Atheists want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist because they think it will hurt Christianity

Yes, and i agree you and i both are not atheists, by the definitions you present. Which, of course, are by far more observed than the ones i present.

Not really. He may as well be atheist. I lump them in the same. Do you remember my this is fine dog? Of course, you do.

Actually, there's nothing in the text that indicates that God would raise Isaac from the Dead, or that Abe thought he would. God was demanding a loyalty test from Abe, and he got one. And it was kind of fucked up.

You are quite wrong and in the wrong section. It's usually atheists who want science to show them the truth and it does.


and we have the big bang to show for it. There you go.
Not really. He may as well be atheist. I lump them in the same. Do you remember my this is fine dog? Of course, you do.

So do you guys have anything other than vague bronze age threats?

You are quite wrong and in the wrong section. It's usually atheists who want science to show them the truth and it does.

Again, I refuse to beleive the universe is so poorly designed the messed up God of the Hebrews is in charge.
So do you guys have anything other than vague bronze age threats?

As a matter of fact, I do. The circular logic science of atheists and ags. This is why atheists/ags believe in multiverses. Usually, I like to post funny cartoons. This one is hilarious.

Again, I refuse to beleive the universe is so poorly designed the messed up God of the Hebrews is in charge.

More circular logic. This was supposed to be heaven, but for Adam and Eve's sin. The truth book tells us (you got the lie book). Otherwise, why did Jesus die on the cross? Again, the truth book tells us.
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Do you want the creationist view of the Schrodinger's cat experiment and no multiverses? The cat may be like a wave before we look in the box with our free will, but once we see, then there is only one universe. There are no multiverses before looking. There are no multiverses after looking.

It means some things we don't know what happens until we look. The box or light-slit experiment represents the future. We can't control what happens to the cat or where the wave ends up, i.e. it is what it is. However, we can control what happens to us in our future with our free will.
Do you want the creationist view of the Schrodinger's cat experiment and no multiverses? The cat may be like a wave before we look in the box with our free will, but once we see, then there is only one universe. There are no multiverses before looking. There are no multiverses after looking.

It means some things we don't know what happens until we look. The box or light-slit experiment represents the future. We can't control what happens to the cat or where the wave ends up, i.e. it is what it is. However, we can control what happens to us in our future with our free will.
Why would that require a deity?
Actually, there's nothing in the text that indicates that God would raise Isaac from the Dead, or that Abe thought he would. God was demanding a loyalty test from Abe, and he got one. And it was kind of fucked up.

You are quite wrong and in the wrong section. It's usually atheists who want science to show them the truth and it does.


and we have the big bang to show for it. There you go.

There is nothing in the Genesis fable that suggests your gods or anyone else's gods describes the expansion of the universe. Those hyper-religious types predisposed to partisan versions of supernatural gods might want to explain the billions of years that define the age of the universe versus the mere 6,000 years implied by the Bibles.
So do you guys have anything other than vague bronze age threats?

As a matter of fact, I do. The circular logic science of atheists and ags. This is why atheists/ags believe in multiverses. Usually, I like to post funny cartoons. This one is hilarious.

Again, I refuse to beleive the universe is so poorly designed the messed up God of the Hebrews is in charge.

More circular logic. This was supposed to be heaven, but for Adam and Eve's sin. The truth book tells us (you got the lie book). Otherwise, why did Jesus die on the cross? Again, the truth book tells us.

Your ''twoof'' book describes a stationary, flat earth. Not much twoof in that.
But belief in these theories are more wishful thinking than reality.

The concept that there are an infinite number of parallel universes is poppycock. Even if true, there will never be a way to prove it.

If extra-terrestrial civilizations existed, we'd know it by now. We've been listening for their radio signals for decades and in all that time we've heard squat.

The reality is that atheist scientists have pushed belief in these notions because they hate Christianity and want to undermine people's faith in religion.
Ya,waves experience disturbance and weeken (sic) after distance traveled. So not exactly the smoking gun for not finding them. Aliens nor multi verse (sic) preclude a creator. These things can exist and still have been created by intelligent design. These things are more than possible according to mathematics. You wanna believe in the Bible do it. The aliens ain't gonna stop you. Neither am I. So be so kind as to allow others to have their beliefs also.

Atheists mock and ridicule Christians incessantly, in books, on the internet, and most particularly in courtrooms across America. Atheists are always claiming they/you are smarter than anyone else.
Then you spell "weaken" as "weeken" (sic). You spell "multiverse" as two words.
Now please pontificate to everyone how extremely brilliant and scientific you are, while we laugh at you.

The hypothesis that we are nothing more than cosmic accidents has been widely accepted by the scientific community. Figures as diverse as Bertrand Russell, Jacques Monod, Steven Weinberg, and Richard Dawkins have said it is so. It is an article of their faith, one advanced with the confidence of men convinced that nature has equipped them to face realities the rest of us cannot bear to contemplate. There is not the slightest reason to think this so. - The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski, page xiv
But belief in these theories are more wishful thinking than reality.

The concept that there are an infinite number of parallel universes is poppycock. Even if true, there will never be a way to prove it.

If extra-terrestrial civilizations existed, we'd know it by now. We've been listening for their radio signals for decades and in all that time we've heard squat.

The reality is that atheist scientists have pushed belief in these notions because they hate Christianity and want to undermine people's faith in religion.
Ya,waves experience disturbance and weeken (sic) after distance traveled. So not exactly the smoking gun for not finding them. Aliens nor multi verse (sic) preclude a creator. These things can exist and still have been created by intelligent design. These things are more than possible according to mathematics. You wanna believe in the Bible do it. The aliens ain't gonna stop you. Neither am I. So be so kind as to allow others to have their beliefs also.

Atheists mock and ridicule Christians incessantly, in books, on the internet, and most particularly in courtrooms across America. Atheists are always claiming they/you are smarter than anyone else.
Then you spell "weaken" as "weeken" (sic). You spell "multiverse" as two words.
Now please pontificate to everyone how extremely brilliant and scientific you are, while we laugh at you.

The hypothesis that we are nothing more than cosmic accidents has been widely accepted by the scientific community. Figures as diverse as Bertrand Russell, Jacques Monod, Steven Weinberg, and Richard Dawkins have said it is so. It is an article of their faith, one advanced with the confidence of men convinced that nature has equipped them to face realities the rest of us cannot bear to contemplate. There is not the slightest reason to think this so. - The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski, page xiv
Spelling all ya got hilarious, also wrong all the way around not an atheist. The odds of this all happening on accident are far to long to be possible with out intelligent manipulation. Aliens and multi verse still does not preclude a maker . So go back to school dumb fuck and come back and tell me what do when ya get some thing right. This is a blog dumb fuck not a paper turned into prof. Love idiot with out logic yelling spelling and punctuation. Lol.
Your problem is that you do not understand what agnosticism is (or means) and you refuse to acknowledge it so you insist on continuing to falsely call it atheism.
Completely false. i completely acknowledge the meanings you present and have done so repeatedly. I am just proposing a semantic change. No idea where you are getting this nonsense. I think you need to slow down. Your excitability and childish insults discredit you, especially when you are completely wrong and misunderstanding others.
But belief in these theories are more wishful thinking than reality.

The concept that there are an infinite number of parallel universes is poppycock. Even if true, there will never be a way to prove it.

If extra-terrestrial civilizations existed, we'd know it by now. We've been listening for their radio signals for decades and in all that time we've heard squat.

The reality is that atheist scientists have pushed belief in these notions because they hate Christianity and want to undermine people's faith in religion.
Ya,waves experience disturbance and weeken (sic) after distance traveled. So not exactly the smoking gun for not finding them. Aliens nor multi verse (sic) preclude a creator. These things can exist and still have been created by intelligent design. These things are more than possible according to mathematics. You wanna believe in the Bible do it. The aliens ain't gonna stop you. Neither am I. So be so kind as to allow others to have their beliefs also.

Atheists mock and ridicule Christians incessantly, in books, on the internet, and most particularly in courtrooms across America. Atheists are always claiming they/you are smarter than anyone else.
Then you spell "weaken" as "weeken" (sic). You spell "multiverse" as two words.
Now please pontificate to everyone how extremely brilliant and scientific you are, while we laugh at you.

The hypothesis that we are nothing more than cosmic accidents has been widely accepted by the scientific community. Figures as diverse as Bertrand Russell, Jacques Monod, Steven Weinberg, and Richard Dawkins have said it is so. It is an article of their faith, one advanced with the confidence of men convinced that nature has equipped them to face realities the rest of us cannot bear to contemplate. There is not the slightest reason to think this so. - The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski, page xiv
Spelling all ya got hilarious, also wrong all the way around not an atheist. The odds of this all happening on accident are far to long to be possible with out intelligent manipulation. Aliens and multi verse still does not preclude a maker . So go back to school dumb fuck and come back and tell me what do when ya get some thing right. This is a blog dumb fuck not a paper turned into prof. Love idiot with out logic yelling spelling and punctuation. Lol.
You talk like a young, ignorant, vulgar punk.

The Bible advises us to "Go from the presence of a foolish man."

Join other ignorati on my Ignore List.

ciao brutto
But belief in these theories are more wishful thinking than reality.

The concept that there are an infinite number of parallel universes is poppycock. Even if true, there will never be a way to prove it.

If extra-terrestrial civilizations existed, we'd know it by now. We've been listening for their radio signals for decades and in all that time we've heard squat.

The reality is that atheist scientists have pushed belief in these notions because they hate Christianity and want to undermine people's faith in religion.
Ya,waves experience disturbance and weeken (sic) after distance traveled. So not exactly the smoking gun for not finding them. Aliens nor multi verse (sic) preclude a creator. These things can exist and still have been created by intelligent design. These things are more than possible according to mathematics. You wanna believe in the Bible do it. The aliens ain't gonna stop you. Neither am I. So be so kind as to allow others to have their beliefs also.

Atheists mock and ridicule Christians incessantly, in books, on the internet, and most particularly in courtrooms across America. Atheists are always claiming they/you are smarter than anyone else.
Then you spell "weaken" as "weeken" (sic). You spell "multiverse" as two words.
Now please pontificate to everyone how extremely brilliant and scientific you are, while we laugh at you.

The hypothesis that we are nothing more than cosmic accidents has been widely accepted by the scientific community. Figures as diverse as Bertrand Russell, Jacques Monod, Steven Weinberg, and Richard Dawkins have said it is so. It is an article of their faith, one advanced with the confidence of men convinced that nature has equipped them to face realities the rest of us cannot bear to contemplate. There is not the slightest reason to think this so. - The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski, page xiv
Spelling all ya got hilarious, also wrong all the way around not an atheist. The odds of this all happening on accident are far to long to be possible with out intelligent manipulation. Aliens and multi verse still does not preclude a maker . So go back to school dumb fuck and come back and tell me what do when ya get some thing right. This is a blog dumb fuck not a paper turned into prof. Love idiot with out logic yelling spelling and punctuation. Lol.
You talk like a young, ignorant, vulgar punk.

The Bible advises us to "Go from the presence of a foolish man."

Join other ignorati on my Ignore List.

ciao brutto
Ya I am fine with that. Lol! I wouldn't want to hurt your poor little feelings again.
More circular logic. This was supposed to be heaven, but for Adam and Eve's sin. The truth book tells us (you got the lie book). Otherwise, why did Jesus die on the cross? Again, the truth book tells us.

Actually, those stories are kind of fucked up. God gave Adam a test he knew he would almost certainly fail. That sounds like a sadist, not a loving father. Same thing with Jesus on the cross. God declares a curse, and then has to kill himself/his son/ whatever to life it, kind of, but most of you are still going to hell anyway, depending on geography of course. Fuck you, Japan, worshiping Amaterasu!!!
Actually, there's nothing in the text that indicates that God would raise Isaac from the Dead, or that Abe thought he would. God was demanding a loyalty test from Abe, and he got one. And it was kind of fucked up.

You are quite wrong and in the wrong section. It's usually atheists who want science to show them the truth and it does.


and we have the big bang to show for it. There you go.

There is nothing in the Genesis fable that suggests your gods or anyone else's gods describes the expansion of the universe. Those hyper-religious types predisposed to partisan versions of supernatural gods might want to explain the billions of years that define the age of the universe versus the mere 6,000 years implied by the Bibles.

" It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;" Isaiah 40:22

Such atheist stupidity and more this is fine thinking.

How does it feel, grasshopper, to always be wrong? Red faced, head down, always feeling low?
Yep, it all really stems from property issues and appeasing fragile, grabby, violence prone, male egos in exchange for some fucked up sense of longer term security. Human control issues. No one really cares about multiverses. Perhaps multiple verses?
Only to you.. I personally don't believe in multi-verses... Although if I run into a version of myself with a goatee who is evil, I'll let you know.

Good for you. There are none. Just our future ahead of us.

Actually, those stories are kind of fucked up. God gave Adam a test he knew he would almost certainly fail. That sounds like a sadist, not a loving father. Same thing with Jesus on the cross. God declares a curse, and then has to kill himself/his son/ whatever to life it, kind of, but most of you are still going to hell anyway, depending on geography of course. Fuck you, Japan, worshiping Amaterasu!!!

All Adam and Eve had to do was not act like God. It wasn't a test as you put it, but the one commandment that they could not do. They were given free will.

As for the rest, you sound like you are acting like God and will probably meet the same fate (going to hell, end up somewhere in mixed up geography, and being farked by Tojo or some backward thinking Jabba). Were you in WW II? Stationed in Hawaii? Had to run for cover?

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