Atheist murders three young Muslim students. Have politicians taken their anti faith rants too far?

There's a lot of hate rhetoric, and anyone can say anything on the internet. I don't think particular political parties are the issue here but rather people who give an uncontested platform to this kind of rhetoric rather than combating it. I saw an interesting article on Sweden where a number of mosques have been firebombed and people injured as a result of an anti-Muslim/anti-immigrant movement coming from groups like Pagida. A number of Swedes took it upon themselves to publically protest these groups, their rhetoric and their actions (where are Americans on this?). One of the actions was genius: Swedish residents love-bomb Uppsala mosque in outpouring of support after attacks - Europe - World - The Independent

I am so tired of the off the richter scale rhetoric by all sides. Politicians, media, commentators and even joe and mary six pack.

Sheesh. It's like everyone screaming about someone or something these days.

And what sets me clean off is when anyone just blindly makes a blanket condemnation or has the need to demonize whole swaths of people.

It's wrong. It makes me spit bullets. :)
And yet you seek to make a blanket condemnation of all those free from faith, as well as seek to demonize those free from faith by accusing them of being driven to murder by 'anti-faith' politicians.
There are atheist republicans, ghey ones, immigrant ones, black ones..The GOP has liberals, conservatives, progressives.......etc....
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....
Go ahead provide us a link to ANY tea party member murdering Muslims.
Are you denying that ultra conservatives want the Muslim's gone?
I repeat Provide us with a link to Any TEA PARTY MEMBER MURDERING Muslims. You made the comparison back it up.

Excuse me? MoonGlow made an accurate statement that Tea Baggers have a problem with Muslims. He did not say they were murderers.
Wife Alleged Chapel Hill shooter Craig Hicks believed everyone was equal denies claim killing of Muslims was a hate crime - CBS News

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - The man accused of murdering three of his neighbors was a "champion of Second Amendment rights" who "believed everyone is equal," according to his wife and her attorneys.

Karen Hicks, flanked by attorneys Rob Maitland and Michelle English, told reporters Wednesday that she and suspect Craig Hicks had been married seven years and that the shooting he is accused of "had nothing to do with religion...but was in fact related to the long-standing parking disputes" with his Muslim neighbors.

Craig Hicks, 46, has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder for allegedly shooting Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, at their Chapel Hill apartment.

Attorney English told reporters that Craig Hicks carried a weapon and had a concealed carry permit, and that he was "a champion for Second Amendment rights." Attorney Maitland said that Hicks "had a problem with many of his neighbors," and that the shooting "highlights the importance of access to mental health care services." He would not comment on a reporter's questions about whether Hicks had a history of mental health issues, but said, "obviously, it is not within the range of normal behavior for someone to shoot three people over parking issues."

So a mentally deranged individual had a conceal carry permit. Just another reason why we need more gun control.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....
Go ahead provide us a link to ANY tea party member murdering Muslims.
Are you denying that ultra conservatives want the Muslim's gone?
I repeat Provide us with a link to Any TEA PARTY MEMBER MURDERING Muslims. You made the comparison back it up.

Excuse me? MoonGlow made an accurate statement that Tea Baggers have a problem with Muslims. He did not say they were murderers.
He just believes they all want to murder us. So do christian americans applaud this murder or condemn it?
Wife Alleged Chapel Hill shooter Craig Hicks believed everyone was equal denies claim killing of Muslims was a hate crime - CBS News

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - The man accused of murdering three of his neighbors was a "champion of Second Amendment rights" who "believed everyone is equal," according to his wife and her attorneys.

Karen Hicks, flanked by attorneys Rob Maitland and Michelle English, told reporters Wednesday that she and suspect Craig Hicks had been married seven years and that the shooting he is accused of "had nothing to do with religion...but was in fact related to the long-standing parking disputes" with his Muslim neighbors.

Craig Hicks, 46, has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder for allegedly shooting Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, at their Chapel Hill apartment.

Attorney English told reporters that Craig Hicks carried a weapon and had a concealed carry permit, and that he was "a champion for Second Amendment rights." Attorney Maitland said that Hicks "had a problem with many of his neighbors," and that the shooting "highlights the importance of access to mental health care services." He would not comment on a reporter's questions about whether Hicks had a history of mental health issues, but said, "obviously, it is not within the range of normal behavior for someone to shoot three people over parking issues."

So a mentally deranged individual had a conceal carry permit. Just another reason why we need more gun control.
Yup. To get guns out of the hands of us godless atheists and muslims. Clearly we can't be trusted. Only christians should be allowed to have anything with more than 5 rounds.
No they don't. TEA Party members have a problem with out of control government spending. That's it.

That's bullshit.

Yes, you are full of it. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. They tell you their beliefs right up front. The progressives are scared of them because they don't care about anything but out of control government spending.

They don't care about anything but spending?

You've been politically involved for all this time...and you still believe that? I'm embarrassed for you.

What is this? My imagination? Not really the TEA party? What's going to be your excuse?

About Us - Tea Party

Why thank you! I had never bothered to look at their site. The tea partiers in my area are all about government spending so you have educated me on them. I thank you! Funny though....nowhere does it say they are intolerant of any religion whatsoever.... Where exactly does it say that you can abuse people too? I didn't see that anywhere. Oh yes, where does it say blacks are bad? They have a rather nice picture of Dr. Carson on their page. Last I looked he was black.

So, I did find these core beliefs. I can't find one of them that supports any of the negative things that you progressives have tried to tarnish them with.

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged. - See more at: About Us - Tea Party

It is too hard to just admit that you were wrong? Why all the extra bullshit about what anyone has tried to tarnish anyone with? The "TEA party" is concerned with social least as much as they are with fiscal issues. That's why they suck balls.

I admit I was WRONG! Is that good enough for you?

Did you not see where I thanked you for educating me on them? Why do they suck for actually caring about social issues as well.
All we hear from the right is that islam is evil. I'm glad this thing puts your hate of Muslims in check. Let the Muslim world know you condemn this.

Seems to me he wasn't listening to those people. Seems to me he was listening to the progressive radio stations and reading the progressive websites. Based on that you should be blaming the progressives for his wanton act of violence.

Or, instead of trying to blame progressives or conservatives, how about we blame the asshole that did it...and leave the politics out of it.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.
The hateful rhetoric you see from anti-religious fanatics, mostly maladjusted adolescents on the internet, has real world consequences.
Tea Party members have a problem with Muslims also....
Go ahead provide us a link to ANY tea party member murdering Muslims.
Are you denying that ultra conservatives want the Muslim's gone?
The ultra conseravites are the left wing democrats. They love Muslims because Muslim bigots are not viewed as white. Ask guno.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

Edit add: Ditto the media and commentators.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.

Craig Stephen Hicks arrested after 3 Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill Daily Mail Online


Gunned down: (From left) Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all shot dead near the University of North Carolina on Tuesday


Heartbreaking: Yusor shared this beautiful photo showing her dancing with her father at their wedding

the murderer was a christer , there are millions of them running lose here in nc
All we hear from the right is that islam is evil. I'm glad this thing puts your hate of Muslims in check. Let the Muslim world know you condemn this.

Seems to me he wasn't listening to those people. Seems to me he was listening to the progressive radio stations and reading the progressive websites. Based on that you should be blaming the progressives for his wanton act of violence.

Or, instead of trying to blame progressives or conservatives, how about we blame the asshole that did it...and leave the politics out of it.
What did he read on progressive sites or hear on msnbc specifically? Because I watch tct religious TV and those christians warn everyday about Islam in america.

I want to know what the libs are saying.
No matter what side of the aisle you sit on I hope most posters agree that the over the top foaming at the mouth rhetoric from our so called leaders has got to chill.

Edit add: Ditto the media and commentators.

This is sad. Lovely kids. The primary motive appears to be issues over a parking spot.

But police are wondering if his anti faith stance has played into the situation.

Their words by the way,.

Craig Stephen Hicks arrested after 3 Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill Daily Mail Online


Gunned down: (From left) Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all shot dead near the University of North Carolina on Tuesday


Heartbreaking: Yusor shared this beautiful photo showing her dancing with her father at their wedding

the murderer was a christer , there are millions of them running lose here in nc

No, he was an you.
All we hear from the right is that islam is evil. I'm glad this thing puts your hate of Muslims in check. Let the Muslim world know you condemn this.

Seems to me he wasn't listening to those people. Seems to me he was listening to the progressive radio stations and reading the progressive websites. Based on that you should be blaming the progressives for his wanton act of violence.

Or, instead of trying to blame progressives or conservatives, how about we blame the asshole that did it...and leave the politics out of it.
What did he read on progressive sites or hear on msnbc specifically? Because I watch tct religious TV and those christians warn everyday about Islam in america.

I want to know what the libs are saying.

The libs are Islamic apologists for the most part. That's not the point. The point I am making is this asshole killed these poor people because he's an ASSHOLE. His politics, and his atheism are immaterial to his actions. He murdered these people because he is simply your average, every day asshole. Nothing more.

What's sad is had they had a weapon he might have gotten one of them, but they would have had a chance to stop him. As it was, they could only be victims. And that too is a tragedy,.
All Muslim ameri
All we hear from the right is that islam is evil. I'm glad this thing puts your hate of Muslims in check. Let the Muslim world know you condemn this.

Seems to me he wasn't listening to those people. Seems to me he was listening to the progressive radio stations and reading the progressive websites. Based on that you should be blaming the progressives for his wanton act of violence.

Or, instead of trying to blame progressives or conservatives, how about we blame the asshole that did it...and leave the politics out of it.
What did he read on progressive sites or hear on msnbc specifically? Because I watch tct religious TV and those christians warn everyday about Islam in america.

I want to know what the libs are saying.

The libs are Islamic apologists for the most part. That's not the point. The point I am making is this asshole killed these poor people because he's an ASSHOLE. His politics, and his atheism are immaterial to his actions. He murdered these people because he is simply your average, every day asshole. Nothing more.

What's sad is had they had a weapon he might have gotten one of them, but they would have had a chance to stop him. As it was, they could only be victims. And that too is a tragedy,.[/QUOTE
We need to arm all Muslim americans]
The point I am making is this asshole killed these poor people because he's an ASSHOLE. His politics, and his atheism are immaterial to his actions. He murdered these people because he is simply your average, every day asshole. Nothing more.
What an odd statement. You can't possibly know that! It is of course possible he was motivated by hatred of religious folk.

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