Assuming we don’t get 19 more polls today, here’s the Republican debate stage

Well, first of all,it was a consulate; not an embassy. Re-read your GOP talking points.Secondly, he's not responsible for what you think he sounded like.
Thirdly the moderator can correct factual errors. She did. As you just stated, the President did, in fact, call it terrorism.

Thanks for playing. Check please.
This is what makes living in this nation less fun.
Yeah, we were having a great time under Bush. I can still remember him sleeping through his daily briefs about terrorists being determined to strike in the US and, not a month later, them doing just that. Or later when we invaded a nation that didn't attack us and had not been home to any of the hijackers and lost something like 4,000 soldiers. Oh the warm and cozy feeling. It was also so nice when he was clearing brush in Texas while one of our finest cities was leveled by a hurricane which could happen at any time I suppose but I especially remember the fun times of his congratulating the director of FEMA who couldn't figure out how to put bottles of water into some one else's hands.

What a hoot!!!

Having to put up with bullshit like this from your kind and from the media.
Aw come on, I'm just rubbing your nose in your own crap and teaching you a lesson. You're not having fun?

You very much resemble the Left --- they do not give a crap about morals or principles or staying true to their so-called principles.
Oh yeah, I remember the wonderful feeling I got--don't know about you--when Conservative Christian, George " there is a higher father that I appeal to" Bush let his commanders lie to the mother and father of Pat Tilman about the circumstances of their son's death. And of course, he didn't apologize for lying to the parents. What a hoot!

All they care about is power and winning elections.
What else was fun was when Bush ordered his hand-picked stooge to raise the color coded threat levels before the 2004 election.
Ridge I was pushed to raise terror alert - US news - Security NBC News

They will sell this nation down the road and sell their allies down the road just to win votes. And you morons keep throwing flowers upon their feet as they walk past you.
After Bush, they were greeted as doubt. Just as Dick Cheney predicted about the US soldiers when he was selling the Bush/Cheney meatgrinder to the American public where they not only lied about the threat, lied about the circumstances on the ground, lied about the details of battles, and still, to this day, lie about it's justification.

Nothing else was worth responding to. I won the argument about the debates yesterday

Thanks for playing.

Check please.
Nothing else was worth responding to. Check please.
Nothing else? You did not respond to ANY of it. The only way you circumvented all the treachery and lies of Obama is by looking for incidences in Bush’s presidency to call out. Are you worthless or what?

I will take your obfuscations as a complete concession of defeat. I will also take it as a complete concession that you do not care that your president, his administration, the justice dept are all full of liars and cheats. I will take it you admit the LEFT media is a major accomplice in keeping the cover-ups rolling and the downward spiral of this nation’s morality and honor on course.

I will grant you that the republican congress is a bunch of cowards as well, far more interested in self preservation than courageously taking on these issues publicly and when in session. I guess that kind of leaves our nation in a serious bind because we already know the democrats could not care less about anything except accumulating votes.

To sum: your views on politics and social issues are totally pathetic, imo. They are intent on appearing correct and noble, but in fact they are truly despicable. This nation has abandoned God and morality and that is manifest in nearly every social aspect of society and in how we deal with geo-political issues. This liberalism is a disease. They are cowards, they embrace Islam, they make Israel look like the devil, they embrace sexual perversion, they encourage it in our schools, they lie to cover up the sins of abortionists, they bring in millions of illegals not to help them but to get them to vote democrat, they punish Christianity however they can, they champion humanism and mock God.

And apparently have no fear of death or judgment.
Nothing else was worth responding to. Check please.
Nothing else? You did not respond to ANY of it. The only way you circumvented all the treachery and lies of Obama is by looking for incidences in Bush’s presidency to call out.
In terms of debate, what I did was dismantle your attack by taking your allegations about Obama and showing you concrete examples of what his direct predecessor did. None of your allegations have been shown to be factual. Contrary to your shrill cries of injustice, all of the examples I showed are factual and are not in dispute.

Are you worthless or what?
I will have to take "or what" for 2,000 Alex. As for comparative worth, I've outclassed you by leaps and bounds before I wake up in the morning.

I will take your obfuscations as a complete concession of defeat. I will also take it as a complete concession that you do not care that your president, his administration, the justice dept are all full of liars and cheats. I will take it you admit the LEFT media is a major accomplice in keeping the cover-ups rolling and the downward spiral of this nation’s morality and honor on course.
Your weak mind can take whatever it wants any way it wants I suppose. What you've done kid is make allegations (non specific ones at that) and expect me to first be able to locate your minuscule brain matter and then read whatever is there to try to deduce your hapless and moronic conclusions.

I will grant you that the republican congress is a bunch of cowards as well, far more interested in self preservation than courageously taking on these issues publicly and when in session. I guess that kind of leaves our nation in a serious bind because we already know the democrats could not care less about anything except accumulating votes.

To sum: your views on politics and social issues are totally pathetic, imo. They are intent on appearing correct and noble, but in fact they are truly despicable. This nation has abandoned God and morality and that is manifest in nearly every social aspect of society and in how we deal with geo-political issues. This liberalism is a disease. They are cowards, they embrace Islam, they make Israel look like the devil, they embrace sexual perversion, they encourage it in our schools, they lie to cover up the sins of abortionists, they bring in millions of illegals not to help them but to get them to vote democrat, they punish Christianity however they can, they champion humanism and mock God.

And apparently have no fear of death or judgment.

Again, your opinions about my views are your privilege. I'll be quite happy to compare my record on prognostications with any poster here. I'll be equally as happy to put my posting history up against anyone who has been here for a while. I'm happy to admit when the President and his men have failed our nation, I call what are scandals, shockingly scandals. I also call what are Republican inventions exactly what they are, partisan attacks that the public is not interested in.

As for can have it. The God I worship knows whats in my heart and I'll accept the judgement when and if it comes. I don't fear it since I have a good heart. How's yours doing by the way? You seem to have a warehouse full of hatred and much of it is either incoherent or totally misplaced. Neither of which is a crime. Trying to get up in my face about it is hilarious though. You're clearly out of your depth.

Thanks for playing.

Check please.

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