Assuming we don’t get 19 more polls today, here’s the Republican debate stage

You know clinton handed bush a balanced budget right?
LOL, you misspelled Republican congress.

Don't we have a republican congress now? How's that balanced budget? Oh they are working on tax breaks for the richest.
They've reduced spending by 2 trillion so far. Try to keep up Slick.
Sure, try duckduckgo.

Didn't think so.
LOL, you misspelled Republican congress.
Don't we have a republican congress now? How's that balanced budget? Oh they are working on tax breaks for the richest.
They've reduced spending by 2 trillion so far. Try to keep up Slick.
Sure, try duckduckgo.
Didn't think so.
How long was your search?

Congressional Budget Plans Get Two-Thirds of Cuts From Programs for People With Low or Moderate Incomes Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The budgets adopted on March 19 by the House Budget Committee and the Senate Budget Committee each cut more than $3 trillion over ten years (2016-2025)
Be interesting to see how Fox handles the debates. Will they act like a credible news agency or will they throw softballs like Hannity gave to Cruz at CPAC....Why do you love America so much?

Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!

The moderator has a right to correct factual inaccuracies. Mitt was wrong. Candy was right.
Uhm, no. You got is ass backwards like everything else you believe. It was a coverup because of the potential fallout. That's when Romney lost the presidency.

The GOP lost the election when it nominated a guy with a show horse and a car elevator dumbass. The only ones who thought he stood a chance were either on this message board or were named Romney. Every poll showed Obama with a comfortable lead except for a few outliers that quickly corrected themselves.

This is when you losers came up with ""--remember that? It was a real hoot.

Again, the moderator has the right to correct a candidate. She did so. If you don't want to look like a you're not in command of the facts....don't say things that are not factual. Easy.
The GOP lost the election when it nominated a guy with a show horse and a car elevator
is that any different than nominating a guy who owns a Yacht and has someone lay out his underpants for him in the morning?....just wondering....
Be interesting to see how Fox handles the debates. Will they act like a credible news agency or will they throw softballs like Hannity gave to Cruz at CPAC....Why do you love America so much?

Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!

The moderator has a right to correct factual inaccuracies. Mitt was wrong. Candy was right.
Uhm, no. You got is ass backwards like everything else you believe. It was a coverup because of the potential fallout. That's when Romney lost the presidency.

The GOP lost the election when it nominated a guy with a show horse and a car elevator dumbass. The only ones who thought he stood a chance were either on this message board or were named Romney. Every poll showed Obama with a comfortable lead except for a few outliers that quickly corrected themselves.

This is when you losers came up with ""--remember that? It was a real hoot.

Again, the moderator has the right to correct a candidate. She did so. If you don't want to look like a you're not in command of the facts....don't say things that are not factual. Easy.
The GOP lost the election when it nominated a guy with a show horse and a car elevator
is that any different than nominating a guy who owns a Yacht and has someone lay out his underpants for him in the morning?....just wondering....

Isn't it funny what the left feels is important in a presidential race? Show horse and an elevator. Forget the unanswered question about e mails, servers and possible criminal charges. Just shakin' my head.
Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!

The moderator has a right to correct factual inaccuracies. Mitt was wrong. Candy was right.
Uhm, no. You got is ass backwards like everything else you believe. It was a coverup because of the potential fallout. That's when Romney lost the presidency.

The GOP lost the election when it nominated a guy with a show horse and a car elevator dumbass. The only ones who thought he stood a chance were either on this message board or were named Romney. Every poll showed Obama with a comfortable lead except for a few outliers that quickly corrected themselves.

This is when you losers came up with ""--remember that? It was a real hoot.

Again, the moderator has the right to correct a candidate. She did so. If you don't want to look like a you're not in command of the facts....don't say things that are not factual. Easy.
The GOP lost the election when it nominated a guy with a show horse and a car elevator
is that any different than nominating a guy who owns a Yacht and has someone lay out his underpants for him in the morning?....just wondering....

Isn't it funny what the left feels is important in a presidential race? Show horse and an elevator. Forget the unanswered question about e mails, servers and possible criminal charges. Just shakin' my head.
Republicans have been raising possible criminal charges against Hillary for 20 years

Still waiting on Vince Foster
The facts whisper louder than your shouts of injustice. Sorry.
What does your side care about facts? What does your side care if seven hard drives were destroyed, inadvertently, by IRS employees? What does your side care if Hillary broke her trust agreement as Secretary of State and kept a personal email server and then deleted 30,000 emails? What do you care about facts when Obama and Hillary & co. kept telling the public it was about a video? What do you care that our Dept of Justice is the antithesis of truth and justice?

So Obama in a 5 minute speech mentions these attacks and killers 10 times but never uses the word terrorists. And once at the end speaking in general terms says the phrase 'no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation" and you and Candy Crowley cannot wait to give him all the credit for being honest about what took place in Benghazi --- despite scores of lies about it, despite covering up the truth to the American public and the U.N.

You can have your man and your party. I am sickened by them and by the media.

As an independant I really don't care much about Benghazi. That isn't going to get a republican elected. If that and emails is all you have Hillary will be elected.
Shouldn't you be playing outside with the rest of the children?

Well, you would know.

It's okay, your impotence is no concern of ours.
The facts whisper louder than your shouts of injustice. Sorry.
What does your side care about facts? What does your side care if seven hard drives were destroyed, inadvertently, by IRS employees? What does your side care if Hillary broke her trust agreement as Secretary of State and kept a personal email server and then deleted 30,000 emails? What do you care about facts when Obama and Hillary & co. kept telling the public it was about a video? What do you care that our Dept of Justice is the antithesis of truth and justice?

So Obama in a 5 minute speech mentions these attacks and killers 10 times but never uses the word terrorists. And once at the end speaking in general terms says the phrase 'no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation" and you and Candy Crowley cannot wait to give him all the credit for being honest about what took place in Benghazi --- despite scores of lies about it, despite covering up the truth to the American public and the U.N.

You can have your man and your party. I am sickened by them and by the media.

So what you're saying is that he called it terror the day after the attacks. Thanks.
Wrong, they blamed the violence on the movie when they had the facts that said otherwise. And did so for two weeks. Saying we won't be shaken by terrorism isn't the same as pointing out that the violence was an act of terrorism on the US.

So, in your mind, because he didn't say the word Lybia or Benghazi he wasn't referring to the terrorist attack the day after when he referred to terrorism?

And you wonder why the voters reject you time and again?
I've never run for office, you're on psychedelic drugs. Yep, he was talking about the embassy but he made it sound like it just happened spontaneously, not a planned terrorist attack, when he knew different. There were warnings, he ignored them and knew that would hurt him big time. Hillary and Rice lied their asses off for him and the "moderator" covered his butt too.

Well, first of all,it was a consulate; not an embassy. Re-read your GOP talking points.
Secondly, he's not responsible for what you think he sounded like.
Thirdly the moderator can correct factual errors. She did. As you just stated, the President did, in fact, call it terrorism.

Thanks for playing.

Check please.
You know clinton handed bush a balanced budget right?
LOL, you misspelled Republican congress.

What did bush do with that balanced budget? Repubs have a bad record on spending.
LOL, you misspelled Pelosi and Reid.

See I'm an independant cause I hate a bunch of sad excuses.
No. You claim to be independEnt because the Democrats are to the right of you.
What does your side care about facts? What does your side care if seven hard drives were destroyed, inadvertently, by IRS employees? What does your side care if Hillary broke her trust agreement as Secretary of State and kept a personal email server and then deleted 30,000 emails? What do you care about facts when Obama and Hillary & co. kept telling the public it was about a video? What do you care that our Dept of Justice is the antithesis of truth and justice?

So Obama in a 5 minute speech mentions these attacks and killers 10 times but never uses the word terrorists. And once at the end speaking in general terms says the phrase 'no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation" and you and Candy Crowley cannot wait to give him all the credit for being honest about what took place in Benghazi --- despite scores of lies about it, despite covering up the truth to the American public and the U.N.

You can have your man and your party. I am sickened by them and by the media.

So what you're saying is that he called it terror the day after the attacks. Thanks.
Wrong, they blamed the violence on the movie when they had the facts that said otherwise. And did so for two weeks. Saying we won't be shaken by terrorism isn't the same as pointing out that the violence was an act of terrorism on the US.

So, in your mind, because he didn't say the word Lybia or Benghazi he wasn't referring to the terrorist attack the day after when he referred to terrorism?

And you wonder why the voters reject you time and again?
I've never run for office, you're on psychedelic drugs. Yep, he was talking about the embassy but he made it sound like it just happened spontaneously, not a planned terrorist attack, when he knew different. There were warnings, he ignored them and knew that would hurt him big time. Hillary and Rice lied their asses off for him and the "moderator" covered his butt too.

Well, first of all,it was a consulate; not an embassy. Re-read your GOP talking points.
Secondly, he's not responsible for what you think he sounded like.
Thirdly the moderator can correct factual errors. She did. As you just stated, the President did, in fact, call it terrorism.

Thanks for playing.

Check please.
No asshole, clucking around like a victorious pigeon won't work. YOU quote where he said it was an act of terrorism against the US. AND then explain why he sent Susan Rice around for two weeks prior to the elections to tell everyone it was a spontaneous act due to some anti-Islamic film. Or be the dishonest retard I know you to be.
Well, first of all,it was a consulate; not an embassy. Re-read your GOP talking points.Secondly, he's not responsible for what you think he sounded like.
Thirdly the moderator can correct factual errors. She did. As you just stated, the President did, in fact, call it terrorism.

Thanks for playing. Check please.
This is what makes living in this nation less fun. Having to put up with bullshit like this from your kind and from the media. You very much resemble the Left --- they do not give a crap about morals or principles or staying true to their so-called principles. All they care about is power and winning elections. They will sell this nation down the road and sell their allies down the road just to win votes. And you morons keep throwing flowers upon their feet as they walk past you.

Obama is the worst of scoundrels and phonies in a long time. He lies, he hides under his desk when he should be leading, his past is full of treachery and deception, he has done absolutely NOTHING for the blacks in this nation, yet they fawn over him. They are killing each other, they have hordes of gang violence, they have nothing but single parent homes and drop outs and unemployment galore, and Obama says nothing. Our nation is a moral mess and now we celebrate gay marriage, abortion and transgenders and Islam and we have the media and the govt hating on Christianity and morals and God.

This bastard lied to us the moment Benghazi attack was underway. Then the next day in the rose garden with Hillary at his side he spoke in the most ambiguous terms about these “attackers’ and how we will work with Libya and bring them to justice. He brought them up 10 times but not once did he reference their race, their religion, or their motives or any facts about what really happened! Not once!! Instead we are told a couple of farm boys in Georgia made a video and that set off a spontaneous demonstration that got out of hand. LIES!!!! No, it was a planned terrorist attack and they had ample warning and did nothing about it. BASTARDS!! So then this scumbag at the end of his 5 minute bullshit speech says this phrase 'no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation.” And if you were honest (which I do not expect) you would admit it was not even a direct reference to the Benghazi attack but a very GENERAL reference to the times we are in and our nation. That’s it!!! And that is what zero Candy Crawley jumped all over Romney about. And the nation cheered! And so did your nauseating mainstream media. And for the next two weeks or longer we heard nothing but absolute total lies about a stinking video! And all we heard from president zero and Hillary was "I know Nothing. I see Nothing. I hear Nothing!" Disgraceful liars. And you defend them.

What a bunch of losers and idiots. A nation that demands obama deserves obama.
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You know clinton handed bush a balanced budget right?
LOL, you misspelled Republican congress.

What did bush do with that balanced budget? Repubs have a bad record on spending.
LOL, you misspelled Pelosi and Reid.

See I'm an independant cause I hate a bunch of sad excuses.
No. You claim to be independEnt because the Democrats are to the right of you.

I'm against illegal immigration. Which side is that?
So what you're saying is that he called it terror the day after the attacks. Thanks.
Wrong, they blamed the violence on the movie when they had the facts that said otherwise. And did so for two weeks. Saying we won't be shaken by terrorism isn't the same as pointing out that the violence was an act of terrorism on the US.

So, in your mind, because he didn't say the word Lybia or Benghazi he wasn't referring to the terrorist attack the day after when he referred to terrorism?

And you wonder why the voters reject you time and again?
I've never run for office, you're on psychedelic drugs. Yep, he was talking about the embassy but he made it sound like it just happened spontaneously, not a planned terrorist attack, when he knew different. There were warnings, he ignored them and knew that would hurt him big time. Hillary and Rice lied their asses off for him and the "moderator" covered his butt too.

Well, first of all,it was a consulate; not an embassy. Re-read your GOP talking points.
Secondly, he's not responsible for what you think he sounded like.
Thirdly the moderator can correct factual errors. She did. As you just stated, the President did, in fact, call it terrorism.

Thanks for playing.

Check please.
No asshole, clucking around like a victorious pigeon won't work. YOU quote where he said it was an act of terrorism against the US. AND then explain why he sent Susan Rice around for two weeks prior to the elections to tell everyone it was a spontaneous act due to some anti-Islamic film. Or be the dishonest retard I know you to be.

I prefer a victorious condor. He called it terrorism the day after it happened. Game, set, match, Candycorn.
Wrong, they blamed the violence on the movie when they had the facts that said otherwise. And did so for two weeks. Saying we won't be shaken by terrorism isn't the same as pointing out that the violence was an act of terrorism on the US.

So, in your mind, because he didn't say the word Lybia or Benghazi he wasn't referring to the terrorist attack the day after when he referred to terrorism?

And you wonder why the voters reject you time and again?
I've never run for office, you're on psychedelic drugs. Yep, he was talking about the embassy but he made it sound like it just happened spontaneously, not a planned terrorist attack, when he knew different. There were warnings, he ignored them and knew that would hurt him big time. Hillary and Rice lied their asses off for him and the "moderator" covered his butt too.

Well, first of all,it was a consulate; not an embassy. Re-read your GOP talking points.
Secondly, he's not responsible for what you think he sounded like.
Thirdly the moderator can correct factual errors. She did. As you just stated, the President did, in fact, call it terrorism.

Thanks for playing.

Check please.
No asshole, clucking around like a victorious pigeon won't work. YOU quote where he said it was an act of terrorism against the US. AND then explain why he sent Susan Rice around for two weeks prior to the elections to tell everyone it was a spontaneous act due to some anti-Islamic film. Or be the dishonest retard I know you to be.

I prefer a victorious condor. He called it terrorism the day after it happened. Game, set, match, Candycorn.
I asked you to quote him, you failed for obvious reasons, clucking around doesn't cut it except with other loons.

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