At what point do liberals come clean and admit they're embarassed?

Hell if I was her, I would say "you mean to say that I got liberal art in my house" ? Then I would invite them to point out which ones they are, then I would burn it right in front of them.
1) they are protesting the wrong person.

2) as long as ivanka owns the art it's hers to do as she pleases.

3) she should offer to sell it back to them for 10x the price. Because I don't think they really want the art they just want free publicity.
I think what they "want" is to be with the "in" crowd -- you know, the rabid and insane haters of everything decent
If it were me I'd dump them altogether. Trust me, I was there once, but that was before liberal-nation turned into weeds posing as flowers, never mind feeble.

Ivanka Trump told by artists to take their work down from her walls | Daily Mail Online

I'd say, F U. Give me back my money then and I'll return your crappy art to you. I can't even believe they are behaving this way. What a bunch of idiots.

I believe it. Course I'm conservative thus not a critical thinker, as stated above, but let me take a shot at it:

Political Correctness + Propaganda + Follower (not leader) + Insecurity + Emotionally Lost + Hipster + Pompous = Take "my" artwork off your walls.
If it were me I'd dump them altogether. Trust me, I was there once, but that was before liberal-nation turned into weeds posing as flowers, never mind feeble.

Ivanka Trump told by artists to take their work down from her walls | Daily Mail Online

"Embarrassed"? About what?
Oh wait --- we invented this country that lets you post mindless crapola like this. That is pretty embarrassing.

So what the fuck does this link have to do with the thread title?
Some threads purport to make a point but never post a link. This one posts a link and forgets to make a point.

This thread wasn't intended for you. It's geared to those with an operable brain.

So you have no answer.

Damn. I'm right again. BOR-ing.
I'd throw the shitty "art" and the fuckin faggot artists out of a helicopter above an active volcano.

You libturds are so lucky Trump is a moderate.

If it were me I'd dump them altogether. Trust me, I was there once, but that was before liberal-nation turned into weeds posing as flowers, never mind feeble.

Ivanka Trump told by artists to take their work down from her walls | Daily Mail Online

I'd say, F U. Give me back my money then and I'll return your crappy art to you. I can't even believe they are behaving this way. What a bunch of idiots.

What do you expect? They're hypocrite liberals.

If they approach a baker and demand he bake them a cake for their gay wedding, it's discriminatory for the baker to say no. Some have gotten sued out of business.

If a Republican wants to buy an artists art, the artist can not only refuse to serve them, but demand they give back what they purchased before.

In the wedding discussions of the past, liberals have told us that if a person goes into business, they must serve everybody regardless if they are offensive to their religion or morals. My how things change so quickly with liberals when the shoe is on the other foot.
Embarrassed for what?

When you have no standards, ethics or sense of morality you can't be embarrassed. kids.......let the nasty Liberals show everyone how full of hatred and bigotry they are.
If I were a sweet, beautiful, classy and intelligent woman like Ivanka Trump, I'd offer them a return on "their" art. Course it would be at cost plus, and donations to her charities of choice. Then watch as the leftists fail to put their money where their BIG mother fucking mouth's are.
Generally speaking, liberals make better artists. They think in the abstract, or rather they operate on emotions as opposed critical thought. This is why they're often irrational.

Conservatives build stuff. They're stronger leaders and more efficient.

Artists have to live in a different world than realty. That's why most musicians, artists, actors are liberal. You can't live in the real world to be successful at these professions. You have to have a wild imagination.


Actually I have a sister in law who does country art and teaches it.

She makes a pretty good living at it.


Embarrassed because I don't want people to die on the side of the street, support education for all and like investing in science? Are you kidding?

You conservatives should be embarrassed for wanting to take us back to the 14th century.
Embarrassed because I don't want people to die on the side of the street, support education for all and like investing in science? Are you kidding?

You conservatives should be embarrassed for wanting to take us back to the 14th century.

Still delusional.
Generally speaking, liberals make better artists. They think in the abstract, or rather they operate on emotions as opposed critical thought. This is why they're often irrational.

Conservatives build stuff. They're stronger leaders and more efficient.

Artists have to live in a different world than realty. That's why most musicians, artists, actors are liberal. You can't live in the real world to be successful at these professions. You have to have a wild imagination.

View attachment 103395

Actually I have a sister in law who does country art and teaches it.

She makes a pretty good living at it.



Teaching is one thing, being an artist is another.

I'm a musican. I taught hundreds of people to play guitar. I can play anything out there, but playing is different than being an artist. An artist is one who creates new things. I just never had that in me. I can play anything, but not create.

In my time, I've rubbed elbows with local artists, and those people are really out there. Their views of music, politics, society are so different from the rest of us. Like I said, you have to be out there in order to be creative.
for the last 8 years, its always been bush's fault, the russians, and Marsha Marsha Marsha !!!!
Generally speaking, liberals make better artists. They think in the abstract, or rather they operate on emotions as opposed critical thought. This is why they're often irrational.

Conservatives build stuff. They're stronger leaders and more efficient.

Artists have to live in a different world than realty. That's why most musicians, artists, actors are liberal. You can't live in the real world to be successful at these professions. You have to have a wild imagination.

View attachment 103395

Actually I have a sister in law who does country art and teaches it.

She makes a pretty good living at it.



Teaching is one thing, being an artist is another.

I'm a musican. I taught hundreds of people to play guitar. I can play anything out there, but playing is different than being an artist. An artist is one who creates new things. I just never had that in me. I can play anything, but not create.

In my time, I've rubbed elbows with local artists, and those people are really out there. Their views of music, politics, society are so different from the rest of us. Like I said, you have to be out there in order to be creative.

My father was an accomplished composer, violinist and band leader. He was an alcoholic, made a good living, and never saved a dime. He was as you state an artist, and yes he was Democrat.....OLD Democrat. Be sure he wouldn't approve of their behavior today. My mother is very much an A personality. Very detailed and driven, financially responsible, pretty good on the piano and Republican.

BTW, very cool you're an excellent guitarist. I play on the drums. Despite playing a few instruments as a kid, I can't read a note.
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Embarrassed because I don't want people to die on the side of the street, support education for all and like investing in science? Are you kidding?

You conservatives should be embarrassed for wanting to take us back to the 14th century.


I'm all for supporting education for people who are citizens of the United States Of America and investing in "real" science.

Unlike people who think that educating (on our tax dollars) foreign nationals how to make a better bomb or being faithful follower of the mythology that it's proven science because there's "scientific consensus" that says it's proven. The latter of which sounds like something out of Asimov's Foundation Novels where the Empire scientists only do science behind a desk with no field work or thorough testing (without fudging the numbers) especially if that field work or testing might invalidate their fantasy science.


Generally speaking, liberals make better artists. They think in the abstract, or rather they operate on emotions as opposed critical thought. This is why they're often irrational.

Conservatives build stuff. They're stronger leaders and more efficient.

Artists have to live in a different world than realty. That's why most musicians, artists, actors are liberal. You can't live in the real world to be successful at these professions. You have to have a wild imagination.

View attachment 103395

Actually I have a sister in law who does country art and teaches it.

She makes a pretty good living at it.



Teaching is one thing, being an artist is another.

I'm a musican. I taught hundreds of people to play guitar. I can play anything out there, but playing is different than being an artist. An artist is one who creates new things. I just never had that in me. I can play anything, but not create.

In my time, I've rubbed elbows with local artists, and those people are really out there. Their views of music, politics, society are so different from the rest of us. Like I said, you have to be out there in order to be creative.


She's been selected to paint a ornament for the White House Christmas tree for a number of years. I would say that she's an accomplished artist.


Hell if I was her, I would say "you mean to say that I got liberal art in my house" ? Then I would invite them to point out which ones they are, then I would burn it right in front of them.
There's sure not a lot of conservative art around.

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