Atheist murders three young Muslim students. Have politicians taken their anti faith rants too far?

Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..
Got those links yet - or are you ready to admit you are lying?

Links to what far left drone?

Is that how you admit lying?

What that you are a far left drone? You are a far left drone no matter how many posts you try an make to the contrary.
Anyone else want to join the Kosh "far left drone" drinking contest? It's a sure fire drunk fest today.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.
Be specific link to these other causes that show the Tea Party supports them.
I repeat be specific, provide us a link to a Tea Party site that attacks Muslims or anything else you claim it represents.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.
Be specific link to these other causes that show the Tea Party supports them.
I repeat be specific, provide us a link to a Tea Party site that attacks Muslims or anything else you claim it represents.

What did I claim?

I called bullshit on Westwall's claim. Can you follow a discussion?
No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.
Be specific link to these other causes that show the Tea Party supports them.
I repeat be specific, provide us a link to a Tea Party site that attacks Muslims or anything else you claim it represents.

What did I claim?

I called bullshit on Westwall's claim. Can you follow a discussion?
His claim is that the Tea party is about out of control spending by the Government, now provide evidence that is not true or that they hate Muslims.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.

Yes, you are full of it. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. They tell you their beliefs right up front. The progressives are scared of them because they don't care about anything but out of control government spending.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.

Yes, you are full of it. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. They tell you their beliefs right up front. The progressives are scared of them because they don't care about anything but out of control government spending.

They don't care about anything but spending?

You've been politically involved for all this time...and you still believe that? I'm embarrassed for you.

What is this? My imagination? Not really the TEA party? What's going to be your excuse?

About Us - Tea Party
That's bullshit.
Be specific link to these other causes that show the Tea Party supports them.
I repeat be specific, provide us a link to a Tea Party site that attacks Muslims or anything else you claim it represents.

What did I claim?

I called bullshit on Westwall's claim. Can you follow a discussion?
His claim is that the Tea party is about out of control spending by the Government, now provide evidence that is not true or that they hate Muslims.

His claim was that they ONLY care about spending. That is bullshit.

I'm're wrong. End of story.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.

Yes, you are full of it. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. They tell you their beliefs right up front. The progressives are scared of them because they don't care about anything but out of control government spending.

They don't care about anything but spending?

You've been politically involved for all this time...and you still believe that? I'm embarrassed for you.

What is this? My imagination? Not really the TEA party? What's going to be your excuse?

About Us - Tea Party

Why thank you! I had never bothered to look at their site. The tea partiers in my area are all about government spending so you have educated me on them. I thank you! Funny though....nowhere does it say they are intolerant of any religion whatsoever.... Where exactly does it say that you can abuse people too? I didn't see that anywhere. Oh yes, where does it say blacks are bad? They have a rather nice picture of Dr. Carson on their page. Last I looked he was black.

So, I did find these core beliefs. I can't find one of them that supports any of the negative things that you progressives have tried to tarnish them with.

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged. - See more at: About Us - Tea Party
Be specific link to these other causes that show the Tea Party supports them.
I repeat be specific, provide us a link to a Tea Party site that attacks Muslims or anything else you claim it represents.

What did I claim?

I called bullshit on Westwall's claim. Can you follow a discussion?
His claim is that the Tea party is about out of control spending by the Government, now provide evidence that is not true or that they hate Muslims.

His claim was that they ONLY care about spending. That is bullshit.

I'm're wrong. End of story.
Provide evidence, you know a link to them being against Muslims because that is what you are claiming is bullshit.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

Here is the way I look at it. Who worked the guy up to hate Muslims? It was white christian republicans.

Same as if the guy who killed tiller the abortion doctor. Who worked the crazy guy up? Fox and christians did.

Show us the next time an atheist kills a white christian then we'll be impressed.
On parking:

When incidents are frequent they become non-news.

Dog-bites-man. Not news

New England: Parking space bandit (parked in a place somebody else shoveled out) murdered (or maimed). Not news....after about the third one.

Before judging in the case at hand I want to hear more about the alleged parking dispute.
I repeat be specific, provide us a link to a Tea Party site that attacks Muslims or anything else you claim it represents.

What did I claim?

I called bullshit on Westwall's claim. Can you follow a discussion?
His claim is that the Tea party is about out of control spending by the Government, now provide evidence that is not true or that they hate Muslims.

His claim was that they ONLY care about spending. That is bullshit.

I'm're wrong. End of story.
Provide evidence, you know a link to them being against Muslims because that is what you are claiming is bullshit.

Nope. I never made that claim. I've explained it already. I called bullshit on the claim that TEA partiers are ONLY concerned with spending. I then proved that the claim was bullshit.

In other words....I've won the point. You've lost the point. Fun, ain't it!?
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

Here is the way I look at it. Who worked the guy up to hate Muslims? It was white christian republicans.

Same as if the guy who killed tiller the abortion doctor. Who worked the crazy guy up? Fox and christians did.

Show us the next time an atheist kills a white christian then we'll be impressed.
Ok dumb ass, explain for us slow ones why a guy that hated Christians would listen to them about Muslims? His wife was clear this was about him not liking them because they were religious and about parking
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.

Yes, you are full of it. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. They tell you their beliefs right up front. The progressives are scared of them because they don't care about anything but out of control government spending.

They don't care about anything but spending?

You've been politically involved for all this time...and you still believe that? I'm embarrassed for you.

What is this? My imagination? Not really the TEA party? What's going to be your excuse?

About Us - Tea Party

Why thank you! I had never bothered to look at their site. The tea partiers in my area are all about government spending so you have educated me on them. I thank you! Funny though....nowhere does it say they are intolerant of any religion whatsoever.... Where exactly does it say that you can abuse people too? I didn't see that anywhere. Oh yes, where does it say blacks are bad? They have a rather nice picture of Dr. Carson on their page. Last I looked he was black.

So, I did find these core beliefs. I can't find one of them that supports any of the negative things that you progressives have tried to tarnish them with.

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged. - See more at: About Us - Tea Party

It is too hard to just admit that you were wrong? Why all the extra bullshit about what anyone has tried to tarnish anyone with? The "TEA party" is concerned with social least as much as they are with fiscal issues. That's why they suck balls.

Liberals always try to blame the right for everything. The murdererer in this case was one of their own, but now they don't want to talk about it.

Liberals rallied against calling Muslims terrorists and yet liberals took to twitter to denounce the killings of 3 muslims in North Carolina as Christian terrorism. Not only did they break their own rule on lumping radicals in with mainstream, but the murderer wasn't a Christian. He was an atheist. And not only that, but his Facebook page shows he was supportive of liberal causes. So, why did this liberal atheist kill 3 muslims and why did the liberal media drop it after some facts came out about his political views? Hypcorisy, anyone.

The New York Times reported on the murders and mentioned Hicks’ atheism, but not his politics. CNN did the same, as did The Washington Post.

Yet even a passive look at his Facebook page would reveal Hicks is not only a rabid atheist, but a passionate progressive.

A review of the Facebook page of the man charged in these murders, Craig Hicks, shows a consistent themes of anti-religion and progressive causes. Included in his many Facebook "likes" are the Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Bill Nye "The Science Guy," Neil deGrasse Tyson, Gay Marriage groups, and a host of anti-conservative/tea party pages.

In other words, a veritable Who’s Who of the Progressive Left.

Can you imagine if Hicks was a Christian, or a fan of FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh, Phil Robertson, Family Research Council or

Well he wasn’t. And the media quickly changed the subject. After the 3 Muslim murder led the news with breathless coverage as the day began, as the killer was revealed to be one of them, media interest curiously waned, and they rapidly moved on to other subjects.

Media hypocrisy at its finest.

No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

Here is the way I look at it. Who worked the guy up to hate Muslims? It was white christian republicans.

Same as if the guy who killed tiller the abortion doctor. Who worked the crazy guy up? Fox and christians did.

Show us the next time an atheist kills a white christian then we'll be impressed.
Ok dumb ass, explain for us slow ones why a guy that hated Christians would listen to them about Muslims? His wife was clear this was about him not liking them because they were religious and about parking

Meh. Let me know when an american white atheist that isn't crazy kills a christian then we will talk.

You right wingers got everyone worked up about Muslims. You're telling us they want to take over america. You christians and fox and rush did this.
All we hear from the right is that islam is evil. I'm glad this thing puts your hate of Muslims in check. Let the Muslim world know you condemn this.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

Edit add: Ditto the media and commentators.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.

Craig Stephen Hicks arrested after 3 Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill Daily Mail Online


Gunned down: (From left) Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all shot dead near the University of North Carolina on Tuesday


Heartbreaking: Yusor shared this beautiful photo showing her dancing with her father at their wedding

So now you republicans and christians admit all Islam isn't evil?
Meh. Let me know when an american white atheist that isn't crazy kills a christian then we will talk.

You right wingers got everyone worked up about Muslims. You're telling us they want to take over america. You christians and fox and rush did this.

Hey, idiot, the guy was listening to liberal stuff, not conservative. He simply hates religion and Islam actually goes against things the liberal claims are their causes, such as women's rights. Face it, there are some lunatic liberals out there and this guy proves it.

For all we know, the beheading of gays or the killing of Kayla Mueller pushed him over the edge. You guys just don't think sometimes and always blame the right as a knee jerk reaction.

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