At least one group still happy to sign up for Obamacare

All right, the information is EASY to check for yourself - so 2 adults 60 and 56 ( assuming no tobacco) in Clearwater Florida, silver plan for Humana.

What sticker except monthly premiums this "happy couple" are getting.

There are 3 silver plans available for the couple from Humana in Clearwater, Fl.

All three have EXTREMELY high deductibles - and if the couple got such a high subsidy that they are paying 3 dollars per month for two ( and the cheapest premium is 915$ per month) - the real sticker shock is waiting for them when they will finally look at the deductible and co-pays.

so - the least deductible is 4,250 per individual which is a humongous amount of money for this couple ( if they get such a subsidy - they are dirt poor) and only AFTER that amount they will receive ANY care.
the co-pays are high and coinsurance is 20%.
annual max ut of the pocket limit is 12.500 for the family and 6.250 per person.

So anybody who will tell this couple is not being ripped off BEFORE they get ANY medical treatment - are simply idiots or liars.

If you do not believe me - check for yourself.
First of all, your link doesn't provide the figures you have posted.....doesn't mention your imaginary couple either....this is what your link leads to:

Plans starting at
per month
from these carriers & more


Second, if this imaginary couple is dirt poor, why are they opting for the Silver Plan instead of the Bronze.....and if they are dirt poor like you say.....they would be receiving subsidies.

So, I imagine that you took someone else's word for what you posted without giving a link, so I would say that your scenario is totally made who's the one that is lying here?

You can purchase an Obamacare plan between 1st October 2013 till 31st march 2014 from specially designed Marketplace in your state. Obamacare offers health insurance under four different plans. These plans are classified as Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum based upon the cost of the monthly premium and the cost share between the Insurance Company and the Insured person. As such the cost of monthly premium increases from Bronze to Platinum plan.

Under the Bronze Plan the insurance company would pay 60% of the medical expenses and the rest 40% will be borne by the Insured person.
Under the Silver Plan the insurance company would pay 70% of the medical expenses and the rest 30% will be borne by the Insured person.
Under the Gold Plan the insurance company would pay 80% of the medical expenses and the rest 20% will be borne by the Insured person.
Under the Platinum plan the insurance company would pay 90% of the medical expenses while only 10% will be paid by the insured person.
What are the different Obamacare Plans? - Obamacare - Facts, Information, Pros and Cons, Plans, Exchanges and more

don't LIE.
we are not talking about a generic possibility of the lowest cost of Humana plan anywhere in the US, we are talking about very specific couple in a very specific area with a specifically chosen plan ( silver)

you have to put the specific age, the spouse and the area of the couple in question - and there is not even ONE silver plan with 159$ per month for a 60/56 yo couple in Clearwater, Florida. there is not even one BRONZE one with those figures as well.

the exact couple who was "extremely happy" is geting a subsidy for the montly premium, which the lowest is 915$ per month, but the real rip off is in the deductible which for the LOWEST possibility is 4250 for an individual or 7300 for a couple( those are figures from differnet plans, but there are only three of those).

so do nto post here your propaganda figures for nonexistent human being in a ninexistent county of not existent state.

We have specifics here.
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