At this rate, I can't support Trump if we even have an election in '24

Ah, poor poster Odball, if you perceive my avatar is looking down on your avatar.....well, that's on you.
Height is relative.
In short, if you think my avatar is speaking from a high horse, then that could very well mean, you are mounted on a small pony.
That's on you. Not on my avatar.

I repeat: stuff it, supercillious cocksucker.
Look, poster MikeTX, any ol' jackass can log onto social media and make reckless allegations and then scurry away with no ability.....or vet his allegation.

It is akin to some graffiti vandal tagging the windows of the Post Office and scurrying away.

Don't be one of those vandals.
Be responsible. Be adult. If you have credible information about the November 3rd election being stolen...well, you can bring it to the forum and attemp to persuade. Or, likely more responsible would for you to take your informaton to either the FBI, or your local State official over elections. (Have you actuallly done that?)

In short, Mike, show or go.
Batter up.
Here's the link again, asshole.

what do you need? Why all the nonsense on MAGA? any demofk couldn't careless about america, it was global this and that.

Soros is the key to it all. So, tell me what you need?
And Zuckerturd, who was determined to have broken numerous campaign laws in Wisconsin.
crackpot like you......... moonbat.
stuff it, supercillious cocksucker.

Is this the right venue for you, good poster Oddball?
I ain't trying to be a forum cop. The mods here do a pretty good job, but......
..but you seem to slip into crass vulgarities too frequently and too emotionally.

You may want to settle down son.
Try a little Tai Chi, some herbal tea, classical music.
My non-medical opinion is that the expectation for adult discussion on this chatroom may be a bridge too far for your avatar.

I'd respectfully suggest, or Reddit, or the 'reader's comments' sections of Gateway Pundit or InfoWars. Those birds may be more of your feather.

Just sayin'.
What I can confirm, based upon what we saw in 2020, is that the filthy Democrats will use the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts to control the mid term districts that are important for them.

In 2024 they will steal the Presidential election again.

Naive stupid people think we live in a Republic, but we don't. The only Republic we have is a Banana Republic.

The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department controls the elections in this country.

We are idiots for letting them get away with it wouldn't you agree?
You can answer the question now.

Are you going to vote or not in 2024?
Trump is on the right side of the Ukraine, Putin would not invade with Trump as president.

It is the Democrats who are on the wrong side of America and what is right and just.

Trump called Putin's invasion, "smart" and "wonderful." If someone approves of you invading another country, typically that's the very last person you should be afraid of interfering. If anything that's who you call a friend and ally. Boy you ppl are easy to sucker.

There are a lot of Republicans that are Trump haters too. He's so easy to hate.

Yet, over 90% of them would still vote for him, and did. That's tribalism at it's best.
Trump called Putin's invasion, "smart" and "wonderful." If someone approves of you invading another country, typically that's the very last person you should be afraid of interfering. If anything that's who you call a friend and ally. Boy you ppl are easy to sucker.

Yet, over 90% of them would still vote for him, and did. That's tribalism at it's best.
I don’t understand your point
I said it too.
The likely result of Trump running would be an even worse Democrat getting elected than a senile old man.
Someone on this forum said it better - millions of voters would walk over glass to vote against Trump.
That kind of vitriol is how a senile old man with OBVIOUS cognitive decline got elected even with one of the worst running mates in our nations history.
Trump runs - we lose. It is that simple. Right or wrong... it is simply true.
And instead of a retaking the nation to return hopefully to some semblance of sanity, we will continue down this road of decline and division. That just might lead to the time America takes a back seat in the world to China.
We have got to return to a position of strength, the world needs us.
I said it too.
The likely result of Trump running would be an even worse Democrat getting elected than a senile old man.
Someone on this forum said it better - millions of voters would walk over glass to vote against Trump.
That kind of vitriol is how a senile old man with OBVIOUS cognitive decline got elected even with one of the worst running mates in our nations history.
Trump runs - we lose. It is that simple. Right or wrong... it is simply true.
And instead of a retaking the nation to return hopefully to some semblance of sanity, we will continue down this road of decline and division. That just might lead to the time America takes a back seat in the world to China.
We have got to return to a position of strength, the world needs us.
Then why did trump get 10 million more votes then 2016? Dude that’s not a logical statement at all. The question is why demofks got 20 million more that had never voted before. Fraud? Yep
I said it too.
The likely result of Trump running would be an even worse Democrat getting elected than a senile old man.
Someone on this forum said it better - millions of voters would walk over glass to vote against Trump.
That kind of vitriol is how a senile old man with OBVIOUS cognitive decline got elected even with one of the worst running mates in our nations history.
Trump runs - we lose. It is that simple. Right or wrong... it is simply true.
And instead of a retaking the nation to return hopefully to some semblance of sanity, we will continue down this road of decline and division. That just might lead to the time America takes a back seat in the world to China.
We have got to return to a position of strength, the world needs us.

Why does the world need us?

Globalism used us up!!
Elite's got rich as a result!!
The World doesn't need our hollowed out shit anymore!!!
Trump called Putin's invasion, "smart" and "wonderful." If someone approves of you invading another country, typically that's the very last person you should be afraid of interfering. If anything that's who you call a friend and ally. Boy you ppl are easy to sucker.
Trump said that? Well, link and quote from the transcript so we can all see if this is true.
Trump need to stop talking. It's enough already. We're already at Defcon 2, first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The former President - who does not control anything - just needs to be quiet

He's not the President, it's not helpful or necessary to remind everyone how much better off we were before the Greatest Theft in American History in Nov 2020.
Theft my arse. He was democratically defeated and no evidence was produced to prove otherwise. Get over it.
Further, he's on the wrong side of Ukraine Russia.
Of course. He supports putin because Ukraine stood up to him and now most republicans are supporting Trump. How patriotic of them. Hmm
Added with Barr, Wray and all the Deep State critters Trump had beside him, it's clear he does not see the problem and therefore will not correct the problem.
Correct. He did nothing but suck up to dictators the whole time. Why would he want to burn his bridges.
Maybe he's working with the WEF, just as bad as not going after them.
Right on baby.
Realistically, I doubt we'll have a "normal" election in the midterm and I think it's less than likely we will ever have another Presidential election

So a conspiracy that Trump was cheated has now developed into full blown fraudulent elections. Really?
What a load of rubbish.
You never complained about the fraud when Trump was elected but suddenly when he's defeated its all illegal!!!!
How coincidental.
I said it too.
The likely result of Trump running would be an even worse Democrat getting elected than a senile old man.
Someone on this forum said it better - millions of voters would walk over glass to vote against Trump.
That kind of vitriol is how a senile old man with OBVIOUS cognitive decline got elected even with one of the worst running mates in our nations history.
Trump runs - we lose. It is that simple. Right or wrong... it is simply true.
And instead of a retaking the nation to return hopefully to some semblance of sanity, we will continue down this road of decline and division. That just might lead to the time America takes a back seat in the world to China.
We have got to return to a position of strength, the world needs us.

To be fair I think it's a matter of choice for Republicans too. Romney or Trump? I'm choosing Trump again. DeSantis or Trump? DeSantis. By a country mile.

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