At 80 years old, I won't be affected by the...“follow the science” crowd but my granddaughter will have a life of shortages


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Follow the science" has been used by the left to defend its Covid policies but it is applicable to this statement by Scientific American...
in their headline story from Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals

Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals​

But here are two GLARING issues that Scientific American...observed as.... "Its articles, solidly based on scholarly research, well written, and carefully edited, are accompanied by definitions of scientific terms and by illustrations."
This magazine that has been around since 1845 has certainly missed the point with this article and here is why!
1) Scientific American in stating 90% of cars must be electric by 2050... they totally forget TRUCKS!
2) But the MOST egregious error of this prestigious respected magazine is this: where will the 12,461,525,806,512 additional kWh come from if 90.0% of all current cars/trucks are (EVs) by 2050?
Today the total electricity generated by power plants in 2021, is 4,165,030,000,000kWh.
Scientific American didn't follow the science when they state 90% of cars(only by the way) are EVs by 2050 by explaining where the nearly Three times (300%) more
electricity is going to come from?
Today the average current power plant of the 11,070 total power plants in usa Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) generates 376,244,806 kWh per year.
Simple math which Scientific American, Biden, and all the other grossly uniformed advocates of EVs evidently can't do!
  • Divide the total electricity needed to power the 90% of cars are EVs by the average power plant generation: 11,717,339,760,000 kWh /376,244,806kWh or a total of NEW power plants: 31,143 ! Please check the math folks.
  • The average EV gets about .25 kWh per mile. Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
  • The Average American drives 14,263 miles/ year thus using 57,052 kWh per driver.
  • With approximately 205,380,000 Americans driving a total of 2,929,334,940,000 miles using 57,052 kWh each or total kWh needed:11,717,339,760,000 kWh.
  • So simple math states if we have 205,380,000 drivers (of the 228,200,000 total American drivers) driving EVs we will need 31,143 more generating plants.
So I won't have this issue but my granddaughter's generation will have blackouts on a daily basis.
Remember California is requiring that all NEW cars sold in 2035 be EVs.... all the while???
There were 25,281 blackout events in 2019, a 23% increase from 20,598 in 2018

THINK folks... why haven't we heard about this???
"Follow the science" has been used by the left to defend its Covid policies but it is applicable to this statement by Scientific American...
in their headline story from Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals

Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals​

To consider: 90% of cars on the road won't be the same number in 2050;
suppose that number of cars has dropped to 10% by then. That will then make the prediction possible to imagine. And so the 90% becomes a very small number compared to today. Of course EV's couldn't make up anything even close to 90% of the cars of today.

The issue of trucks on the road can be solved by electric but can be solved by other means such as rail, along with reorganizing industry to eliminate a large amount of travel that's necessary.
US vehicle miles for passenger cars: 1.4 trillion. So 90%, 1.3 trillion.

0.35 KwH per mile for electric cars, giving 450 billion KwH needed.

That's about one-third of current grid output.

Charge cars mainly at night, much of the problem is solved.

I think the CO mainly screwed up by including truck miles, which were not necessary for the SA projection. He also understated efficiency, according to his own link.

That's the science. Follow it.
To consider: 90% of cars on the road won't be the same number in 2050;
suppose that number of cars has dropped to 10% by then. That will then make the prediction possible to imagine. And so the 90% becomes a very small number compared to today. Of course EV's couldn't make up anything even close to 90% of the cars of today.

The issue of trucks on the road can be solved by electric but can be solved by other means such as rail, along with reorganizing industry to eliminate a large amount of travel that's necessary.
OK... let's assume that all the numbers I've posted are 50% off!
With approximately 205,380,000 Americans driving a total of 2,929,334,940,000 miles using 57,052 kWh each or total kWh needed:
11,717,339,760,000 kWh.
50% off meaning kWh is off by 5,858,669,880,000 meaning we would still be needing at the average of 376,244,806 kWh generated by 1 power plant..
15,571 NEW power plants! Today power plants cost about $3 million to build..nuclear about $7 billion... so where is the at the minimum $50 Billion come from??? YOU AND ME through higher electric prices either DIRECTLY on our bill or INDIRECTLY from the businesses we support! And that doesn't include the annual maintenance.... i.e. fuel etc..
And remember I used just CARS! What about Trucks?
REMEMBER I am providing the sources... so prove the sources wrong!
Trucks average 4.3kWh per Mile Per Truck source: Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV
84,433 Average miles per truck/ year source: How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
37,900,000 Total Trucks for business purposes (excluding government and farm) traveling the above average miles per year
source: Economics and Industry Data
So if 90% of Trucks are EVs and average 4.3 kWh and average 84,433/ year.. that's
a) 34,110,000 trucks at 84,433 miles per truck or 2,880,009,630,000 miles or
b) At 2,880,009,630,000 miles times 4.3 kWh/ mile or 12,384,041,409,000 kWh
c) or an additional 32,915 power plants because 12,384,041,409,000 kWh divided by average power plant generating 376,244,806 kWh.
Again prove the numbers wrong!
By 2050, we will be in another Great Depression that rivals the 1930s IMHO. Inflation will be running wildly out of control, and the US will have to default on it's gargantuan debt. Interest rates will be sky-high and the economy will crash big time as a result. It will be a time of great scarcity of just about everything and it will global, meaning there won't be anyplace to hide.

Think I'm crazy ridiculous? Could be, but I don't see anything that gives me reason to believe otherwise. And hope is not an option.
USING: the average EV gets about .25 kWh per mile. (14,263 mi/yr*0.25 KWH/mile = 3566KWH/yr per car), Your calculation (57,052 kWh per driver) NOT correct.

Use Miles driven per year X (*=times, don't use divide) 0.25KWH/mile to get 3566KWH/yr per car. (now check my math)

3566 KWH/yr per car * 205 million cars = 731030 KWH/yr (new additional energy required annually), can simplify to 731MWH.

Then go from there to find out
how many more power plants will be required to create ~731MWH new power.
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OK... let's assume that all the numbers I've posted are 50% off!
With approximately 205,380,000 Americans driving a total of 2,929,334,940,000 miles using 57,052 kWh each or total kWh needed:
11,717,339,760,000 kWh.
You've missed the point. Let's start by dealing with that.
the 2929 billion number will have to be 293 billion and probably much less. And likewise your kw number will be a tenth or less.
That's the concept and so we don't need to complicate it any more than that.

In simple terms, road travel will be reduced to a tenth of the present.

That's how Scientific American makes sense of the issue.

(of course that's assuming humans survive to 2050?)
suppose that number of cars has dropped to 10% by then.
And suppose that Santa Claus brings every child on earth a toy... I know math isn't your forte, duck, but supposition isn't going to prove your point. In what world do you see the population increasing but the number and type of conveyances reducing? SMFH, is there something in the water on Vancouver Island that promotes idiocy?
USING: the average EV gets about .25 kWh per mile. (14,263 mi/yr*0.25 KWH/mile = 3566KWH/yr
You're obviously not qualified to join the discussion.
Your 25 kw is not a measure of energy used or required. And I'm not responsible for teaching you what is!
And suppose that Santa Claus brings every child on earth a toy... I know math isn't your forte, duck, but supposition isn't going to prove your point. In what world do you see the population increasing but the number and type of conveyances reducing? SMFH, is there something in the water on Vancouver Island that promotes idiocy?
Help ol yeller and show you understand at least that much, my friend.
US vehicle miles for passenger cars: 1.4 trillion. So 90%, 1.3 trillion.

0.35 KwH per mile for electric cars, giving 450 billion KwH needed.

That's about one-third of current grid output.

Charge cars mainly at night, much of the problem is solved.

I think the CO mainly screwed up by including truck miles, which were not necessary for the SA projection. He also understated efficiency, according to his own link.

That's the science. Follow it.
NOT one particle of truth!
228,200,000 Total Drivers Total number of licensed drivers in the U.S. by state | Statista
205,380,000 90% Total drivers of Electric Vehicles (Evs)
miles by EV drivers at ave/year/of 14,263 average miles, an average American drives per year
American drivers per this source>>
Total miles by 90% of 228,200,000 drivers averaging 14,263 miles is 2,929,334,940,000 miles.

FACT: NOT 0.35... but 0.25!
2022 Tesla Model 3 RWD: 25 kWh/100 miles Source: Electric truck - Wikipedia
0.25 kWh EV car to go 1 mile. 2nd source: Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
miles by EV drivers at ave/year/of 14,263 average miles, an average American drives per year
American drivers per this source:
228,200,000 Total Drivers Total number of licensed drivers in the U.S. by state | Statista
205,380,000 Total drivers of ElectricVehicles (Evs) at Scientific American's statement of 90%!
Souce: Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals

FACT: 205,380,000 drivers driving ave 14,263 miles or 2,929,334,940,000 miles X 0.25 kWh/mile or 732,333,735,000 kWh just for cars!

Based on FACT: 4,165,030,000,000 kWh generated per year by 11,070 generating plant or average per plant of 376,244,805 kWh/year.
New plants just for Cars... 1,946 new plants.
So your math is wrong plus you provide NO FACTS.. No links! No substantiation! Why not it is so easy to do a search!!! Follow my links!
AGAIN... the average plant today generates 376,244,805 kWh (That's dividing total US output of 4.165 Trillion kWh by 11,070 plants!
4,165,030,000,000 kWh electricity generated in USA today in 2021 source:
Electricity generation, capacity, and sales in the United States - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Follow the science (off the cliff)was the 2020 revision of the lemming song
Great injury inflicted with misguided vaccinations that were subsequently declared “not vaccines” and much other trickery and slight of hand
59,000 otherwise health persons deceased with deceitful faked number of a million , lying about “with” Covid versus “from”

Lib loons declaring constantly that those who don’t get shots and repeat boosters need to be jailed and have their property taken. Many millions of lives and businesses destroyed. All in an attempt to “get Trump” and that multiple failure mantra continues right to this very second
Just ignore the glowarm scam religious cult. We're gonna heat up but it aint us doing it. Its that big orange ball in the sky going through some significant changes that are affecting the earth atmosphere along with other planets in our solar system.
You're obviously not qualified to join the discussion.
Your 25 kw is not a measure of energy used or required. And I'm not responsible for teaching you what is!
FACTS not your guesses...
Here are some examples:Calculate your EV mileage (custom for CA)
  • - If you drive the base model 2019 Nissan Leaf, and 55% of your driving is “around town”, then you will be getting about 3.3 miles per kWh.
  • It is a measure of how many miles an EV gets on a battery charged to go 1 mile!
  • If you drive the (much larger) 2019 Audi e-Tron, and 55% of your driving is “around town”, then you will be getting about 2.2 miles per kWh.
  • If you drive the 2019 Hyundai Ioniq, and 90% of your driving is “around town”, then you will be getting an impressive 4.3 miles per kWh.
Tell that to the above EXPERT and don't waste my time with your guesses!
NOT one particle of truth!
228,200,000 Total Drivers Total number of licensed drivers in the U.S. by state | Statista
205,380,000 90% Total drivers of Electric Vehicles (Evs)
miles by EV drivers at ave/year/of 14,263 average miles, an average American drives per year
American drivers per this source>>
Total miles by 90% of 228,200,000 drivers averaging 14,263 miles is 2,929,334,940,000 miles.

FACT: NOT 0.35... but 0.25!
2022 Tesla Model 3 RWD: 25 kWh/100 miles Source: Electric truck - Wikipedia
0.25 kWh EV car to go 1 mile. 2nd source: Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
miles by EV drivers at ave/year/of 14,263 average miles, an average American drives per year
American drivers per this source:
228,200,000 Total Drivers Total number of licensed drivers in the U.S. by state | Statista
205,380,000 Total drivers of ElectricVehicles (Evs) at Scientific American's statement of 90%!
Souce: Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals

FACT: 205,380,000 drivers driving ave 14,263 miles or 2,929,334,940,000 miles X 0.25 kWh/mile or 732,333,735,000 kWh just for cars!
What they will do is simply reduce the number of people who can afford to drive

Driving will become a rich man's privilege. Everyone else will have to take the bus.

It's worse than that. The elite are pushing to have everyone live on their block. You won't have anyplace to travel too.

National parks will be for the elite. You peons will have to experience them via TV.

This environmental bullshit has, as it's ultimate goal, the destruction of the middle class, and a return to a two tier world, a very small ruling elite, and a mass of serfs.

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