Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

Why hasn't Trump spoken out against Rep. John Lewis?

How our president-elect commemorates MLK weekend...

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......

  1. mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your 'horrible' Atlanta district

President-elect Donald Trump is firing back at Georgia Representative John Lewis.

Lewis made headlines telling NBC's "Meet the Press" that he didn't see Trump as a legitimate president and that he would be skipping the inauguration,

"I believe in trying to work with people," Lewis said in the interview, noting that he believed in forgiveness but was not sure how much that would help in dealing with the president-elect. "It will be hard. It's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

Trump responds to John Lewis: Fix your ‘horrible’ Atlanta district

What does that have to do with Trumps illegitimate Presidency?
Illegitimate? Hes about to be sworn in in a few days. You really need to keep up with the news.

and he will still be an idiot.
He is Putin's president. He chose him.
Prove it.

U been on Mars? All intelligence says Putin wanted Stump. You were dumb enough to go along with him. Stupid is as Stupid does.
What Putin wants is irrelevant to me. I chose Trump long before Putin ever became a part of the lefts strategy to take down Trump. Your stupid tactic didnt work. You guys arent very good at stuff..
John "you must not like something i said because i was a civil rights activist even though it has nothing to do with this situation" Lewis
you vote for one of the stupidest people ever to hold public office and you have the chutzpah to insult an actual hero

Shut up.
This turd is why we need term limits.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President

WASHINGTON - Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia says he doesn't view Donald Trump as a legitimate president and will be skipping next Friday's inauguration.

Lewis tells NBC's "Meet the Press with Chuck Todd" that the Russians helped Trump get elected.

It will be the first inauguration Lewis has missed since he began serving in Congress three decades ago.

Lewis says, "You cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong, is not right."

Lewis testified this week against Trump's attorney general nominee, Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona also says he will stay home to protest what he calls "disrespect" shown to Americans by the incoming administration and by actions in Congress. He says the majority of voters rejected Trump, and they deserve respect.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President
Stump is an embarrassment to this country....but he is loved in Moscow!
John Lewis is a legitimate American Patriot

Trump is not a legitimate President
Well the far left will never allow that to happen!

Although the all career politicians in Washington prove that they do not understand the spirit in which this country was formed!
Perhaps Rep. Lewis should have just pulled a 'McConnell and said his top politics cal priority is to make Trump a one term president. It's classy and responsible behavior, according to RWNJs.

Nah! Maybe the (R) 's should have taken a page from the far left and just try and delegitimize Obama as president!

But then again Obama is about to become a footnote in history and his only accomplishment will be the first half white president!
Republicans tried to delegitimize Obama from day one! Birthers, Kenyan boy King, "Magic Negro, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, secret Muslim, communist. The array of effort you idiots spent must have been exhausting to you.
Yes. Now, does it make you feel better to know that you are now part of those same people doing the same things they did?
I'm not part of those same people. I'm a Liberal Democrat, not a Birthers or Tea Bagger or senate Republican or knuckle dragging right wing 'pundit'.

Yes we know you are a knuckle dragging far left drone that has zero independence of thought and will support blindly anything the far left commands you to do!

You are certainly not a liberal in any sense of the word, you are part of the far left religious cult!
John Lewis is the most heinous of racists. He accused Teaparty protesters of spitting on him & calling him the N word in DC -never happened.
Perhaps Rep. Lewis should have just pulled a 'McConnell and said his top politics cal priority is to make Trump a one term president. It's classy and responsible behavior, according to RWNJs.

Nah! Maybe the (R) 's should have taken a page from the far left and just try and delegitimize Obama as president!

But then again Obama is about to become a footnote in history and his only accomplishment will be the first half white president!
Republicans tried to delegitimize Obama from day one! Birthers, Kenyan boy King, "Magic Negro, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, secret Muslim, communist. The array of effort you idiots spent must have been exhausting to you.
Yes. Now, does it make you feel better to know that you are now part of those same people doing the same things they did?
I'm not part of those same people. I'm a Liberal Democrat, not a Birthers or Tea Bagger or senate Republican or knuckle dragging right wing 'pundit'.

Yes we know you are a knuckle dragging far left drone that has zero independence of thought and will support blindly anything the far left commands you to do!

You are certainly not a liberal in any sense of the word, you are part of the far left religious cult!
You're silly!
John Lewis is illegitimate. Racist comes to mind.
John Lewis is a great American patriot who risked his life in a fight for freedom

John Lewis is a vile bigoted racist.

I know......the son of a bitch actually tried to share a lunch counter with white people

No, that would be the honorable part until he turned into a hypocritical racist bigot.
John Lewis is illegitimate. Racist comes to mind.
John Lewis is a great American patriot who risked his life in a fight for freedom

John Lewis is a vile bigoted racist.

I know......the son of a bitch actually tried to share a lunch counter with white people

No, that would be the honorable part until he turned into a hypocritical racist bigot.
You mean he continued to fight for the oppressed after you told him not to?
Nah! Maybe the (R) 's should have taken a page from the far left and just try and delegitimize Obama as president!

But then again Obama is about to become a footnote in history and his only accomplishment will be the first half white president!
Republicans tried to delegitimize Obama from day one! Birthers, Kenyan boy King, "Magic Negro, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, secret Muslim, communist. The array of effort you idiots spent must have been exhausting to you.
Yes. Now, does it make you feel better to know that you are now part of those same people doing the same things they did?
I'm not part of those same people. I'm a Liberal Democrat, not a Birthers or Tea Bagger or senate Republican or knuckle dragging right wing 'pundit'.

Yes we know you are a knuckle dragging far left drone that has zero independence of thought and will support blindly anything the far left commands you to do!

You are certainly not a liberal in any sense of the word, you are part of the far left religious cult!
You're silly!

Yes I know that far left drones ignore reality and facts at all costs!

A true liberal Democrat would never had voted for Obama once, much less twice!
John Lewis is illegitimate. Racist comes to mind.
John Lewis is a great American patriot who risked his life in a fight for freedom

John Lewis is a vile bigoted racist.

I know......the son of a bitch actually tried to share a lunch counter with white people

No, that would be the honorable part until he turned into a hypocritical racist bigot.
You mean he continued to fight for the oppressed after you told him not to?

This from the far left drones that still think they are in 60's!
Maybe Stump needs to pull out a watermelon like he did the taco? What a joke we have as president?

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