CDZ At What Point Does Obstruction and Denial Of Reality Become Unamerican? The Playbook for 2018


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants. Regulations down. Trade deals more fair. Us standing in the world much improved. Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars, blow the doors off corporations with a 20% tax rate, explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership. An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress. They don’t want Americans to have affordable health insurance. They don’t want to help the middle class. They don’t want to make the tax system fairer. They don’t want to create jobs for the middle class. They don’t want to protect Americans from illegal aliens. They don’t want to let corporations create more jobs. They don’t want to be proud of America. They don’t want to support their president in anything.

Trump takes all the flack while his team of high rollers raises the country to new heights. What are Dems going to say? We tried to keep the country from succeeding in every way we could. We tried to keep the middle class down. We tried to keep people from being proud of their country. We tried to extinguish the American spirit every way we could. We sought to bring America to its knees and make Americans hate themselves. We sowed hate at every opportunity and we failed at every turn. Vote for us.

We are going to find out which democrats are Americans, and which democrats hate the American Dream.
It is all a matter of perspective. The democrats will say that all the positive outcomes this year are due squarely to Obama's policies (while blaming all failures on Trump).

Claiming that they are un-American is no better or different than the left blindly calling so many on the right sexist, homophobic or racists. Both only serve to suppress open discussion through denigrating the other side.
Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants.

All of the above are things Trump did nothing to effect. We put those things "on the left" side of his "T-account" for one existential reason not for any causal ones.

Regulations down.

Trump's Administration has cut regulations. Whether there accrues to the U.S. a net benefit (all factors considered -- social, economic, legal, environmental, etc.) from his having done so remains to be seen.

Saying "regulations down" is like saying " it's raining" inasmuch as sometimes and for some people, it's good that it's raining and sometimes and for some people it's not. Merely saying that it's raining is of very little long term value.

Trade deals more fair.

What trade deals has Trump negotiated, signed and seen ratified that are "more fair" than the trade deals they supercede?

Us standing in the world much improved.

By what credible analysis? Merely saying that is so does not make it be so.
  • US Position in the World



  • America’s global standing plummets under Donald Trump

Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars

Unhatched chickens being counted.

Just bothering to look at what be corporate taxation rates around the world, one finds at least twenty nations, many in Europe, that have marginal corporate tax rates well below the 20% the GOP plan proposes and fourteen nations that have zero corporate income taxes. (It's worth noting too that while marginal rates may be 10%-12% in some European countries, Ireland in particular, the effective rate can be a good deal lower; it's around 8.5% in Ireland.)

Now you tell me...As a multibillion dollar multinational public corporation committed to maximizing profits for its owners, how does paying 8% or more in corporate income taxes to U.S. than it would pay to lower tax jurisdictions' treasuries do anything to "repatriate" dollars? Sorry, but I don't know a single CFO or stockholder who thinks patriotism is worth 8%+ of several billion to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Did you in the time it too to get from the start of your paragraph to the end that you'd already mentioned the two things below?
explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership.

An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress.
Asking the question is of no value if one doesn't also answer it. As goes whether more often things that happen under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones result in the greatest boosts to the U.S. economy is not a matter of debate. The U.S. economy has done markedly better under post-WWI Democratic Administrations than it has under GOP Administrations.

The economy rose out of the recession it was in when Obama took office. Bill Clinton actually reduced deficits.



It is all a matter of perspective. The democrats will say that all the positive outcomes this year are due squarely to Obama's policies (while blaming all failures on Trump).

Claiming that they are un-American is no better or different than the left blindly calling so many on the right sexist, homophobic or racists. Both only serve to suppress open discussion through denigrating the other side.
Economists say that the administration of a president and its policies do not have immediate effect on the economy, that it takes time, sometimes years, which is why people say that what is occuring in the economy now is down to Obama's policies. It is too soon to see the effects of Trump's policies on the economy.
Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants. Regulations down. Trade deals more fair. Us standing in the world much improved. Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars, blow the doors off corporations with a 20% tax rate, explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership. An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress. They don’t want Americans to have affordable health insurance. They don’t want to help the middle class. They don’t want to make the tax system fairer. They don’t want to create jobs for the middle class. They don’t want to protect Americans from illegal aliens. They don’t want to let corporations create more jobs. They don’t want to be proud of America. They don’t want to support their president in anything.

Trump takes all the flack while his team of high rollers raises the country to new heights. What are Dems going to say? We tried to keep the country from succeeding in every way we could. We tried to keep the middle class down. We tried to keep people from being proud of their country. We tried to extinguish the American spirit every way we could. We sought to bring America to its knees and make Americans hate themselves. We sowed hate at every opportunity and we failed at every turn. Vote for us.

We are going to find out which democrats are Americans, and which democrats hate the American Dream.
On npr, about 2 weeks ago, they were talking about how we should fear amazon, google, apple and a few other companies b/c they were now supporting tech, r&d, medical research with loans, investments and donations.

the fear comes from the government is supposed to do this.

yes, the left thinks the government is the cornerstone of advancement.
Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants.

All of the above are things Trump did nothing to effect. We put those things "on the left" side of his "T-account" for one existential reason not for any causal ones.

Regulations down.

Trump's Administration has cut regulations. Whether there accrues to the U.S. a net benefit (all factors considered -- social, economic, legal, environmental, etc.) from his having done so remains to be seen.

Saying "regulations down" is like saying " it's raining" inasmuch as sometimes and for some people, it's good that it's raining and sometimes and for some people it's not. Merely saying that it's raining is of very little long term value.

Trade deals more fair.

What trade deals has Trump negotiated, signed and seen ratified that are "more fair" than the trade deals they supercede?

Us standing in the world much improved.

By what credible analysis? Merely saying that is so does not make it be so.

Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars

Unhatched chickens being counted.

Just bothering to look at what be corporate taxation rates around the world, one finds at least twenty nations, many in Europe, that have marginal corporate tax rates well below the 20% the GOP plan proposes and fourteen nations that have zero corporate income taxes. (It's worth noting too that while marginal rates may be 10%-12% in some European countries, Ireland in particular, the effective rate can be a good deal lower; it's around 8.5% in Ireland.)

Now you tell me...As a multibillion dollar multinational public corporation committed to maximizing profits for its owners, how does paying 8% or more in corporate income taxes to U.S. than it would pay to lower tax jurisdictions' treasuries do anything to "repatriate" dollars? Sorry, but I don't know a single CFO or stockholder who thinks patriotism is worth 8%+ of several billion to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Did you in the time it too to get from the start of your paragraph to the end that you'd already mentioned the two things below?
explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership.

An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress.
Asking the question is of no value if one doesn't also answer it. As goes whether more often things that happen under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones result in the greatest boosts to the U.S. economy is not a matter of debate. The U.S. economy has done markedly better under post-WWI Democratic Administrations than it has under GOP Administrations.

The economy rose out of the recession it was in when Obama took office. Bill Clinton actually reduced deficits.




Bill Clinton handed Bush a recession on his first day in office and the Democratic Party's mortgage policies caused the Great Recession.
Soooooo, the "economy is better under Democrats" is BS. i.e. no cause and effect.
The Dirty Democrats ALWAYS shift blame and steal credit on the economy.
Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants. Regulations down. Trade deals more fair. Us standing in the world much improved. Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars, blow the doors off corporations with a 20% tax rate, explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership. An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress. They don’t want Americans to have affordable health insurance. They don’t want to help the middle class. They don’t want to make the tax system fairer. They don’t want to create jobs for the middle class. They don’t want to protect Americans from illegal aliens. They don’t want to let corporations create more jobs. They don’t want to be proud of America. They don’t want to support their president in anything.

Trump takes all the flack while his team of high rollers raises the country to new heights. What are Dems going to say? We tried to keep the country from succeeding in every way we could. We tried to keep the middle class down. We tried to keep people from being proud of their country. We tried to extinguish the American spirit every way we could. We sought to bring America to its knees and make Americans hate themselves. We sowed hate at every opportunity and we failed at every turn. Vote for us.

We are going to find out which democrats are Americans, and which democrats hate the American Dream.
On npr, about 2 weeks ago, they were talking about how we should fear amazon, google, apple and a few other companies b/c they were now supporting tech, r&d, medical research with loans, investments and donations.

the fear comes from the government is supposed to do this.

yes, the left thinks the government is the cornerstone of advancement.

No, the fear comes from an idea of companies sinking too much money into R&D and needing welfare (bailed out) as a way of preventing the next great depression.
Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants.

All of the above are things Trump did nothing to effect. We put those things "on the left" side of his "T-account" for one existential reason not for any causal ones.

Regulations down.

Trump's Administration has cut regulations. Whether there accrues to the U.S. a net benefit (all factors considered -- social, economic, legal, environmental, etc.) from his having done so remains to be seen.

Saying "regulations down" is like saying " it's raining" inasmuch as sometimes and for some people, it's good that it's raining and sometimes and for some people it's not. Merely saying that it's raining is of very little long term value.

Trade deals more fair.

What trade deals has Trump negotiated, signed and seen ratified that are "more fair" than the trade deals they supercede?

Us standing in the world much improved.

By what credible analysis? Merely saying that is so does not make it be so.

Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars

Unhatched chickens being counted.

Just bothering to look at what be corporate taxation rates around the world, one finds at least twenty nations, many in Europe, that have marginal corporate tax rates well below the 20% the GOP plan proposes and fourteen nations that have zero corporate income taxes. (It's worth noting too that while marginal rates may be 10%-12% in some European countries, Ireland in particular, the effective rate can be a good deal lower; it's around 8.5% in Ireland.)

Now you tell me...As a multibillion dollar multinational public corporation committed to maximizing profits for its owners, how does paying 8% or more in corporate income taxes to U.S. than it would pay to lower tax jurisdictions' treasuries do anything to "repatriate" dollars? Sorry, but I don't know a single CFO or stockholder who thinks patriotism is worth 8%+ of several billion to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Did you in the time it too to get from the start of your paragraph to the end that you'd already mentioned the two things below?
explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership.

An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress.
Asking the question is of no value if one doesn't also answer it. As goes whether more often things that happen under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones result in the greatest boosts to the U.S. economy is not a matter of debate. The U.S. economy has done markedly better under post-WWI Democratic Administrations than it has under GOP Administrations.

The economy rose out of the recession it was in when Obama took office. Bill Clinton actually reduced deficits.




Right, it was really Obama's stimulus package that caused all this economic success.

Thanks for that.
At What Point Does Obstruction and Denial Of Reality Become Unamerican?

It was as soon as leftwing soviet apparatchiks in the media and educational institutions took their orders from Moscow and began their agenda to destroy the country.

The way ordinary liberals ignore reality has become inhuman.

Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants.

All of the above are things Trump did nothing to effect. We put those things "on the left" side of his "T-account" for one existential reason not for any causal ones.

Regulations down.

Trump's Administration has cut regulations. Whether there accrues to the U.S. a net benefit (all factors considered -- social, economic, legal, environmental, etc.) from his having done so remains to be seen.

Saying "regulations down" is like saying " it's raining" inasmuch as sometimes and for some people, it's good that it's raining and sometimes and for some people it's not. Merely saying that it's raining is of very little long term value.

Trade deals more fair.

What trade deals has Trump negotiated, signed and seen ratified that are "more fair" than the trade deals they supercede?

Us standing in the world much improved.

By what credible analysis? Merely saying that is so does not make it be so.

Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars

Unhatched chickens being counted.

Just bothering to look at what be corporate taxation rates around the world, one finds at least twenty nations, many in Europe, that have marginal corporate tax rates well below the 20% the GOP plan proposes and fourteen nations that have zero corporate income taxes. (It's worth noting too that while marginal rates may be 10%-12% in some European countries, Ireland in particular, the effective rate can be a good deal lower; it's around 8.5% in Ireland.)

Now you tell me...As a multibillion dollar multinational public corporation committed to maximizing profits for its owners, how does paying 8% or more in corporate income taxes to U.S. than it would pay to lower tax jurisdictions' treasuries do anything to "repatriate" dollars? Sorry, but I don't know a single CFO or stockholder who thinks patriotism is worth 8%+ of several billion to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Did you in the time it too to get from the start of your paragraph to the end that you'd already mentioned the two things below?
explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership.

An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress.
Asking the question is of no value if one doesn't also answer it. As goes whether more often things that happen under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones result in the greatest boosts to the U.S. economy is not a matter of debate. The U.S. economy has done markedly better under post-WWI Democratic Administrations than it has under GOP Administrations.

The economy rose out of the recession it was in when Obama took office. Bill Clinton actually reduced deficits.




Right, it was really Obama's stimulus package that caused all this economic success.

Thanks for that.

I thought the bailouts / stimuli really covered both administrations? Stimulus Plan Refunds $600 to $1,200 to Taxpayers

Anyways, just like Reagan and FDR showed, deficit spending does soften the bad times just like using a credit card at McDonalds can get you a Big Mac when you have no money.
At What Point Does Obstruction and Denial Of Reality Become Unamerican?

It was as soon as leftwing soviet apparatchiks in the media and educational institutions took their orders from Moscow and began their agenda to destroy the country.

The way ordinary bed wetting libturd drones ignore reality has become inhuman.
Woa, CDZ Pete. Sorry someone up above offended you so greatly.
At What Point Does Obstruction and Denial Of Reality Become Unamerican?

It was as soon as leftwing soviet apparatchiks in the media and educational institutions took their orders from Moscow and began their agenda to destroy the country.

The way ordinary bed wetting libturd drones ignore reality has become inhuman.
Woa, CDZ Pete. Sorry someone up above offended you so greatly.

Nothing I said was insulting, it's the facts. I'll change it for YOU though.
Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants.

All of the above are things Trump did nothing to effect. We put those things "on the left" side of his "T-account" for one existential reason not for any causal ones.

Regulations down.

Trump's Administration has cut regulations. Whether there accrues to the U.S. a net benefit (all factors considered -- social, economic, legal, environmental, etc.) from his having done so remains to be seen.

Saying "regulations down" is like saying " it's raining" inasmuch as sometimes and for some people, it's good that it's raining and sometimes and for some people it's not. Merely saying that it's raining is of very little long term value.

Trade deals more fair.

What trade deals has Trump negotiated, signed and seen ratified that are "more fair" than the trade deals they supercede?

Us standing in the world much improved.

By what credible analysis? Merely saying that is so does not make it be so.

Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars

Unhatched chickens being counted.

Just bothering to look at what be corporate taxation rates around the world, one finds at least twenty nations, many in Europe, that have marginal corporate tax rates well below the 20% the GOP plan proposes and fourteen nations that have zero corporate income taxes. (It's worth noting too that while marginal rates may be 10%-12% in some European countries, Ireland in particular, the effective rate can be a good deal lower; it's around 8.5% in Ireland.)

Now you tell me...As a multibillion dollar multinational public corporation committed to maximizing profits for its owners, how does paying 8% or more in corporate income taxes to U.S. than it would pay to lower tax jurisdictions' treasuries do anything to "repatriate" dollars? Sorry, but I don't know a single CFO or stockholder who thinks patriotism is worth 8%+ of several billion to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Did you in the time it too to get from the start of your paragraph to the end that you'd already mentioned the two things below?
explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership.

An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress.
Asking the question is of no value if one doesn't also answer it. As goes whether more often things that happen under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones result in the greatest boosts to the U.S. economy is not a matter of debate. The U.S. economy has done markedly better under post-WWI Democratic Administrations than it has under GOP Administrations.

The economy rose out of the recession it was in when Obama took office. Bill Clinton actually reduced deficits.




Right, it was really Obama's stimulus package that caused all this economic success.

Thanks for that.
I didn't have anything to say about that, and I didn't need to attempt to put words in someone else's mouth to make my points.

As the title asks about obstruction and denial of reality, I think it important that one address the specifics in the OP rather than dance around them using the rhetoric of deflection and framing. Thus I chose to directly challenge the sagacity and/or rationality or refute the veracity of specific points the OP-er used to support his overall theme and to provide a direct, albeit high-level answer, to his question about the extent to which Democrats have implemented policies that lead to economic progress.

I just realized that you couldn't make the rational inference that I must necessarily think the same singular existential and non-causal reason that Trump gets a "bump on the left" of his "T-account" is the same one that Obama and Clinton also receive. It's okay that you didn't make that connection; not everyone has the mental acuity to be part of the post's target audience, and even fewer folks realize they aren't yet also have the integrity to simply ask neutrally phrased intelligent questions so they might understand it.

I don't mind that you aren't particularly good at "putting two and two together." It happens. I just wonder why the hell you deign to respond to me while you are in that diminished state of being.​
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Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants. Regulations down. Trade deals more fair. Us standing in the world much improved. Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars, blow the doors off corporations with a 20% tax rate, explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership. An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress. They don’t want Americans to have affordable health insurance. They don’t want to help the middle class. They don’t want to make the tax system fairer. They don’t want to create jobs for the middle class. They don’t want to protect Americans from illegal aliens. They don’t want to let corporations create more jobs. They don’t want to be proud of America. They don’t want to support their president in anything.

Trump takes all the flack while his team of high rollers raises the country to new heights. What are Dems going to say? We tried to keep the country from succeeding in every way we could. We tried to keep the middle class down. We tried to keep people from being proud of their country. We tried to extinguish the American spirit every way we could. We sought to bring America to its knees and make Americans hate themselves. We sowed hate at every opportunity and we failed at every turn. Vote for us.

We are going to find out which democrats are Americans, and which democrats hate the American Dream.
On npr, about 2 weeks ago, they were talking about how we should fear amazon, google, apple and a few other companies b/c they were now supporting tech, r&d, medical research with loans, investments and donations.

the fear comes from the government is supposed to do this.

yes, the left thinks the government is the cornerstone of advancement.

No, the fear comes from an idea of companies sinking too much money into R&D and needing welfare (bailed out) as a way of preventing the next great depression.
I listened to the show, so I know your assumption is wrong.
Well let’s take some of Xs points, cause he seems to believe his presentation discounts my points.

First of all, my op is more of a political statement with economics only being a corollary. Secondly, the polls are shaped by the way the questions are asked and in this case, the Economists bias, which is severe. Ok your,first,graph stops in 2017, not enough time to judge trump. Second graph, once again it is too soon to tell and it is a function of trumps bad media press not his accomplishments overseas. He has made almost a half dozen speeches that have received wisespread praise. He brought 50 Arab nations together. He has developed personal relationships leaders in the Pacific specifically. And X if you think that today Donald Trump is 50 points lower than Barack,obama in Japan, you are definitely smoking the good stuff. So that poll,is dubious at best.

The economy has grown faster under democratic presidents. This is cherry picked. You take out the Truman and Kennedy administrations and you have nothing.they were 60 years ago. Can we at least agree that today’s economy bears no resemblance to anything in the past. This is an old talking point. And job growth. Hah, you may not be old enough to remember the carter administration, but it endured the highest inflation of any administration and Reagan was elected because of the economic malaise of the carter administration.

I don’t have the time or interest to refute every one of your points. It is more important to point out that you are doing exactly what I claimed which is ignoring the good economic numbers under the first 10 months of the trump administration, and ignoring it big time. You are relying on all the pre and post election bad,press on Donald Trump to buttress your claims. Yeah, naysayers like ole Merkel are,headed down the tubes as we speak. Apparently her policies don’t speak for the people of Germany. But I bet she voted in your polls.

Here is the point of the op. Donald Trump has taken a world class beat down on both the domestic and international front, and yet he still,perseveres and succeeds. He came to power by believing in America, another cardinal sin. He is doing many good things for the citizens of America. After enough successes by the president people who hate him, who resist him, who try to stop him are going to be perceived as not having the best interests of the country at heart. That is not a good political position to be in. If republicans are smart, a big if, they will back their president and own his successes and challenge their democratic opponents to stop,the obstruction and resistance to a more prosperous and secure America.
It is all a matter of perspective. The democrats will say that all the positive outcomes this year are due squarely to Obama's policies (while blaming all failures on Trump).

Claiming that they are un-American is no better or different than the left blindly calling so many on the right sexist, homophobic or racists. Both only serve to suppress open discussion through denigrating the other side.
Economists say that the administration of a president and its policies do not have immediate effect on the economy, that it takes time, sometimes years, which is why people say that what is occuring in the economy now is down to Obama's policies. It is too soon to see the effects of Trump's policies on the economy.
So the recovery under Obama was due to Bush policies...
It is all a matter of perspective. The democrats will say that all the positive outcomes this year are due squarely to Obama's policies (while blaming all failures on Trump).

Claiming that they are un-American is no better or different than the left blindly calling so many on the right sexist, homophobic or racists. Both only serve to suppress open discussion through denigrating the other side.
Economists say that the administration of a president and its policies do not have immediate effect on the economy, that it takes time, sometimes years, which is why people say that what is occuring in the economy now is down to Obama's policies. It is too soon to see the effects of Trump's policies on the economy.
So the recovery under Obama was due to Bush policies...
I think it is the reason why it was so slow in the beginning, because Obama had to overcome Bush policies.
It is all a matter of perspective. The democrats will say that all the positive outcomes this year are due squarely to Obama's policies (while blaming all failures on Trump).

Claiming that they are un-American is no better or different than the left blindly calling so many on the right sexist, homophobic or racists. Both only serve to suppress open discussion through denigrating the other side.
Economists say that the administration of a president and its policies do not have immediate effect on the economy, that it takes time, sometimes years, which is why people say that what is occuring in the economy now is down to Obama's policies. It is too soon to see the effects of Trump's policies on the economy.
So the recovery under Obama was due to Bush policies...
I think it is the reason why it was so slow in the beginning, because Obama had to overcome Bush policies.
And this proves my point.

You are attributing positive outcomes with the previous admin to the president in office but the current admin with the previous one.
It is all a matter of perspective. The democrats will say that all the positive outcomes this year are due squarely to Obama's policies (while blaming all failures on Trump).

Claiming that they are un-American is no better or different than the left blindly calling so many on the right sexist, homophobic or racists. Both only serve to suppress open discussion through denigrating the other side.
Economists say that the administration of a president and its policies do not have immediate effect on the economy, that it takes time, sometimes years, which is why people say that what is occuring in the economy now is down to Obama's policies. It is too soon to see the effects of Trump's policies on the economy.
So the recovery under Obama was due to Bush policies...
I think it is the reason why it was so slow in the beginning, because Obama had to overcome Bush policies.
And this proves my point.

You are attributing positive outcomes with the previous admin to the president in office but the current admin with the previous one.
No, you are being intentionally obtuse (the term 'intentionally' giving you the benefit of the doubt). As I stated originally, economists agree that it takes a long time, usually years, for administration policies to affect the economy. As I said, in the beginning years, Obama was overcoming Bush's policies, which is why the economy didn't show much improvement. Today, economists say that it is too early to tell if Trump's policies have anything to do with improvements in the economy. The reality is that the economy was already improving had and been improving for a long time before Trump took office. It has merely continued on that upswing. Not to do with Trump or his policies as he has only been in office one year.
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Possible 4% growth this quarter. Wages increasing. Unemployment in the minority precincts way down. Illegal immigration down 80%. Businesses adding jobs and plants. Regulations down. Trade deals more fair. Us standing in the world much improved. Possibly tax bill set to repatriate trillions of dollars, blow the doors off corporations with a 20% tax rate, explosion of growth in jobs. Renewed respect across the globe for us leadership. An optimism in this country not seen in decades.

Please ask if the democrats have done anything to promote the economic progress. They don’t want Americans to have affordable health insurance. They don’t want to help the middle class. They don’t want to make the tax system fairer. They don’t want to create jobs for the middle class. They don’t want to protect Americans from illegal aliens. They don’t want to let corporations create more jobs. They don’t want to be proud of America. They don’t want to support their president in anything.

Trump takes all the flack while his team of high rollers raises the country to new heights. What are Dems going to say? We tried to keep the country from succeeding in every way we could. We tried to keep the middle class down. We tried to keep people from being proud of their country. We tried to extinguish the American spirit every way we could. We sought to bring America to its knees and make Americans hate themselves. We sowed hate at every opportunity and we failed at every turn. Vote for us.

We are going to find out which democrats are Americans, and which democrats hate the American Dream.

Sorry, but other than evicting some of the incompetent commie bozoes of the Obama disaster Trump has yet to do anything but make some judicial appointments and repeal some of the more idiotic Obama EOs. That this might be good enough to have 5% GDP growth is simply a reaction to the endemic executive incompetence shown since Reagan left office does not demonstrate more than extremely minimal competence by Trump. Like Reagan following the Carter disaster. Trump looks good only by comparison.

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