Assumed candidates and the ones who can't win


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Hillary Clinton: (dynasty):
My opinion I don't thing she's going to run.
The media is trying to draft her.
I think she was quietly removed from Secretary of State because of the Benghazi incident.
I'm willing to bet she will endorse someone else.
Why would anyone vote for her? she's just going to say what ever they tell her to.
People will vote for her to say they voted for the first female President? that's not really how the country was designed.
Mitt Romney:(Can't win)
If they nominate Romney i'll probably stop voting Republican and support straight 3rd party.
The Democrats would love to say they beat the same idiot twice.
Romney is a traitor who passed the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.
If you don't know what i'm talking about you need to open your eyes.
Jeb Bush:(dynasty) (won't win)
What is this? ancient Egypt and the dynasty of the pharaoh?
Windball was right, this guy thinks he can win the Presidency by completely ignoring the conservative base
Ted Cruz:(b. Canada) (Can't win)
The left informed the Republicans that they need to start pandering to Hispanics, now we got these guys who act like they are radical conservatives.
This guy doesn't look like a President.
Marco Rubio:(Can't win)
The left informed the Republicans that they need to start pandering to Hispanics, now we got these guys who act like they are radical conservatives.
This guy likes to give touch sounding speeches.
He thinks he will become President by acting radical then show the Democrats he's willing to work with them.
He's too dumb to realize the Democrats don't trust him and the RINOS won't nominate him for acting like a radical.
He's a fraud, I saw him walk away from a supporter who started talking about getting Roberts removed
Chris Christie:(Can't win)
This guy used to acting tough and barking out orders.
All the Democrats have to do is make him angry in a debate and he'll start looking stupid.
His weight will be a factor no matter how much people wish it won't be.
Rand Paul: (Can win, won't be nominated)
Rand Paul can win.
The Conservative base would be energized and the average Republican would be forced to vote for him.
The RINOS will never nominate him.
I bet the people who will run will be unknowns
You left out Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders -- the only two guys AFAIK who have indicated they might or will run, aside from JEB.

I agree that Hillary's not running. I think you prolly underestiate Romney and Christie. But whether Romney runs or not I think you should carry out that threat. :thup:

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