Atheist murders three young Muslim students. Have politicians taken their anti faith rants too far?

It's the Christians fault...always talking about that 11th commandment..." Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors parking spot". What is it with these killers anyway...? Fix your issues dude...or commit yourself to be helped...

I saw a photo of the shooter. Looked like a breeding problem to me. Or should I say in-breeding? You noticed the trend in the State of GA. to shoot your family then yourself? In breeding striking again. Lots of white trash around.

Aren't you just a monumental bigot. Trash comes in every skin color.
The point I am making is this asshole killed these poor people because he's an ASSHOLE. His politics, and his atheism are immaterial to his actions. He murdered these people because he is simply your average, every day asshole. Nothing more.
What an odd statement. You can't possibly know that! It is of course possible he was motivated by hatred of religious folk.
So, the police are wrong.

Of course, Muslim Americans can now feel included. They too can be shot over stupid stuff.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

Edit add: Ditto the media and commentators.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.

Craig Stephen Hicks arrested after 3 Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill Daily Mail Online


Gunned down: (From left) Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all shot dead near the University of North Carolina on Tuesday


Heartbreaking: Yusor shared this beautiful photo showing her dancing with her father at their wedding

the murderer was a christer , there are millions of them running lose here in nc
He is an atheist you retarded piece of dog shit.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

Here is the way I look at it. Who worked the guy up to hate Muslims? It was white christian republicans.

Same as if the guy who killed tiller the abortion doctor. Who worked the crazy guy up? Fox and christians did.

Show us the next time an atheist kills a white christian then we'll be impressed.

Grab your extra strength Immodium AD. Because you're going to need it.

:lmao: Dude was a mega lib.

Which brings us to the Facebook page of the North Carolina killer,
which suggests he wasn't remotely neutral when it comes to his atheist and liberal political opinions:

His Facebook Likes included the Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow,
the Southern Poverty Law Center, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Bill Nye "The Science Guy," Neil deGrasse Tyson, Gay Marriage groups and similar progressive pages.

North Carolina Killer a Fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center The Weekly Standard
Hate to say it, but that is the honest truth. You push the wrong person too far in the wrong way, and you're taking a chance with your life. Hell, go to a movie and you're taking a chance on your life. Shop in a Mall, you're taking a chance. Screw with someone over a parking space a couple of times, yeah, you'd better realize there are some seriously screwed up people out there, and your religion, politics or race isn't going to make a difference. It's called "going postal". It's an entitlement syndrome.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....
Go ahead provide us a link to ANY tea party member murdering Muslims.
Are you denying that ultra conservatives want the Muslim's gone?
I repeat Provide us with a link to Any TEA PARTY MEMBER MURDERING Muslims. You made the comparison back it up.

Excuse me? MoonGlow made an accurate statement that Tea Baggers have a problem with Muslims. He did not say they were murderers.
He just believes they all want to murder us. So do christian americans applaud this murder or condemn it?

I've heard nothing but condemnation, though sadly some had to defend themselves when the left tried to pin this on Christian terrorism. I notice it's common to hear Christians bashed at the same time they say don't paint all Muslims in the same light.
Liberal deflection. The guy was an atheist. Do you really think he gave a shit about the religion of the people who TOOK HIS PARKING SPACE????
Liberal deflection. The guy was an atheist. Do you really think he gave a shit about the religion of the people who TOOK HIS PARKING SPACE????

He was also an avid gun owner with a mental problem who should not have been allowed to own one. Do you really think atheism was the issue here?
I think the NSA should more vigorously monitor the "I fucking love science" facebook group and richard dawkins/carl sagan youtube videos for the sake of national security. We need to clamp down on these mentally ill internet atheists.

Next time you see some nerdy atheist goon post about Neil Degrasse Tyson, how God isn't great, how porn isn't harmful, or how pot "expanded their mind" and SCIENCE! shows it, or about those right wing bigots in fly over country need to join the 21st century and support gay marriage, you may be looking at the next domestic terrorist.

“There’s nothing complicated about it, and I have every right to insult a religion that goes out of its way to insult, to judge, and to condemn me as an inadequate human being — which your religion does with self-righteous gusto,” the suspect, Craig Stephen Hicks, wrote on Facebook, without calling out any specific religious doctrine.
Self-proclaimed atheist charged in slayings of North Carolina Muslim students - Yahoo News

lol he sounds like a lot of the left wing losers on this site.
Liberal deflection. The guy was an atheist. Do you really think he gave a shit about the religion of the people who TOOK HIS PARKING SPACE????

He was also an avid gun owner with a mental problem who should not have been allowed to own one. Do you really think atheism was the issue here?
No. Do you accept the MSM blaming this incident on religious hate?
TV programmes liked by Hicks include The Atheist Experience, Criminal Minds and Friends, while he describes himself as a fan of Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason and Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion.
All that is missing from the list is Hitchen's "God is Not Great", and Neil Tyson's "Cosmos".
A regular social media user, his last three posts were a cute dog video about the Pavlov effect, a viral advert for Air New Zealand involving mountain bikes, and a picture from United Atheists of America asking “why radical Christians and radical Muslims are so opposed to each others’ influence when they agree about so many ideological issues”.

We sure this guy doesn't post here? Add idiotic to the list of adjective to describe mentally ill atheist fanatic.
Liberal deflection. The guy was an atheist. Do you really think he gave a shit about the religion of the people who TOOK HIS PARKING SPACE????

He was also an avid gun owner with a mental problem who should not have been allowed to own one. Do you really think atheism was the issue here?
No. Do you accept the MSM blaming this incident on religious hate?

I am unsure what role, if any, religion played into it. Seems to me if they had been freckled munckins that had been having parking issues with him, he still likely would have shot them. The man was a few cans short of a six pack.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

Edit add: Ditto the media and commentators.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.

Craig Stephen Hicks arrested after 3 Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill Daily Mail Online


Gunned down: (From left) Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all shot dead near the University of North Carolina on Tuesday


Heartbreaking: Yusor shared this beautiful photo showing her dancing with her father at their wedding

So now you republicans and christians admit all Islam isn't evil?

Fuck you and your broad brush. I've been fighting for women's rights in Afghanistan since the mid 90's when they were being brutalized by the Taliban. That of course led me into many other battles for human rights in the ME.

20 freaking years now asshole.

Seriously give your bigoted head a shake.
There's a lot of hate rhetoric, and anyone can say anything on the internet. I don't think particular political parties are the issue here but rather people who give an uncontested platform to this kind of rhetoric rather than combating it. I saw an interesting article on Sweden where a number of mosques have been firebombed and people injured as a result of an anti-Muslim/anti-immigrant movement coming from groups like Pagida. A number of Swedes took it upon themselves to publically protest these groups, their rhetoric and their actions (where are Americans on this?). One of the actions was genius: Swedish residents love-bomb Uppsala mosque in outpouring of support after attacks - Europe - World - The Independent

I am so tired of the off the richter scale rhetoric by all sides. Politicians, media, commentators and even joe and mary six pack.

Sheesh. It's like everyone screaming about someone or something these days.

And what sets me clean off is when anyone just blindly makes a blanket condemnation or has the need to demonize whole swaths of people.

It's wrong. It makes me spit bullets. :)
And yet you seek to make a blanket condemnation of all those free from faith, as well as seek to demonize those free from faith by accusing them of being driven to murder by 'anti-faith' politicians.

You're so full of shit you need to take an enema. :lol:

I've not condemned atheists. I don't agree with their view of the world but I've not condemned them.

And I haven't demonized a damn soul. And I never said anti faith politicians. I was very specific. I kept the criticism to anti faith rhetoric by politicians and threw in the media and political commentators.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

Edit add: Ditto the media and commentators.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.

Craig Stephen Hicks arrested after 3 Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill Daily Mail Online


Gunned down: (From left) Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all shot dead near the University of North Carolina on Tuesday


Heartbreaking: Yusor shared this beautiful photo showing her dancing with her father at their wedding

So now you republicans and christians admit all Islam isn't evil?

Fuck you and your broad brush. I've been fighting for women's rights in Afghanistan since the mid 90's when they were being brutalized by the Taliban. That of course led me into many other battles for human rights in the ME.

20 freaking years now asshole.

Seriously give your bigoted head a shake.
So now you like Muslim americans? Me too!
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

Edit add: Ditto the media and commentators.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.

Craig Stephen Hicks arrested after 3 Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill Daily Mail Online


Gunned down: (From left) Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all shot dead near the University of North Carolina on Tuesday


Heartbreaking: Yusor shared this beautiful photo showing her dancing with her father at their wedding

the murderer was a christer , there are millions of them running lose here in nc

Sorry to piss in your cornflakes but he was an atheist. His Facebook pages and postings tell the whole story.

Was big into Huff Po, Maddow, SPLC, Bill Nye, Tyson, gay marriage groups etc.

A very liberal atheist.
The point I am making is this asshole killed these poor people because he's an ASSHOLE. His politics, and his atheism are immaterial to his actions. He murdered these people because he is simply your average, every day asshole. Nothing more.
What an odd statement. You can't possibly know that! It is of course possible he was motivated by hatred of religious folk.

You are correct, I don't KNOW for sure that he was an asshole. However, based on the posts I have seen on his facebook page, yeah...he was an asshole. And a big one.

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