At World Economic Forum, Tony Blair Calls for National Digital Surveillance Infrastructure to Keep Track of Vaccination Status

Ban me i don't care

Never in history have so many politicians been able to fill so many with so much fright over so very little.
Excellent idea

. We will know exactly who the Impure Ones are and where to go and get them
I wish people would leave people alone...Rather you're part of the LGBT community that wants to be left alone or rather you don't want to be spied on by your cock sucking government.
‘You’re a hero,’ Rwandan War Criminal President Kagame had told Blair when the first millions of pounds were donated in 1999. ‘You’re the man I’ve been looking for. You’re giving us beautiful pounds to spend as we wish.’
Excellent idea

. We will know exactly who the Impure Ones are and where to go and get them

The vax shedders. Starting to believe it whenever I kiss a vaxxed chick I feel like crap.

Remember when Phony Tony helped lie us into an illegal War that cost millions of lives and billions in treasure?

We should really value his opinion on things and heed his sage advice.
This isn't about COVID or the vaccine, that's just the cover.

What it's really about is "chipping" everyone so to speak by making them have digital registries on everyone that will eventually mean you can't go anywhere or do anything without your digital id. Eventually your money, your identification, your entire life will be tied to that digital id. It's all about control and COVID was just the reason they needed to try and enforce it.
This isn't about COVID or the vaccine, that's just the cover.

What it's really about is "chipping" everyone so to speak by making them have digital registries on everyone that will eventually mean you can't go anywhere or do anything without your digital id. Eventually your money, your identification, your entire life will be tied to that digital id. It's all about control and COVID was just the reason they needed to try and enforce it.

Thanks. And no one lays it out more clearly than Catherine Austin Fitts, investment banker and former George HW Bush Administration high official. Also don't miss RFK Jr. explain how 5G fits into all of this. In order to keep us all tied into the humans database they need enormous bandwidth. You never heard gamers saying their games are too slow. It's for another reason.

George HW Bush Administration Official Catherine Austin Fitts Lays Out The Great Reset and How to Stop It

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses "The end of dissent."

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