Atheists want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist because they think it will hurt Christianity

Yep, it all really stems from property issues and appeasing fragile, grabby, violence prone, male egos in exchange for some fucked up sense of longer term security. Human control issues. No one really cares about multiverses. Perhaps multiple verses?

No multiverses.

Also, no aliens. The atheists and their scientists are doomed. Whatcha gonna do when Satan and his minions run wild on you?

'Previously, the thousands of exoplanets we discovered last year would suggest that life exists in some solar system out there, if most solar systems end up looking like ours. But new research has revealed that most solar systems are very, very different—meaning that finding alien life could be even more difficult.

According to a new paper in the Astronomical Journal, most of the solar systems observed by the Kepler telescope have planets that are a) roughly the same size and b) roughly the same distance from one another. Compared to our solar system, which has huge gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn and tiny, rocky planets like Venus and Mercury at varying distances from one another, these systems seem to be much more uniform.

This may mean that out solar system's formation was actually an anomaly:

"In classic planet formation theory, planets form in the protoplanetary disk that surrounds a newly formed star. The planets might form in compact configurations with similar sizes and a regular orbital spacing, in a manner similar to the newly observed pattern in exoplanetary systems...Abundant evidence in the solar system suggests that Jupiter and Saturn disrupted our system's early structure, resulting in the four widely-spaced terrestrial planets we have today. That planets in most systems are still similarly sized and regularly spaced suggests that perhaps they have been mostly undisturbed since their formation."'

If there are no alien civilizations what are those objects we keep seeing on videos from our fighter jets? Swamp gas or mosquito clouds?

Actually, there's nothing in the text that indicates that God would raise Isaac from the Dead, or that Abe thought he would. God was demanding a loyalty test from Abe, and he got one. And it was kind of fucked up.

You are quite wrong and in the wrong section. It's usually atheists who want science to show them the truth and it does.


and we have the big bang to show for it. There you go.

There is nothing in the Genesis fable that suggests your gods or anyone else's gods describes the expansion of the universe. Those hyper-religious types predisposed to partisan versions of supernatural gods might want to explain the billions of years that define the age of the universe versus the mere 6,000 years implied by the Bibles.

" It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;" Isaiah 40:22

Such atheist stupidity and more this is fine thinking.

How does it feel, grasshopper, to always be wrong? Red faced, head down, always feeling low?

You forgot this.

7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.

Oh, and about that immovable earth:
Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”
Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”
Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”

How does it feel to need some new, new, revised, edited again Bibles?
All Adam and Eve had to do was not act like God. It wasn't a test as you put it, but the one commandment that they could not do. They were given free will.

Actually, I hope they wouldn't act like Yahweh, the guy has the morals of a Batman Villian or a really bad boss.

"Hey, I don't want you to eat from this tree, because you'll realize you're naked and shit. But I'm going to put it in the middle of this garden you live in, and then I'm going to make the fruits really juicy... And then I'm going to leave this talking snake (HA!!!) around that will tempt you into eating from it."

As for the rest, you sound like you are acting like God and will probably meet the same fate (going to hell, end up somewhere in mixed up geography, and being farked by Tojo or some backward thinking Jabba). Were you in WW II? Stationed in Hawaii? Had to run for cover?

Wow, you are babbling... but you are kind of missing my point. If Jesus is the way into heaven, then why does God hate Japan so much? What if you are wrong and Amaterasu is actually the Supreme Being. She doesn't sound nearly as horrible as Yahweh, as imaginary sky pixies go.
Actually, there's nothing in the text that indicates that God would raise Isaac from the Dead, or that Abe thought he would. God was demanding a loyalty test from Abe, and he got one. And it was kind of fucked up.

You are quite wrong and in the wrong section. It's usually atheists who want science to show them the truth and it does.


and we have the big bang to show for it. There you go.

There is nothing in the Genesis fable that suggests your gods or anyone else's gods describes the expansion of the universe. Those hyper-religious types predisposed to partisan versions of supernatural gods might want to explain the billions of years that define the age of the universe versus the mere 6,000 years implied by the Bibles.

" It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;" Isaiah 40:22

Such atheist stupidity and more this is fine thinking.

How does it feel, grasshopper, to always be wrong? Red faced, head down, always feeling low?

You forgot this.

7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.

Oh, and about that immovable earth:
Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”
Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”
Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”

How does it feel to need some new, new, revised, edited again Bibles?

You should change your handle to Hollie Hunglow. Your face will forever be red, head down to the ground, and always feeling low, low, low.

Not only do you not quote properly, you do not know its meaning, Ms. Hunglow.
Actually, there's nothing in the text that indicates that God would raise Isaac from the Dead, or that Abe thought he would. God was demanding a loyalty test from Abe, and he got one. And it was kind of fucked up.

You are quite wrong and in the wrong section. It's usually atheists who want science to show them the truth and it does.


and we have the big bang to show for it. There you go.

There is nothing in the Genesis fable that suggests your gods or anyone else's gods describes the expansion of the universe. Those hyper-religious types predisposed to partisan versions of supernatural gods might want to explain the billions of years that define the age of the universe versus the mere 6,000 years implied by the Bibles.

" It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;" Isaiah 40:22

Such atheist stupidity and more this is fine thinking.

How does it feel, grasshopper, to always be wrong? Red faced, head down, always feeling low?

You forgot this.

7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.

Oh, and about that immovable earth:
Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”
Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”
Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”

How does it feel to need some new, new, revised, edited again Bibles?

You should change your handle to Hollie Hunglow. Your face will forever be red, head down to the ground, and always feeling low, low, low.

Not only do you not quote properly, you do not know its meaning, Ms. Hunglow.
Your juvenile attempts at name-calling are rather childish.

If you need help understanding what is in the various Bibles, raise your hand and ask questions.

To answer your first, unasked question, no, the earth is not flat.
"Hey, I don't want you to eat from this tree, because you'll realize you're naked and shit. But I'm going to put it in the middle of this garden you live in, and then I'm going to make the fruits really juicy... And then I'm going to leave this talking snake (HA!!!) around that will tempt you into eating from it."

Your first actual point. Why did God put the ToK in the middle of the Garden (and not on top of a mountain or something)? All I can think of is it was his only commandment. It wasn't supposed to be temptation, but the lizard made it that way. Regardless, the couple was young and they didn't seem to last long in paradise. Maybe it's like the Christians here wanting you and the other atheists to be on top of the Himalayas, but you're here and we are exposed to your indignant, wrong, and bitter screed.

If Jesus is the way into heaven, then why does God hate Japan so much?

I dunno. I didn't think he hated Japan. Where do you get that? Maybe China with its state atheism. What is Amaterasu?
Your juvenile attempts at name-calling are rather childish.

If you need help understanding what is in the various Bibles, raise your hand and ask questions.

To answer your first, unasked question, no, the earth is not flat.

You're just not my type and certainly not one I ask Bible questions about.

I don't think my name calling is as bad as yours for flat Earthers and derogatory ID names. That's your hang up and stereotype.
Your juvenile attempts at name-calling are rather childish.

If you need help understanding what is in the various Bibles, raise your hand and ask questions.

To answer your first, unasked question, no, the earth is not flat.

You're just not my type and certainly not one I ask Bible questions about.

I don't think my name calling is as bad as yours for flat Earthers and derogatory ID names. That's your hang up and stereotype.
I gave you Bible verses that apparently you're uncomfortable with. Attempting to revise the Bibles to make them fit your preconceived notions is rather pointless.

I can't be responsible for your hurt feelings if I acknowledge that you define an intelligent, supernatural designer as the creator of all existence. Why would you object to the ID'creationist label?

Is the earth really immovable? I thought it rotated about an axis and revolved in an ellipse around the sun. Is that not true?
To an advanced civilization communication by radio signals is like using smoke signals here on earth.

You would know this how, exactly, batcat? Show and tell us your wisdom.
We await it breathfully.

Overlooked is the fact that along the way, E.T. surely used radiocommunications (IF he exists) and that would be continuing from the furthest reaches which SETI wackos have been exploring for decades without detecting a whisper. So you lose either way.
To an advanced civilization communication by radio signals is like using smoke signals here on earth.

You would know this how, exactly, batcat? Show and tell us your wisdom.
We await it breathfully.

Overlooked is the fact that along the way, E.T. surely used radiocommunications (IF he exists) and that would be continuing from the furthest reaches which SETI wackos have been exploring for decades without detecting a whisper. So you lose either way.

Longer wave radio transmission (HF Band and below) has the best chance of traveling out beyond our solar system (but the inverse square law and the density of the Oort Cloud fight against it). Humans have pretty much stopped using lower bandwidths for global communication because of bandwidth limitations.

The first broadcast of radio in the HF band occurred in 1906, and began commercially in 1920. Our Earth began 4 Billion Years ago, but human civilization began about 10,000 years ago. So, we used Long-wave radio for global communication, about 1% of the time our civilization has existed, and our planet has been sending detectable radio waves into space for about .0000025% of its total lifespan.

We only have our own development to go by, and a sample of ONE isn't statistically useful, So, let's say, another civilization is slower to develop advanced radio communication, so they continue to spew detectable radio waves into space for 500 years (five times greater than us) or 10% of their total civilization age (much less for an older civilization).

So, no only would that civilization have had to develop in roughly the same timeframe as ours (adjusting for distance and the speed of electromagnetic radiation), and our civilization has only been around for .000025% of our planet's lifespan. We would would have to be listening to that specific 10% where they used longer wave radio for global communication.

Next, factor in the sheer size of our galaxy and the fact that we can only monitor about .01% of the sky with radio telescopes at a time (that number would be considerably smaller now that Arecibo is offline).

The chances of us picking up intelligent radio signals for a distant civilization is remote in the extreme. Even if there were thousands of them.
Last edited:
To an advanced civilization communication by radio signals is like using smoke signals here on earth.

You would know this how, exactly, batcat? Show and tell us your wisdom.
We await it breathfully.

Overlooked is the fact that along the way, E.T. surely used radiocommunications (IF he exists) and that would be continuing from the furthest reaches which SETI wackos have been exploring for decades without detecting a whisper. So you lose either way.

Longer wave radio transmission (HF Band and below) has the best chance of traveling out beyond our solar system (but the inverse square law and the density of the Oort Cloud fight against it). Humans have pretty much stopped using lower bandwidths for global communication because of bandwidth limitations.

The first broadcast of radio in the HF band occurred in 1906, and began commercially in 1920. Our Earth began 4 Billion Years ago, but human civilization began about 10,000 years ago. So, we used Long-wave radio for global communication, about 1% of the time our civilization has existed, and our planet has been sending detectable radio waves into space for about .0000025% of its total lifespan.

We only have our own development to go by, and a sample of ONE isn't statistically useful, So, let's say, another civilization is slower to develop advanced radio communication, so they continue to spew detectable radio waves into space for 500 years (five times greater than us) or 10% of their total civilization age (much less for an older civilization).

So, no only would that civilization have had to develop in roughly the same timeframe as ours (adjusting for distance and the speed of electromagnetic radiation), and our civilization has only been around for .000025% of our planet's lifespan. We would would have to be listing to that specific 10% where they used longer wave radio for global communication.

Next, factor in the sheer size of our galaxy and the fact that we can only monitor about .01% of the sky with radio telescopes at a time (that number would be considerably smaller now that Arecibo is offline).

The chances of us picking up intelligent radio signals for a distant civilization is remote in the extreme. Even if there were thousands of them.
Well said. You have basically summed up why the Fermi paradox... isn't.
To an advanced civilization communication by radio signals is like using smoke signals here on earth.

You would know this how, exactly, batcat? Show and tell us your wisdom.
We await it breathfully.

Overlooked is the fact that along the way, E.T. surely used radiocommunications (IF he exists) and that would be continuing from the furthest reaches which SETI wackos have been exploring for decades without detecting a whisper. So you lose either way.

Longer wave radio transmission (HF Band and below) has the best chance of traveling out beyond our solar system (but the inverse square law and the density of the Oort Cloud fight against it). Humans have pretty much stopped using lower bandwidths for global communication because of bandwidth limitations.

The first broadcast of radio in the HF band occurred in 1906, and began commercially in 1920. Our Earth began 4 Billion Years ago, but human civilization began about 10,000 years ago. So, we used Long-wave radio for global communication, about 1% of the time our civilization has existed, and our planet has been sending detectable radio waves into space for about .0000025% of its total lifespan.

We only have our own development to go by, and a sample of ONE isn't statistically useful, So, let's say, another civilization is slower to develop advanced radio communication, so they continue to spew detectable radio waves into space for 500 years (five times greater than us) or 10% of their total civilization age (much less for an older civilization).

So, no only would that civilization have had to develop in roughly the same timeframe as ours (adjusting for distance and the speed of electromagnetic radiation), and our civilization has only been around for .000025% of our planet's lifespan. We would would have to be listing to that specific 10% where they used longer wave radio for global communication.

Next, factor in the sheer size of our galaxy and the fact that we can only monitor about .01% of the sky with radio telescopes at a time (that number would be considerably smaller now that Arecibo is offline).

The chances of us picking up intelligent radio signals for a distant civilization is remote in the extreme. Even if there were thousands of them.
Well said. You have basically summed up why the Fermi paradox... isn't.

Precisely. The Fermi 'Paradox' assumes that an extraterrestrial civilization would want to develop interstellar travel (and we have no way of knowing just how common that might be).

Perhaps human curiosity, which has an evolutionary advantage in our environment, might be deadly in a civilization of cats.
I have personally found that until someone allows GOD in to open his or her heart, such a person will never have any assurance that GOD is very real.

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