Zone1 Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust

Something tells me it would be wasted on you.
I don't really think you're interested in any kind of dialogue unless it serves as confirmation for the sacred truths that you hold.

Did you ever figure out what made the CMB? Or are you just going to tuck your tail and run?
No, I answered. I think my response just didn't jive with the direction that you prefer dialogue go. So I think you're confused about who is running and who isn't. I think that you think that I'm going to let you control the terms of controversy and follow whatever lead you'd prefer to take like so many others on here do whenever you start running your routine.

Here's the thing, ding. And listen to what I'm gonna say to you here. It's important because nobody has ever said this to you before on here whenever you've repeated your routine. Not that I've seen anyway.

You can't control my arguments like you do with others on here. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because I won't let you. I'm not one to chase your carrots around and spend my time arguing your terms alone. lol. I control my arguments. Not you.

So you're gonna have to remember that whenever you invoke that charge about ''running away''

The fact of the matter is that I understand you. I know how you operate. It's amateur. And that might work on a lot of people. In fact, it does by my obervation of how you tend to exchange dialogue with people regarding things like this. But that dumb stuff won't work on me. Umkay?
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Quote some of those, would you?
Ok. Should I do some on religion too?

If a god, in the form of jesus or whatever, stood before be and said "Behold, I exist, I am real, I am all powerful. worship me." - I would do my best to kill him/her/it.

I know all about God. Ask me, and if you're really nice and send me some money, I'll tell you all about it!

Your god has a very small penis.

Take your little god with you.

Even if that were true, it's still not evidence of your god

Your God has the best morality!
Ok. Should I do some on religion too?
Yep. I have no respect for your silly superstitions. But quote something where I've advocated that government suppress them. That's what you accused me of. Back it up, or shut the fuck up.
I donlt really think you're interested in any kind of dialogue unless it serves as conformation for the sacred truths that you hold.

No, I I answered. I think my response just didn't jive with the direction that you prefer dialogue go. So I think you're confused about who is running and who isn't.

Here's the thing, ding. And listen to what I'm gonna say to you here. It's important because nobody has ever said this to you before on here whenever you've repeated your routine.

You canlt control my arguments. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because I wonlt let you. lol. I control my arguments. Not you.

So you're gonna have to remember that whenever you invoke that charge about ''running away''

The fact of the matter is that I understand you. I know how you operate. It's amateur. And that might work on a lot of people. In fact, it does by my obervation. But that dumb stuff wonlt work on me. Umkay?
That's a lot of words for not actually saying anything at all about your beliefs in a cyclical universe. Do you have a link or anything? Maybe an explanation for how energy can be eternal or something? Maybe explain why the CMB exists? Anything at all?
ding, ding, ding!
Maybe if you people actually knew any science at all there could be a dialogue. But as it stands the only basis for not believing the universe had a beginning is that it freaks you guys out. How much dialogue can there be on that?

I really really do wish you guys knew some science though.
to accomodate his infantile need for centrality and to justify the sense of identity that he has established for himself in so far as he is of the capacity.

You say that a lot, in an attempt to disparage faith. But it's a logical fallacy. Because even if that were true (which it isn't) the source of a claim has nothing to do with the validity of the claim itself.


And btw, I can't speak for other religions, but in Christianity, man is not central. God is.
Yep. I have no respect for your silly superstitions. But quote something where I've advocated that government suppress them. That's what you accused me of. Back it up, or shut the fuck up.
Huh, silly superstitions? Well, I've done pretty well for myself. I think I'll keep doing what I'm doing.
Huh, silly superstitions? Well, I've done pretty well for myself. I think I'll keep doing what I'm doing.
No you havent. God did all that for you, blasphemer. Or you did it yourself without any need for bronze age superstition.

Pick a lane.
Maybe if you people actually knew any science at all there could be a dialogue. But as it stands the only basis for not believing the universe had a beginning is that it freaks you guys out. How much dialogue can there be on that?

I really really do wish you guys knew some science though.
The claim of the thread is that "atheism has no basis for the idea of good or evil just or unjust". That's true, in a literal sense, but the implication is that morality can't exist without belief in gods. I've posted links showing how morality can and has occurred independent of your sky fairies. But, despite your supposed interest in learning new things, I doubt you even clicked on them.
Yeah, that's the con.

In reality, the motives of the parishioners are purely selfish.

They want their tickets to the Forever Festival.

That's not why I came to faith in God, and that's not the reason any Christian I know came to faith. :dunno:

But like a few other atheists here, I can see you like to speak for believers!

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