At 2:45 p.m., or within one minute after shooting Ashli, Lt. Byrd made the following radio call:

I oppose that as much as I oppose the Ashley Babbitt killing. I oppose all police murders of civilians.

No, I only have to prove that he could not have reasonably concluded that shots were fired. Which I can by the tape, which contains no sound of gunfire until he fires his gun at an unarmed woman.

You clearly don’t rely on what you can see with your own eyes in the tape, either. You rely on what you’re told by the media to believe, appears to be the case.

Oh, I’m sure that he will be granted “Democrat immunity” just as Joe Biden recently was.
Lt. Byrd erroneously believed and acted on a false radio call and/or false report of shots fired on the House floor occurring before he left the House floor and moved across the Speaker’s Lobby to the adjacent Retiring Room. “[T]here was reports of shots fired through the House main door onto the floor of the chamber,” he said. “Of course that changes your postures,” he added. “I drew my weapon” and “[took a] tactical defensive stance and posture to protect myself,” Lt. Byrd said. Page 18.

Note NO PRESS, just the complaint.
I oppose that as much as I oppose the Ashley Babbitt killing. I oppose all police murders of civilians.

No, I only have to prove that he could not have reasonably concluded that shots were fired. Which I can by the tape, which contains no sound of gunfire until he fires his gun at an unarmed woman.

You clearly don’t rely on what you can see with your own eyes in the tape, either. You rely on what you’re told by the media to believe, appears to be the case.

Oh, I’m sure that he will be granted “Democrat immunity” just as Joe Biden recently was.
My eyes

27 min in it starts How many cops you count in the hallway? Do you think it's unreasonable for that 1 cop to feel threatened enough to respond using deadly force?
My eyes

27 min in it starts How many cops you count in the hallway? Do you think it's unreasonable for that 1 cop to feel threatened enough to respond using deadly force?

If you think there was only one cop in the hallway, then you have not seen the videos. That video didn’t show any cops does that mean there was zero cops in the hallway?
If a police officer draws his weapon on you and tells you to stop, and you, instead, decide to charge at him...

It will end the same way one thousand out of one thousand times.

Get this through your heads, dummies.
If you think there was only one cop in the hallway, then you have not seen the videos. That video didn’t show any cops does that mean there was zero cops in the hallway?
I posted the video. There was one cop in the hallway at the door. One about 80 feet away at the door to the chamber. That cop was outnumbered and someone was coming through a window 5 feet away. He was effectively alone.
I posted the video. There was one cop in the hallway at the door. One about 80 feet away at the door to the chamber. That cop was outnumbered and someone was coming through a window 5 feet away. He was effectively alone.
Here is a still from an instant before the killing:


There is the shooter, plus two more officers, and they are not 80 feet away.

Don't see them?


Go to :30 on this video and you will see the officer on the left casually step into the middle of the hallway, not the least bit afraid or confused.

He was not "effectively alone." That is absurd.

He was a lieutenant. You know why he was not just a patrolman? Because he had sergeants he could call on, who in turn had patrolmen they could call on. Situation with an angry crowd, the smart thing to do is to call for back up, or GTFO, not shoot one of them and hope the rest don't mob you.

The guy was trigger happy, and an idiot, and I hope he no longer has a badge and a gun.


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Here is a still from an instant before the killing:

View attachment 899945

There is the shooter, plus two more officers, and they are not 80 feet away.

Don't see them?

View attachment 899942

Go to :30 on this video and you will see the officer on the left casually step into the middle of the hallway, not the least bit afraid or confused.

He was not "effectively alone." That is absurd.

He was a lieutenant. You know why he was not just a patrolman? Because he had sergeants he could call on, who in turn had patrolmen they could call on. Situation with an angry crowd, the smart thing to do is to call for back up, or GTFO, not shoot one of them and hope the rest don't mob you.

The guy was trigger happy, and an idiot, and I hope he no longer has a badge and a gun.


It was barricaded there for a reason, moron. There were law makers in that room behind him.
Because of echoes and noise and adrenaline. You're asking pretty stupid questions.
Okay, has anyone ELSE reported that they heard gunshots before he pulled the trigger? There were a lot of people around, so if he heard something that sounded like a gunshot, somebody else should have as well. You know you just postulated something that could easily be debunked. If, out of the dozens of people in the immediate area, he is the ONLY one who said, "I heard a gunshot and freaked out", it is legitimate to doubt him.
I can’t vouch for the veracity of the transcript.

But you’re claiming that if it is true, the killing is fully justified because of “confusion?”


The situation, at that scene was not chaotic. The police officers were standing flat footed in the hallway. No one was shooting at them. No one was throwing anything at them. They weren’t ducking for cover.

If Lieutenant Byrd was confused, he must’ve started the day confused, because there was nothing in that scene that was confusing

The situation, at that scene was not chaotic.

What utter bullshit. They were beating down the doors to break in.
An unarmed terrorist?
These are the most ardent enforcers of Second Amendment rights. If they intended an "Insurrection" why wouldn't they all use weapons?

What group expects to "overthrow" govt by protesting with signs but no weapons?

What guns were used by 9/11 terrorists?

And an insurrectionist need not be armed by the definition of insurrection. They only need to be violent against the government or trying to prevent law from being executed.
Gross negligence implied they didn’t mean to do it. It appeared very deliberate to me in the video. What is your evidence that they didn’t mean to do what they did?

They knew what was going on there in the hallway. They were calmly standing around. A woman broke a window, stuck her head in the window and lieutenant bird fatally shot her.

If Lieutenant bird truly called in “shots fired“ when he knew that there were no shots fired, or had no reason to believe that there were shots fired, then, yes, it was premeditated murder. He was laying down his excuse which indicates guilty knowledge of his plan to shoot an unarmed person.

Why do you feel you need to write as if you are lieutenant birds attorney? Nobody else should be willing to bend the truth. And twist the facts as much as you are doing.

I just wonder what is your motivation? Is your hatred of Trump supporters that strong that you truly believe that anyone who shot one must’ve been in the right, regardless of how much evidence is presented otherwise? if that’s the case, you are not alone. Lieutenant birds getting off got free evidence of that.

By the way, are you claiming that Lieutenant bird is highly susceptible to confusion? If so, is your evidence that he has a history of being confused over whether his firearm should be carefully secured on his person or locked up or Can safely be left unguarded in a bathroom stall?

A woman broke a window, stuck her head in the window and lieutenant bird fatally shot her.

It's bizarre how you argue about this when it's crystal clear you have little idea what transpired. She didn't break the window and she stuck her entire body in the window frame, not just her head.
Irrelevant. His brain is his own. People get confused in these situations. It has no bearings on the facts:

The traitor sleeps with the fishes.

the brave officer did the one job he is paid to do.
It is valid to question his actions and what he said. If he lied about something, why?

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