Zone1 Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust

Your opinion is just one opinion amongst a scattergun approach by Christians. It's subject to a 10 to 20 year delay on catching up with science.
Actually the Big Bang is a little more than that.
You are a good white knight for the genocidal, jealous madman. I am sure you will be repaid in the afterlife.
I have no idea who you are trying to tie me to. That seems like a Donald H tactic. Definitely not a good look for you.
It's hilarious watching atheists shit on the science of the Big Bang.
It's hilarious watching atheists shit on the science of the Big Bang.

There's no such thing as ''the science'' of anything.

There's science, of course.

But there's nothing scientific about the term ''the science''

And it's not even clever to use that kind of language. It's purposefully deceptive language.

"The science'' is nothing more than observational selection. Or, put country simple, cherry picking in order to avoid the responsibility and expectation of quantification.

That sort of language only accommodates the whimsical wants and foregone conclusions of political/social scientists at best and is actually antithetical to the very nature of actual science itself.

Invocation of intellectually dishonest language like ''the science'' is yet another example of forwarding the assumption that all of the questions have already been asked, conclusions are all packaged with a big red bow and ready for sale to the masses and that no more questions are necessary.

They pulled that ''the science'' gag with the COVID narrative in order to coerce people into just accepting that questioning the validity of the strategy of a bunch of political authoritarianism was unacceptable and to deter any dialogue regarding questions that people had about the actual nature of genuine science which would contradict their intent/agenda.
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How do you figure the "first cause must be eternal is bulletproof?" Both presuppose the concept of time. Time is a mathematical construct and is relative. What does "first" mean without the concept of time? What does "eternal" mean without a concept of time? These are questions science tries to answer. Theists simply assert God and stop inquiring.

I wasn't presupposing the concept of time. I believe the First Cause created time.

Because the First Cause created time, the First Cause must exist outside of time. Timeless.

The First Cause also created space and matter. So the First Cause cannot itself be space or matter.

So to sum that up, the First Cause is timeless, spaceless, immaterial. (Which, btw, is the very definition of supernatural... something that is beyond the natural, physical world.)

But getting back to the assertion that the First Cause must be eternal.... Since the cause of time itself must exist outside of time, then does something timeless have a beginning? No. By definition, something timeless has no beginning.

The typical objection from atheists at this point is "Why can't the universe be eternal?" There are so many problems with that theory, from both a logical and scientific standpoint. As I said to NC earlier, an actual infinite is generally considered to be logically impossible. There are a number of reasons why an actual infinite and an infinite regress is illogical. Like I said to NC, I'm not a philosopher or mathematician, but I have looked into this and it has been explained in depth by philosophers and other thinkers.

There's much more to be said about this.... but right now I have to do some work, I spent too much time here today, but I might get back here later tonight.
There's no such thing as ''the science'' of anything.

There's science, of course.

But there's nothing scientific about the term ''the science''

And it's not even clever to use that kind of language. It's purposefully deceptive language.

"The science'' is nothing more than observational selection. Or, put country simple, cherry picking in order to avoid the responsibility and expectation of quantification.

That sort of language only accommodates the whimsical wants and foregone conclusions of political/social scientists at best and is actually antithetical to the very nature of actual science itself.

Invocation of intellectually dishonest language like ''the science'' is yet another example of forwarding the assumption that all of the questions have already been asked, conclusions are all packaged with a big red bow and ready for sale to the masses and that no more questions are necessary.

They pulled that ''the science'' gag with the COVID narrative in order to coerce people into just accepting that questioning the validity of the strategy of a bunch of political authoritarianism was unacceptable and to deter any dialogue regarding questions that people had about the actual nature of genuine science which would contradict their intent/agenda.
It's a pretty commonly used expression. Would you have preferred I explained the science behind the Big Bang?
The concept of time is, in my view, an illusionary concoction by man to accomodate his infantile need for centrality and to justify the sense of identity that he has established for himself in so far as he is of the capacity. There's no big clock out there or anything. lol. Man isn't wired to contemplate the vastness of the universe. And that's where the need for centrality comes into play and sacred truths are invoked to serve as support. Though a conscious connection does, I think, exist, as he is part of it just as much as it is a part of him.

Kind of reminds me of this little entertaining skit...

It's a pretty commonly used expression. Would you have preferred I explained the science behind the Big Bang?

The Big Bang is just so yesterday. Sheesh.

As I'd mentioned previously in the thread, I'm more interested in the Big Bounce.

But, then, there goes your second law, I mean theory, of thermodynamics if we go there.

Is that why you're so stuck on the Big Bang theory?

You need it to be true, don't you? For without it, your entire shtick goes down the drain.
The Big Bang is just so yesterday. Sheesh.

As I'd mentioned previously in the thread, I'm more interested in the Big Bounce.
Actually the cyclical universe which has no beginning and no end is yesterdays fake news. But please do feel free to explain the presence of the CMB when you get a chance.
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Is that why you're so stuck on the Big Bang theory?

You need it to be true, don't you? For without it, your entire schtick goes down the drain.
It's the only explanation which explains all the data. Unless you have another way to create the massive amount of cosmic microwave background radiation which was produced by 2 billion times the matter of the universe from paired particle mutual annihilations.

Maybe you can provide a link with the science that you believe explains the observations.
Actually the cyclical universe which has no beginning and no end is yesterdays fake news. But please do feel free to explain the presence of the CMB when you get a chance.

There's nothing fake about it. It's a theory, much the same as the Big Bang.

Like eveything else in nature, it is bidrectional and while it can be accurately measured both ways.
I wasn't presupposing the concept of time. I believe the First Cause created time.

Because the First Cause created time, the First Cause must exist outside of time. Timeless.

The First Cause also created space and matter. So the First Cause cannot itself be space or matter.

So to sum that up, the First Cause is timeless, spaceless, immaterial. (Which, btw, is the very definition of supernatural... something that is beyond the natural, physical world.)

But getting back to the assertion that the First Cause must be eternal.... Since the cause of time itself must exist outside of time, then does something timeless have a beginning? No. By definition, something timeless has no beginning.

The typical objection from atheists at this point is "Why can't the universe be eternal?" There are so many problems with that theory, from both a logical and scientific standpoint. As I said to NC earlier, an actual infinite is generally considered to be logically impossible. There are a number of reasons why an actual infinite and an infinite regress is illogical. Like I said to NC, I'm not a philosopher or mathematician, but I have looked into this and it has been explained in depth by philosophers and other thinkers.

There's much more to be said about this.... but right now I have to do some work, I spent too much time here today, but I might get back here later tonight.
Because the First Cause created time, the First Cause must exist outside of time. Timeless.
Begging the question. Without the concept of time, first is meaningless. By the way; even IF I accept the premise, you still would be no closer to God. You have to insert him. The first cause could and likely is a natural phenomenon. Like all stuff is that used to be explained by God.

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