Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

These liberal douchebags are showing their true colors. Typical of their kind if they lose they want to change the rules.

Lets talk Trump MANDATE from the people. Trump won 30 states, Hillary 20. Trump even won 3 Democratic party stronghold states PA, MI, and WI. Trump electoral votes 306, Hillary 232. Trump governorships 33 of 50. Trump state legislatures 69 of 99. Trump won a majority in the House and the Senate.

Summary: Trump kicked their ass!
Trump won
He gets to claim to be President

However, he cannot claim a mandate with a majority of Americans not supporting him in the election and only 37% approving of him

Trump doesn't have to 'claim' to have a mandate from the people, Trump HAS a mandate from the people. You hapless libtards win an election first, then maybe you can run your big fat mouths and talk shit.:laugh:
Trump has the Presidency

What he doesn't have is the right to claim that the American people support him or his policies

Goddamn he just won the this fool ^^^ for real? Its like he's trying to make Democrats look dumb, maybe he's a conservative plant subverting the left from the inside?

Trump won......he gets to be President

What he doesn't get to claim

1. That most Americans voted for him
2. That most Americans approve of him
3. That Putin didn't help him
4. That his policies have a mandate
And you don't get to change the rules after the election.
If Trump had focused on winning the popular vote his campaign would have been different.
But most of the 3 million overvotes that Hillary got came from CA and are highly suspect. Trump did win the popular vote in the rest of the country so there's your California can basically go get stuffed.
Well the far left will never allow that to happen!

Although the all career politicians in Washington prove that they do not understand the spirit in which this country was formed!
Perhaps Rep. Lewis should have just pulled a 'McConnell and said his top politics cal priority is to make Trump a one term president. It's classy and responsible behavior, according to RWNJs.

Nah! Maybe the (R) 's should have taken a page from the far left and just try and delegitimize Obama as president!

But then again Obama is about to become a footnote in history and his only accomplishment will be the first half white president!
Republicans tried to delegitimize Obama from day one! Birthers, Kenyan boy King, "Magic Negro, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, secret Muslim, communist. The array of effort you idiots spent must have been exhausting to you.
Yes. Now, does it make you feel better to know that you are now part of those same people doing the same things they did?
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.
No one will know how much of an impact the leaks had on the outcome of the election. All summer and fall, the pseudocons were claiming the leaks were making all the difference. "She's done."

Now the same clowns are backpedaling like crazy, trying to deny the leaks had any impact at all!

The tards act as if the Wikileaks business model is: "We leak secrets which will change nothing!" :lol:

Did the leaks impact the outcome? Most definitely.

Did the leaks impact the outcome enough to have made the difference? No one will ever know.

Lewis obviously thinks they did.

Lewis's "and others" probably refers to Comey. When Comey went large in public, and pressed his face right up against the glass of our televisions, announcing the feds were "re-opening" the investigation into Clinton's emails, that had a dramatic impact on the outcome.

Then, a couple days ago, when asked if they were looking into the Trump reports, Comey said the most unbelievable thing.

He really, he actually said...he does not make it a habit to confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.

No shit. I kid you not.
"You didn't say one way or another even as to whether there's an investigation underway?" King asked.

"Correct. Especially in a public forum, we don't confirm or deny a pending investigation," Comey said.

Positively schizophrenic.
This turd is why we need term limits.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President

WASHINGTON - Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia says he doesn't view Donald Trump as a legitimate president and will be skipping next Friday's inauguration.

Lewis tells NBC's "Meet the Press with Chuck Todd" that the Russians helped Trump get elected.

It will be the first inauguration Lewis has missed since he began serving in Congress three decades ago.

Lewis says, "You cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong, is not right."

Lewis testified this week against Trump's attorney general nominee, Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona also says he will stay home to protest what he calls "disrespect" shown to Americans by the incoming administration and by actions in Congress. He says the majority of voters rejected Trump, and they deserve respect.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President
Rep. Lewis should stick to organizing riots and burning down CVS Pharmacies.
You have to scratch a RWr to get the racism and misogyny to come out....but you don't have to scratch them hard.

STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
This turd is why we need term limits.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President

WASHINGTON - Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia says he doesn't view Donald Trump as a legitimate president and will be skipping next Friday's inauguration.

Lewis tells NBC's "Meet the Press with Chuck Todd" that the Russians helped Trump get elected.

It will be the first inauguration Lewis has missed since he began serving in Congress three decades ago.

Lewis says, "You cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong, is not right."

Lewis testified this week against Trump's attorney general nominee, Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona also says he will stay home to protest what he calls "disrespect" shown to Americans by the incoming administration and by actions in Congress. He says the majority of voters rejected Trump, and they deserve respect.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President

Every time john lewis opens his mouth he sets Negroes back a hundred years.
According to who?


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Not my president, and as his administration turns to shit, I will be at ease, knowing that it wasn't my fault.
He is YOUR president and there's not a damn thing you can to about it. We're gonna drag you Communists back to a prosperous country whether you like it or not.

Nope, and I can prove it. I have a large blue and white bumper sticker on my car reading, "Not My President". Amazingly enough no Trump supporter has tried to remove it....yet. In the meantime, I don't watch his tirades (speeches), or his inauguration, nor grant him the "Loose Cannon in Chief" the dignity of the title, "President".

That doesn't prove anything. Putting a bumper sticker on your car saying "Not My President" only proves you're an asshole.

Amazing enough, you haven't provided the specific location as to where that car happens to be.
How odd....I saw a lot of those bumper stickers the last 8 years.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
In which Secretary Clinton says John Lewis is undemocratic

Trump won
He gets to claim to be President

However, he cannot claim a mandate with a majority of Americans not supporting him in the election and only 37% approving of him

Trump doesn't have to 'claim' to have a mandate from the people, Trump HAS a mandate from the people. You hapless libtards win an election first, then maybe you can run your big fat mouths and talk shit.:laugh:
Trump has the Presidency

What he doesn't have is the right to claim that the American people support him or his policies

Goddamn he just won the this fool ^^^ for real? Its like he's trying to make Democrats look dumb, maybe he's a conservative plant subverting the left from the inside?

Trump won......he gets to be President

What he doesn't get to claim

1. That most Americans voted for him
2. That most Americans approve of him
3. That Putin didn't help him
4. That his policies have a mandate
And you don't get to change the rules after the election.
If Trump had focused on winning the popular vote his campaign would have been different.
But most of the 3 million overvotes that Hillary got came from CA and are highly suspect. Trump did win the popular vote in the rest of the country so there's your California can basically go get stuffed.
Once again...nobody is claiming Trump doesn't get to be President

He just doesn't get to go to Congress during a power struggle and say......The people are behind me on this, because they aren't
Trump has the Presidency

What he doesn't have is the right to claim that the American people support him or his policies

So they voted him in for President not supporting him or his policies?
As we saw in the primaries, only about 25 to 30 percent of Republicans have ever supported Trump.

The other 70 to 75 percent hated Clinton more than they hated Trump.

That's why we see Trump's popularity plummeting in the polls, now that Clinton is out of the picture.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.

this is such a good angle for the democrats hopefully they will keep it up for the next eight years


then we got ellison soon to be the next DNC chair

saying trump brings back white supremacy to the white house

Funny if the right had said the same about Obama they would have been crucified by the media, called a racist......

The left has never really been able to fully grasp nor understand the origins of the Constitution, or American History for that mater.
Funny if the right had said the same about Obama they would have been crucified by the media, called a racist......

The left has never really been able to fully grasp nor understand the origins of the Constitution, or American History for that mater.


Did you sleep through the last decade?

"The right" has never stopped saying "the same thing" about Obama.
The saddest comment he made "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others to help him get elected". Who are these others? I suppose he means the FBI, because they made her delete 30,000 emails, give access to people without clearance and take a hammer to her harddrive. They made her accept millions from corrupt governments who abuse human rights and meddle in Americas affairs.

So tipping off questions to Clinton during the Primaries, was that legitimate? Or having CNN ask Clintons team what questions they want to ask Trump when they interview him? Or every media outlet targeting him, "leaking" old videos of him saying offensive things, having random women come out and accuse Trump of abuses, threatening to sue, and then slinking away when Trump wins.

How about the latest leak regarding Trump in Russia, unsubstantiated. What about the Pope, all of Hollywood, 95% of media? Is this not a conspiracy, or is it so overt and obvious the voters should smile and accept this as "well meaning supporters"?

This is a short list of a lengthy list of tactics against him, on top of $1.3B spent and him having to fight his own party establishment. Maybe major foreign donators to Clintons Foundation is seen as "legitimate"? Or lengthy meetings on airplane tarmacs?

Here is the the fact Mr. Lewis better understand. The most rigged process in this election was the Democratic Primary process. She had superdelegates in the bag for her and their entire party pushing for her to win. if he has a beef, that's where it begins and ends. I don't even believe Obama was a big supporter of her until it was obvious she was going to win the primary. I followed this election very closely, for the first time ever, I believe I have a decent feel of how it unfolded.

Rep. John Lewis: 'I don't see Trump as a legitimate president'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press," Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he does not believe Donald Trump is a "legitimate president," citing Russian interference in last year's election.

Asked whether he would try to forge a relationship with the president-elect, Lewis said that he believes in forgiveness, but added, "it's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

When pressed to explain why, he cited allegations of Russian hacks during the campaign that led to the release of internal documents from the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chairman, John Podesta.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," Lewis told NBC News' Chuck Todd.
No one will know how much of an impact the leaks had on the outcome of the election. All summer and fall, the pseudocons were claiming the leaks were making all the difference. "She's done."

Now the same clowns are backpedaling like crazy, trying to deny the leaks had any impact at all!

The tards act as if the Wikileaks business model is: "We leak secrets which will change nothing!" :lol:

Did the leaks impact the outcome? Most definitely.

Did the leaks impact the outcome enough to have made the difference? No one will ever know.

Lewis obviously thinks they did.

Lewis's "and others" probably refers to Comey. When Comey went large in public, and pressed his face right up against the glass of our televisions, announcing the feds were "re-opening" the investigation into Clinton's emails, that had a dramatic impact on the outcome.

Then, a couple days ago, when asked if they were looking into the Trump reports, Comey said the most unbelievable thing.

He really, he actually said...he does not make it a habit to confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.

No shit. I kid you not.

I'd love for you to try and find one person that said they were ready to vote for Hillary until they read the emails, and only then switched their vote to Trump.

I'm willing to bet that less than 3% of voters even knew what was in those emails yet alone switched their vote because of it.

Because Hillary entered the race with a laundry list of problems, nobody will ever know which exact one caused her loss. Pick a number......any number...

In my opinion, she jumped the shark when she made that "deplorables' comment. That's what killed her. You can't get in front of people and insult over half of the voting public and get away with it.
Trump has the Presidency

What he doesn't have is the right to claim that the American people support him or his policies

So they voted him in for President not supporting him or his policies?
As we saw in the primaries, only about 25 to 30 percent of Republicans have ever supported Trump.

The other 70 to 75 percent hated Clinton more than they hated Trump.

That's why we see Trump's popularity plummeting in the polls, now that Clinton is out of the picture.

Well those voters didn't go third or forth party so they must have liked something about him and his policies. As far as polls go, who cares? He's not even near the White House yet. He's taken no actions and nothing but the repeal of Commie Care in Congress.
Trump didn't see Obama as a legitimate president for 8 years.

Let Trump choke on his own medicine, I say.

He's going to choke because some nobody-takes-seriously moron makes this claim ?


So you're equating Trump's birtherism with this.


Can you point to a post where I said anything close to that ?

Please point it out.

Lack of doing so can only be taken as an admission that you simply need to make stuff up to deflect against the point.

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