At this moment, who here believes the woman?

Do you believe Tara Reade?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • He only took a sniff.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided who to believe.

    Votes: 10 31.3%

  • Total voters
Seems Ms. Reid
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.

Not me, I believe she's lied***. It's been 27 years and if she has not reported such an attack to the authorities then, and now cancelled a Sunday Appearance on Fox, the likelihood of such a vicious attack is not probable.

I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit and interviewed many abused women. Their stories were clear as to the trauma, but time and place were less so. In nearly three decades it is possible something happened between she and the senator, but having been to the Basement in the Senate Office Building, I have doubts that anything approaching her story would not have been observed, it is well lite and crowded:


***Lied maybe to herself. She may need to blame someone or something for being let go.
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Seems Ms. Reid
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.

Not me, I believe she's lied***. It's been 27 years and if she has not reported such an attack to the authorities then, and now cancelled a Sunday Appearance on Fox, the likelihood of such a vicious attack is not probable.

I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit and interviewed many abused women. Their stories were clear as to the trauma, but time and place were less so. In nearly three decades it is possible something happened between she and the senator, but having been to the Basement in the Senate Office Building, I have doubts that anything approaching her story would not have been observed, it is well lite and crowded:

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the thing is that there is no motivation for her to lie. None whatsoever. And the fact that she has received the wrath of every feminazi on the planet with this disrespect of a Liberal demigod, it takes an incredible amount of courage to be honest about this.
Joe Biden should demand that he be treated the same as Kavanaugh and not accept anything less. He can make his case just as Kavanaugh did.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.

Now Reade is saying that she "Did not exactly" accuse Biden of Sexual Assault.


There are enough holes in this woman's story to it look like Swiss Cheese.

She claims she filed a complaint about the sexual assault, but there is no record of such a complaint being made, Reade is saying she cannot find a copy of the report nor is there record of the investigation or the results of such an investigation.

Reporters from several news agencies have interviewed members of then Senator Biden Staff whom Reade claims she told about the alleged Sexual Assault and to a person they deny ever hearing Reade's account of the assault.

According to Reade she believes the report of the assault are being held by the University of Delaware, but according to University the papers they have are records of Biden's time in the Senate and not of a personal nature.

Biden has asked the Senate Secretary to release of all documents regarding Reade's claims. So far no word on that and doing creates a double edge sword for the Republican Controlled Senate.

If such a complaint is indeed found and released, it does destroy Biden's Campaign, but it opens to door for demands by Democrats to force 45 to be held accountable for the claim of over 20+Women who have accused 45 of Sexual Misconduct. 45 has boasted of Sexually Assaulting Women ("Grab The By The Pussy"). No such documentation of the alleged assault exists andshould the Republican Controlled Senate releases a state to that effect they face the wrath of 45, a Man not known for accepting bad news.

Republicans will also have to an avalanche of demands for 45 being held accountable for his Sexual Misconduct, he says all the Women who have accused him improper Sexual Conduct are liars (a statistic impossibility). IF Biden is guilty, then 45 should also be held accountable for his misconduct.

There is also the fact that this Reade did not bring her alleged assault by Biden to press during the Primaries where such a story would have made headlines and part the never ending 24-7 Cable News Cycle.

Bernie Sanders would have made an attempt to vet this story and if it was in fact real, he would have used it. None of other Candidates running for the Democratic Nomination (Men AND Women) said anything the alleged assault either. Such an assault would be been the nail in the coffin for Biden.

I question Reade's motives and her backing.

A whole helluva of smoke and no fire.
Not enough information to form a solid opinion on her story yet.

But one thing I’m 100% sure of is what absolute shit human beings democrats are. The scum of the planet.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Finger Raped? No.

Did Joe come on to her? I would bet he did.
Ms. Reade said this today reported by the Associated Press:

“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”

Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”

It sounds like she’d be a “no” in your poll.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Finger Raped? No.

Did Joe come on to her? I would bet he did.
Ms. Reade said this today reported by the Associated Press:

“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”

Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”

It sounds like she’d be a “no” in your poll.

She said she was too scared to admit the sexual assault.

So you are accusing her of lying. What happened to believe all women?
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Finger Raped? No.

Did Joe come on to her? I would bet he did.
Ms. Reade said this today reported by the Associated Press:

“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”

Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”

It sounds like she’d be a “no” in your poll.

She said she was too scared to admit the sexual assault.

So you are accusing her of lying. What happened to believe all women?

As I said with Kavanaugh, if you don’t report it at the time or close to it, you can’t report it later and expect protections from the law. Did you believe Ford? Hypocrite much?
I believe the evidence....Tara Read's is only hearsay, as in what she told others...Though she told a lot of people, it's still hearsay.

Given that, she has far more evidence than Balsey-Ford and the Creepy P0rn Lawyer ever had on Kavanaugh.

Based upon the evidence I've seen, I don't think that there is enough to send Sleepy Joe to the penitentiary over it.

What would you charge him with? I am a republican and see this is a nothing burger. Why can't you?

With the bar now being so low as to what is acceptable, I tend to agree.
Currently Mr. Biden is innocent.
Until he's convicted. I'm looking forward to seeing him do the perp walk.

Convicted of what? Do the words "statute of limitations" mean anything to you?

Not all jurisdictions have a statute of limitations on rape. I don't think Washington dc does.

There should always be a statute of limitations on all crimes.
That is because defense becomes impossible over time, and anyone who does not press charges immediately is allowing others to become victims, so then is not believable.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Finger Raped? No.

Did Joe come on to her? I would bet he did.
Ms. Reade said this today reported by the Associated Press:

“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”

Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”

It sounds like she’d be a “no” in your poll.

She said she was too scared to admit the sexual assault.

So you are accusing her of lying. What happened to believe all women?

As I said with Kavanaugh, if you don’t report it at the time or close to it, you can’t report it later and expect protections from the law. Did you believe Ford? Hypocrite much?

The people HEARD and considered Ford's testimony. I think all that should be expected now is for the people to hear Reade's testimony. Having Senate hearings in this matter this fall would allow people to make up their own minds, like they did with Ford
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Finger Raped? No.

Did Joe come on to her? I would bet he did.
Ms. Reade said this today reported by the Associated Press:

“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”

Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”

It sounds like she’d be a “no” in your poll.

She said she was too scared to admit the sexual assault.

So you are accusing her of lying. What happened to believe all women?

As I said with Kavanaugh, if you don’t report it at the time or close to it, you can’t report it later and expect protections from the law. Did you believe Ford? Hypocrite much?

The case with Kavanaugh is different because the members of the SCOTUS have to be held to a much HIGHER standard than anyone else.
To be appointed to the SCOTUS you can NOT rely on a presumption of innocence, but have to prove you are innocent and qualified.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Can we add Bill Cosby to the mix.

Whoever thinks the SOL is a way out, it is not anymore.
Haven't they changed the Statute of Limitations for sexual assaults.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Too much supporting evidence, from the number of other people who have come forward corroborating that she told them of the incident AT THAT TIME + the Larry King interview, not to believe her. That is more supporting evidence than any of the women EVER had against Bill Clinton, Brett Kavanaugh or Trump.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
Too much supporting evidence, from the number of other people who have come forward corroborating that she told them of the incident AT THAT TIME + the Larry King interview, not to believe her. That is more supporting evidence than any of the women EVER had against Bill Clinton, Brett Kavanaugh or Trump.

If someone makes something up a long time ago, that does not at all make is more believable later.
The fact she did not try to do something to protect others from attacks greatly undercuts any credibility.
That does not necessarily mean she should have gone to the police, but instead could have included slapping, blackmailing, etc. But to do nothing means she did not care if it happened to others. So indicates nothing actually happened.
If someone makes something up a long time ago, that does not at all make is more believable later.
Your views are typically male; It does make it VERY believable when they account it to other people in private and make no effort to profit from publicizing it.

The fact she did not try to do something to protect others from attacks greatly undercuts any credibility.
Not at all. Rape is a traumatization of the worst kind, the deepest kind of personal violation. It profoundly affects many women the rest of their lives who spend all their years trying to get away from thought of it, not take it public and face further shame. It has nothing to do with caring about others, not if you feel too deeply depressed and violated by it to even deal with it yourself for a long time.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
She's getting paid for these accusations.

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