At this moment, who here believes the woman?

Do you believe Tara Reade?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • He only took a sniff.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided who to believe.

    Votes: 10 31.3%

  • Total voters
Do you believe what she told the Associated Press, that the report she made to the Senate office twenty something years ago will not support her present claim, due to the fact she had only reported him for complimenting her legs, and that now she has even cancelled her interview on the matter with FOX NEWS?
You Democrats are paying the price for screwing Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Now the BernieBros are getting their revenge through Tara Reade.
Glad I'm not one of those low down bastards or those sleazy anything goes while in power republicans. :cool:
Not me, I believe she's lied***. It's been 27 years and if she has not reported such an attack to the authorities then, and now cancelled a Sunday Appearance on Fox
But the damage is done. You Dems are now paying the price for screwing Bernie in the primaries.
The Story is not about Truth. After 27 years (and in Kavanaugh's Case, 37 years)--the Truth cannot be established.

The Story is about Hypocrisy.

Treating a Democrat one way and a Republican the opposite.

And Democrats, and their Pravda-like Media, are failing that aspect with reckless enthusiasm.

As we all knew they would.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.

As Ronald Reagan said. "Trust but verify" I don't believe her, I don't disbelieve her. I say investigate the hell out of her claim, and see what they find out.
The Story is not about Truth. After 27 years (and in Kavanaugh's Case, 37 years)--the Truth cannot be established.

The Story is about Hypocrisy.

What do you mean the truth can't be established?

Thomas Haynesworth. Thomas Haynesworth (born March 21, 1965) is an African-American man from Richmond, Virginia, who served 27 years in state prison as a result of four wrongful convictions for crimes for which he was exonerated in 2011.
Who here believes that Tara Reade was finger raped by Joe Biden? I am not asking whether the case can be backed up, only whether you believe her.
This is a conservative message board. What do you think the results of the poll will be
Thank you for admitting all media polls are rigged. Truly.
All witnesses must be heard right Dems. Lets hold a hearing and hear from the many witnesses corroborating Tara Reade's allegation of sexual assault. I see she invoked Anita Hill today lol this is turning into a Dem shit show. :laugh:
How come he doesn't have to testify before congress like Kavanaugh?
Yet he would have had nowhere near the power the president does. Democrats are the biggest Hippocrates of all time.

Really. If 4 others agree with him, he can invalidate any executive order or law that the president signs.

But the president has no control over how the USSC, rules, except to nominate replacements, who don't always agree with who put them onto the court.
We need full hearings to figure this out. It happened while Biden was in the Senate, so the Senate should convene hearings to figure out what happened and evaluate the situation to make sure these kinds of issues are no ongoing in Senate offices today. Bring in Reade and her witnesses, then have Biden come in and testify for a few hours along with his witnesses. Get to the bottom of these allegations.
I’m conservative and unless she has evidence, it is a he said/she said issue and I believe he’ll be fine. Same stance as I had with Ford/Kavanaugh, which was less believable because her witnesses didn’t remember anything at all.
This accusation could hurt Biden, but I do believe Tara Reade is a Bernie supporter making a last ditch effort to give the Dem nomination to Bernie Sanders.
I don't necessarily believe her.
It's the way Dims are handling this, is the issue.
How are they handling it? Asking for a full investigation?

Is that how they're handling it?

With Trump and Kavenaugh, it was an automatic "Believe Women".
Where are the #MeToo'ers ?
Where is the 'Women's March' ?

When it was a Republican being accused, that was all Dims needed.
Now that a Dim is being accused, suddenly we need a full scale investigation.

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hy·poc·ri·sy | \ hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī- \

plural hypocrisies

Definition of hypocrisy

1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters. especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness — Lucius Garvin

2 : an act or instance of being a member of the Democrat party

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