash he gets. No one is above criticism.
John Lewis is a big boy. He says Trump isn't legitimate, he deserves whatever blacklash he gets. No one is above criticism.

Trump claimed Obama was not legitimate for eight years

What backlash does he deserve?
Media criticized Trump daily for saying he would wait to accept election results. John Lewis is praised for doing the same thing
Not my president, and as his administration turns to shit, I will be at ease, knowing that it wasn't my fault.
He is YOUR president and there's not a damn thing you can to about it. We're gonna drag you Communists back to a prosperous country whether you like it or not.

Nope, and I can prove it. I have a large blue and white bumper sticker on my car reading, "Not My President". Amazingly enough no Trump supporter has tried to remove it....yet. In the meantime, I don't watch his tirades (speeches), or his inauguration, nor grant him the "Loose Cannon in Chief" the dignity of the title, "President".

Once he's sworn in, and as long as you are an American citizen, he will be your president.
John Lewis is a big boy. He says Trump isn't legitimate, he deserves whatever blacklash he gets. No one is above criticism.

Trump claimed Obama was not legitimate for eight years

What backlash does he deserve?

Funny if the right had said the same about Obama they would have been crucified by the media, called a racist......

The left has never really been able to fully grasp nor understand the origins of the Constitution, or American History for that mater.


Did you sleep through the last decade?

"The right" has never stopped saying "the same thing" about Obama.

However this is a United States Congressman making these comments. He should be censored.
Why hasn't Trump spoken out against Rep. John Lewis?

How our president-elect commemorates MLK weekend...

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......

  1. mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your 'horrible' Atlanta district

President-elect Donald Trump is firing back at Georgia Representative John Lewis.

Lewis made headlines telling NBC's "Meet the Press" that he didn't see Trump as a legitimate president and that he would be skipping the inauguration,

"I believe in trying to work with people," Lewis said in the interview, noting that he believed in forgiveness but was not sure how much that would help in dealing with the president-elect. "It will be hard. It's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your ‘horrible’ Atlanta district
Why hasn't Trump spoken out against Rep. John Lewis?

How our president-elect commemorates MLK weekend...

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......

  1. mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your 'horrible' Atlanta district

President-elect Donald Trump is firing back at Georgia Representative John Lewis.

Lewis made headlines telling NBC's "Meet the Press" that he didn't see Trump as a legitimate president and that he would be skipping the inauguration,

"I believe in trying to work with people," Lewis said in the interview, noting that he believed in forgiveness but was not sure how much that would help in dealing with the president-elect. "It will be hard. It's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your ‘horrible’ Atlanta district

What does that have to do with Trumps illegitimate Presidency?
Trump doesn't have to 'claim' to have a mandate from the people, Trump HAS a mandate from the people. You hapless libtards win an election first, then maybe you can run your big fat mouths and talk shit.:laugh:
Trump has the Presidency

What he doesn't have is the right to claim that the American people support him or his policies

Goddamn he just won the this fool ^^^ for real? Its like he's trying to make Democrats look dumb, maybe he's a conservative plant subverting the left from the inside?

Trump won......he gets to be President

What he doesn't get to claim

1. That most Americans voted for him
2. That most Americans approve of him
3. That Putin didn't help him
4. That his policies have a mandate
And you don't get to change the rules after the election.
If Trump had focused on winning the popular vote his campaign would have been different.
But most of the 3 million overvotes that Hillary got came from CA and are highly suspect. Trump did win the popular vote in the rest of the country so there's your California can basically go get stuffed.
Once again...nobody is claiming Trump doesn't get to be President

He just doesn't get to go to Congress during a power struggle and say......The people are behind me on this, because they aren't
That's funny......since the will of the people doesn't seem to matter to anyone in Washington.....especially Dummycraps.
Why hasn't Trump spoken out against Rep. John Lewis?

How our president-elect commemorates MLK weekend...

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......

  1. mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your 'horrible' Atlanta district

President-elect Donald Trump is firing back at Georgia Representative John Lewis.

Lewis made headlines telling NBC's "Meet the Press" that he didn't see Trump as a legitimate president and that he would be skipping the inauguration,

"I believe in trying to work with people," Lewis said in the interview, noting that he believed in forgiveness but was not sure how much that would help in dealing with the president-elect. "It will be hard. It's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your ‘horrible’ Atlanta district

What does that have to do with Trumps illegitimate Presidency?
Illegitimate? Hes about to be sworn in in a few days. You really need to keep up with the news.

John Lewis claimed that Bush didn't really win, either. He'll same the same about the next GOP president, as well.
Trump has the Presidency

What he doesn't have is the right to claim that the American people support him or his policies

Goddamn he just won the this fool ^^^ for real? Its like he's trying to make Democrats look dumb, maybe he's a conservative plant subverting the left from the inside?

Trump won......he gets to be President

What he doesn't get to claim

1. That most Americans voted for him
2. That most Americans approve of him
3. That Putin didn't help him
4. That his policies have a mandate
And you don't get to change the rules after the election.
If Trump had focused on winning the popular vote his campaign would have been different.
But most of the 3 million overvotes that Hillary got came from CA and are highly suspect. Trump did win the popular vote in the rest of the country so there's your California can basically go get stuffed.
Once again...nobody is claiming Trump doesn't get to be President

He just doesn't get to go to Congress during a power struggle and say......The people are behind me on this, because they aren't
That's funny......since the will of the people doesn't seem to matter to anyone in Washington.....especially Dummycraps.

The Will of Putin is all that matters to Republitards

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