Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

John Lewis is black. Nothing better can be expected of him. Remove a few years and he would be out there playing the knock out game.

Let him be a different skin color in his majority minority district and no one knows who he is.
He is an American Hero

Everyone knows who he is

Since he's been elected they do. Sad part is they know him for being a lying that claimed someone spit on him and called him "******".

If he wasn't black and didn't live in a black majority minority district, no one would know who he was.
John Lewis has never even acknowledged the fact \his queen Hillary & the DNC rigged the primary & Hillary is the one who is illegitimate.

Hillary isn't president, fucktard.

Lewis is a sitting Congressman saying an elected President is not legitimate? Did someone spit on him?

He claimed someone spit on him and called him "******". Funny thing is he never offered proof of his claim.
Did the Russians do this John Lewis ?

Not my president, and as his administration turns to shit, I will be at ease, knowing that it wasn't my fault.
He is YOUR president and there's not a damn thing you can to about it. We're gonna drag you Communists back to a prosperous country whether you like it or not.

Nope, and I can prove it. I have a large blue and white bumper sticker on my car reading, "Not My President". Amazingly enough no Trump supporter has tried to remove it....yet. In the meantime, I don't watch his tirades (speeches), or his inauguration, nor grant him the "Loose Cannon in Chief" the dignity of the title, "President".

That doesn't prove anything. Putting a bumper sticker on your car saying "Not My President" only proves you're an asshole.

Amazing enough, you haven't provided the specific location as to where that car happens to be.
How odd....I saw a lot of those bumper stickers the last 8 years.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)

You did. Can you provide proof that can be verified as accurate?
John Lewis is black. Nothing better can be expected of him. Remove a few years and he would be out there playing the knock out game.

Let him be a different skin color in his majority minority district and no one knows who he is.
He is an American Hero

Everyone knows who he is

Since he's been elected they do. Sad part is they know him for being a lying that claimed someone spit on him and called him "******".

If he wasn't black and didn't live in a black majority minority district, no one would know who he was.
I trust the word of an American Patriot like Lewis over a phony patriot TeaTard
Well the far left will never allow that to happen!

Although the all career politicians in Washington prove that they do not understand the spirit in which this country was formed!
Perhaps Rep. Lewis should have just pulled a 'McConnell and said his top politics cal priority is to make Trump a one term president. It's classy and responsible behavior, according to RWNJs.

Nah! Maybe the (R) 's should have taken a page from the far left and just try and delegitimize Obama as president!

But then again Obama is about to become a footnote in history and his only accomplishment will be the first half white president!
Republicans tried to delegitimize Obama from day one! Birthers, Kenyan boy King, "Magic Negro, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, secret Muslim, communist. The array of effort you idiots spent must have been exhausting to you.
Yes. Now, does it make you feel better to know that you are now part of those same people doing the same things they did?
I'm not part of those same people. I'm a Liberal Democrat, not a Birthers or Tea Bagger or senate Republican or knuckle dragging right wing 'pundit'.
John Lewis is black. Nothing better can be expected of him. Remove a few years and he would be out there playing the knock out game.

Let him be a different skin color in his majority minority district and no one knows who he is.
He is an American Hero

Everyone knows who he is

Since he's been elected they do. Sad part is they know him for being a lying that claimed someone spit on him and called him "******".

If he wasn't black and didn't live in a black majority minority district, no one would know who he was.
I trust the word of an American Patriot like Lewis over a phony patriot TeaTard

Then you prove you trust a liar like Lewis. He claimed he was spat upon and called ******. Where's his proof?

No proof was provided by Lewis of his claims of being called names. However, if someone had done it, they weren't wrong.
Not my president, and as his administration turns to shit, I will be at ease, knowing that it wasn't my fault.
He is YOUR president and there's not a damn thing you can to about it. We're gonna drag you Communists back to a prosperous country whether you like it or not.

Nope, and I can prove it. I have a large blue and white bumper sticker on my car reading, "Not My President". Amazingly enough no Trump supporter has tried to remove it....yet. In the meantime, I don't watch his tirades (speeches), or his inauguration, nor grant him the "Loose Cannon in Chief" the dignity of the title, "President".

That doesn't prove anything. Putting a bumper sticker on your car saying "Not My President" only proves you're an asshole.

Amazing enough, you haven't provided the specific location as to where that car happens to be.

Is there any hope that some day you will grow up?

Is there any hope you'll ever be a man rather than a Liberal pussy?

You don't like the result so you put a bumper sticker on your car showing your disapproval. Big man, huh? You claim no one has tried to remove it thinking that means something. I'll take it off.

i tried to find a video clip of the Little Rascals in which one dares another to "knock this block off my shoulder", but failed. It is a shame because it seems to fit your maturity level.
He is YOUR president and there's not a damn thing you can to about it. We're gonna drag you Communists back to a prosperous country whether you like it or not.

Nope, and I can prove it. I have a large blue and white bumper sticker on my car reading, "Not My President". Amazingly enough no Trump supporter has tried to remove it....yet. In the meantime, I don't watch his tirades (speeches), or his inauguration, nor grant him the "Loose Cannon in Chief" the dignity of the title, "President".

That doesn't prove anything. Putting a bumper sticker on your car saying "Not My President" only proves you're an asshole.

Amazing enough, you haven't provided the specific location as to where that car happens to be.

Is there any hope that some day you will grow up?

Is there any hope you'll ever be a man rather than a Liberal pussy?

You don't like the result so you put a bumper sticker on your car showing your disapproval. Big man, huh? You claim no one has tried to remove it thinking that means something. I'll take it off.

i tried to find a video clip of the Little Rascals in which one dares another to "knock this block off my shoulder", but failed. It is a shame because it seems to fit your maturity level.

Says the one that claims he has a "Not My President" bumper sticker on his car, no one has tried to remove it, but won't say where the car can be found in order for one to do it. Making claims something hasn't happened then refusing to provide the necessary information so it can fits your pussy level.
Well, Guy, I am retired, but know enough to buy stocks low, and sell high. if you have kept your saving is .75% interest bearing accounts for the last 8 years, you need a financial planner, which, BTW, I am.
And when the stock market bubble bursts what are you going to tell those seniors who don't have 20 years to wait for the value of the stock you con'd them into buying come back?

I'd fire your ass and, better yet, look for a competent financial planner in the first place.

As I said, I am retired. The only financial planning I do now is for myself, and, based on my performance, I am giving myself a raise!
John Lewis is black. Nothing better can be expected of him. Remove a few years and he would be out there playing the knock out game.

Let him be a different skin color in his majority minority district and no one knows who he is.
He is an American Hero

Everyone knows who he is

Since he's been elected they do. Sad part is they know him for being a lying that claimed someone spit on him and called him "******".

If he wasn't black and didn't live in a black majority minority district, no one would know who he was.
I trust the word of an American Patriot like Lewis over a phony patriot TeaTard

Then you prove you trust a liar like Lewis. He claimed he was spat upon and called ******. Where's his proof?

No proof was provided by Lewis of his claims of being called names. However, if someone had done it, they weren't wrong.

Not everything in life is on video

Claiming nothing happens unless you can prove it on film is pretty lame
Thrilled to see John Lewis, etc. doing their drama act. I want country to shift far right. Their actions will get us there.
Nope, and I can prove it. I have a large blue and white bumper sticker on my car reading, "Not My President". Amazingly enough no Trump supporter has tried to remove it....yet. In the meantime, I don't watch his tirades (speeches), or his inauguration, nor grant him the "Loose Cannon in Chief" the dignity of the title, "President".

That doesn't prove anything. Putting a bumper sticker on your car saying "Not My President" only proves you're an asshole.

Amazing enough, you haven't provided the specific location as to where that car happens to be.

Is there any hope that some day you will grow up?

Is there any hope you'll ever be a man rather than a Liberal pussy?

You don't like the result so you put a bumper sticker on your car showing your disapproval. Big man, huh? You claim no one has tried to remove it thinking that means something. I'll take it off.

i tried to find a video clip of the Little Rascals in which one dares another to "knock this block off my shoulder", but failed. It is a shame because it seems to fit your maturity level.

Says the one that claims he has a "Not My President" bumper sticker on his car, no one has tried to remove it, but won't say where the car can be found in order for one to do it. Making claims something hasn't happened then refusing to provide the necessary information so it can fits your pussy level.

Now you have done it! You have made me mad! Meet me at high noon in front of the Wells Fargo building on Broadway in downtown Tucson! A duel to the death with slingshots and dried blackeyed peas!
hey Loser Lewis,

civil rights icon Medgar Ulysses Evers voted for Trump.

is he not legitimate? sir?
American Patriot John Lewis is correct

Trump lost the popular vote and needed outside help to win.
Makes him illibitimate to me
Let him be a different skin color in his majority minority district and no one knows who he is.
He is an American Hero

Everyone knows who he is

Since he's been elected they do. Sad part is they know him for being a lying that claimed someone spit on him and called him "******".

If he wasn't black and didn't live in a black majority minority district, no one would know who he was.
I trust the word of an American Patriot like Lewis over a phony patriot TeaTard

Then you prove you trust a liar like Lewis. He claimed he was spat upon and called ******. Where's his proof?

No proof was provided by Lewis of his claims of being called names. However, if someone had done it, they weren't wrong.

Not everything in life is on video

Claiming nothing happens unless you can prove it on film is pretty lame

That wasn't my claim. My claim was he can't prove it happened. If he is going to accuse someone of doing something, proof is required. That's how it works.

I make the claim you kiss Obama's ass. I don't have it on video but according to you, I don't have to and that doesn't mean it didn't happen because I don't. Pucker up.
American Patriot John Lewis is correct

Trump lost the popular vote and needed outside help to win.
Makes him illibitimate to me

The popular vote doesn't count in a Presidential election. He won what the Constitution said he had to win. That makes his election legitimate. To say otherwise proves you hate the Constitution.
That doesn't prove anything. Putting a bumper sticker on your car saying "Not My President" only proves you're an asshole.

Amazing enough, you haven't provided the specific location as to where that car happens to be.

Is there any hope that some day you will grow up?

Is there any hope you'll ever be a man rather than a Liberal pussy?

You don't like the result so you put a bumper sticker on your car showing your disapproval. Big man, huh? You claim no one has tried to remove it thinking that means something. I'll take it off.

i tried to find a video clip of the Little Rascals in which one dares another to "knock this block off my shoulder", but failed. It is a shame because it seems to fit your maturity level.

Says the one that claims he has a "Not My President" bumper sticker on his car, no one has tried to remove it, but won't say where the car can be found in order for one to do it. Making claims something hasn't happened then refusing to provide the necessary information so it can fits your pussy level.

Now you have done it! You have made me mad! Meet me at high noon in front of the Wells Fargo building on Broadway in downtown Tucson! A duel to the death with slingshots and dried blackeyed peas!

I've prove you're a pussy.

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