Atheist murders three young Muslim students. Have politicians taken their anti faith rants too far?

Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..

I hold everyone to the same standards. I don't expect you to know about all my posts and all my positions and you obviously don't. Only a weak-minded person would try to build an argument out of pretending they do.

Cool show all your posts protesting Obama illegal wars..

Obama is not in any illegal wars.
Then according to your logic neither was Bush, right? They both got Congressional approval for the war or used the military for less then 90 days.
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..
Got those links yet - or are you ready to admit you are lying?
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..
Got those links yet - or are you ready to admit you are lying?

Links to what far left drone?
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..
Got those links yet - or are you ready to admit you are lying?

Links to what far left drone?
he thinks we don't know he never calls out the left.
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..

I hold everyone to the same standards. I don't expect you to know about all my posts and all my positions and you obviously don't. Only a weak-minded person would try to build an argument out of pretending they do.

Cool show all your posts protesting Obama illegal wars..

Obama is not in any illegal wars.

Thus proving that far left drones will support Obama's illegal wars..
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..
Got those links yet - or are you ready to admit you are lying?

Links to what far left drone?

Is that how you admit lying?
There's a lot of hate rhetoric, and anyone can say anything on the internet. I don't think particular political parties are the issue here but rather people who give an uncontested platform to this kind of rhetoric rather than combating it. I saw an interesting article on Sweden where a number of mosques have been firebombed and people injured as a result of an anti-Muslim/anti-immigrant movement coming from groups like Pagida. A number of Swedes took it upon themselves to publically protest these groups, their rhetoric and their actions (where are Americans on this?). One of the actions was genius: Swedish residents love-bomb Uppsala mosque in outpouring of support after attacks - Europe - World - The Independent

And how often did you see the above story covered in the US mainstream media?

Not enough.
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..
Got those links yet - or are you ready to admit you are lying?

Links to what far left drone?

Is that how you admit lying?

What that you are a far left drone? You are a far left drone no matter how many posts you try an make to the contrary.
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..

I'm holding them to the same standard right here. Do you read?

There MY link - where is YOURS?????
Gotta find out a lot more before applying a motive. Could just be road rage. But by all means - if you can use the death of these three to poke some jabs at those who disagree with your politics - show what an idiot you are and knock yourself out.

Yet you will not hold the far left to the same standards..

I'm holding them to the same standard right here. Do you read?

There MY link - where is YOURS?????

No your not unless you claim the OP is far left.

Typical far left drone!
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it. are trying to make it about politics, and that's about it. A piece of shit kills his neighbors over a dispute about parking spaces, and you are trying to force politics into the issue. Pathetic.

I don't often agree with Swim Expert - but THIS post is right on target


I made the thread to specifically call out our leaders and commentators on both sides of the aisle over THEM making everything in every day political.

And it seems that almost everyone goes 0 to 50 in ten seconds with their rage.

Geeze louise. There used to be a funny cartoon that I don't the time to find but it went "I said no sugar in my coffee!!!!!!!!! JIHAD!!!!!!!"

Everything is over the top. Enough already.

Cripes when I first read the story the first thing I thought was.......

"at this very moment someone is out there trying to find out who he voted for in the last couple elections".

And I know I'm freaking right that every political animal's search engines were on overdrive when the news broke about these murders.

I don't know about you but I'm sick to death of it.

ETA: Here's a good example from my personal life. I don't have television and my life is radio.
One of my favorite commentators has gone rabid on me. And I used to love this guy to death. Mark Levin. But I can't take the level of screaming, shouting and finger pointing any more.

I've changed the channel.
Last edited:
There's a lot of hate rhetoric, and anyone can say anything on the internet. I don't think particular political parties are the issue here but rather people who give an uncontested platform to this kind of rhetoric rather than combating it. I saw an interesting article on Sweden where a number of mosques have been firebombed and people injured as a result of an anti-Muslim/anti-immigrant movement coming from groups like Pagida. A number of Swedes took it upon themselves to publically protest these groups, their rhetoric and their actions (where are Americans on this?). One of the actions was genius: Swedish residents love-bomb Uppsala mosque in outpouring of support after attacks - Europe - World - The Independent
There's an undeniable causal link between rhetoric that specifically demonizes a group and violence against that group. The horrors of Nazi Germany were preceded by Jews being made the scapegoat for Germany's economic misfortunes; something I keep well in mind when I see anti semitism on sites like these.

The tricky part is deciding how public policy can address the danger of free speech while defending it as a right. We all agree that no right is absolute particularly when exercised in a way that foments violence.

In my short time here I've seen proposals that we round up the Muslims, or the gays, or the Hispanics and it alarms me because I know these guys aren't kidding. And more alarming is how rapidly these ideas can take on a life of its own and translate into mobs or even public policy.

So what would you propose?
There's a lot of hate rhetoric, and anyone can say anything on the internet. I don't think particular political parties are the issue here but rather people who give an uncontested platform to this kind of rhetoric rather than combating it. I saw an interesting article on Sweden where a number of mosques have been firebombed and people injured as a result of an anti-Muslim/anti-immigrant movement coming from groups like Pagida. A number of Swedes took it upon themselves to publically protest these groups, their rhetoric and their actions (where are Americans on this?). One of the actions was genius: Swedish residents love-bomb Uppsala mosque in outpouring of support after attacks - Europe - World - The Independent
There's an undeniable causal link between rhetoric that specifically demonizes a group and violence against that group. The horrors of Nazi Germany were preceded by Jews being made the scapegoat for Germany's economic misfortunes; something I keep well in mind when I see anti semitism on sites like these.

The tricky part is deciding how public policy can address the danger of free speech while defending it as a right. We all agree that no right is absolute particularly when exercised in a way that foments violence.

In my short time here I've seen proposals that we round up the Muslims, or the gays, or the Hispanics and it alarms me because I know these guys aren't kidding. And more alarming is how rapidly these ideas can take on a life of its own and translate into mobs or even public policy.

So what would you propose?

I agree - it really is tricky and I don't know what the solution is. I don't support making such speech illegal, for several reasons. It drives it underground where it can fester and grow outside of public scrutiny. Also, making it illegal grants it a sort of legitimacy in the eyes of it's adherants who can claim that they are being victimized or discrimminated against because people don't want to "hear the truth". I think the best way to counter it is to publically attack it with truth and to show your support for innocent people of any faith, ethnicity, race etc. in such a way that it marginalizes those views. That's the power of free speech too. Groups like the Westboro Baptists have been effectively and non-violently marginalized by the mainstream but are still allowed their rights of free speech.

What's harder to quell and counter is when the rhetoric comes from elected officials who grant people like Pamela Gellar a respectable status. Teaching critical thinking in order to navigate all this stuff that is thrown at us in the internet is key, and countering this sort of hate speech publically and publically showing unity and support for it's targets is also important.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.
Be specific link to these other causes that show the Tea Party supports them.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....

No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.
Be specific link to these other causes that show the Tea Party supports them.

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